Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

59 politicians killed so far during electoral process

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from Nación 321
 Photo: Cuartoscuro
More than 50 politicians have been murdered in Mexico since September of last year

by Héctor Gutiérrez

The ex-precandidate for the PRD from the mayor’s office of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Homero Bravo Espino, was assassinated Friday night in said municipality.

According to the authorities, Bravo Espino, who worked as director of Public Works in the City Council of José Azueta (Ixtapa- Zihuatanejo), was attacked by unknown persons in the community of Barrio Viejo and later died.

The murder of Bravo Espino adds to the worrying dark figure that has been recorded since the beginning of the electoral process.

From September 2017, the month in which the electoral process started, to date, 58 politicians ahve been assassinated, including mayors, deputies and candidates for a position of popular election, an average of 9.6 people per month.

During the last week of February, Aarón Varela Martínez, mayoral candidate in Santa Clara Ocoyucan (Puebla) for Morena, and the leader of the CTM in Oaxaca, Alfredo Ramos Villalobos, were murdered. Last week, the candidates for a position in Chilapa, Guerrero, Dulce Anayely Rebaja, of the PRI, and Antonia Jaimes, of the PRD, were assassinated.

Adding to these four murders, recorded in the 2018 report on political violence, prepared by Etellekt Consultores between September 8, 2017 and February 6, there have been a total of 83 attacks against politicians in the country, 54 of which ended with the assassination of political actors, mainly acting mayors, former mayors, councilmen and precandidates at the local level.

#Interview in @OroNoticias : "During the last 5 months we have registered 83 assaults and 54 murders against candidates, precandidates and mayors,” Rubén Salazar, @etellekt_ . - E Huerta Cuevas (@EHuertaCuevas) February 28, 2018

According to the consultant, "the violence intensified with the official start of the pre-campaign period. Since December 14, 2017, 29 of the 54 murders occurred -without taking into account the four most recent- warning of an increase in number of attacks as the internal selection processes are defined and pre-candidates are designated."

Given the degree of violence, the PRI bench in the Senate called on the federal government and the federal entities to implement protocols that guarantee the protection of authorities and candidates participating in the electoral process this year.

In a point of agreement, the PRI legislators recalled that so far in the electoral process there have been different recorded attacks against political actors and their families.

In addition, they pointed out that, from September 2017 to date, "there have been 25 murders of different politicians at the local and regional level: nine from the PRI, nine from the PRD, two from MC, two from Morena, one from the PAN, one from the PT, one of the Panal and another one of the Party of the Poor from the state of Guerrero."

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  1. Well, The PRI and the PRD alliance is winning again with the most members murdered,
    Somebody is mad at them por culeros, chaqueteros y traidores.
    --The PRI bench want more protection from their own partners in crime...

  2. Does that signify that organized (or disorganized ) crime is reaching their tentacles into the political arena OR rather the rivals are ganging up on all the politicians and there is too many 'double agents' or politicians are just caught in the middle?Or is it organized crime wants a piece of the treasury along with the politicians or organized crime wants to replace the murdered politician so they can have both the treasury to themselves along with permission for their criminal activity without paying?Or all of the above sounds more like it?

    1. so many narcos associated with corrupt politicians ans militarized police, they are overrunning the burned out politicians, but not all of the government corrupt will fail, some are aligning with AMLO to hold on to power.

  3. Mexico and the US. Two countries flushing their crap on one another.


    1. Your conspiracy theory lacks credibility.
      Political chaos has always been an issue in Mexico’s political theater. However, now more than ever through the criminal elements shaped by government corruption associated with drug cartels for power / influence. Which is at its height.
      Money is the main culprit here.


    2. 1:09 the spanish crown refused to help the american independence when benny franklin was begging for help in france, after winning their war, the US got to work on the mexican and all of the american continent independence wars, fueled by the Monroe Doctrine of "America for the Americans", it said nothing about what was for the LatinAmericans left behind by the spanish masters, brown, black yellow, nothing but slavery and banana republics.
      --get to your history books mister...

    3. Vote PRI we need a changed

    4. 3 49
      He strikes again. Aren't you something.

    5. 12:53 I don't know what your rash, but blaming "money" is getting old, Mexican grameros have no money, and their commanders don't have much more, they fight mostly over bread crumbs and to stay alive.


  4. Things are only going to get worse. Wouldn’t be surprised if an assassination of presidential candidate were to occur.
    Maybe that’s why EPN cancelled his Tamaulipas visit. Safety measures were not guaranteed.

  5. "Plata o plomo"? Or one criminal accuses a politician correctly or not of working for another group. Who would know?
    The truth is that honest politicians get killed more frequently than not honest ones simply because they have nobody to protect them of sorts.
    People in the U.S. do not understan how easy and how cheaply it is to have someone killed in Mexico also that is why accusationa of "corruption" abound by them.

