Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Mireles heads "pluris" of Morena in Michoacán Congress

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from El Universal

Although José Manuel Mireles faces criminal proceedings for federal crimes, the "presumption of innocence" allows him to retain his political rights for his aspiration 

Morelia, Michoacán.- The ex-leader of the self-defense groups in Michoacán, José Manuel Mireles Valverde, heads the list of candidates for local deputies through the proportional representation of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena).

The candidacy of Mireles Valverde was approved tonight during the session of the General Council of the Electoral Institute of Michoacán, where the lists of candidates for ‘plurinominal’ local legislators and other positions of popular election were given the green light.

The arguments to give rise to the aspiration of José Manuel Mireles to reach the State Congress was that, despite facing criminal proceedings for federal crimes, the "presumption of innocence" allowed him to retain his political rights.

In the session of the IEM -which extended until the first hours of this Saturday-, the electoral body approved in total, of all the political parties, 7,949 candidates, of which 3 thousand 928 are men and 4 thousand 421 are women.

The total figure includes candidates for councilors, municipal presidents, and local deputies.

Within this list, the nomination of the founder of the self-defense groups in the Sierra-Costa region was also confirmed, Cemeí Verdía Zepeda, candidate for local deputy for District 21 heading Coalcomán.

Likewise, José Misael González Fernández , mayor of Coalcomán and former leader of the armed civil movement in that municipality in the upper part of the Tierra Caliente, will contend in this process in search of re-election.

Thus, there will be three candidates coming from the community guards, directly involved in this Electoral process.

Cemeí Verdía and Misael González will seek to win the elections on July 1 through popular election and a third (Mireles) will depend on the vote and seats obtained by his political party to reach the State Congress.

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  1. All the gangs of the 'Hot Lands' are not going to be happy campers with Mireles and Cemei.I hope their safety won't be at risk because they will probably win huge supports from the people.

    1. Criminal gangs are often at odds with who is supported by whom. Politics in Mexico has become a major factor for criminal operations for many many years. What makes you think that this region is any different from all other political regions in Mexico? Implying the complicity and continuous threats received like many before and present?
      Many good politicians are often not considered despite their good attributes and recognition within their communities. It’s Financial support that wins elections.This is evident anywhere.
      Admire his willingness though...

  2. im going to have to drop a dime if this abuse continues

    1. drop man drop it ! then I can read about it

    2. Dime dropper . Are you trying to say there are details left out ? Ca'mon man . We all love juicy details . That's why we read this site . Do you really have a dime to drop ? maybe you are just BS

    3. @10:45.... Either drop it or don’t talk about it. Makes people think you are full of siht when you say stuff like that.

  3. I am going to drop a quarter, that there will be hitmen waiting to finish him, even though he has been careful not to criticize the Cartels.

    1. Un quarter pesa mas que un dime,
      pero nomás aparietalo mas fuerte entre las rodillas
      Pa que apriete mas...

  4. What’s interesting in this years presidential election, is the volume of Mexican citizens in the US who’s vote is significant for a win.
    Many of its Mexico’s citizens residing here are fed up with its political power. Frustrations are at an all time high. Moreover, where ones goals are to return to a safer country.


    1. 11:06 Remember when fox ran . "The Reform Candidate. Everybody is unhappy with something and reform has always been a popular platform .Hell even the incumbents try it now and then . LOL
      The fraise reform seems to sound like take it down and re-shape it . Change comes over a long period of time . The united states is a very different place than it was 50 years ago .

  5. I pray for Mireles. Mexico, here is your chance to "start" saving your nation from all the evil parasites infecting it.

    IMO, it will take at least a generation or two for this to happen.


  6. Everyone needs to be on the same page, rise up and abolish the old ways. Tyranny and defections must go hand in hand and we will take control thrusting the political system to a higher level...

  7. This guy could start a revolution I bet.

    1. Like many before and present. Maybe a spark which will be extinguished immediately by those political forces who will not be undermined by the principles of justice.
      It’s a tale of David and Goliath but with many battles ahead before a victory.


  8. They won’t get anywhere in politics. They may have a little support in small towns that surround their villages but for the most part Míreles is seen as a womanizer weapon carrying machista that is involved in the drug business. May not be the case but people in Michoacan don’t see his cause as a positive movement for all communities rather a cause to inflict fear on the people. He took a page from the dick and bush playbook when they were in the whitehouse and an attack from Irak was imminent and thus justifying their war. We all know how that turned out.

    1. 7:46 Dr Mireles has been looking for his calzones,
      I see you smoked them...
      Stop believing so many pendejadas, GÜEY.
      Dr .ireles was surrounded by traitors and Judases, but the worst part was the federal government divisive tactics where Mireles refused to participate, you would have been perfect for the ass kissing to Castillo de kagadas and EPN...and El pinchi pitufo, la puta tuta and El mamericano

    2. At 3:36 am.
      You have to understand that 99% of the comments are opinions and they were not in the front lines like yourself.

    3. Opiniones Pendejas should come with a fine, chingadamadre.
      It only takes one pendejo to ruin years of commitment,
      that is why they must be shot out of the water ASAP.
      --I love Anabel Hernandez, but she really fucked up with that shit about Dr Mireles, on the other hand she proved she is a PRIISTA PARROT...ala verga...

    4. At 8:40
      It’s time to put down the pipe rowdy ride piper!

  9. Viva dr. Mireles. Keep on.

  10. Mireles is a good man, but the Dark forces, which is the government and the Cartels want him to become currupted.

    1. Sounds like the never endless episodes of Star Wars.
      Feel the dark side; Embrace your destiny.


    2. José Manuel Mireles "El Dotor",
      refuses to kiss EPN's ass,
      porque se le ensucian los bigotes...
      Ta muuuy mugrosa la cosa.

    3. The Dark Forces, want him, he is Damned if he does and dammed if he does not. People will continue to get killed everyday.

  11. Gotta respect a man with so much passion for what he believes in, not even prison could brake him. Arriba puruandiro Michoacan

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Would no go as far as that about his intentions. Let’s not forget he was put behind bars and convicted of trumped up charges by government.
      He is a good man who is fed up and tired of what his country has become. Moreover, the safety concerns which have impacted many residents and communities.


    2. Mireles was in the weed industry and not the meth or hard drug poison.

    3. 3:29 DOCTOR JUAN MANUEL MIRELES (PhD) had no need to be a drug dealer, has no record of being one according to the Mexican government's PGR itself...
      --You are muuuy pendejo to be writing shit like that because other animals say so.

    4. 8:44 I am not 3:29 but I would suggest you research a little before using you not so knowledgeable head to correct somebody . Pendejo sounds like a derogatory term for somebody like you who may be mentally disable .


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