Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Marinas Ambushes in NL, Tamps Leaves 5 Dead 12 Wounded

Translated By Yaqui for Borderland Beat from El Sol de Leon

 By Manrique Gandaria

A Mexican marine and four suspected gunmen were killed during a coordinated series of ambushes against marine patrols in a northern Mexico border city, authorities reported Sunday.

The attacks late Saturday and early Sunday left a total of 12 marines wounded.

Authorities said marines were ambushed three separate times in Nuevo Laredo, a city across the border from Laredo, Texas.

Marines returned fire and killed one gunman in the first attack, but suffered three wounded.

 The first attack occurred during a patrol carried out in the City of Nuevo Laredo, when the Marines received firearm shots from moving vehicles, so based on the Manual of Use of the Common Enforcement Force of the three Armed Forces and in order to reduce the level of aggression and reduce the danger of casualties of civilians and naval personnel, this aggression was repelled.

 After the fray, the Semar reported that three naval elements were seriously wounded, and one alleged criminal was killed.
Subsequently, naval elements leaving the Base of Operations, in order to provide support and medical attention to naval personnel who had been attacked, "were ambushed approximately 600 meters from said facility by persons presumably belonging to organized crime, with result of six wounded naval elements and a dead sailor ".
The military institute stated that in a third action, naval personnel of another Base of Operations, when going to support the naval elements that were wounded, likewise they were assaulted by presumed offenders of the law. "Result of this event four naval elements injured and three alleged criminals died in the place."

 Given these facts, the high command of the Semar and in order to reduce the level of aggression and reduce the danger of casualties of civilians and naval personnel, ordered the aerial support of a helicopter gunship.

 The final result of the three attacks was the death of one sailor, 12 more wounded and the death of four alleged offenders of the law, presumably belonging to criminal groups responsible for the generation of violence in the state of Tamaulipas.
The Semar indicated that uniforms and apocryphal vehicles with the legend "MARINA", armament, ammunition and accoutrements for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces were seized.
The institution stated  that it will not give in to the threat of those who harm society and the safety of families; it will act with firmness in the defense of the peace of Mexico, and it will continue to strengthen the work in favor of citizen security that is entrusted to us to be carried out with honor, duty, loyalty and patriotism, honorary actions that represent the performance of naval personnel and operational units, which is a worthy example to follow.

Nuevo Laredo is dominated by the Northeast Cartel, an offshoot of the Zetas cartel.

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  1. I have family in Nuevo Laredo they said that shootout was very intense but they also said that CJNG moved in on them and the shootout started between CDN VS CJNG and then the marinos. there was 3 different locations of shootouts. I think the 2 ambushes was a distraction so they can go head on with out any interruptions.

    1. That's a lie the marines were close to el h and it caused his gunmen to start shooting

  2. Nectar Lima has been so peaceful until now. Someone moving in to heat things up?

    Maybe CJNG is trying to accomplish what CDS failed at?

  3. I don't think marines are going take this. There is going be a lot cartel pay in body count

    1. More likely some marinas were helping somebody settle up, feel at home in the house and welcome and powerful.
      --Then another marina gang decided there was not enough cake for all after all...
      --because in "real ambushes the cartels spring on marinas or aguacates, OR PARACOS, the narcos and the sicarios always lose their pinshis nalgas to the milicos and...paracos.

  4. Apparently they may have been looking for Huevo Trevino before it all kicked off,CDN and Marino's have a bitter hatred of each other,NL is so on lock the only time CDN get killed its by Marinos.Sad part of this is a family were killed 2 baby girls and the mother in a crossfire? Some are saying it was Marine mistakenly throwing grenades at their truck from helicopter?CDN are no joke in NL they have weapons and money and look how no contras can get in,they closed down Old School Z and still fight other plazas still hold Coahuila,Monterey etc

    1. Answering your own posts again,sad

    2. 9:05 where? Cabeza de aguacate, sherap.

