Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Playa del Carmen: Narco Manta Claims Responsibility for Barco Caribe Tour Boat Explosion

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Notecaribe

Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Feb 27, 2018

There is a new twist to the investigation into the explosion that took place in Barcos Caribe on Wednesday, February 21, 2018, where 21 people were injured .Today "Pumbaa" and "Tata" are allegedly responsible for said attack, claiming responsibility in a narco manta posted at the church of San Jose Del Mar in the San Miguel #2 neighborhood at the corner of Calles 31 and 50.

The manta  threatens the mayor , Perla Tun Pech, and they detail, among other things : "The attack of the boats were us and we are going to do the same in your house". The manta was removed by municipal public security elements early this Tuesday morning, after it had been reported being hung by three armed men.

It was delivered it to the federal authorities and total secrecy about it remains.

Although a source within the Office of the Prosecutor accepted the existence of this narco manta and the signs that are made in it, the federal authorities are responsible for unraveling the issue that has caused much uncertainty among shipping companies and tourist operators.

It was said that the report to the emergency number indicated that three male persons were placing a blanket, they were apparently armed in the mesh of the church "San José del Mar" in the colony "San Miguel 2" of Cozumel, located at 31 South Street with 50 Avenue, where said blanket was found.

Since February 21, Elements of the Mexican Army and the Secretary of the Navy , SEDENA, are located at the dock of Playa del Carmen to ensure the environment. That day, the Secretary of the Navy provided assistance by sea and medical assistance on the ground to the injured of the cruise of the company Barcos Caribe III.

Allegedly the former governor of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge who was stranded at the maritime terminal from Playa del Carmen. The blast on Wednesday at 1 pm in the afternoon , about 10 meters high, took out several levels of the side of the tourist ferry.

"It exploded like a bomb and we all ran, but there was no fire or anything, only the hole that it left," said a foreign passenger. "Then the ambulances arrived. As it is seen, it seems that it was a terrorist attack,  but hopefully not, it remains to be seen what the government says ".

Members of  SEMAR reported that naval personnel will collaborate with local authorities and as a national maritime authority the report on this incident issued by the port captaincy will be expected. 

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  1. That’s a new low, tourists have no fight in the narco world.

    1. 5:19 Tourist are spending thousands on drugs once they get to Mexico so they do have a fight in it. The first thing they ask their cab driver is for a bag of blow!

    2. Really? You sound real ignorant or hopefully just being sarcastic. I've been down to Mexico dozens of times and never asked the taxi driver for coke and neither have the people with me. I know many do go to Mexico just to get drugs but not all tourists not by a longshot.. if you want to sound credible never say all try using some or most instead

    3. Stop selling drogas or stop taking drogas. But wanna blow them up??? WTF Arm the tourists!

    4. I have taken many cruises to Cozumel and excursions using a ferry. We have NEVER asked for drugs or been offerred them. This is highly sad and upsetting. Mexico is getting worse by the day.

    5. My family and I have been to Cozumel ten times and Playa del Carmen twice since 2001. We typically stay for a month. We love the people, the locals and interact with them at every level. Never have we been offered drugs and never have we asked........ What is so sad for me is how this will affect the hard working, loving, caring locals and their families. This will be devastating to their economy....... We were in Playa del Carmen two years ago Jan 2017, when the shooting happened at a club on the strip when 5 were killed. Our lodging was a four minute walk to the site of the crime. Now this! We, my family and friends "Were" in the process of booking our 30 day stay at the landmark resort of cozumel (3de time back) for January 2019. One three bedroom condo and one two bedroom condo. Beautiful place and beautiful people........ This sadly was the tipping point for us. I breaks my heart but the risk has just passed the point that I am willing to take with my family. Farewell Cozumel. God bless and I wish you peace. Captain Glen

    6. Well, Captain, good riddance!
      Your condos were not owned by the people of Cozumel anyway, your tourism only made the big fat pigs rich, pigs like former "governor" beto borges the murdering robbing anti-ecologist bandit owner of the exploding ship imprisoned in Panama where he was hiding from Mexican prosecutors trying to arrest his ass for his crimes,
      --People should be aware who they patronize, captain...

  2. Pumba y tatas puros nombres son tan ridiculous como los cobardes que son por lastimar la guente inocente!

    1. 6:06 beleeme, "Tatas" is a nice interesting name,
      chicharrones and pancakes too.

  3. Hey Chivis any news on Michoacán? I thought you support the Self Defeanse forces?

    The Templario Supported.

  4. Someone didn't pay their 'operating tax'!

  5. There’s is where Mexico will draw a line Marco terrrorism. The death of the cartel era will begin

  6. Do they not care that they're destroying tourism? I thought they needed it for money laundering.

    1. 10:55 let those that benefit from tourism worry about it.
      I do not give a toot about it.

  7. Pumba? Ya se pasaron. El lion king se va a enojar.

  8. Good lord, CBC is reporting it was a mechanical blast :(

  9. Isn't pumba on the lion king🐖

  10. Wow we will cancel says American friend sorry ur country

  11. JaJa.......pienso lo mismo, ridiculoso y triste .

  12. Hard to believe that any cartel would revert to such terrorist attention. Knowing that the consequences will not be favorable.
    We are aware of killings and attacks where an objective is the target thus innocent lives are in a crossfire. But to literally bomb places of institutions, public schools, markets and tourism is hard to swallow. Truly believe there is some common sense among those criminals.

