Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 27, 2018

Los Zetas:overview of events leading to its dissension, split and transformation

by Chvis Martinez for Borderland Beat

As of December 2016 Los Zetas Group Bravo (Groupo Bravo) and  Zetas Vieja Escuela (Old School Zetas) formed an alliance with the Gulf cartel to fight against Cartel Del Noreste (Cartel of the Northeast-Trevino group).

Once upon a time it was all so much easier for the Los Zetas cartel.  The group was Formed by CDG premier leader Osiel Cardenas as an enforcer group for his cartel.  This worked well for all concerned under the direction of Cardenas.  It was subsequent to the arrest of Cardenas, and the weak leadership that followed, that Zetas became a power in their own right with infighting resulting in  their independence and  eventual split from CDG under the leadership of Heriberto Lazcano aka ‘Lazca”  or “Z3” in 2010.  He selected Miguel Trevino Morales “Z40” to share leadership with Lazca taking the enforcement portion of operational leadership and “40” trafficking and diversification.  Folklore has “40” as the sadistic baby boiler and black hearted killer when in fact Lazca was in charge of killings, “settling” of scores and enforcements.

October 2012 a pivotal month in Zetas History

In 2012 the nephew, Alexander Trevino Chavez,  of “40” was killed by state police, it was Lazca that quickly called for the murder of Lalo Moreira in Acuna, Coahuila.  

“Nephew for Nephew” the narco banner read; Lalo was the son of Humberto Moreira and the nephew of the governor Ruben Moreira.  Lazca blamed Ruben for sending forces to Pideras Negras which resulted in the shootout and death of “40’s” nephew.  Hence, “Nephew for Nephew”.

When arrested, “40” in 2013 and Lazca’s best friend Salvador Alfonso Martinez Escobedo aka “La Ardilla” , “The Squirrel” in 2012, they each said Lazca ordered the killing.
PGR said the same at the time of the arrest of “40”;

"In the case of the murder of Jose Eduardo Moreira nickname 'Lalo' (committed on October 3, 2012), Z-40 does not accept responsibility as such, says he is completely detached from it and points outside the ministerial records, which establishes  Lazcano as the mastermind".

Same info came from The Squirrel in records of PGR and state investigations.   And in transcripts after “Ardillas” arrest, from messages gleaned from cell phones.
Government statement:
“In the material, it established that Heriberto Lazcano, El Lazca, reported the same day that Alexander Treviño Chavez, nephew of the Z-40, had been killed by Coahuila state police, along with four members of the criminal organization.

That news surprised La Ardilla, who assumed that the death occurred in ‘their place’, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, where Miguel Angel Trevino was at the time.
According to the transcripts, Lazcano said that the death had occurred in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, and made it clear "I have already taken care of the matter" ie, the murder of a relative of Governor Ruben Moreira.

It is also clear that Lazcano gave the order to avenge the death of Alejandro Treviño Chavez. The nephew of Treviño Morales who was living in Laredo, Texas and his body was claimed by his widow of American nationality.

Revenge was executed three hours later and the victim, Lalo Moreira, was the Governor of Coahuila's nephew.

To commit the crime, officials narrated, El Lazca instructed that Miguel Angel Rodríguez Díaz, Alfa Metro, zeta boss in northern Coahuila to coordinate the operation.After receiving the order, Rodríguez Díaz asked for support from the military collusion with the group, particularly the operating deputy director of Acuña police, Rodolfo Castillo Montes.

Being aware of the request from Lazcano, the command contracted for the son of former national leader of the PRI, who cited in that municipality should trick him and  give him an "invitation".

When Lalo arrived at the appointment, he was met by the police supervisor of Acuna, Victor Landeros Sifuentes, La Iguana , and Officer Jorge Tenorio Takajasi, El Taka .After they handed him over to Carlos Arnulfo Flores Flores, El Flaco, head of Los Zetas in Acuña presented as the alleged perpetrator of the crime, who was accompanied by Ruben Sifuentes Cadena, El Shaggy.

The  body was found at 10 pm, three hours after being killed.”
This was on October 3rd.

Lazca was killed by Mexican Navy on October 8th
"40" ordered Lazca's body taken from mortuary 

When Lazca was shot down in Sabinas, Coahuila, the big gruesome murders stopped.  No more mass dismemberment's, decapitations, which were regular terror and display from the Zetas when Lazca was at the helm.  Killings were no longer in theater, as the method from Lazca.