  5. When Lazca went down it was a good day,fuckin brutal psychopath

    1. 4:35 his death made NO DIFFERENCE in the war for the drug's businesses.

    2. 4:35 been a while, but WHO THE FACK CARES ABOUT "EL LAZCA"?

    3. @11:37 EXACTLY RIGHT! Just like all other dead, traumatized, orphaned and wounded the drug business continues unabated.

    4. El Lazca isnt dead, I have various sources, including some from wikileaks.

  6. Anyone know anything about the current status of Maxiley Barahona Nadales and Sergio Ricardo Basurto Peña? They've been listed as major Los Zetas players in the past, but I haven't heard anything about their current activities in a long time.

    1. El Grande is dead they killed him a couple years ago in a small town on the outskirts of Nvo Laredo by his own men

  7. Hadn't seen this kind of Ambush since the Sinaloa Killers Kill 5 of the army , the government forces should star using helicopters and Armor trucks at all times and if they keep it up roll in the tanks

  8. 2 mothers and 2 little girls die from the crossed fire. The 2nd mom died at Reynosa when fuerza tamaulipas was confronting armed man killing 4 of the bad people. One officer was protecting the dead mothers kids.

    1. DD has this article in draft so you can expect it soon.

  9. They should send The US marines to sinaloa and tamaulipas they are infested with Ex military Hit man thats a big safety issued for our troops more safety for our Soldeirs

    1. The US doesn't want to start a war against people who are just on the other side of the border with 1000s of members in the US.

      They haven't killed Cops, judges or prosecutor's because they can't they just don't want to ruin their business. American police are prepared to fight them but not when the attack comes when they least expect it.

      You ruin their business and those maniacs might just be stupid enough to fight back. Like they are doing in Mexico.

      In Mexico their is a Civil war going on with dirty money as the main cause. The other is government corruption and complicity.

    2. The US is not scared of any cartel. Sinaloa would be done by breakfast if the US wanted.

    3. Right 1:57 just how they eliminate the gangs in the U.S like ms 13 or just how the are able to capture rafa caro quintero

    4. To March 27,521pm, yes the US Marines would do a good job, I can tell your a rookie here. The government of Mexico, would not want the help, they want the everyday curuption to be there, they work together with Cartels, it's about how much money, can be made, while all hell keeps breaking everywhere in Mexico.

    5. Actually US military intervention within Mexico can backfire. This is clearly evident in other parts of the country where US military is present.
      Moreover, where these wars have been ongoing for many years. Furthermore, with no estimated time frame for victory.
      Questions need to be asked?
      Will Mexico’s citizens view US presence with a welcoming attitude? I think not.
      Quite sure it’s the opposite. This intrusion on ones soil can spark aggression among its citizens. Along with the support from criminal organizations to uproot / combat US forces.
      Definitely a slippery slope where no guarantees of a favorable outcome.

      Something to ponder on

    6. If the U.S. military really wanted to get involved and really get some sh!t done it would not send troops to occupy, it would send hunter killer teams that get in and get out after they kill or capture their high value target. If they can get Osama Bin Laden hiding out in a fortified compound just miles away from a military base, they sure as hell can fly over the border in Black Hawks and take care of business.

    7. Hi E,

      Always appreciate your insight.

      I have lived in predominately Hispanic neighborhoods for most of my life. From talking to my friends and neighbors, it has been a pretty clear consensus that they would rather live back in Mexico if the conditions were right. They just dont want to deal with the violence and lack of economic opportunity down there.

      If the citizens in Mexico truly didnt want help from the United States i dont think we'd be experiencing the same immigration problems that we currently are. I am not sure i believe the Mexican people would be completely against U.S. boots on the ground if they knew it was going to clean up the corruption and bring some peace and stability to the region. Of course, some people would be very upset. But i dont know if Mexico will be able to climb out of this vicious cycle of chaos without the help of some outside power. The corruption there is just to out of control.

      Just my thoughts.


