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Monday, February 5, 2018

Michoacán: Narcomantas appear in Morelia warning those working with CJNG

Chivis Martinez for B.B  info from Proceso and 90 Degree Grados-Thanks you Tu Fren

A series of "narcomantas" again appeared in the capital of Michoacán, in which a suspected group calling itself “Fuerza Elite” ["Elite Force"] promises to cleanse the region  of kidnappers, thieves and extortionists.

This morning police were alerted to the appearance of narcomantas (banners with narco messages) in different points of the city.  They were immediately taken down.

The following text was taken from two different narcomantas, having the same theme; we are the good guys coming to clean the region of scourge.  Scourge would be CJNG.

The message was addressed to all citizens, establishing that “Mercenarios Letales” [lethal mercenaries] and  “Nueva Familia Michoacana” have begun working in the city of Morelia, capital of Michoacán and its surroundings, to take out  anyone who supports CJNG. 

"CJNG has been stealing, car theft, kidnapping and extortion, charging fees to our Moreliana people.  All those supporting CJNG  has been completed and now begins the cleansing of  all those who support the CJNG in the retail sale, they have been located and will be removed.

The two mantas were signed:
Mercenarios Letales, “Soldados del Élite”And the other “Fuerza Elite”.

The messages began appearing on February 2, 2018 from Soldados del Élite, warning anyone supporting CJNG would pay the consequences.


  1. Poor citizens!They will now have 2 sets of extortionist's,thieves and kidnappers!When does the 3rd and 4th set move in?Boy I tell ya I think the cops are going to scrap who they support and just go after all the criminals and wipe them out everywhere.There's no winning any more no matter whose side you support or did.Time now for the Government to send a message to the criminals.

    1. Yeah, I noticed that too. Sure, LFM to the rescue?? From kidnappers and extortionists? Wow, does LFM really believe this will sell in Michoacan?

  2. So now any clown with a gun,can call themselves "special forces" in Mexico.the real deal don't scribble on sheets pendejos...

    1. It just sounds better like when they say all rise your honor is now presiding fucking joke if you ask me that judge shits and pees and just like me special anything or a montange makes everything sound more better jus my dos centavos

    2. It gets worse, just because anybody that has no Calzones to wear, is now a commando.
      I bet the Miagras are trying to scare their former CJNG parnas, even I am scared here in Nueba Yor'.
      Y la polesia apá? Y los soldads y las marinas?
      --Not funny, they are leaving the Juersaz Rurales all by teirselbes, ojala se chinguen al Mamericano y a todo su jejen

  3. Michoacan is going to get bloody

  4. No matter. La Policia Michoacan wont care without a fight.

  5. El Mayo zambada está dando su apoyo

    1. Ese Cato ya no puede, despues de que el Mencho me Quito la plaza de Baja California ya esta molesto y esta contra cjng. El mayo tienen mucho tiempo tratando de entrar a michoacan, asta le ofrecio ayuda a el Dr. Mirales. Tambien el Mencho tienen mucho tempo Pedro la diferencia es de que ya esta fuerte la cjng en michoacan. Ya decahi no salen ni los Saharan, ya es muy tarde

    2. Muy tarde pal apoyo vale

  6. They are always the good guys..(sarcasm) all cartels go to different areas claiming to be the good guys but are the same sh!t! Morelia is going to be a war zone with those two groups and most killings will not even make the local news.

    1. I remember the French Revolution, nobody saw it coming, but the British got rid of the French monarchy to say thankiu for heling the pinchis Americanos become independents.
      EPN is on his way out, time to fack up the traitors in the ass.

    2. 7:34 Kind of like the Mexican Government huh?(claiming to be the good guys).don't talk about being a good guy just be a good guy and people will notice.No reason to toot your horn unless you are hiding something.

    3. "I remember the French revolution"
      You couldn't make this shit up

    4. The worst gang/cartel in Mexico is the PRI narco-government.
      But they have their enablers.
      The Canadian mining corporations among them, just because Napolionsito Gomez Sada Jr. Was harbored as a refugee of the PANISTA persecution wars, but since he returned to take back the Miners Union his daddy Napo inherited him:
      "Sindicato Nacional de Trabakadores Mineros Metalurgicos Siderurgicos y Similares de la Republica Mexicana, along came the spiders, and geroge Soros loves his gold, there is always some foreigner contributing to mexico's miseries

  7. Does anyone get caught hanging narcomantas?? Not even when they hang a body along side of it?? I guess its like a billboard for pendejos only cheaper.... with all of the security measures and the stuff that gets recorded on phones, how do they do it? What's the history of these pendejo billboards.... nevermind I spray painted a water tower once..... no bodies tho...

    1. The guys hanging the one early Friday morning on a vehicle bridge in Morelia near Rio Grande, were seen by city police hanging the manta, but it's difficult to get up to the bridge, so the guys were gone by the time the cops arrived.