On a side note, I was up close and personal all during the time of these events.  I knew Lalo.  He was a good kid, a love child of Humberto who publicly acknowledged his parentage when Lalo was 18.  Lalo was never raised or lived with Humberto and lived a simpler life as a public servant, in a humble town of Acuna Coahuila.  It was his service, that prompted his calling my office for help on a project.  And later others like Hurricane Alex.   He rejected his father’s invitation to move to Saltillo, the state capital, and work under his wing.

As for the killing of Lalo.  There is an interesting story pertaining to AFTER the murder, on the night thereof.

How 6 of those involved, including “el Shaggy”, were shot bound and tossed into Rio Bravo. 

Shaggy lived through the ordeal and floated to the Rio Grande side of Del Rio where he was spotted by BP and taken to the Del Rio hospital.   This was mentioned in a DR paper without identification of ‘the victim’.  Shaggy gave his surname as “Lima”  

Nothing on the Mexico side papers.  I was given the information, where me and my friend in Acuna, “Lacy”, gathered information that positively identified Shaggy. 

Shaggy  had been signaled by the Attorney office of Coahuila as "one of the alleged intellectual authors of the homicide of the son of the former governor and former leader of PRI Humberto Moreira."

Shaggy when arrested
What happened next is more of an example how autonomously U.S. agencies operate and why things can fall through a hole of incompetency.   I do not feel safe by sharing the reminder of the story.  I will say Shaggy was handed his freedom by the US and was bused to the international bridge in Acuna, where the wanted for murder fugitive,  slipped into Mexico.  He was picked up by Mexico in Monclova Coahuila a few weeks later, still bearing facial scars from his ordeal with the Zetas. 

After the death of Lazca, “40” brought his brother Omar aka “Z42” to the leadership rank.  The brothers would not lead together for long.

 In 2013, Miguel Trevino Morales was arrested outside Sabinas. 

Omar was given the reigns to leadership.  Their nephew Kiko was assisting his uncle.  This was a slippery slope.  Kiko is in line with the Lazca enforcement style. His uncles worked hard to keep him in check.  But after the arrest of Omar in 2015 all bets were off.  “Kiko's” real name  Juan Francisco Treviño renamed the group to CDN or Cartel del Northeast. The brutal violence erupted.   The cartel splintered with another group calling itself Old School Zetas or Zetas Vieja Escuela”.

Old School rejected Kiko as leader and their hype on narco banners say they are in opposition to CDN because of their crimes against innocents and violence.

"Operative Group Zetas: We make a call to all the authorities, and in which we separate ourselves from the CDN (Northeast Cartel) Which is commanded by Kiko Treviño, and in Victoria  city by its subordinate alias the boss who is killing innocent people and making Tamaulipas a chaos. Cd Mante San Fernando and the norias is again old school territory, make no mistake traitors only come to claim those who belong to us."
Kiko Treviño took the power of the Zeta faction of Nuevo Laredo after the organization plunged into a dispute over leadership; struggles that have weakened it, and resulted in its losing    influence in the region against its rival: the Gulf Cartel.

After the split Zetas no longer function as a centralized organization. They currently operate as a federation of organizations for example: The Veracruz, Tabasco and Cancun etc.

Organizational structure change

The original Zetas operated on a military discipline, with a business model of 50/50 of drug trafficking and diversification's such as fuel theft, knock offs of just about any product including MS Software, and other intellectual products, clothing etc., human trafficking, sex trade, extortion, kidnapping etc.  This gave the group a wide base of revenue not reliant on drug trafficking alone, and not reliant on revenue gained outside its border because much of the diversification funds came within Mexico.

They operated a three tier organizational structure with its leadership at top, business contractors in middle tier, and low level filled with members, foot soldiers, Halcones.

CDN Halcones (Lookouts) in Nuevo Laredo
The development of the halcon network was innovative and critical to the organization.  Young persons between ages of 14 to early 20s, watched the cities and reported to plaza bosses via Nex-Tel’s.  

Halcones were easily noticed throughout drug trafficking cities.  Zetas also created a radio network in the northeast area of Mexico, eg Coahuila and Tamaulipas.

Zetas had a network of “plazas” that has a plaza boss appointed for each and a state or large region “jefe”. 

