Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 2, 2018

Cesar Carrillo: Reported arrest of NCJ leader, the Son of "Lord of the Skies",

Posted by Char from Diario

It appears the El Cesarin was captured in Sunday February 18, 2018, by Mexican Navy in a routine stop. Authorities confirmed who he was but was never presented or news of  his capture never became official. Most likely set free.

Unofficial sources confirmed to this media, the arrest of Cesar Carrillo Leyva, alias "El Cesarin" son of the extinct "Lord of the Skies."

After a routine investigation of a group of people in the vicinity of the Malecón de Altata in Navolato, a false credential was presented, which was investigated through C4i and is false.

The arrest was conducted on Sunday, February 18.

After the arrest, the military authorities have not presented the detainee "officially" or mentioned the fact publicly.

It should be noted that the response of the military authorities was sought, who refused to elaborate on the issue, stating that there was no arrest warrant for that the United States.


"El Cesarin" was in the sights of the federal authorities, for belonging to the group of "Los Damasos", a group directed by Dámaso López Nuñez, Alias ​​"El Licenciado"; currently imprisoned, in the Federal Prison of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.

This group, had a bloody war for the plaza, where there were hundreds of murders, clashes and kidnappings and extortion were carried out in the areas where this group "controlled".

Amado Carrillo "Lord of the Skies" died in a botched plastic surgery to alter his identity 
César and Juan Carrillo Leyva, two of the four children of Amado Carrillo Fuentes - founder of the cartel and who died in 1997 - assumed the leadership of the organization along with his uncle Alberto, the youngest of the brothers Carrillo Fuentes.

The Carrillo Fuentes family had control of the cartel that carries their surnames, which they re-named as the "Nuevo Cartel de Juárez" (NCJ).

The author of the book "Los Señores del Narco", Anabel Hernandez said that the two sons of Amado ascended the power of the organization through "La Línea", the operative arm of the cartel, in the state of Chihuahua.

The above according to an intelligence document of the National Center for Planning, Analysis and Information for Combating Crime (Cenapi) of the Attorney General's Office (PGR), to which he had access.

The appearance of the new organization was in messages on narco banners and cartulinas signed with the acronym "NCJ", which were displayed in various points in Ciudad Juárez and Chihuahua, in which they mention "El Cesarin" as the organization's leader.

One of the first messages of this type was observed in September 2011, when a man and two teenagers were detained by Federal Police agents while placing a blanket outside a school in the Independencia II neighborhood.

Note:  at times prominent cartel leaders are captured without fanfare and released.  That would be one reason for no confirmation.

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  1. Blasphemy, he ain't the so of god. I mean, we are all gods sons but there is only one.

    1. God rules Heavens, but is everywhere, the skies belong to Air America or their designated fliers, heirs to Barry Seal made famous again recently for being "Made In America"

    2. Ur an idiot, he is the lord of the skies meaning he transported his drugs with planes without being detected

  2. So once again where is Mayo Zambada and Chapos kids??? Once Chapo was arrested nobody else from CDS is captured ever again???
    Goes to show the favoritism for CDS on both sides of the border!!!

    1. Zambadas and chapos paid billions to uncle Sam, just look into el vicentillo and how much he paid to be set to get out of prison early. Not to mention that they are DEA informants. They are not known for snitchaloas for no reason...

    2. CDS lost Dámaso as well lol, even tho he’s a traitor. It counts as a capture for US

    3. Face it CDS is the least of all evils. They dont go killing innocent people and portraying them as their rivals. When they do involve women and children its because their enemies brought them into the mix. Watch the Chapo series, CDS respected their rivals families until other cartels targeted theirs which at that point everyone was fair game.

    4. All cartels are taking hits right now it's a even playing field

    5. Mayos kids are all in jail spilling the beans except for mayito flaco I believe.


    6. Relax, scroll through this website for your answers.

    7. Vicentillo is not Vicente Zambada. That nickname belongs to Vicente Carrillo Leyva!

    8. I've been threatened by nutthuggers or even CDS itself in other postings simply for speaking bad about the shit they do in Juarez and no nutthuggers say this is the "lesser of all evils" as far as cartels. Fuck all of you. You guys don't know shit as far as what they do.

    9. Yeah mayito flaco is still around, the last heard he's almost been captured several times. I believe one of those times was when Phoenix antrax was killed by the military. He would take care of flaco

    10. 11:08 I agree about less of evils to their own people but I do not know the series you speak of but it is probably no truth and only entertainment.

      When Chapo, Mayo, Azul are the leaders CDS does not make trouble within their plazas for the people, the worker, or the business in Sinaloa. People who do not live in Sinaloa will say other things but people who live here know the truth.

      Even though this is true Chapo and Arturo ordered La Barbie, Indio, El Grande, and many working for CDS to make many wars for enemies in other plazas. Many people and industry suffered unnecessarily because of these wars but CDS is only using the strategy the USA made in Central America, Africa, and many places to make the enemies fight so the enemy kills each other.

    11. @10:55 CDS might be "the lesser of evils in Sinaloa" but in Chihuahua they don't give a damn about who they fuckin kill. 5000 plus killed in Juarez alone by them you think 100 percent of those where all rivals??? NOBODY is that efficient!!! Not even entire governments.
      The truth is they where know in Juarez to kill anyone that opposed them like an entire young adult baseball team about 9 or so players along with a nine year old girl who was with them one time simply for standing up to them and not letting them execute in broad daylight one of the team members whome CDS had threatened. One of countless similar stories. So fuck CDS.

