Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas: Huge Confiscation of CDN "war weaponry"

Fotos Posted by Char for Borderland Beat  Info from "#LaVozDelPueblo" and SEDENA Bulletin 

Ready for War Expensive and new including RPGs

by Chivis

On Friday, in an operation by SEDENA,  a massive confiscation of weapons was seized. In the operation Marina bullet vests were also seized.  The cache belonged to Cartel de Noreste, CDN, The action occurred Veracruz Street in the Colonia of Madero behind the Colegio America in Nuevo Laredo.  There were four operations at four safe houses.

Check out weapons on following page.
"As a result of the monitoring of information related to arms trafficking, an anonymous citizen report was received," the Secretary of National Defense indicated in a bulletin.

The anonymous report also allowed the Army to free a family of five members who were kidnapped, and the capture of alleged criminals.

The seizure was presented by the Eighth Military Zone in the facilities of the 16th Motorized Cavalry Regiment, but most of the reporters did not attend due to  threats from organized crime, which demanded that the information not be published in local media.

With respect to the four safe houses, the following seizures were made, including weapons, drugs, vehicles and the properties themselves;

Event #1
44 long weapons (new), 29 cartridges, 142 porters, 2 detainees, 2 vehicles heroin,  and  141.697 kilos of meth

1 property.

Event #2
22 long weapons, 9 short weapons, 1 Barret rifle, 1 RPG rocket launcher, 2 grenade launchers, 1 defensive hand grenade, 1 grenade. 40 mm 1 cal rocket 85 mm. For RPG Rocket Launcher, 689 loaders, 38,090 cartridges.

1 detainee, 5 released, 2 vehicles, 1 property

Event #3
91 long guns, 1 Barret rifle, 5 grenade launcher attachments, 4 .223 "caliber guns, 2,180 AR-15 rifle magazines, 773 AK-47 rifle magazines, 11 AK-47 rifle magazines, 62,000 .223 caliber cartridges ", 11,700 caliber 7.62 mm cartridges. 2,500  cartridges. 308, 120 cartridges cal. 50

1 property

Event #4
49 long weapons, 2 attachments grenade launchers, 5 handguns, 800 magazines for AR-15 rifle, 830 magazines for AK-47 rifle, 5 magazines for AK-47 rifle, 32 magazines for small arms 6 magazines for G-3 rifle, 24,000 caliber 7.62 cartridges, 47,000 .223 caliber cartridges, 468 50-caliber cartridges, 32 RPG 85 caliber rockets, 9 40-caliber grenades, 13 TNT explosive charge tubes.

1 property.

This was the house of the second seizure.  Several kidnapping victims were discovered in the home.

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  1. Very good . Repeat Repeat Repeat

  2. At least 100 assault rifles there. Forbes says an AK-47 goes for $1200+ on Mexico’s northern border, so assuming these are all AR-variants this seizure could have set CDN back $150,000 or more on the assault rifles alone. Add in the RPGs, 50 cals, ammo, etc., and this seizure probably cost CDN at least $200,000.

    1. those RPGs and grenades are dinosaurs from the Salvadorian civil war.

    2. 12:40 if that's is true financially it's crumbs regardless that's a lot of potential muscle behind those triggers

    3. in border states it does, but the deeper you go the more expensive it gets, i've seen simple semi auto draco ak's go for $60000 pesos or 3500 dollars here in michoacan. a single round can set you back 1000 pesos and an under barrel grenade can go for 6000-8000 a pop. these are not set prices since it all depends on the seller and how they were smuggled down.

    4. Remember with cartels there is a large expense mobilizing weapons. It is not as simple as "buying" weapons.

    5. 200k is nothing to these people

    6. @1:53 your not lying bro

      In northern Mexico an ar15 go for 30k+ MXN & ak47 50k+ mxn.

    7. 1:34 . It don't matter what model they are . They are just as deadly as they were back then . Its not like they are taking on the usa military . With those RPGs they are a force to be reckoned with

    8. Ar variant ak?

    9. 1:34 Pm...if you never saw Jurassic park..Dinasaurs can be deadly.