    A suicide run when government comes full force. Can’t make money if you are dead!

  13. "Allegedly the former governor of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge was who was stranded at the maritime terminal from Playa del Carmen." Wtf? Who the hell translates for you?

  14. Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    These are idiots!!!

  15. Rather than watch the 3 punks hang the sign, why weren't they shot?

    1. Yes, if you're hanging a sign for the Cartel and threatening people you deserve to get shot. Guilty by association

    2. Well because they were armed hanging a narco manta claiming responsibility for a bomb that could have killed people and also threatening to kill a mayor.....

    3. 10:15 some people are worse than the talibanes,
      they only chop a hand or two, but they try to get you to court whole

    4. "reportedly hung by 3 armed men" where's the proof. often innocents are forced to display these mantas. I don't trust mexican press without proof. and I am doubtful they had caused a explosion. I deleted a comment that no way this happened in this manner, that this group just taking advantage of the situation. The comment had good points but was disrespectful to Yaqui so I took it down. bottom line killing someone for hanging a message is ridiculous and ignorant. imprisonment is something else.

    5. I should add that people in the area have commented on these regional articles about this so called responsibility manta, that is was not an intentional explosion and the manta was political driven. to effect the election of Perla Tun Pech.

    6. Chivis, is it safe to travel in general to Tulum for vacation or should be cause for alarm?

    7. the most wide spread danger in Tulum is the drinking water. However, I would not drive at night.

  16. Pendejos son mucho.Ellos mismos se pusieron la soga al cuello al quitar uno de los obstaculos que detenian la intervencion de U.S.A. Hoy por hoy estos atentados seran llamados actos terroristas, que son lo que son, y aquellos involucrados seran llamados terroristas.

    1. 8:25 you are a terrorist with your silly farts,
      Have you seen the results of US financing the strengthening and militarization of Mexican police?
      Murdering and kidnappings for ransom, tortures, disappearances some say will be fixed by selling PEMEX for peanuts to corrupting privatizers, for example.
      --Other countries get carpet bombed back to the stone age because of intervention...tás más güey vale

  17. SEMAR needs to schedule a Pumba and Tatas termination and full extermination exercise

  18. We took a Carnival cruise a couple years and to think, we were in the yellow and blue charter boats behind this boat. The tour guide that took us to the Coba pyramid told us there was nothing to worry about. That the authorities had everything under control. Yeah right!!!

  19. Mexico should say Adios to the tourists and their money. No one in their right mind would ever visit your narco-state now.

    1. 9:11 Mexico gets the basuco and the meth leftovers,
      --because the good, potent, expensive stuff market has been cornered by America's American for the Americans...
      --wonder if you could tell why do you resent the "Mexican"?

  20. Stop buying their drugs then, of course tourists are involved

    1. I don't idiot. And a very high percentage of tourists do not. Don't generalize. It never leads to anything good. Should we say all Mexicans are narcos? I don't think so.

    2. Buying drugs or selling drugs are both illegal.... but why blow up the tourists ferry boat??? You are literally killing your business...

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. 6 sicarios killed in Michoacán yesterday, along with one police.
    Goes with video posted yesterday.

  23. This narco manta was most likely published by a gang to attract authorities' attention to the competition.

  24. Doesn't make a lot of sense. Borge was a PRI stooge, he enabled a lot of the PRI families to make a lot of money, like the land grabs he did with ex govenor Villeneuve's sister.
    Perla Tun Pech, is the reformer and with PAN. She has the islands PRI families pissed off since she has damaged their rice bowls.
    I think this is a case of local amateurs allied with the PRI taking advantage of the situation with a BS mantra.

      Need to find other parties and expropriate everything, fack tourism

  25. With the observation of their writing seems like they are for sure drug addicts and can't write . With that said it is sad what Mexico has become. I don't plan on going until things cool down .

    1. I have been waiting 12 years to go back. Guess i wait 12 more years i 'll be 92 ja ja

  26. Same old comments. The cartels make, ship, and sell the drugs. Bomb a boat ,but it's American citizens fault. No fault of Mexicans.

    1. 4:22 who is blaming Americans, pinchi puto?
      You are delirious chingadamadre, get help,
      Obama care still there for you, and you can chose your dotor!

  27. Reuters is reporting two more “ explosive devices “ found :
    Two more explosive devices were found attached to another ferry on the island of Cozumel on Thursday, local media reported, saying marine troops had secured the scene.

  28. MORE from Reuters :
    The same company, Barcos Caribe, operated both the ferry in Playa de Carmen and Cozumel, and is owned by the father of former Quintana Roo state Governor Roberto Borge, who is facing corruption charges, local media reported.

    Barcos Caribe did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

    Borge, from Mexico’s ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), was extradited in January from Panama to face charges of embezzlement and abuse of public office. Borge has denied the allegations.

  29. I’ve never been to Playa Del Carmen but I have been to Cozumel twice 2013 and March 2015. I love Cozumel and this won’t stop me from going again. This can happen anywhere anytime any day! I don’t do drugs either. They have a great grill place in town, can’t remeber the name, and I put my husbands ashes at the beach bar on the eastern side of the island. Some of ya’ll commenting like this don’t happen in America or anywhere else in the world. I’m living my life and if it’s my time to go then it my time to go. Don’t be hating on a certain ethnicity. God made us all and we need to remember we all bleed red, we all breathe air and most of us are good people.


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