Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, April 15, 2018

43 Student attack in Iguala was guided from Chicago

Posted and translated by El Profe from Reforma

Chivis Note; Intriguing events in the case of the Iguala deadly attack and disappearance of 43, (one murdered student left  the scene had his face skinned and eyes gouged, therefore there were 44 altogether) . It was during a drug trafficking bust,  and investigation of GU targets in Chicago, that the information was gleaned from Blackberries used by suspects and confidential informants.  Revealed in those transcripts were conversations with GU in Chicago and GU in Mexico from and about the Iguala massacre on September 26th and subsequent days. Mexico GU called to seek guidance regarding how to proceed.

The entire massacre was from bad information.  GU was told Los Rojos were the targets.  And they worried that the mess would cause them the business.

The “El Gil” mentioned in the Reforma article, is Gildardo López Astudillo, 'Gil'

According to PGR investigations, on September 27 'El Gil' sent a text message to the leader of Guerreros Unidos, Casarrubias Salgado Sidronio, which read: "Los hicimos polvo y los echamos al agua, nunca los van a encontrar" "They were turn to dust and thrown to the river they never gonna find them." 'Gil' is imprisoned in the maximum security prison of Altiplano.

“Silver” Pablo Cuevas is now a protected witness and is scheduled to be sentenced in Illinois on May 28th. Since he is a PW, it would seem like a good time to get information that would lead to the conclusion of the case of the missing normalistas (students) and the answers to outstanding questions.  It’s probably the best hope.

43 Student attack in Iguala was guided from Chicago

The leaders of Guerreros Unidos in Chicago knew of the attack on the Normalistas on September 26, 2014 in Iguala almost the moment it happened.

They found out that there were 60 missing persons, several dead, and a lack of control in arrests and executions. They gave orders, asked for support from police and authorities, made demands, and in the end were bewildered by the situation.

The story of what happened in Iguala through Blackberry messages contains some details so far unknown and in other cases confirms what has already been revealed. The talks between bosses in Chicago and criminal operators in Iguala add detail to the uncertainty: apparently there were more disappeared than previously thought, but that doesn’t clear up the big unknown: where are they?

These are the conversations in which operators of Guerreros Unidos in Mexico informed their bosses in the US of the attack against the Normalistas.

The orders of "Silver"

On December 9 of that year, Roberto Sánchez, Eliseo Betancourt and Isaías Mandujano were arrested in Chicago and Pablo Vega Cuevas and Alexander Figueroa were captured in Oklahoma.

Part of the hearings correspond on case No. 1:14-cr-00705 of the North Court of Illinois where "Silver,” (as identified by the US judicial authority) Pablo Vega, and other partners are accused of bringing large amounts of cocaine and heroin into Chicago.

US agencies intercepted 11 cell phones between the end of 2013 and October 2014 as part of their search for the alleged narcos from Guerrero, among which, one is identified as "Silver.” In an interception period that occurred on September 24, 2014 until October 24, 2014, US agents were able to capture an intense communication from the 26th and subsequent days where the narcos deliberated on what to do with the Normalistas.

REFORMA accessed several of the messages.

In one of the conversations that took place at around 1:00 pm on September 27, hours after the events, "Silver," one of the drug lords and who is allegedly a protected witness, asks how things are going.

A character identified as "Soldier of Love" responds: "“The rivals got into it and there were a hell of a lot of them".

"Silver" orders in his response: "“They’re going to make a collective demand to the government and a march with their vehicles.”

"Soldier" tells him that they already did that.

"They’re going to block all the entrances," he says.

“There's still no Navy, right? There’s going to be an arrival after the speed bump coming from Chilpo (Chilpancingo) and Cholo is on alert and alert the people".

"El Cholo" is Alejandro Palacios, an operator of Guerreros Unidos.

Two hours later "Silver" receives another report, now from a character identified as "Aníbal.”

"They only had 60 ‘paquetes’, already put away (in reference to people detained/disappeared) and others of those with San Pedro (murdered) and only the wounded over here, including the servant of El Oso.”

The reference to "the servant of El Oso" could refer to some member of the group that obeyed orders from Osiel Benítez, alias "El Oso" and operative chief of Guerreros Unidos in the area.