    10. Here in Piedras un chivo sale en $600-$1200 USofA dollars used.Of course the US is right next door. Saludos a la rancherita del aire Primo

    11. Here in Piedras un chivo sale en $600-$1200 USofA dollars used.Of course the US is right next door. Saludos a la rancherita del aire Primo

    Talk about ready for WAR.

  4. Cost of doing business as usual.

  5. No mames estos cabrones estaban mas armados que El Mencho!

    1. Doubt that but tgey were trying to. Mencho even has his own gun makers in Jalisco, there was an article about it here

    2. Estaban, tiempos preteritos.
      Makes me wonder if the serial numbers lead to the weapons dealers that supplied them from the US, because they use the weapons laws on the US and Tejas to sell their beloved weapons like putas, en la calle.
      Also, no AK47s were recovered with the hundreds of magazines?
      And book oh booy, the army's Mechanized Cavalry sure got the marinas' pecheras, like the marinas give their military surplus to the poor kids of CDN on boys day or christmas...

  6. No worries we have multiple places like that can not stop what you help ed us to build.....#freetheZ #freetrevino40e42

    1. Finally, the plug has arrived.... #Callme

    2. @2:39

      Are you a fucking cartel scum? If yes, I hope you die with your balls stuffed in your mouth

    3. Hasta en los negocios "sucios" hay gente honrada y Treviño fue y sera una mierda.


    4. Eso son huevos. - Sol Prendido

    5. Con los que juegas.

  7. They mean business.. For sure they will bring CDG and old school zetas down.

    1. They went after & punched a hole in CDN; 311lbs of meth & all those weapons these guys might not be around to vote in the next rigged elections. As much as Mexico is a pay to play nation, they don’t waste time before reminding this faction or that: the piso always goes up hill.

  8. So at some point those Marina vests would have been worn buy an estaca dressed in fatigues and rolling in a cloned pick-up. scary

  9. That's a big hit no matter what. 4 houses and Over 200 guns. Thats over half a million dollars. brand new guns too. Could be traced back and cause more problems. And that's 200 guns they no longer have they might be exposed with many men without weapons or weapons harder to reach.

    1. CDN SEEMS TO BE TOO TIGHT WITH THE MARINAS o son puros marinas.
      que pinche pedo?
      Se les cayó su tiatro, hijos de su pinche madre.
      Pero un arresto por casa?

    2. Tight with Marinos?They fuckin hate one another,Marinos always killing them in NL

    3. But, but, the pecheras day they are all MARINAS.
      please note, thearias have been murdering innocent people and accusing them of being "falsos positivos", and we they really kill a real eternal prize winning decorated narco it is because some REAL BIG POLITICIAN gave them the Francisco Javier Cabeza de Cagadas de Vacas, "the governor"

  10. Who gets to keep the gold plated AK...

    1. You fkn think they turn in exactly all the arsenal they confiscated?
      Un pinche general del ejercito de mexico se quedo con un Ferrari Amarillo del z40.
      C’mon bro

    2. @7:53 well said! At least someone is thinking.

    3. @10:46 primo usted cree que eso salio en las noticias?? That’s what my peeps in Mexico said. 1 family member hang around with z40 doing cock(rooster) fights en ranchos en Coahuila.

    4. 10:46 sure, but you can't buy pre-cooked hot meals in the restaurant with that card.

  11. Rise up to battle against oppression and the sins of politicians. The people of Mexico must unite and take back what has been stolen from them.

    1. Why would they rise up since they enable the criminal elements?

    2. You have no idea what has been taken from land owners, ranchers, farmers, small business owners etc. You are not to knowledgeable if you think they choose to enable cartels.

    3. New rich landowners and ranchers like cesar duarte and lesser satraps like Javier la marrana Duarte de Ochoa and arturo Bermudez zurita his Secretary of public security will have a lot of problems explaining how they obtained their new Ranchos and houses, because they usually murdered and disappeared the whole families to rob them of everything.

    4. They are culpable in it,by supporting and cheering for heroes like Botas Blancas,Chapo,AFO etc etc

    5. 9:24 looks like it is you that has no idea. The common people enable the criminals including the crooked politicians by being implicit in the crimes, mordidas, de facto bylaws, the whole "vale madre" culture and so on. It's a co-dependent society.

