Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Court is considering granting Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo house arrest

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat republished from Noreste

Suspected of killing DEA agent, prisoner since 1989, the 72-year-old Sinaloa capo, affected by some psychiatric-psychological disorders, has filed an injunction to be granted house arrest

The Second Unitary Criminal Court in Mexico City, ordered Horacio Óscar Rosete Mentado, Eighth District Judge in Federal Criminal Proceedings in the capital of the Republic, to review a series of medical studies carried out by Sinaloan drug trafficker Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, alias “El Padrino” ("The Godfather") -founder of the first drug cartel in Mexico, in Guadalajara-, and assess whether or not house arrest should be granted.

The capo has been imprisoned since April 1989, in the el Reclusorio Sur de la Ciudad de México, of Mexico City, as well as Cefereso No. 1 "El Altiplano", in Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico, and more recently in the Federal Center of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (Ceferepsi), in Morelos, for some psychiatric-psychological disorders.

In his reign he controlled drug trafficking in Mexico as well as all corridors.

He remains wanted in the United States for the kidnapping and Murder of DEA agent Kiki Camarena, among other offenses.

Felix-Gallardo, Miguel Angel
FUGITIVE NCIC #:W380443944
WANTED FOR:The following alleged Federal Drug Violations:
  • racketeering
  • violent crimes in aid of racketeering
  • conspiracy to commit violent crimes in aid of racketeering
  • conspiracy to kidnap a federal agent
  • aiding and abetting
  • accessory after the fact
  • possession and conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine.
JURISDICTION:Central District of California
RACE:White, Hispanic
NOTE:Armed and Dangerous

Do not attempt to apprehend this individual.

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  1. Fuck ‘em, let him die in jail.

    1. HE has sown untold misery in Mexico and The USA. Let him rot in hell for all I care.

    2. Nooooo, he earned it..if the let Don Neto go why not him.

    3. By some law and standards in jail they have to give him free medication. If he is unde house arrest the authorities do not have to provide shit for him so he can literaly die faster at home than in jail if he cannot provide for himself or authorities do not allow visitors like docs intentionally.

    4. Fuck you let him out. He should have started fighting instead of given up. His organizations school was lost and what do we have now in Mexico a bloodbath where they kill anyone and anything for 1000 pesos. 1 million dead Mexicans and close to 5 million that ran like cowards either threw their own will or by others decisions instead of fighting. I count myself in that bunch as well.

      The US started a war in Mexico that will never stop when it began supported certain groups while ordering the corrupt Mexican government to get the others.

      The people that will rot in my hell will be you and your shits.

    5. Again maybe I just don’t get it but why if an agent was killed In Mexico which by no means am I justifing or anything like that yes he should have been jailed for life. But how can the US have a warrant for something committed on Mexican soil. I mean in US that’s double jeopardy which isn’t allowed in US. He not wanted for the drug trafficking its for murder in Mexico... my mistake he is wanted for drugs. But I thought only murder has no statue of limitations. Everything else can’t still be enforced.

    6. Release him, after he tells all about:
      --Felix Ismael Rodriguez Mendigutia
      --Juan Ramon Matta ballesteros
      --Carlos Salinas de gortari
      --Manuel Bartlett
      --the CIA
      --the DEA
      --the DFS
      --the sicarios that worked as underlings of the cartel de guadalajara that got the different "plasas" in cahoots with politicians.
      --Guillermo Gonzalez Calderón
      --Rafael "El chino" Chao lopez
      --and Fernando Gutierrez Barrios
      How's about the for starters?

    7. Release El Güero Palma Salazar,
      and release Miguel angel Felix gallardo
      to the same halfway house.
      And let them live the rest of their lives in peace.

    8. El Padrino Salió una pinchi Madrina,
      He was the puppet gofer boy of the dfs, the CIA and their south american drug traffickers, and little else...
      And when he was in prison it all got facked up except for La Chapa, El mayate and CDS, but nobody messed with their money, for some strange get reason...

    9. What's up with his right eye in the two pics where he is older? Did it get poked out or something.

      Isn't Don Neto on House arrest? How's he behaving?

      I'm willing to bet that Felix Gallardo has a few hundred million $$ buried somewhere, in case he get's out. Probably owns tons of businesses too, from laundered cash.

  2. Does anyone know if he has kept an active organization while in prison? I would assume so but who knows?

    1. I am very curious of this as well. There were rumors that RCQ operated still from prison, and just judging by Padrino's connections/power, I would assume the same for him as well...

    2. No he didnt. He turned in don neto n rafa to save his own ass for 4 years so he was left alienated and with a lot of enemies. He won't last if hes out...plenty of caros and fonsecas and palmas and guznans out and no one to back Miguel

  3. I will never understand the cocaine hype and the power it gave to these old school capos of the 80s and 90s. Is such an overrated drug. It never got me high (and I tried it in Colombia) just a very light buzz and then a horrible crash that made me feel horribly depressed . Not even a meth binge of one week made me feel that depressed and miserable.

    1. The crash is horrible if you’re not a habitual consumer. I can agree that the buzz is mild, I’ve enjoyed the boost it gives me, but the hangover is terrible and the depressed feeling takes a couple of days to shake off. I don’t like it at all. Way overrated!