In the same message, "Aníbal" tells his boss "Silver":

"I already told Gil (another of the Guerreros Unidos operators) to close the entrance by Mezcala with comunitarios and now it’s in place and let's also put more comunitaria”

The reason for the disappearance is to teach a rival group, ”Los Rojos” a lesson.

According to the data, the members of Guerreros Unidos based in Tierra Caliente report to their bosses in Chicago that groups of "Los Rojos" are trying to "take the plaza” of Iguala and that they travel in trucks.

In another chat, “Silver" ordered the afternoon of September 27 to request support from the municipal police of Iguala, Cocula and Huitzuco and to seek the state Attorney Iñaki Blanco to support them in the action.

But a character identified as "Romeo" replies that Blanco already betrayed them and that Santiago Mazari "El Carrete" could be behind the operation of the students.

"Yes Mr. faggot lawyer is with those shits. The “paquetes’’ (stopped/disappeared) already said that El Carette paid them. They have people from Morelos, State of Mexico and Chilpancingo,” says the message

That is, some detainees said they were sent by the capo "El Carrete" to attack Guerreros Unidos.

"Silver" also calls on the Mayor, José Luis Abarca, to help them.

'It will cost us'

Pablo Vega, another of the GU leaders in Chicago and who is now being held in an Illinois jail, holds a conversation with "Vitola 08.”

Vega tells him that "the rivals went” in the buses that entered Iguala, in reference to assassins of "Los Rojos.“ But "Vitola 08" explains that, “…the Ayotzinapos went to take their mess to the buses, Ayotzinapos were in the buses.“

Pablo Vega replies: "But the shooting was against Los Rojos, something like that they tell me.” 

However, "Vitola" tells him that the municipal police who supported Guerreros Unidos fired on a truck that was transporting players for the soccer team Los Avispones.

"They thought they were Ayotzinapos and started to shoot the soccer players"

Vega questions the mistake and he acknowledges that there were disappeared students among the detained, he claims.

"It's bullshit, that's going to cost the business,” according to one of the messages.

Fragments of these messages were exhibited by the PGR during a meeting held with the IACHR in Bogotá, Colombia. In a public hearing held on March 1, the current prosecutor in the case, Alfredo Higuera, said that US authorities had facilitated these conversations and that they were part of a case settled in an Illinois court where bosses of Guerreros Unidos were being tried for bringing drugs from Guerrero.

"With the most recent information, we have specific data that can give certainty to establish why the young people were attacked that tragic night," explained Higuera to the relatives and lawyers of the 43 and the representation of the OAS IACHR during the hearing in the Colombian capital.

The information, according to Higuera, accounts for "the level of involvement of commanders and members of the criminal organization that operated in Iguala and other municipalities and the undoubted direct participation of different corporations, essentially municipal, in collusion."

On September 28, two days after the events, Pablo Vega speaks with "Cancer" after evaluating the magnitude of the events.

Vega says: "Yes, that's right, you bastard, they didn’t know what they were doing. It’s gonna make a mess.”

Pablo Vega, considered one of the main leaders of Guerreros Unidos in the United States, is the one who makes the most critical comments to his comrades about what happened.

Several weeks later, on October 18, when several arrests have already occurred in Iguala, Vega comments with "Spider Woman": "As long as the guys don’t show up, they’re going to continue (arrests)”

His interlocutor, "Spider", responds: "Easy to say where they are.”

Text Messages

September 27, hours after the attack

SD “Soldado del Amor”
“The rivals got into it and there were a hell of a lot of them“

S “Silver”
“They’re going to make a collective demand to the government and a march with their vehicles”

SD “Soldier of Love”
"They’re going to block all the entrances”

S “Silver”
"There's still no Navy, right? There’s going to be an arrival after the speed bump coming from Chilpo (Chilpancingo) and they’ll move and that Cholo (Alejandro Palacios, an operator of Guerreros Unidos) is on alert and alert the people "

" "Anibal"
 "They only had 60 ‘paquetes’ already put away (in reference to people detained/disappeared) and others of those with San Pedro (murdered) and only the wounded over here, including the servant of El Oso "

" "Anibal"
 "I already told Gil (another of the Guerreros Unidos operators) to close the entrance by Mezcala with comunitarios and now it’s in place and let's also put more comunitaria”

Ask for help ... help from the Police

Iñaki Blanco was the State Attorney when the disappearances occurred.