    1. 500 to 1 000 campaign workers of PRD candidate Cuauhtemoc Cardenas Batel were assassinated or disappeared before "the system fell" and failed" during the vote count to give the election to Carlos Salinas de Gortari, then the PAN LEADERS JOINED THE PRI leaders to agree to burn the paper ballots and destroy proof of the infamy, they would steal the vote again to elect zedillo, FECAL and EPN...always murdering some others.
      --DEFINITELY and in view of the results, some politicians deserve to get shotgunned up the ass and be hanged by their balls, they already practice it on their enemies irregardless of honesty, this year mexico may burn if they steal one more election, but the PRI, PRIANAL, PANAL PRD, PVEM and others are making sure to at least steal legislatures, governorships and city mayors, murdering their way to power like common Russian Oligarcho-gansgsters, Colombia hacker JJ Rendon used one Russian program they bought from Russia for $50 000.00 dollars, that is the equipment price for electing assholes these days plus a few million dollars for the colombian hackers' services in mexico.

    2. Russian bots reportedly cost only a few million dollars a month, to have no influence on the US election in 2016, but Mark Suckerbergas' Facebook reportedly took a few billion Russian Initial investment dollars and takes rubles too, 5hey and twitter spread fawx news all over the Internet and YouTube for free, but the bots get paid per visits and likes...
      Wonder what Stratford knows about it?
      they are the strategeristas...
      Hey, Stratford! y no me vengan con chingaderas...

    3. Politicians show a lot of "care" when journalists get murdered or disappeared, or both or when they are found tortured to death, I believe the politicians sincerely worry about the journalists, except that then they go home laughing their arses off and never do anything else but go and have a few more journos offed.
      --why am I supposed to give a fack if Mexican Politicians get outed, offed, tortured, disappeared, extradited, or whatever?

  6. Like the saying goes, plumo o Oro, The criminals. Want only canadates, that will be in collusion with them.No one is safe in Mexico.

    1. Plumo o oro😂

    2. Plata o plomo, (silver or lead) you get the idea.

  7. damn, thats a lot of politicians killed, you might think they start doing their job but it seems not so.

  8. A bloody good story.
    Thxs from Britain.

  9. No matter what happens everyone should concentrate on getting the PRI OUT OF OFFICE,many have indictments for corruption and are still in the PRI party.The money they have taken is mind boggling.The bastards absolutely and without any shame rape and pillage Mexico consuming monies that should go to infrastructure,health,education etc,help with internal security for her people from cartel murderers,BILLIONS.They play misdirection and point fingers at the US which many believe through a natural antipathy to the US all the while grasping unbelievable amounts of money.Mexico has undoubtedly gotten worse under the PRI,the fact of journalists being murdered with impunity is acceptable to many in the PRI(e.g Duarte)to make a point about none reporting of wholesale violence.

    1. Easier said than done. The PRI is a machine backed by powerful political leaders and many state US interests government.

    2. 5:44 the US paid for the accusations against the US, because the US financed the militarization of police duties that made it possible the bankruptcy of PEMEX, mining, power generation, farming, banking, tourism and drug trafficking of course, the US also trained the Mexican military in disappearing, torture and enhanced interrogation techniques, if you are caught selling pumpkin seeds on the street they will still torture you just to heat it up and possibly extort a few 2 or 3 pesos from you...
      --Mexicans still should be grateful I guess, "because the US is tryin' to do the best they can in spite of the bad results in general and still deserve the benefit of the doubt"
      And that is No Misdirection, that is the game...

  10. Whats going on in Operation escudo titan? (Shield titan)

  11. I will be back ...

  12. Just another example of Mexico as a failed State.

    1. 8:09 Mexico like the US is not a failed state, but Mexico doesn't owe anybody 30 trillion dollars from "loans" of money that went nobody knows where, GOD herself don't know what the hell happened there...

  13. Just like USA is a fail state. Its getting their

    1. Say Chavo, USA is a Country, wake up and lay of of meth.

    2. 7:56 Mexico is a country too, but of course, you don't have to see that, sometimes it is OK to call the country NATION-STATE or say State of the States which refers not to the nation or any of the states, to the physical state, gaseous liquid or solid but to the shape, not the geometric shape, or bla bla bla...

  14. I keep fore seeing someone pulling a Colosio on AMLO.

  15. The only reason the Sinaloa cartel aka el PAN got big from 2001-2010 is because Salinas fled mexico and el PRI was left without a leader. But we all know he is now back and with a vengeance. And whether its Mencho or another guy el PRI will continue wrecking mexico once again.

  16. I hope former president Carlos salinas de gortari spends more time in mexico, some day there will be no more need to pay respects to former presidentes and someone will put them through the guillotine.


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