Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, April 28, 2018

126 lbs of meth discovered in semi-truck hauling Starbucks products from California to Washington

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat  Republished from The Chronicle [Washington]

Meth, Oxy, Heroin and Cocaine seized from semi-truck

Far left, Luna-Rodriguez, from Mexicali, to his left Olivas-Leyva of Fontana, California
A traffic stop Thursday in Centralia led to the seizure of 126 pounds of methamphetamine, thousands of Oxycodone pills and smaller amounts of heroin and cocaine hidden in a semi truck, according to the Centralia Police Department.

Two suspects — Carlos Alejandro Luna-Rodriguez, 22, of Mexicali, Mexico and Bernardo Olivas-Leyva, 62, of Fontana, California, were arrested and booked into the Lewis County Jail Thursday morning on numerous felony drug charges.

They made their first appearances on three charges each of possession of methamphetamine with intent to deliver, possession of heroin and possession Oxycodone and are both being held on $1 million bail.

DeFazio asked Superior Court Judge James Lawler on Friday to impose $2 million bail for each defendant, citing the massive amount of illegal drugs found in the men’s possession.

“This is an unusual case with this quantity of drugs,” he said.

Lawler imposed $1 million bail for each man.

“Community safety is an issue given the volume of controlled substances that were found here, together with the flight risk,” he said.

Both defendants’ arraignments are scheduled for May 3.

According to a news release from the Centralia Police Department and court documents,  members of the Joint Narcotic Enforcement Team and the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office Special Enforcement Team received information Thursday morning that a large shipment of methamphetamine would be traveling through Lewis County in a semi truck with a California license plate.

JNET is a partnership between the sheriff’s office and the Centralia and Chehalis police departments.

Officers found a truck matching the description at milepost 63 of Interstate 5, traveling northbound.

According to court documents, officers observed the semi traveling 70 miles per hour in a 60 mile-per-hour zone and conducted a traffic stop just north of Centralia.

The semi was reportedly hauling Starbucks products between California and Spokane.

According to the news release, officers summoned a K9 unit due to “suspicious activity” from the driver and passenger.

The dog alerted, and officers searched the truck’s interior. According to court documents, the suspects consented to a search.

Officers reported finding 40 bundles of methamphetamine in the truck’s sleeper berth, which were packed in a television box. Under a lower mattress they found an additional 50 bundles of meth, 2.4 pounds of heroin, 3,000 to 4,000 30 mg Oxycodone tablets and a few grams of cocaine, according to the news release.

The total weight of the meth was 126 pounds.

Officers also found suspected cocaine, but neither suspect was charged with possession of the substance.

“No contraband was found in the trailer and none of the food product in the trailer was exposed or compromised,” according to the release. “The owners made arrangements to retrieve the load. It was subsequently transferred to another truck and continued on its way.”

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  1. This happened about 30 mins from my house. Seattle, central Washington is known CDS distributing points

    1. Correct...huge. CDS prescence up here...

    2. Seattle is one my best visits. Pikes place, it’s art museum and Mt Rainer. Wife and I loved it there.
      There is no place in the US that drugs are not being sold. Shit is everywhere.


    3. @7:39. I live in Seattle and sometimes I was the only Black person at a certain Mexican bar in South Park. Word got back that I was looked at as a chota. I started feeling bad vibes, nothing major, just a feeling of mistrust. I stopped going there.

    4. 5:44 but hey, the war on drugs will be won very soon with a straight edge free drug America and world wide. Well that's what the DEA and the federal government thinks.

    5. I drive a Big Rig from Fontana, Ca. to Lacey, Wa. 2 times a week. I see these pig cops and sheriifs parked along the freeway profiling vehicles and searching random vehicles. DO NOT CONSENT to searches and make sure you guys do NOT anser questions and video record all contact with ur phones.

    6. 11:16 those pigs are The Law and you are not, get Smart and let the cops do their job, peacefully, and be a smart cookie by staying alive.
      It is like leaky US congressmen who would not pass a GED test demanding to see classified documents from investigations into their putas chingaderas like spying or selling out to the best way josé

  2. Full-Duterte the filthy Mexican killers.

    1. Who's gonna "full duterte" all the users? Those users who would do anything to get the next hit. Or are they innocent and deserve a pass?