In another chat, “Silver" ordered the afternoon of September 27 to request support from the municipal police of Iguala, Cocula and Huitzuco and to seek the state Attorney Iñaki Blanco to support them in the action.

But a character identified as "Romeo" replies that Blanco already betrayed them and that even Santiago Mazari "El Carrete,” leader of Los Rojos, would be behind the operation of the students.

R “Romeo”
"Yes Mr. faggot attorney is with those shits. The ‘paquetes’ (stopped/disappeared) already said that El Carette paid them. They have people from Morelos, State of Mexico and Chilpancingo"

Los Rojos and the Normalistas suspected
Pablo Vega, another leader of Guerreros Unidos in Chicago, and who is being held in an Illinois jail, referred to those who were on the buses that entered Iguala.
PV “Pablo Vega”
“they were the rivals"

V0  “Vitola 08”
 "Also, the Ayotzinapos went to take their mess to the buses, Ayotzinapos were in the buses.“

PV “Pablo Vega”
"But the shooting was against Los Rojos, something like that they tell me"

V0 “Vitola 08”
"They thought they were Ayotzinapos and started to shoot the soccer players"

PV “Pablo Vega”
"It's bullshit, that's going to cost the business"

October 18
PV “Pablo Vega”
"As long as the guys don’t show up, they’re going to continue (arrests)”

SW “Spider Woman”
“(It's) Easy to say where they are"

Chicago, Illinois, Criminal Complaint 

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  1. Can someone explain why blackberry’s are being use by cartel members? I’m not much of a tech guy but does it have to do with the operating system?

    1. security. read this

    2. Even US diplomats are on blackberry’s; for example Hilary Clinton

    3. I had a black berry as well, and it's all about security... Mine was ran from the providers network but patched through a server apperantly it was illegal ... But we are talking back in 2010... Even still look up blackberry's and you'll see that even the keyboard itself is encrypted.
      They did get Chapo through his blackberry though. Security doesn't mean you're invincible

    4. Then everybody got their blackberry on the sangsungs where they all got hacked by everybody and their innocent inoffensive russian grannies while Obama just hacked everybody's microwave ovens, not even the Donal' or Sean Hannity are safe, damet! We need to move to the moon ASAP,
      but the Chinese own it

  2. I remember reading this complaint back in 2014, when the indictment was unsealed. I remember there was speculation at some point that one of reasons the buses were targeted was a load of heroin the bus, which was how this cell imported heroin into Texas, and then to Chicago.

    In the end, I think it was always just a mess of rivals/innocents mistaken, and then a cover up. The truth of September 2014 will always be murky, but more or less what happened is clear enough. Reminds me of those from Michoacan who got lifted in Acapulco by Carlos Montemayor, El Charro, Barbie's father in law.

    1. the complaint was unsealed beginning of 2015. and at the time we wrote about the drugs on the "5th bus" a very efficient way this cell, who US called the most successful Mexican cell, transported all drugs in bus panels.

      What was told at the time the normalistas were with Rojos to get the search and attack started. That was disclosed in a confession. The soccer bus has no excuse, that was clearly marked but by then they were attacking any and everything.

      the convo proves the mayor had no prior knowledge. and when called upon he was gone. I had been sent an audio of a conversation after the attack between the mayor and the Guerrero state atty. He was being grilled by AG to "get the story straight" but the mayor is obviously lost and confounded. He agreed to meet him the following day but fled instead.

      What is different "Silver" can now safely reveal what he knows.

      I couldn't believe when the courier is asked "Did you take 2 ks?" meaning did you steal heroin from the load? he immediately says "oh yes and I have the money to pay" I wonder if he still is breathing.

    2. The city of Chicago is a den of criminals. It is not a surprise that such actions were came that city

    3. 4:41 I remember those 20 something michoacanos that got picked up in guerrero but had no criminal dealings. In Mexico, it happens often, when I go to michoacan I stay low key and don't try to get to much attention. Specially if I'm with a group of men in different parts

    4. Ioan grillo been saying this shit for years.

    5. @ 9:23
      We began posting about Iguala within 24 hrs and I was stunned not to see it in U.S. papers, I contacted Ioan about it and he held off a while before going with the story. since then he has published a number of posts. He is a good guy. But I never saw a post where he wrote about the text convos about the iguala massacre and Mx GU asking for help.