    6. 11:21 you are depen dejón for today.
      You could be blaming the uneducated children for their parents misery and the unborn for complicating the situation.
      But the problem is very easy to identify, the Mexican government is about nothing but corruption and graft and the US government finances and protects it with billions of dollars a year and sovereign impunity...
      We'll see what happens, that happens when peepol makes decisions depending on what they are feeling in their guts, there is Nothing but shit there,
      the bigger the guts, the more the crap.

  12. Wow that was a big catch, now the government should give them to, the autodefensas, to protect thier neighborhoods, from hoodlum cartels, would the government agree?????

    1. The gov will give to the cartel that pays them the most.

    2. @831: XACTLY!

  13. Andavan bien cuajados

  14. Old pictures. Proly compiled over years. Obviously not 1 operation. Government cover up. We can not win the "war on drugs". This is just a media stunt by GOM!

    1. I don't think so. I always forensic check fotos as best I can. I ran metadata and "historical image search". the oldest foto had never been posted until 3 hrs before I checked. I ran the top foto again just now and although there are 4 pages of media postings of the foto, none were before the Sedena press release. The fotos are not old.

      That said I did see several media outlets including high profile media trying to "add" old fotos that were not the ones released by SEDENA.

    2. Boy are you thorough Chivis!Not much gets past you!Compliments to you!

    3. Chivis, i agree.

      I have a file where things are sorted down into various categories. I've seen countless pics and do the same checks on all of them and compare them to previous photos. These are "fresh" beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    4. excellent 1:43! There are tools to verify and I use them all. It isn't perfect, because some sites remove metadata, one must ask why? but very few. I check for photo shopping as well in high profile fotos.

      we do our best

  15. that is a very massive pile of bullets there

  16. You watch from the side lines, child. Remember that you're nobody compared to these "cowards", LITTLE BOY.

  17. Multicam Marina vest tho..... they should of gotten them in coyote tan lol

  18. thats a big bust i would say...i hope these weapons stay off the streets. How many of them are from the states?
    @Char, BB any chance to get an "inventory" on these weapons.

  19. Never mind the guns it says they seized 1,972 kilos of heroin and 139,725 kilos of meth is that a typo? Because that is a huge amount of product and is far more significant than the guns.

    1. checked again and that is what it states, I agree must be typo, I took it out....

    2. I am checking other reports, reforma, indigo and efe has:

      Además, se aseguraron 141.697 kilos de metanfetaminas

      sorry :(

    3. No need to apologize! Thank you for what you do...Shit ain’t easy

    4. jaja...well said friend, shit surely ain't easy

  20. And no fotos of the seized drugs?🤔

    1. The drugs were sent to Mexico City for further testing,
      And you know those pinchis chilangos, the drugs are all gone up in smokes by now.

  21. Going to cost a couple million pesos to get them back!

  22. That FN Scar runs 3500-5k here in the states, I can just imagine what they paid over there.

    1. No it doesn’t, that is a scar 16 (5.56/.223), a 17s (.308/7.62x51) runs 3500-5000. The scar pictured is only a couple grand in the US.
      Love the coverage, but most commenters know exactly jack shit about firearms and costs.

    2. 2:44 knowing an encyclopedia's worth about weapons was not a requirement to be admitted on BB, but I have a sling shot and a .177 air rifle.

  23. An anonymous. Si guey bien anonymous.

  24. You guys still need to understand this is chess not checkers, the CIA purposely started the drug war to destabilize Mexico for US interests. Wonder why it is so easy to obtain weapons on all border states����Just like in the Escobar era,, Dude was making millions a day, who do you think was flying those millions back to him?����Wake up and smell the coffee, all these puppets have someone behind the.
    Also, yall need to get on that Bitcoin stuff.
    The Ex-Marine

    1. Well said i been passing this message on youtube comments and blogs like these, how is it that all of sudden a peaceful country turns into a hell hole and the narcos that use to have a treaty turn against each other. Its All a dirty war like they did in Central America, in african countries, Middle east too. To much evil in this world

    2. So your saying the CIA give money to anyone, that will go to gun shop and buy it and UPS it to Mexico, your very clever, CIA where are you let me send guns RPGS to Mexico.

    3. @8:39 People usually don’t give out money secrets so I’m gonna sit back on the Bitcoin. But watch out for Budcoin!