  3. I dont get the last paragraph. Cheers bb!

    1. It pretty much means the load was seperate from the dope.

    2. What they mean is nothing was found in the actual trailer, it was in their truck cabin and most likely they were sitting on top of it. I bet many truck drivers (given the chance) would risk the chance of getting caught if the payout is in the $$$$$

    3. It says the dope was found in the rig and not the trailer. Trailer with product released to owners who had it picked up by another driver with rig to be delivered to Washington state.

  4. El tiene un gran lugar
    en la mesa del cartel
    su silla esta asegurada
    Mexicali lo gobierna el
    es un gran caballero
    el miedo díganle que es
    El checo

  5. Lmao!! Now I think I get why them triple gran-days be givin me tachycardia!!

  6. We used to joke they were putting something in their coffee... And now this!

    1. You did not disect the wonderful article, trailer is back thing connected to trailer, in which is the Starbucks merchandise. The contraband was found in cabin, front area with engine. Luna Apagada.

    2. @10:31, not saying you are wrong but do you really think Starbucks is going to say the trailer was tampered with. They have enough problems on their hands right now with the Philly thing. This is the last issue they want to discuss at the moment.

    3. 6:18 that wasn't decided by the ppl from starbucks...Obviously the police determined the drugs were separate from the Starbucks products,whatever they were...and dude,Starbucks can afford to lose 1 truck load of ANYTHING they sell.
      Also with all the heat on Starbucks as you say,do you think they want more by selling coffee possibly lased with meth,coke or dope..

    4. 618 the trailer was not tampered with, the contraband was found in Cabin of where driver, drives, never at the trailer, no the Starbucks items, are not contaminated. The trailer is the thing n the back.
      Sol Moreno

  7. Those guys look sad as hell in the photo. They know their toast

    1. their families are getting chopped up

  8. They are going to owe someone big mone🤐

    1. Why... They were snitched on ..

    2. Or their lives..

    3. How are they going to be expected to pay all of that money back if they're in prison? It'd be impossible to repay.

    4. No one will die. Obviously someone from San Bernandino, Fontana or Riverside Sheriff/PD surrounding that area gave information to Officers in the Washington area. What is more likely is that they busted a Safe-house in that area. (Oficina) they simply asked if they want to go home or to jail to give them further information. The individual in the safe-house decided to cooperate gave information and that is how they caught them. Not that difficult. Happens all the time.

    5. It's cool their family women and children included paid for it with their lives so debt paid in full

    6. They will pay for their stay in the big house,
      they still value chon chon there.
      And they don't mind too much about the mileage on the muffler.

    7. Or maybe they got pulled over because it was two paisas in a semi lookn all suspect without all the conspiracy theories

    8. 7:10 you speaking from actual experience

    9. I doubt anyone who has the means/money to pay that back would even be in,or ever put themselves in that other words if that dude driving the truck or the guy riding shotgun had the money to cover,they probably wouldn't be in
      Driving it themselves

    10. 528: They killed the their families just because they got caught?

  9. The meth amounts keep getting higher and higher with each bust. That profit margin and the ability to control the entire process in MX must be a dream for the various DTOs. I had this theory that Coke was going to make a big come back this year but I might have struck out on that hypothesis. I wonder if those 30mg pills are actually Fetty pressed as Percs. I’m gonna have to tell Panda to switch up his game!

    1. Those pills were def fentanyl. Cops here said so.

  10. Man, Meth really is everywhere right now. I know of a couple folks that have small time connections and they talk about how easy it is to get hella pounds of this nasty shit a la neta. They are flooding the market with this stuff because the profit margin is insane. The Food and Coca Cola is no where near the earner this is, especially if they team up with the biker gangs of TX and CA. 17.5K will never happen again huh.

    1. Profit margin insane? The only profit are those that send from Mexico. It is very competitive, so people receiving from So Cal have estimated profit of roughly 300/lb

  11. It was $16,000 a pound from the Hells Angels in L.A. In 1984.

    1. @2:50 Think the 17.5K was in reference to the Cola. In the early and mid 2000’s, the price was that low but good luck nowadays. As far as Ice, it might be down to $3,000 per lb around L.A. Supply probably outweighs demand right now on that end.