    8. Stfu. Geez. Go play your video games.

  10. Note: While there were wounded Marines there were no wounded assailants. Four dead gunman but again no wounded. Not saying the POS Zetas deserve any slack but an occasional living sicario might actually provide some information. Then again the information provided might not be polliticaly acceptable.

    1. @7:25 I see you point but don't forget the cartels probably take there wounded away or even kill them to prevent them from being captured and talking.

  11. Spray and pray boys, get it done!

  12. Marinas got there helicopter gunship cartels only have rpg's in there arsenal unless they get there hands on a javeline shoulder fired anti-aircraft missile that would be a game changer

    1. CJNG and Sinaloa have Manpad missiles, though they are not of the current generations of weapons. They are left overs from the Mujahadin/soviet war in Afghanistan.

      Here is a link to an article by BB reporter Lucio R on the current AA weapons used by the cartels

  13. Shame that the Ford F250 truck in photo was probably just stolen in Texas and owner had no clue.

    1. But more probably he sold his car with a bunch of AR15 to the narcos south of the border and maybe he is one of the fellows of Big D

  14. anonymous 5:15pm is right

  15. this was after a gunshot with mayor we can remeber this

  16. the trucks are stolen by the mexican mafia eme in laredo texas

  17. ACUSTOM NOTICIAS/ de Familia atribuida a error de marinas"
    Killed driving in their car from Nuevo Laredo to their home in Piedras Negras Coah...
    Father Efrain Rojas 25 years old wounded, help prevented until he died
    Mother Nelleli Aide Ruiz 28 years old, dead
    Chelsea Abril 6 yo dead
    Kenia Azul 4 yo dead
    Leslie 12yo herida
    Kennedi not wounded
    There you go with your facking mexican marinas shooting to kill first in the name of "Public or National Security", now the mother fakers deny it and their "mandos" support their fairy tales of blaming narco cross fire...l

    1. @1:43 so ur saying the cartels were not involved and the marinas just decided to shoot up the place...sounds about right especially since the cartels are so careful when it comes to innocent people

  18. Why doesn't the US and Mexican government just declare cartels "terrorist". Then just start a drone campaign against them. What's the difference? The cartal is worst in my opinion. Not only do they mayhem on their side of boarder. Their drugs kill millions on my side of boarder each year. Osama Bin Laden should be a dope dealer if he wanted to kill Americans.

    1. 10.12am osama bin Laden's dad grew poppy, he was friends with bush senior. I don't know how much this had to do with him being blamed/organising 9/11 but its been proven how many us soldiers were guarding the poppies and involved with smuggling of the heroin.

    2. "Dope dealer" jajajaj "kill Americans" jajajaj "DOPE dealer if he wanted to KILL Americans" Jajajajajajaja

    3. Bin Laden was a dope dealer, and the CIA imported his heroin

    4. Osama was clever by making it a religious cause. Wars involving religious beliefs are never ending. History has proven that.

    5. Yeah i agree. Narco's currently pose more of a safety risk to the public than Muslim Extremists. Not saying extremists dont pose a threat. I just think its MUCH more likely to be the victim of cartel activity..


    6. Because then both the US and Mexican governments would have to drone their own homes.

    7. Hello, never heard of word "Narco-Terrorist"

    8. Bunch of know it alls. You guys have an answer for everything.

  19. The video is up already on YouTube, here's the link..

  20. Can you buy the engines from these vehicles? Looking for a 2009 6.4 powerstroke. Ill bullet proof myself once i get it.

  21. When you ask my Mexican wife why she is not interested in Mexican history she says"Mexicans killing Mexicans is our history" she will also say the only time Mexicans will ever unite is to fight the gringoes...I have lived in Mexico now for 15yrs...Mexicans have a inward hatred and jealously against Americans...they only want American dollars not our military help..corruption is as part of their culture as the tortilla....they aren't gonna change, leave em be...the only thing that ever changes is who collects the mordida


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