    4. Can someone explain to me why it would be in the US's interest to destabilize a country with a big economy and large population ON ITS BORDER? Do they want this chaos to cross the border? Do they want a large influx of people? Do they want the economy to fail (where a good amount of goods come from)? I could entertain the argument if it were any other country than Canada and Mexico.

      P.S.-Don't even try to say it's so that the US can invade.

    5. This is an agenda,the historical hatred between Mexico/US has not ended,this is the product,paranoia,distrust,ridiculous conspiracy,never ends ?

    6. But Mexico ain't destabilized and your comment is naive.

    7. 2:16 Mexico ain't destabilized, of course, all the investment stolen and the paraestatales the Mexican government has bankrupted to sell for peanuts and all the murdering are not destabilizing nothing at all

    8. It's still not destabilized.

  25. Sorry to be off-topic, but I don’t know where to post this. My once tranquil, ‘safe’ town of Taxco, Guerrero has erupted into a battlefield. I could send in the murders every day, the bloody bodies laying in the streets in the middle of the day and heads without corpses images and photos of weaponery that this site likes to post, the many narco mantas that have been plastered around town, the psuedonyms of the players involved, the links to social media where they brag about finding the rats that are hiding. But as what I have sent so far to B.B. about this issue has been ignored, I would just like to say that until somebody dominates in this struggle, it is not a good time to visit here.

    1. I cannot imagine what it would be like living around that violence. Your town is your home, and then 1 day it turns into a war zone. Especially when the innocent people have done nothing to deserve this.Everyone is at risk, and the poor children will be scarred for life.
      Even 1 gun taken off the streets is a win. Especially if it would of been used on someone you know.Good Job!!
      I will pray for your town.

    2. Dude,maybe you not sending it to the right address?
      Or mark the email with subject,i imagine they get sent a lot of stuff,i cant see why they wouldnt be interested in Guerrero they have wrote it about it before?

    3. Sorry to hear of the horrific struggle in your town. Do not give up hope, be wise, cautious and work to be a positive force for change. Are there any willing to organize an auto-defense group there? As for you feeling that your photos & updates front the front lines of the battle- they aren’t falling on deaf ears B.B. has shared much about the violence in Guerrero & even gov’t officials in México have publicly admitted your State in a hotspot (to put it lightly); The BB staff are taxed and overwhelmed report & just could possibly publish every photo or email update you send. Consider formulating an essay article yourself, use your first hand knowledge. Feel free to start Current Events de Guerrero discussion in the forum. It’s a great place to share firsthand & whispered knowledge about real time events.

    4. @3:41, I'd like to hear more about what you say. Why don't you start putting your observations in the comment sections. I'd keep an eye out for them. Stay safe.

    5. 3:41 identify herself as TaxcoNews, we'll be watching.

  26. Hey Jar Head , Leather Neck or what ever a marine is refereed to these days . Thank you for your service to begin with . That being said , you were probably basically just another soldier so you military credentials don't mean anything in analyzing this . As a person studding this drug war you may have some insight , cant say for sure . I don't believe it would be in USA interest to destabilize our neighboring country . The more peaceful and prosperous mexico is the better for all . There is many weapons going into mexico from other countries . The Chinese will bring fentanyl to mexico and not weapons ? You think many of those guns are not coming from Russians . What about the best AK's in the world ? You think there isn't a Romanian out there that wants to make a buck ? Sure there are criminals here in the usa selling guns but the government (except Obama administration) is not likely to be selling guns to mexico in order to destabilize them . What we seem to have put into the game is taking out the leaders . Many are say it is a mistake . I say bullshit ! Take them down. I have to question a persons value character and and morality that believe they shouldn't go after the leaders because they believe it makes them kill one another . BULL FUCKING SHIT . If stupid lying bullshit gets repeated enough everybody starts believing it . By the way , in all my 6 decades I have never know a Mexican that eats cats and dogs . BULLSHIT !

    1. @4:01 Do I see a little political bias showing? Obama didn't originate the stupid idea of the govt. selling guns to catch the buyers in Mexico, He merely followed up another failed program that started under GW Bush.

    2. WOW, DD has become a traitor sell out, defending obama?
      welcome tu the club DD.
      4:01 you do not help your "beloved country" by protecting the crooks tearing it down piece by piece ...