Conversely, CDN eliminated the concept of plaza boss, using commander designations for small areas, even as small as a colonia or city.

For each of the cities controlled by the organization, the commanders are appointed, who are in charge of enforcing the orders and keeping the gangs that work for the cartel controlled. These commanders change constantly because they are regularly the targets and easiest to eliminate  thereby becoming  the main objectives of the authorities and rival gangs.

At the point of his leadership. Kiko was the sole leader over the Zetas federation.

Old School and CDG

The "Old School" faction allied itself with a CDG cell that operates in the capital of Tamaulipas that calls itself "Grupo Bravo".

Kiko was arrested on September 28, in Baytown Texas, a city located on the gulf coast, about 25 miles from Houston.

The group of the Zetas "Old School" had offered a million pesos for the head of Kiko Treviño.

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  1. I used to think cdn was los zetas

    1. CDN "Cartel del Norte" is confused
      CDNO cartel del NorOeste or NorthWest
      CDNE cartel del NorEste or Northeast
      But these cartel members did not have the education to precisely name their shit.
      CDN cartel del noreste is zeta speak and used to be the Niñas Treviñas and associates of the real Zetas with a real military background, now called Old Zetas.
      Former Zetas like the treviñas are guilty by association of all the crimes of their former partners GAFE Zetas like lazca and zeta chorrienta, at least until their victims resuscitate.

  2. Grupo Bravo has backing of CJNG which has backing of Russian/Chinese intelligence agencies. While CDN is it's own thing which is backed by American intelligence agencies.

    Long Live the American Empire!

    1. 103
      Balloon alert

    2. Grupo bravo was never doing shit with jaliscas.

    3. look out a democrat! LOL

    4. De cual fumas? A de estar buena

    5. CJNG does not have Chinese and Russian intelligence backing so stop spreading that fake news Tonto...

    6. Son una fracción de los cdn que se unieron al cjng, el cartel más poderoso en estos momentos. Y no el grupo bravo.

    7. The Chinese are visible all over Mexico, they move their imports on private Chinese made highways and tollways, FACT!
      BUT if you don't see the Russians so much it doesn't mean they are not there, you can see them on the krokodyl epidemic from Arizona to cbicago, and former DFS director fernando gutierrez Barrios 5ool of the CIA was friendly with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, to keep on top of the anti-communist movement he was the top communist infiltrator entrapping the mexican communist cadres he himself financed and making them drug traffickers because they cook faster than communist ideologues, that is why Mexican Government is at war with drug traffickers, they originated them themselves.

    8. wtf #fake news
      intelligence agencies!

  3. Ni sus madres quieren a estoy mugrosos...

  4. No doubt about it,Lazcano was like a fuckin sadist ordering things like the Cadereyta massacre etc,that was his leadership of Los Zetas brutality on a new scale to scare everyone.Lazcano was a monster of iniquity.Trevino probably had more sense than to go after a big politicians son but Lazcano thought he was to big and scary,untouchable,wrong?

    1. AnonymousApril 27, 2018 at 2:08 PM good point really. I think if Lazcano hadn't had been killed by the military then Trevino would have only did it himself at some point.

  5. nicely done but I worry for you. becareful

    1. me too! I caught hell from a close friend but I will be fine. Maybe one day I can tell the full story.

    2. Chivis, may God bless you and protect you.

    3. I bet Chivis has even met Lazca. El Verdugo has been an enigma. Hardly anybody ever has anything to say about him. The most i hear about him is that story everybody has heard of El Chapo meeting him and saying if he was gay " ya te viera cojido." So contrary to his monster personality.

    4. no pressure Chivis. good article. i just find this man Z3 interesting. He led them to grow using smart tactics. He was an X baddass military . We know more about Z1,Z2, and the other Zetas. people comment on stories they know about all these dudes but Z3 is just a mystery. Not even corridos or nothing. I like reading about all cartels . Cant get enough about Barbie, M1,Metro3, AFo.. but Heriberto Lazcano even in death his body was snatched.

    5. 9:42 actually there's plenty of informations about lazcano around the internet, especially if you know spanish. The ones that we know nothing about are the faceless victims that him and his kind killed on their path.

    6. Chivis, I adore you. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.

    7. 11:23 Que!?!
      Chiva, ya vete pa la casa...