      Please send the link, I just looked and could not find it. I want to read it.

    6. 9:23. I read this on BB a week before I saw in Noroeste o El Debate. Chivas and BB have more contact people than Grillo working and living in comfort of DF.

      I wonder how long Vega was being watched by DEA? Did they watch while he oversaw distribution of kilos from Chicago to the entire of the USA? How many young childs used the heroin while DEA observe and listen to his organization? How many child’s saw the mother go sleeping after the heroina was in her arm while DEA “observed”. How much money killer men did Vega provide to buy guns going down Carretera 35 from Dallas and into la Tierra Caliene while el DEA observed? Would Pablo Vega still be just an observation of el DEA if the children on the autobús were not used like firewood? Damn this fake war on drugs! Damn the estúpido fake políticos de USA and de Mexico! Damn to the estupid racist and do nothing spectators de BB who can only see Mexico problems from USA money and drug demand as entertainment! It is a estupid act in both gobs and I can not believe that citizens in Mexico and USA son sordociega every year, every elección, and every generación. Fuck all políticos and have only god bless los jovenes de Igula.

    7. Dear Deranged, narrow your search, while the US might be helping cover up the 43 Ayotzinapo boondoggle to help their mexican government puppets, that is all on EPN and his secretary of education, public security secretary and minister of the Interior, director of polesia federal and secretary of defense with the army and marinas trying to prevent the ayotzinapos from marching on Oct 2 in Mexico City to protest Oct 2 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre right before the MEXICO 68 OLYMPIC GAMES...this year it will be 50 years since Mexican Army and federal police armed with paramilitary death squads called Batallón Olimpico Militar (or Brigada Blanca on the street) shot up a multitude of students and spectators at the government approved rally.
      The government spent all night cleaning up the crime scene to carry away the "23 dead" victims and some wounded and a few others that were dropped alive at sea from Mexican Air Force Airplanes.
      --EPN's Cabinet had had it with their pinches marchas because EPN is too pretty for that shit...

    8. @12:03PM My, you have been busy, I posted a few but deleted most of what you posted. Your comments are so easy to spot after years of moderating and having to read them.. I lost count tonight how many you posted. I don't delete just because a comment is stupid, but you usually say something that gives me a reason to delete. I could have deleted this one, not because it is stupid but because it seems you are addressing it "Dear Deranged" to one of our better reporters "J". But I didn't just because I wanted to point out how stupid your comment is.

      You are telling us the reason for the attack on the students was because EPN and his secretary of education, public security secretary and minister of the Interior, director of polesia federal and secretary of defense with the army and marinas trying to prevent the ayotzinapos from marching on Oct 2 in Mexico City. Why would the President and many of the top leaders of the govt. and military take notice of and prevent a few students from marching in a protest that annually drew 10s of thousands of protesters. How could stopping these 40 something, whether they participated or not effect the protest march in Mex. City of 10s of thousands. EPN and the Mexican Govt. have done a lot stupid things but I don't think they are that stupid.

    9. La Emilia Chuayfett Chemor can't tolerate ANY disrespect to his beloved president EPN and the rest of the cabinet are as k sequins as stupid,
      --Why have records of C4 Communications have disappeared?
      --Who deployed the mysterious murdering force from Mexico City to Ayotzinapa/iguala in guerrero early in the morning?
      --who invented historic truth?
      --who impeded the independent investigators work and kicked them out?
      I don't believe for a minute that a faction of Guerreros Unidos in Chicago or Guerrero has the pull or that anyone was going to hijack one bus full of heroin or millions of dollars on their way to chicago.
      By the way I first read about that drug load from annabel hernandez who I used to like until I catch her spreading BS to help some faction, somebody feeds her her news sometimes.
      But it doesn't help the Ayotzinapos when somebody spreads falsehoods like "they were drug traffickers themselves".

    10. DD I forgot, thanks for your patience, I know it can be tiring but some things need to be said, i'll try not to say names and don't worry if something doesn't get posted, I will know you tried.

    11. 1p:16 i should have made myself clear,
      i meant Dear Carretero Durango-Mazatlan,
      my coment has nothing to do with "J" maybe except for some point-counterpoints, I wish I could share your opinions of cartel involvement, but we will have to wait for the judgement of history, but it takes so long.