    2. 2:50 then the Mongols kicked the angelitas out of California, animals!

    3. The Mongols kicked the HA's out of California? Yeah ok...Ignorance is strong with you.

    4. 11:44 well, after HA went crying to mommy the government busted the Mongols MC and even expropriated their club name, bars and logos for a while,

    5. I see Mongols everywhere

    6. 12:57 Yep, Borregas see Mongols everywhere.
      But back in Russia only the mongols keep them separate from the communist Chinese and their socialized capitalism dependent on US goodwill.
      Jesse Ventura, was a seal, a Mongol biker, a wrestler and governor of Montana, nice to meet

  12. At this point in time it's amazing that these smugglers don't know they can't hide what isn't on the green light list. The technology is too far advanced and with professionaly trained staff using the scanners etc there is no way to move such things over the border

    1. They made it over 1.000 miles past the border...local news here where the bust was says the State Trooper received an anon tip that a truck with Cali plates would be coming through with a large drug shipment. All dope was in the cab. Starbucks got all their stuff. Even with all the tech , only about 20-25% if that get stopped at they were speeding. Not smart 2 Mexicans, one foreign speeding in a semi with Cali plates. These guys are lucky they got this far.

    2. Huh...
      Green light list?
      No way to move such things over the border?
      Huh again?
      Mister Sir,How will the dope arrive from now on
      They can't send it all on the train or plane.

    3. "The technology is too far advanced and with professionaly trained staff using the scanners"
      the technology like the scanners is very very expensive and well trained staff...yeah they pay peanuts so they get monkeys. border customes are able to scan less then 5% of the incoming forty foot containers.
      And as long US guys sells guns to the south, mx will send meth, fenth, heroin to the north.
      Those 2 guys were tipped off long ago, maybe by wiretap or snitches.
      To get close to your 25%, you must double the payment and quintuple the stuff and techn. equipment. Scanners on each lane!
      Maybe donald will create some "Border tax" to finance it.

    4. 11:30 you always have to drop your caca on top of everyone's bead, why?

  13. They were used as pawns....

  14. Now its 1500 for good product...insanely cheap compare to 7k 15 years ago

    1. 7000? There was a time it went for more then coke,coke was at 20 and meth at 21,now its dirt cheap! Everyone makes it,in asia its worth 15-30

  15. They are looking at severe prison time. Old man does not have to worry about working anymore, he will have a roof under his head, and 3 warm meals a day.

    1. Roofs usually are over your head but...

  16. It's interesting that a major part of Mochomo's case comes out of the bust of Chapo Isidro's meth and coke distributor in Centralia, who was directly connected to Agustin Flores. This was upheld as part of Mochomo's conspiracy charges, even though the seizure was on Sept. 2, 2010, which was years after Mochomo's arrest.

    1. Back then Isidro worked directly for BLO and Mochomo was still in charge. Prosecutors must think that he was giving orders from prison.

    2. All the Capos still run their businesses while incarcerated in Mexico. Chapo became #1 while locked up. Once extradited to US that makes it much more difficult, if not impossible. The American prison gangs can and do exert their influence outside, but huge Capos get the harshest security to prevent it. Not even Gitmo terrorists are treated like Chapo.

    3. The theory is that Mochomo was receiving financial help while in prison, but the government's argument against the defense that he was in prison and thus not part of the conspiracy, is that a conspiracy never ends until a member dies or removes themselves from the conspiracy, through explicit action themselves, so arrest is no defense. The judge agreed with this claim.

  17. Can someone explain this: "Officers also found suspected cocaine, but neither suspect was charged with possession of the substance."

    1. Hold your horses, the suspected cocaine needs to be tested, then it won't be called suspected.

    2. I suspect the government side smoked their field tests OR stole the money and did not buy them.
      They also only arrested one of each batch per house and released the other suspects when they had to haul everybody's arses to jail until further investigation exonerated the innocent.


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