  6. Wonder if that was the real Gafe of CDN who was arrested ?
    Werko Kilos is also dead who was named by Z/OldSchool?
    Z/OldSchool/Bravo group leaders,El Charmin was killed in Sinaloa,his brother was killed in Monterrey,El Shagui,Tom Cabezon caught in CVicky,brought to his doom on a plate stabbed in NuevoLaredo penal,Pancho Carreon and his bro killed,Puga,Dandy,Santilan,ElArqui one of the jefes caught CVicky,Borrado,Oaxaco,elRexZ12,GordoGaray etc all dogs all Zetas Vieja Escuela

    1. The last few names that you mentioned are second generation Z?

    2. Who do you think became Zetas Vieja Escuela?Another one is Rogelio El Rojo Diaz Cuellar once plaza boss of CVicky and friend of Lazcano,anyway they nearly done

    3. When the war was on fire with CDN v ZVE(Z old school)i was reading mantas from ZVE and in some of them,they were saying "fuckin Cucho you think we dont know your Gafe,keep sending your pendejos to die" So who knows,just saying ?

    4. El rojo went under the radar after he got caught about 10 years ago. I think he paid his way out, I suppose his son el junior also under the rader.

  7. Why do y'all think CJNG has made inroads so fast? Why is CJNG high commando so secretive yet Mencho and Cuinis are the public face? A HINT: Russian special and intelligence services are on par with Americans in terms of destabilization, take-over, urban warfare, etc.... hell they're superior in many ways. Follow CJNG tactics, classically Russian.

    On the other hand CDN is safely incubated for the time being. They might take a few hits here and there from the Marines but over all they're protected by our boys in the triple letter agencies. As long as they hold Nuevo Laredo that's an unlimited cash fund for sicarios, a propaganda wing, encrypted communications with their own networks, expansion, the works.

    God damn I love Mexico. In the end of the day all cartels are being played by either Americans, Russians, Israelis, Chinese, and other foreign agents and "powers". I hope our boys in the CIA win.

    Long Live Pax Americana.

    1. Oh shit,who is this clown,millies brother ?

    2. Sir, You watch too many James Bond movies.

    3. I agree with 6:20. Some of yall with them bullshit conspiracy theories are dumb.

    4. 6:20 pm What James Bond movie did you see that was as nuts as 3:33's comment...Please tell us.

    5. You plebs have so much to learn. If you don’t think foreign nationals are not in Mexico directing and training and manipulating cartel leaders you are seriously deluded. Siempre hay alguien más verga que tu hasta el querido chapo se habrio el culo para la CÍA. I’m glad we sent drug production to Mexico and South America imagine if we had violent drug lords like in Mexico in the USA. Anyways you don’t think Russians aren’t in Mexico dummies? Hint: it’s payback for what we did in Afghanistan once we invaded heroin addiction went through the roof in Russia. I’ll drop another hint: Russian and Chinese intelligent services collaborate together. Russians/Chinese are getting their revenge by flooding the USA with fentanyl. Les falta aprender mucho mis chiquillos ignorantes. Se miran mas chulos calladitos. Don’t fret though. The CIA is always 2 steps ahead. 😘😘😘😘😘

      Anyways borderlandbeat is definitely monitored. Hi stratfor guys. Hi BDN. Hi American and Russian and Mexican intelligences officers. May the best team win but I’m still USA all day long live the CIA and all the other intelligent agencies... long live the American Empire

    6. @8:53
      The Plug is in the building.

    7. 8:53 PM

      Thank you for confirming that you watch too many movies.

    8. o boy, someone is on a 3 day cocaine binge....

    9. oh god the tin foils have arrived....

      Go away with that shit.

    10. No doubt it has happened in the past with rogue parts of the agency to raise some covert cash for there little black wars. But I seriously doubt they are backing the CDN bro. Russians and CJNG? Nah. Why would they have decimated the Zetas leadership? To dead with kiko and the neice? Come on 853...really?

    11. sure there are forces out there trying to manipulate the game . Just because somebody uses a foreign military tactic don't mean they were trained by the . Its a monkey see monkey do world . Watch a documentary on chimpanzees . In certain regions they all use the same methods to achieve their goals , like breaking a nut with a rock .
      Then again there have always been a Russian presence in mexico with the goal of influence and destabilization of anybody who isn't like them , or isn't under their wing . you youngsters don't remember but there was serious fear going on in the 50;s ,60's and 70s . People were putting in bomb shelters and there were air raid drills in schools .I have talked to people from the former soviet union that said they were taught in school about them working to corrupt America with drugs ect . I don't know how paranoid this dude is but historically there has been some substance to what he is saying .