  3. Hopefully the parents and families of the students will get some answers. Were football players ever reported missing?

    1. No futbol players were reported missing, only some dead and other "collateral casualties".
      --Other people that were killed the same day: 4 more students, among them Mondragon the one whose face skin was peeled off are not accounted on the 43 because they were recovered, dead.
      The struggle can not make a whole book of the situation barely being conducted on bumper stickers or "mantas" and street protests and mass demonstrations.
      --There are 43 "Ayotzinapos" missing, their parents want them back, they were taken alive, by mexican soldiers and marinas and federal oolesias who drove early in the day from Mexico City to catch the students RED HANDED IN THE ACT.
      --Mexico AND many in the world, kike the parents of the 43 want theor children back, alive,
      --thereally is no need for "verdades historicas" from:
      procurers of justice like Jesus Murillo Karam MAO osorio chong's puppet who was left as governor of Hidalgo by MAO too.
      --Secretary of Public Security MAO osorio chón a murderer drug trafficker and traitor of all his narco-buddies who pretended to replace EPN.
      --EPN the Mexican presidente of the lime wrsited cofrady governing Mexico to satisfy their need to live like queens of ersailles.
      --Secretaries of Defense Salvador Cienpedos head of the murdering .exican army.
      --secretary of the Mexican Navy and boss of the very corrupt and murdering Marinas.
      --Secretary of Education Emilio Chayfett Chemor "La Emilia" the former governor of Estado de Mexico that fired the policias that tried to arrest EPN and Ernestito Zedillo when they catch them "doing things in their car" but the presidential guards of daddy president Zedillo saved them.
      That propelled Chuayfett to "Secretary of the Interior" with Zedillo until he was forced to resign for the murdering in Acteal-chenalhó Aguas Blancas and El Charco IN GUERRERO STATE that cost governor Rubens Figueroa Alcocer his governorship and left PRIISTA Angel Aguirre River provisional governor, he would come back armed with PRD ID as a Chapulin TO GOVERN OVER THE 43 DISAPPEARANCES that forced him to resign too...
      --All those lersonalities of government,
      --the suppression of C4 Communications.
      --the interference and expulsion of independent investigators
      --the planted evidence
      --the many official lies and "Historic Truths"
      Point to one more whitewash campaign to hide a Crime of State that exposed the cowardice of a puppet Mexican government that has hated the Raul Isidro Burgos Rural Teachers' College and the students it graduates for the truths they sponsor and fight for since the government Murdering of Copreros fighting for I cent of a dollar per kilo of Copra in the early 60s produced Genaro Vazquez Rojas and Lucio Cabanas Barrientos...who left his teenaged widow for then governor and federal senate candidate Ruben Figueroa Figueroa to rape in his offices...
      --Please, think things over before contributing to the whitewash with hogwash, no Chicago cartel of Guerreros Unidos has the history or the power to do what the Mexican government has been doing all over Mexico for the last 20 years, mainly against innocent mexicans in a War On "Drugs" that belongs to them and their business partners since before they murdered Kiki Camarena in the 85,
      --Hurting the truth is not part of the plan, is it?
      --OCTOBER 2 was one week away from the disappearance of the ayotzinapos,
      --Secretary of Education Emilio Chayfett Chemor resigned again, and newly crowned PRD governor ANGEL AGUIRRE RIVERO resigned again, as they say on the US, "The Postman Always Rings Twice"

  4. Hahaha yeah ok, let's just say now that the Flores Twins ordered the hit on the 43 hahaha and that Caro Quintero gave up the Mayor and his wife. Idiots!

    1. Did you even read the article, come on man.

    2. I read the article, it reeks of propaganda to clean and save las nalgas de EPN, his murdring cabinet ministers and El PRI.

  5. Hopefully they tri them with the murders here in the USA and give them the death penalty. Treat it as camarenas case and prosecute even though it took place in another country.

    1. In a US court, all the ship would out the mexican government in grave danger of being exposed for their murdering and the many lies they are trying to pass as one more "historic truth" by refueling the Bullshit to insult our intelligence, again.