    3. @1:43 . You sure as hell may have detected bias . So it was that runty little Yale cheerleader that started it . Well my apologies hind sight is 20 20 . I think he was a piss poor president also . I overstated he part where Obama sold guns . I know that they only let it happen and "watched" when legally at time of knowledge , under the law , they cant let them travel . In another scenario if a cop knows where a load is he is obligated to but it instead of watch it to see where it goes . It is defiantly policy and may be law .

  27. How long before all of these weapons and ammunition are right back in the hands of one of the cartels? It's all a dog and pony show but no one believes any of it any more.

  28. All I hear is everyone else getting caught except cds!!

    1. Don't worry, they are working on it. Don't hold your breath

  29. I don't hear other news outlets heavily, talking about the big stash found. Could be propaganda before the upcoming elections. Luna Apagtha

  30. De seguro ya los acabaron con este golpe

    1. Nadie se acaba porque le den una cogida, o dos que tres entre todos los perros de la carcel.
      Hay cartel para rato, con el fundillo hecho garras, pero hay.

  31. This tells you all you need to know about CDN

  32. And someone here said CDN wasn't anything more then a neighborhood gang selling nicks and dimes

    1. 7:56 their halcones in tamaulipas cities barely subsist on tips for washing car windows, not from local drug sales, on the other hand the Plaza is fought, but the real business is from moving their shit to the US.

  33. They are only tough with guns and when they outnumber their targets. I agree, they are cowards

  34. 8:28 they got paid with weapons,
    and now they got their pay confiscated, smart, very smart,
    Esto lo va a pagar el más pendejo.

  35. Hmmmm Weird doesn't say anything at all about any persons arrested. Nobody guarding the 4 stashes.
    EL OJ

  36. The weapons are all ex military weapons which means somewhere a military armory is missing a lot of rifles.

    1. Ak4u are exclusive use of the armed forces on the US, but military industries have licenses to make their own and the patent owners still make a killing, someone even gave La Mencha his own computerized machining centers to make his own weapons, the Mexican army has them, El Salvadoran Army had its own, Erik Prince is not supposed to have them but he does, and he also has ammo that explodes after entering the body, supplied by LEMAS...
      USA Blackwater Murder Inc, the crazy christians...
      Erik Prince wanted a gag order on the investigations on Blackwater and their murdering by among others Jeremy Scahill and US rep Henry Waxman, apparently prince won, all he did was change the company name and register on another state to keep suckling at the teat of the US treasury like a corporate welfare queen with no other agenda.

  37. 10:26 . Whoa . Sounds like somebody struck a nerve . Does it seem like all the heroes you want to emulate are going down ? They cant win . Not in the end . They are just more bumps in the road for society . As you get a little older you will see that everything you are believing in now was foolish . Really analyze it . When they encounter the marines , most of the time they run away and as they are going the marines kill the shit out of them . Now and then they get a marine if they can sneak up on them . All the cartel cheerleaders on here act like its such a victory . In reality the marines are stacking up a much larger body count of cartel bodies . They will eventually eradicate most of the trafficker and the rest will be hiding like scared coyotes . I would suggest that Mexican parents teach their children better . That part of the comment was in context because hise site is about the drug war in mexico . Been reminded over and over . From the sidelines I believe these marines are SOMEBODY LOL "LITTLE BOY"

  38. Did the total stash break the old record held by hummer in reynosa?

  39. 12:53 the Mexican Army's MECHANIZED CAVALRY Carried these busts, and they caught the weapons and the MARINAS pecheras belonging to the CDN. fact the marinas, they are not what you think they are, and they will not come back to marry you...

  40. 141 kilos of.that was for export.dont sell it here

  41. My Fam is from both Laredos & everyone around here knows that it was a just a small hit. CDN always gets hit by the Marina but is always gets protected by the Local Government. CDG has gain much more power in both Laredo’s recently the folks around here kinda rule in favor of CDG just because they are the lesser evil from both. The crazy part is that I don’t see Jalisco or Sinaloa owning those plazas the people have so much pride about being only control by Locals. Los Treviños Fam is loosing people due to flipping to CDG, CDN don’t always pay their people.


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