Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 4, 2018

2 sicarios of " El Flaco Sierra" from CdG killed in confrontation with Police in Reynosa

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article with additional information and photos from Epoca Violenta

Subject Matter: Cartel del Golfo
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

The Secretary of Public Security of Tamaulipas informed that two armed civilians lost their lives in a confrontation with the State Police in Reynosa

Reporter: Proceso Redaction
According to authorities, the events were registered around midday, when agents carrying out a security and vigilance patrol in the colonia Loma Real saw four pickups, a red Ford 150, and three Chevrolet Tahoe's, black, grey and silver, in which were armed subjects. These subject upon seeing the police opened fire on them and tried to flee.

Warning Graphic Death images On Next Page

The state police repelled the attack and pursued one of the vehicles, the red Ford 150 into Calles Santa Isabel and 16 in the Bugambilias colonia. One of the armed men descended from the Ford pickup and fired at the officers while fleeing, in the interior of the vehicle were two persons dead.

The pickup, the occupants and their weapons were put at the disposition of the Agency of the Public Ministry so they may carry out their respective due diligence, the dead persons were transferred to Semefo for lawful autopsies.

In a simultaneous manner, in the town of Matamoros a blockade was put on the highway from this town to Reynosa at kilometer 30. Elements of the Federal Police arrived at the location to remove the blockade.

Epoca Violenta

Yesterday in Reynosa two criminals were killed by Fuerza Tamaulipas, they were thought to be people of "Flaco Sierra" who is in a struggle with the CdG from Matamoros and Rio Bravo and some other cells from Reynosa who want to pacify the frontier.

The dead men from the Ford 150 were:


  1. Datum! Well armored vehicle however it looks like it the windows were armored but not all around the body.

    1. Both men appear to have been shot in the head, the guy in the blue checked shirt has 8 ball tumors in the eyes, indicating a head wound and the second guy has an exit wound in his left cheek and an entrance wound below his right clavicle. The armor plating on this vehicle looks to be at head and shoulder level.
      I would suggest that both were shot when the doors to the vehicle were open, this, with the way the bodies are lying within the vehicle looks like they may have been shot after surrendering but that is pure speculation on my part.

    2. Who gives a shit! Kill them all. No surrendering. They didn't give their victims any mercy either.

    3. Speculation or not, I think you hit it right in the money.

    4. The guy in the blue also has his shoes removed while still in the truck... both dead from close range head shots... scene appears to be staged...

      you seem to be intoxicated with the government lies and demonizing, just repeating the BS they pour into your head through thousands of lies.

    6. 3:06 they seem to have been shot on the back while driving, not much damage observed on their front, both with their open mouths seem to have had a very quick sudden death.
      The government "forces" have been doing too much shooting of escaping vehicles that were attacking and ambushing the poolice, army, marinas while "escaping" with their windows closed all the way up with steel and glass windows intact.

    7. Jajajaja bola de pendejos.... Target practice.

    8. Re. Staged. Agree! Note there is no magazine in the rifle If the dead man had been shooting when he was shot there would be a magazine in the rifle!

    9. Totalmente de acuerdo , los mataron al rendirse

  2. epic fail 😂

  3. Hahaha si much for the armored truck hahaha money well spent

  4. Damn that looks like a shady crime scene. Straight plomo to the dome on both. Can't say I feel pity.

  5. This Flaco guy belongs to what Cdg faction ?

    1. Im going to translate an article on this guy, so watch this space...

    2. Is this guy related to el comandante Sierra??

    3. Kalimanes were in charge of Tampico/southern Tamaulipas a few years back?

      Also I believe there is 2 individuals who go by Sierra, correct me if I’m wrong.

    4. Thanks Otis,

      I'll keep an eye out for it.


    5. Have a look at the new article I put out, it addresses all your points about Kalimanes / El Flaco Sierra

    6. From my understanding they're are 2 Flaco Sierra's. The one in the photo is Flaco Sierra M-205 I believe he works under El Primito the head of Camargo and the one who bought Rio Bravo from M-90. The other Sierra Flaco is from Tampico and his brother or father is El Sierra. He also has a Metro clave.

    7. El Flaco Sierra, just the demonized du jour, wuuuh!
      Soon as they catch him crime will end all over mexico and we will be living happily in our castles.

    8. @10:49 you and I are on the same page.
      Supposedly el primito de camargo paid 5 mill

      It’s 6:04

    9. They arw the same guy. Theres one flaco sierra

  6. just looking at how these guys went out, we should reflect on what life is about. im sure they did bad shit to others. But why did they get into this mess to begin with? why were they so desperate for a few pesos a month? i feel sorry mainly for innocent citizens that get picked up and cut up into pieces. Makes me appreciate my life alot more . and i know in the end we all got to go somehow.

    1. Por que no querian trabajar por eso la verdad duele pero hay mucha gente de prefiere andar de malandro que trabajar duro. Aqui en Mexico no te mueres de hambre lo que tenemos es pura ignorancia hay que ser sinceros con la realidad.

    2. 7:25 many times these guys get given a troca like this and are told to run for their lives, to show work, be very carful with your thinking, you could be the next victim.
      Planting weapons and ammo later has never been a problem, this has been a problem index tied in Colombia for many years now, they called them "Falsos Positivos" a specialty of Alvaro Uribe Velez now a Colombian billionaire from stealing land and property and drug trafficking.

  7. These guys look like zombies

  8. I guess these guys won't be voting in the upcoming election lol

  9. Why did they not put a Blackout retango,on thier eyes, they always do it, weather they are guilty or innocent.

    1. Because the pictures are from Epoca Violenta, which is a blog and not a mainstream news outlet. The proceso article has no pictures whatsoever.

  10. Simply possessing weapons and an armored vehicle is nowhere near the same as knowing how to effectively utilize said weapons and an armored vehicle. In this respect, it can be argued that the take-out-the-leaders "decapitation" strategy to the WOD has been very effective. Most of these shootings/killings, at least on BB and other sites, involve campesinos sin entrenamiento o habilidades.

    Warrior success = Level of Training + Effectiveness under Fire + Accomplishment of Objective. By this standard, what true warriors are left in the game?

  11. Glad to see the Reynosa officials doing their job but is it legit or were they helping another cartel? If legit, good work. Get rid of all border scum.

  12. The War On Drugs should be fought by sober guys,
    not by Trigger Happy Assassins eager to show work, that know very well most criminals and every innocent people will stop and surrender without one shot being fired.
    And we should not be taking the word of the warriors on drugs as the absolute truth, because they are writing the history "after they won the war", we have seen too many crime scenes that say something else

  13. The Zetas will bring peace to the area.

  14. Eventually Cartels are going to use suicide bombers,and new rules to the game.Become more like FARC.

    1. No religious aspect to it to go out like that.

    2. 0623 you have been watching, too many bearded men from the middle East, say hello to Mohammed.

  15. Metros getting chopped baby, bound, torture and kill... barba roja swiftly and strategically creepn and sweepn through


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