  6. So let me get this straight the GU leadership is based in Chicago and not Guerrero?

    1. yes and no, leaders in Chicago led the US operations but were still involved with Mx operations at the top level. In Mx GU was operated by the family of the mayors wife and others. Not U.S

    2. The Guerreros Unidos only came up after Arturo Beltrami Leyva was murdered by the Mexican marinas courtesy of EPN and Genarco Garcia Luna to steal his business, El Barbas and La Barbie controlled a big chunk of drug trafficking from Guerrero to monterrey, cuernavaca and chihuahua as heirs of Amado carrillo fuentes centered around Mexico City.
      Maria de Los Angeles Pineda Villa de Abarca even had her parents kidnapped and two brothers killed by el barbas, And was the secret lover of aguirre rivero according to some.
      They all became local puppets of EPN but not major players.

    3. 4:29 epn was not president until 3 years after Arturos death and 4 years after mochomos arrest. Your timelines are way off playa..

    4. 12:36 EPN was not born a criminal when he was elected president or when he was inaugurated, governor EPN from 2005 to 2011 used to park his helicopter in Arturo Beltran Leyva's hangar in Toluca Estado de mexico airport, FECAL's SSP genarco Garcia Luna too, they whack ABL IN 2009 to steal his business

  7. One murdered student left the scene? What the fuck??

    1. 7:47 Many students ran away from the different crime scenes, Julio Cesar Mondragon was caught, his face was skinned (while he was alive according to some) and then he died from the PROFESSIONAL beating he received, it was not one case of one attack on one bus and one student group, chemita...
      --local garrison soldiers even let some students go, some badly hurt, students have testified.
      Ioan Grullo is like a comedy writer making guions for cable TV.
      Like some traveling cooks and cookery experts for rent.
      --Mexican Navy Admiral Manuel Mondragon Y Kalb "El Karateka", a descendant of the murderer of Francisco I Madero is an "expert" in disappearances and kidnappings , and he has trained many military and federal police in "Sudden Actions" like this, they are not carried on by amateurs without official cover-up.

    2. Exactly true 4:51
      julio's friends said they begged him not to run off alone.

      I thnk it was municipal police that tortured and killed him, or military, the ones who blocked entry into iguala.

      Julio was skinned alive according to coroners report and his wife. His eye gouged out as well.

    3. The second autopsy accounts for the beating Julio Cesar Mondragón received, 12 ribs were broken, 4 vertebra displaced, beat up on the head face neck and body, injuries to abdomen, liver intestines, kidneys and more, like only well trained military karate expert animals can inflict.
      --no ignorant municipal police officer can do that.

    4. CISEN MOUTHPIECE Alejandro Hope has never said anything about Ayotzinapa or Tlatlaya, Tanhuato, Apatzingan, San Fernando, or any other massacres, because he knows, they are all Crimes of State, it is a pty that he "studied on the US"...

    5. Of course than can, many cartel enforcers and lieutenants even leaders began as MP

    6. Well trained military go into the cartels, but on this special night it was all military, very select Special Forces, even local garrison were told to not get involved.
      No amount of MP would make the C4 classified to cover it up or send murillo karma to spread his true lies or kick the independent investigators out of the picture, EPN did all that

  8. The BBM feature was the preferred method for many in those times, including the Chicago and Guerrero based members of this cell....

  9. I know of another cartel or cell guided from the states, Denver Colorado to be exact by I’m not snitchin...

    1. How much to get you to snitch? From what I know it should be Michoacános. Correct? La familia Michoacána to be exact. There's more than just the people from tierra caliente in Colorado as well.

    2. Mexican Cartels are everywhere the gangs now answer to cartels back in Mexico. The cartels thrive off gangs they distribute collect and murder when and where needed. Logan Heights Barrio Azteca Latin Kings MS13 just a few of many.

    3. Ah yes I too know who you speak of. You're talking about that vato that live on oneida street

  10. So who runs this cartel ...members in Chicago or Mexico

    1. Like a corporation, ceo's middle management ect. This ain't rocket science.

  11. So did Crooked EPN had anything to do with this or no?

    1. 12:26 all of it is on EPN and his ministers, to stop the ayotzinapos from going to mexico city for the October 2 .arch to protest Mexico 68 murders of students on Plaza de Las Tres Culturas, Tlatelolco, EPN did not want to see the protesting marchers again, but even present day politicians have hijacked buses to go and protest in mexico city when they were students themselves in the 50 years since the massacre, they wanted to close the normal rural Isidro Burgos for good too, but it remains open.