    2. Wtf a week meth binge? Only junkies would say dumb s*** like that. The depresion feeling is not the crash is the soberness kicking in letting you know how sad your drug attic life is

    3. You must combine the two ...

      Stay woke Fam ...

      Coke is body high
      Meth is mind high
      You've been up 36 hoesh straight coke helps the body stay moving while ice keeps you alert but after a while neither work and you crash to sleep

    4. Week long meth binge?..... Yeah dude i dont think most ppl are that hardcore and thats how the drug did so well

    5. "Que te pedi" composer and singer La Lupe, died young and broke, thanks to her using UPPERS but only to perform better on her live appearances...she was a lovely person...
      --Sometimes ignorance IS an excuse, see her on youtube.

    6. @2:03 sounds like you got some bad coke, if it even was coke...

    7. coke is lame. feel good for a short time then u need more. I've never understood it either. Meth, which ive never tried, lasts a lot longer and those ive known who have used both definitely like meth more.

    8. Fuck meth and coke!!!! Both ruin lives, try comparing that. Not comparing what drugs better cause it makes no difference when you burying a loved one. What you gona say, damn they would still be here if he did meth and not coke or vice versa! Fuck them both!!!!!!

    9. Meth is a mental addiction..easy to stop doing just go to sleep for a long while when you wake up your fine..Heroin now that's a REAL addiction.tweekers are nasty is prison we call it queer juice..because if your all tweeked out there's a good chance you will make out or have sex with your bunke.its a nasty ass drug.

  4. 6'2"? I guess i know where chapo got that nickname. i bet he saw his former boss as a giant.

    1. 6"2' and 160 lbs. Bean pole. It's not the man in the fight, it's the fight in the man.

    2. Chalo was born 5'4" and stayed the same heigt his whole life.

    3. Miguel Angel Felix gallardo estaba grandote, lo que tenia de pendejo, le cabian mas chingazos y mas balazos, es all.

  5. He deserves a chance

  6. He deserves a chance because of his style as a trafficker. When he was in his prime, traffickers only killed each other. Women and children and innocents in general were left out of the equation.

    It would be awesome of he could bring that style back again for the sake of innocent civilians lives.....

    1. Tell that to Guero Palma.

    2. @546 I know right I thought the same thing. If anything this man is 1 of the worse. For ordering Palmas wife to be killed and his innocent kids smh

    3. Yeah he kinda helped start that shit with innocent ppl and beheadings... A rare thing then but commonplace now

    4. He didn't order Palmas kids killed, that was another man.

    5. Let this man go home and die in peace. Idc what people say this man is a genius! My role model..praying for you padrino

  7. He cant be that nuck'n futs, unless someone filed for house arrest on his behalf.
    And if he is insane now, why the hell would you put a criminal nut case that can still pull a trigger, closer to the public ?

  8. Anyone think guero Palma or Javier Torres will ever get released? I would think with how big shots they used to be they will have them self out of jail here in Mexican seems like they lost all their power

    1. i think jt would be out 2 years max. from now i read something on el debate or rio doce creo bout he winning some legal shit so 2 years max.just guesing ok yo no se nada de nada.wero palma no creo salga

  9. #freegallardo...Maybe they can get the band back together with RCQ & Don Neto...

    1. Rafa n neto hate felix gallardo...guess who turned in the first two? Miguel did

  10. Playboy is all snaggle tooth in that middle pic. If he was a so called godfather why hasn’t he fixed his grill? And that eye. Wtf? Really! Sometimes I get the impression that the media overhype these guys way too damn much. - Sol Prendido

    1. I'm sure the guy's family has money and can take care of that. C'mon CAF was his nephews

    2. The CAF denies that allegation... :)

    3. Haha funny stuff.... my thoughts exactly... the cell El Chapo tunneled out of looked like a shit hole.... no pun intended.... all the hype around these guys seems way overrated....Escobar looked like a bum at the end... overweight like one of his hippos...the songs and the glorification of these guys should show the world that being the bad guy in any situation, whether it’s politics, drug dealing, or playing checkers is a quick way to a desperate end...

      I guess it’s great while it lasts but it ends up what it is.... a mistake

      Gulf Coast

    4. Vicente fox "La Chachalaca" is an asshole, but he said:
      "The foulest shithole is on HIS FACE" wise words...

    5. Damn, I just can’t stop thinking about this guys eye. I couldn’t go through life looking like that. I just couldn’t. No one should go through life looking all sloppy like that. Is that pride? At the very least I would’ve slapped a patch over it. And made it a part of some bullshit war story I made up.

      “So there I was minding my own business. When I found myself surrounded by thugs...” - Sol Prendido

    6. CAF are lying, they are related.

  11. LMAO,you had me rolling.

  12. By the way, when are "you people" going to publist
    "the autobiography of Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo"?
    Unauthorized at least, Don Neto is free, living his last days under house arrest at home with his cats and dogs.

  13. If he has a psych.problems. Give him some meds to come down. Or some electro shocks. They will help him.
    Fuck that puto

  14. Let him out, RCQ will put him out of his missery

  15. papa felix. damn.

  16. Have chivis martinez take care of this ass.


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