    12. @6:55
      I'm from chihuahua and i can tell you for a fact that most people from chihuas are in favor of CDS over linieros. the common citizen in chihuas fears linieros because THEY kill innocents when they can't get to their rivals, they rape, kidnap, extort among many other activities that just hurts the locals... you are just another linea cheerleader that thinks they know what they talk about.. i know for a fact that la linea decapitated while still alive a 70+ year old couple in Temosachic because they couldn't find their son, so yes CDS is by far the lesser of evils in Chihuas!

    13. Don’t stress yourself 7:10. The cold hard reality is that CDS has basically lost the Chihuahua plaza to a smaller foe. NCDJ is smaller in number but sre way more effective and precise in their operations. CDS is in shambles and no matter what the nuthuggers say the CDS don’t run shit in Chihuas. Even Chapo knew fighting for Juárez was a lost cause and thats why he pulled most of his men prior to his incarceration.

    14. @1:10 you're a CDS cheerleader. I'm from Juarez and Linea does not go around ramdomly raping women and killing innocents. If that where the case they would not have followers. Somw
      Anything bad happens and CDS is known to blame rivals also. Don't go around saying shit you are no sure about.

    15. In Madera la linea is known for taking wives from their husbands by force tell me how low is that ? It looks to me like the people from the sierras side of chihuahua support CDS while people from the border region supports CDJ. It makes sense when you consider that the Sierra is closest to Sinaloa and people from both states have developed bonds, relationships and family connections over the years in this region...I’ve been hearing of sinaloenses working on this side of chihuahua since the 70s

    16. 5:48 in Sinaloa many narcos take wives by force! You think everyone living along the border only have bonds along there? People from Juarez know people from many states and hear stories as well.
      Yes Sinaloans have always been in Chihuahua but only when fucken Chapo showed up did the people along the border saw the Sinaloans true colors if you will. People here are not as easily brainwashed by them like the people in the Sierra. Why do you think many comment "anonymous" here also?
      You think Sinaloans or CDS like it when the truth is spilled about them? They will have any persons head for just simply saying the truth like mentioned @7:10.
      Read the comments section of a Juarez newspaper and find out how many people comment also on a capture of a narco from Sinaloa. NONE. Why? People used to be able to comment FREELY. Now fear presides over them. Comming from the cartel that does not harm innocents or CDS they say.

    17. 11:08 you believe everything you watch on tv? Grow up. It's a tv show. Nobody making that show dares show Chapo slaughtering families. They themselves would be killed.

  3. Tengo el respaldo y apoyo. de mi tio y de mi padre. De mis compa Los carrillo said Mini Lics song after he changed the lyrics. From tengo el respaldo y apoyo de mi nino(chapo) y de mi padre de mis compas los chapitos...Boom went down all his uncles his dad and Carrillo. He went with the wrong team.

    Sometimes its okay to take a step back to take two forward. The lics didn't learned jumped and fell short very short.

  4. If El Cesarin is one of the leaders of NCJ why did the Mexican government claim he was a member of Los Damasos? I’m lost on this rationale.

  5. That explains Damaso's intent to take over after JAGL arrest. NCDJ still saw Chapo as a major threat in Mexico and Damaso was looking to align with the Carrillos and Menchos

    1. Damaso would have been eliminated from CDS simply because Chapo no longer was in the picture. Why would the Zambada dynasty as well as Guzman dynasty want to share the wealth with someone else?
      These guya owed nothing to Damaso and Damaso knew this so this is why he was trying to aling with CDJ.

  6. I wanna know wtf is going on with the claims of working with damaso .

    1. Probably an alliance, I don't think a boss would take orders from another person.

    2. 2:54 FAKE NEWS!
      NO, really, wait for more reporting, after the fallouts, people tend to reconcile and become their worst enemies best frenemies.
      However, this late actioneering has only the purpose of showing Mexicans that EPN is really the man with a vision and that everything is falling into place thanks to EPN''s great estadism...
      Same as on the US, y'know?

  7. AnonymousMarch 2, 2018 at 11:00 AM

    And what part of human history makes you think that anybody gives a fuck about what the US wants? I fail to see your point. Emoji emoji

  8. Hate to be the medical group that screwed up the operation on the dude. Looks like they took a stick to him in a effort to change his appearance.

    1. They ended up in oil drums with concrete.. if I'm correct...

  9. Yo that shit don't make sense

  10. Believe me thats not cesarin

  11. Any news on the sons of the Arellanos ?

  12. "Beleeme", say the liars first and foremost,
    even after 2598 lies,
    they still tell you "beleeme"
    And they are not 'asking' when they TELL YOU "beleeme"
    OBEY, that the job.

    1. What the hell are you talking about

    2. @1:10 please make sure other readers understand what you mean by "chihuas". Don’t misunderstood, Chihuas= Chihuahua city (capital of state). Not the whole state. North of Chihuahua (including Juarez of course), Villa Ahumada (longest municipality in State), Casas Grandes, among others like Casas Grandes, always had supported NCDJ, and antagonism had been like that for decades, and that involves politics, OF COURSE (who do you thing finance campaigns). Government = CDS, Juarez mayor= NCDJ. In Chihuahua, PAN=CDS, PRI or others…=NCDJ. And no, not everyone in the border thinks Linea or Juarez cartel is the bad guy. So your perception about the state/narco situation isn’t complete or accurate (dont generalize). Years back (2006-2011) federal government (pro-CDS) sent troops to help them, so, guess whoscartel is the most feared in north of Chihuahua?. Gente nueva + military + federal police (extortionists during their free time)= total failure on taking down Juarez cartel.

    3. Chihuas and Tijuas is code words, the main difference is that there is less garbage in chihuas

  13. A brother in law of a narco from CDS and more specifically Los Salazar is running for a state government post in Chihuahua. Somewhere like Parral or southern Chihuahua. Goes to show the truth that @1:34 said.


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