    2. The Mexican government has been stupid enough to massacre Copreros, Tlatelolco in MEXICO 68, Jueves de Corpus, Rio Blanco, El Charco, Aguas Blancas, Atenco, Acteal/Chenalhó, Tlatlaya, Apatzingan, Tanhuato, and let loose the narcos and their police and military that have been murdering innocent people all over the land, sometimes headed by the governors like veracruz, coahuila, tamaulilas, guerrero, sinaloa, nayarit, the Baja peninsula...the Mexican government is not as stupid as it is criminal.

  12. Damm so much evil going its crazy.

  13. The Cartels sure love killing and torturing kids don't they?

    1. 7:52 NO.
      no narcos there at all until this telenovela production.
      it will help a lot if you stop believing and spreading the BS, just think, the place was FULL of marinas, soldiers and polesia federal, all over the place, have you ever seen any narcos hanging around voluntarily when the melitary is all over the place?

  14. This article is a good example, on how some states in Mexico, work in cahoots with drug Cartels.

    1. 9:09 it is amazing how far a lie can travel, and how it can live so long so many lives, and that so many people attribute so many magic powers to the "cartels". Such is the power of propaganda, over time it leaves no room for the truth.

  15. Talk about heating up the plaza.
    The GU in Chicago knew the Plaza had been torched!

    1. Fack the torched plaza.
      On the street all over Cheekagah nothing ever changes, there is always a new hood to go break the fack up, same as all over the US, and nobody can do anything about it, we are mostly all American Citizens throwing down. Y arriba el desmaradre!

  16. Cartel jefes living in the US manage to behave themselves,they leave their brutal shit at the border,Mexican people pay the price of these rats.

  17. Why are we so sure that the "60 packets" are the students and not the heroin on the bus?? Interpreting it as applying to packages of heroin makes everything consistent with the 5th bus theory.

    1. Reread de article, it states packets are each person, they captured and killed. More than 43 we're disappeared.

    2. 3:39 comadre, there was never any heroine on any mother facking bus, that is just a diversion to distract from the mater at hand, the disappearance of 43 students at the hands of the Mexican melitary and the cover-up and desperate whitewashes and obstructionism being conducted from Los Pinos.

    3. @ 7:22. The writer of the Reforma article inserts their own interpretation that "packets" means the students. As you indicate, the numbers don't line up with the number of students. Also, it must be remembered that all that "testimony" about GU grinding up the bones and putting them in the river is based on torture. @ 3:39. The military being involved in no way contradicts the 5th bus theory. In fact, one version of the 5th bus theory explicitly posits that it was the military that was called in to get the herion off the bus and then the Army did the disappearing in their crematoriums.

    4. 8:35 I admire yous passion, but no self respecting Narco would call the police much less the army to rescue their drugs from a bunch of broke ass students begging for spare change with tin cans on the street, those aggravated narcos would not call the army and marinas and federal polesias EARLY IN THE MORNING TO COME FROM MEXICO CITY way before the students left their school to go hijacking buses on the evening, AND no narcissistic would have made secret the records of the military deployed to guerrero on that day, No Narcos...

    5. @4:27 Marines were not involved. Federal Police and the Army, well known to be on the narco payroll throughout Guerrero, were on the ground during the entire evening/early morning, monitoring events through C4. There's an Army base in Iguala.

  18. Beautiful article B.B..
    It’s a shame not all collaborators will ever be punished for the atrocities committed. The collaboration of government / municipal officials along with criminal organizations which have engulfed its country with soo much violence.

    Nicely put 3:52


    1. 5:42 there you go agreeing with me, E42
      thanks, and pardon the many errors, I need to double check the spelling more often because these pinchis Telefonos do as they please,

  19. The secretary lady in the office in Iguala told me that the rumor was that the student's leader had been paid by Los Rojos to disrupt the GU. She told me that in December of that year. Interesting implications about using the community self=police otherwise known as Auto-defensas. Glad be out of that Fossa country.

  20. The government and Cartels busted behind the scenes...round up the students like catle, torture them, burn them, grind up there bones and toss them to sea.

  21. Some people are too obsessed with the cartels to think straight, logically, and seek information and the truth, a truth not fed and nurtured by the Mexican government, its parrots and televisa.


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