    2. 9:16 - Ive spent the last 12 years involved in the graffiti subculture.. Sure people do get busted, but people spend hours painting spots, hanging off bridges, repelling down buildings, and get away with it.. This is in the United States where writing graffiti is a felony.

      Hanging these narcomantas probably takes less then 5 minutes.. and considering these guys are likely tweaked out they are probably getting these put up at hyper speed LOL.

      - Phelpso

    3. 822... years of work doing graffiti and risking a felony case is not the same as a narcomanta but I do enjoy the paint when I'm waiting for the train to pass by..!

  8. The way I see it, all these countries like Mexico are just going to get worse and it's just a matter of time the USA gets affected heavily by crime too and I think the only savior to society is if countries start implementin laws like Singapore which is a country where crime is almost non existing...but of course the bleeding heart liberals and right wing gun lovers are going to have a problem with that.

    1. It's IMPEARLISM that ruined Mexico United States OWNS Mexico just like the CIA OWNS central America it's why everything started in the first place United States was in the same problem with the Mafias back in the 50's and 80's now you see them in politics you Americans don't get it YOUR LITTLE ( LETS FREE THIS COUNTRY FROM EVIL WITH EVIL DOINGS ) IT DOESNT WORK look at Syria Libya so much for the help your government destroyed half of the city's across the Muslim States. IMPEARLISM-ZIONISM-WAHHABISM learn what those are and those are the true heads of the snakes to END IT ALL but the people around the world are too CHICKEN to speak UP Because they depend too much on the government

    2. Some real sad specimens on here,go back a few hundred years to try and back up your arguments,how pathetic is that?

    3. @5:59 then why is it working for countries like Singapore, United emirates ect?

    4. 2:37 & 11:48 I don't know about Singapore, but the UAE have the Saudis and Erik Prince's "services" working his way into their bank accounts in exchange for dealing against Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Kurds, Palestinians and Pakistan, and jared kushner's enemy, Qatar who refused to "invest" 4.5 billion dollars in 666 5th Ave, (it's gotta be an investment, because loans must be repaid)...
      --All this presidency for profit shit is turning into bald faced extortion for profit self dealing crap.
      🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟@5:59 I don't know what you've been drinking or smoking, but nice to meet you Sir the smack works.
      --Some times the administrators really do the j♦b better, thanks!

  9. Cartels should focus on moving contraband to the north and paying their crews. And not slauthering and extort and kidnapp ppl. But maybe the bodycount is not yet high enough and politicians feel sage. The gringos must freeze more of their assets and request extradition. Make a deal with chapo. 20-25 years for snitching on mexican politicians or live w/o Parole.

    1. Australia catches (second?) biggest load of cocaine in the world ever, and the owner an australian steel magnate gets arrested in Slovernia or sompim'
      The ship was sent from CHINA, just to show you, the Chinese will clone anything, even plastic rice and real money, North Korea will send you a million dollars to the door of your house...
      --but some Mexicans have progressed from bicycle taco stands to Truck Tacos on many corners of the US and have earned the title of illegal criminal alienss....

  10. especial forces de la Familia Michioacana! puros mercenarios de elite entrenados por Delta Force ,Navy Seals, CIA SAD,Spetznaz y Shayetet 13 y SAS
    arriba los guerreros

    1. But can they get it for cheap tho? That’s what we need.....

    2. 4:53am estas pendejo,un soldado de ese caliber dura años entrenando.tus pinches tecatos,de la nueva no tienen es tiempo para entrenar,sicarios un par de años viven.

    3. 9:28 Parna Mayor is using melitary from other countries now, they are cheaper, like the Nepalese or the chinese Blackwater, bound by military discipline and some paid for with Saudi or UAE OIL to OIL HUNGRY CHINA to enhance the take, they do good enuff work, and timely, like pays to be friends with Russian bankers and AL Qaeda bankers' kids and having a beer with them on the Seychelles...
      Some day a court martial will catch up that culero.

  11. Let’s face it ! We need Salinas back to take control of the cartels, it’s sad to say this but it’s the only way, Mexico is too corrupt! hopefully I’m wrong but I don’t see a change in Mexico for the better at least not in my life time we need a president that won’t take a side to a cartel and put his foot down just like Salinas did, no mater what there will always be violence specially in the drug trade but not as horrendous as now
    if we get a smart president


    1. Eh...Salinas fucked up, it das his dad who had it all worked out.

  12. I can Invision, mercenaries, will do a great job, but moles will infitrate,thier crew, giving Cartels the upper hand. Cartels in cahoots with government, will have , police, military gang up, and get the mercenaries killed. A never ending cancer. A Quagmire.

  13. ROFLMAO: Y El Gerber???

    Fausto Vallejo is going for Mayor of Morelia under banner of PT/ES, outside AMLO's coalition.

    Wouldn't allow me to post links.


    Here it is. SMH.

  15. I'm pick my winner for this fight. Cjng.lets wait and see.

  16. The people will turn them over to CJNG.

  17. CJNG took over Michoacan

  18. Five more in Morelia this a.m.:


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