    12. 1.47 chaos bro. Nothing’s perfect. The CIA plays with everyone as long as it serves America’s foreign interests. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re working with all major cartels but definarely CDN since i35 can hit the whole eastern seaboard and Midwest. Y’all don’t understand how important drug trafficking is. It helped stabalize the USA after the 08 crash, provides money for black operations, furthers USA geopolitical goals, corrupts Mexicans of all levels, keep people (especially the youth) in check by polluting the mind, An excuse to declare war (war on drugs) and so much more. Lol og zetas were decimated because 1) Trevino’s are better traffickers 2) a lot of them were aware that they’d been infiltrated and started to network with hostile elements to the USA 3) they betrayed the USA after receiving training and support 4)they were getting to powerful (remember when Lazcano controlled half of Mexico and Central America? Kiko and niece are just public faces my friend.

      btw I’m not an insider nor nobody if significance. I just connect the the dots and cold read

    13. @9:38 Controlled chaos serves a really good purpose. - Sol Prendido

  8. They started calling themselves CDN before Kiko took over. There were a lot of narcomantas all over declaring CDN and Zetas working together.

  9. Los Z bought the governor of Coahuila and agreement was to let Z work, no extortions/ kidnappings but Z where doing what ever they wanted to do.

    One other thing morieria did not request for more soldiers and order came from up top. El president

    Also los municipales were on Z payroll that’s how they wacked lalo.

  10. So what happened to Kiko after he was arrested ? And was he hidding from.his rivals or operating his people from the US ?

    1. Kiko is now "La Kika" and he is a famous horn blower, and he won't be rehabilitated without asnwering the call of the Lord to be allowed to be re-born again by the forgiving Lord of Pardons

  11. The zetas downfal was the fact they started recruiting just about anybody. They should’ve kept it ex military only... js.

    1. They wanted to expand quickly. Why lose precious commodities like ex military personnel when you can pay kids peanuts to die while expanding. It’s a numbers game. Running and expanding these cartels takes some serious strategy.

    2. They didnt just recruit anyone, they also forced many to work for them

    3. Thats part of the downfall, how long and well do u expect as someone to work for u after forcing them? Especially considering that the line of work is not natural to them otherwise they would've seeked a job like that

    4. Estan mal ustedes el pinche govierno les dio guerra por las pendejadas que andavan hazieno

  12. "AnonymousApril 27, 2018 at 8:56 PMThe zetas downfal was the fact they started recruiting just about anybody. They should’ve kept it ex military only... js."

    That would have drastically limited the numbers dude.

  13. I knew these guys wouldn't last in the long run. When you go out of your way to be the most brutal and ruthless cartel you will no doubt make yourself a major target.

    It was the wholesale killing of innocent people thatreally put these guys in the crosshairs over and over.

  14. A lot of us have heard of 35-Z of Vera Cruz,they took heavy hits,they caught most of them including El 50 the boss,they even showed video of one of them doin a hit with his shooter and a fuckin cartulina thats hes folding as hes walking to kill the dude.Yunes Linares,hes doing the presenting himself

    1. No ones heard of el z35. Todos Los Z valen verga.

    2. "No ones heard of el z35"
      Shut up bellend,go back asleep,shout ye in a month

    3. 2:36 Yea that makes no sense. Y como dije. Todo los Z's valen verga.



  16. 3:40 it is not Z35 it is a Zetas faction called 35Z.

    They are only a couple years old and originally operated only in the northern part of Ver. They grouped together with 2 or 3 other cells, and are are exceptionally violent and dangerous. The gov last year referred to that when saying they are one of the main targets.

    There is much more narco activity than the staple headlines seen in the american media. And we at BB have time restraints, so can't present all.

    Instead of saying "no ones ever heard of _______" just say "I never heard of __________, can someone fill me in?" we have a few smart assed Willitos, but mostly we have informed people who will help you out.

    1. Chivis sorry about all this,i was just sharing about 35Z as i know you've heard about them.
      Didn't know it was soft girl mills ?

  17. Millie....take a nap friend you are driving me to the end of the pier. Too prolific, and you know I can't post most of the comments...

    1. I'm a millie fan because their comments are comic relief.


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