Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from Sin Embargo
From 2006 until March 31, 2017, 3 thousand 217 girls and 2 thousand 235 children between 0 and 17 years old were reported missing, a figure that represents 18 percent of the total cases registered in Mexico, indicated by civil groups.
Nearly 70 percent were last seen during the period of Enrique Peña Nieto's government (2012 to date) and 29 percent disappeared during the Calderon administration.
[On April 30th], relatives of missing children and members of the Mexican Association of Stolen and Disappeared Children demonstrated in front of the Angel of Independence, in order to raise awareness about this tragedy; as well as asking for help from the authorities to locate, rescue and reintegrate the minors into the family nucleus.
Mexico City, April 30- The presidency of President Enrique Peña Nieto is the one with the highest rate of disappearance of children and adolescents, as 70 percent of the cases were reported during this administration, reported today by civil organizations.
Ana Lorena Delgado, member of the Foundation for Justice and the Democratic State of Law indicated that in the last twelve years there were officially reported at least 5 thousand 452 missing children of which 3 thousand 217 are girls and 2 thousand 235 boys. ”This figure represents 18 percent of the total disappearance cases according to the National Registry of Missing Persons."
"Currently, Mexico lacks effective public policies to assist children and adolescent victims of disappearance. There are deficiencies in the application of the search programs such as the Amber Alert and the Alba Protocol, which rarely apply and the procedure to activate them is too complicated and / or bureaucratic," said Delgado.
For her part, Sandra Mejía of the Network for the Rights of Children in Mexico (Redim), contextualized that of every four cases of the disappearance of minors, three were in the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto. She added that 4 thousand 677 minors have not yet been located, 2 thousand 840 are women.
"The figures that exist on disappearances are alarming," she said.
The civil organizations highlighted that many children and adolescents are detained in the environment of migration to or within Mexico; however, the figures do not reflect the problem in a real way.
Official data show that of the total number of missing children, 41 are migrant children; “half of which are of American nationality,” explained Sandra Mejía.
She stressed that there is no specific data or figures of minors co-opted by organized crime.
Michael Chamberlain, member of the Fray Juan de Lario Diocesan Center for Human Rights, argued that the increase in missing children in the current administration is due to the continuation of the security strategy established by PAN President Felipe Calcerón.
"We cannot decontextualize that the beginning of this amount of victims come when this strategy is initiated to militarily attack the criminal groups and the only thing they have done is gotten stronger. It has been a vaccine for them [organized crime]. They have exceeded the capacity of the state," he said.
The defender emphasized that the highest peaks of disappearances occurred in pre-election years: in 2011 and 2017.
"The security strategy is only fighting gasoline with fire, and this has only generated more violence; As long as the security strategy is not changed, we will live in a context of permanent violence," he said.
Lucia Chávez, member of the Mexican Defense Commission, explained that in the Attorney General's Office (PGR) there are 732 open inquiries. In the states, there are 197 investigations of enforced disappearance in 21 General Prosecutor's Offices in Mexico, according to information requested by the organizations from state prosecutors, via transparency.
However, from these data it is unknown in how many of these investigations the victims are minors.
Chávez clarified that the states answered that there are no open inquiries about the disappearance of individuals since it is not classified as such, therefore it is an obstacle to prosecute those responsible.
While in the Military Justice Attorney's Office, there are 78 investigative folders for forced disappearance in process, the activist added.
He added that in terms of sentences, the figures are even more insignificant because there are only 12 final convictions and none of them are for any cases of a missing child.
"We are talking about impunity in 100 percent of the disappearance of boys and girls," he said.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
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» The horrifying figure: 3,217 girls and 2,235 children disappeared in 10 years in Mexico; 70%, with Peña Nieto
The horrifying figure: 3,217 girls and 2,235 children disappeared in 10 years in Mexico; 70%, with Peña Nieto
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I would bet its waay higher than published/reported.
ReplyDeleteWow these figures are unreal. Boko Haram kidnaps 200 school girls in Nigeria a couple years ago and the world is in an uproar. Thousands of kids disappear in Mexico, and the world stands ideally by as the Mexican Government sweeps it all under the rug.
Boko Haram did it in one fell swoop, that's the difference. Also, the number is much higher for African countries if it's all added up like they did in Mexico.
DeleteIMO due to economic hardship especially with the cartel wars. Criminal organizations have expanded their business practices in the trafficking of people. One of many criminal activities which bring profitable revenues in a country which lacks resources (manpower, financial assistance) to combat such organized operations. This would have occurred under any previous presidential administration in Mexico.
Criminal activities have surged and will continue to escalate with the splintering of criminal organizations fighting for scraps.
Furthermore, the world knows of the horrors being committed on a daily basis. Yet know one has stepped forth to assist. Moreover, Mexico’s government to ask the UN for assistance.
Note: correct me if wrong. But have yet to hear Mexico’s UN appointed member pleading for assistance before any council meeting of the UN.
Question should be asked as to why?
Answer to this question can only conclude government involvement or simply neglect to the issue at hand by Mexico’s government?
3:32 That is a funny response. I live in Mexico. They brush things under the carport and do not report many deaths and disappearances. the records system here is so antiquated it is ridiculous. Many are not reported as missing for fear of reporting it to authorities. For fear of losing other family members or being killed. I know that it happens and more than you think. When the group of people in Bar Colorado were killed here a few years back in the evening. I had to drive by the bar into the morning to go and visit someone. No yellow tape, no forensics and a note written on a torn piece of cardboard from a box saying the bar is closed. That is how it works in Mexico.
DeleteHey E,
DeleteYes i believe you are correct. Since I started watching whats going on in Mexico(the last 8ish years). I cant recall the UN offering support, nor Mexico ever asking for it. Even though its apparent that its desperately needed.
The corruption runs so deep in Mexico, i fear the only solution is outside intervention by those that have yet to be corrupted.
It's unfortunate, i truly believe the U.S. could have spent a fraction of what we've spent in the middle east, and really helped the socioeconomic issues within Mexico.
@ Phelpso
DeleteThe Middle East situation ( conflicts ) are due to geographical factors. Referring to political powers from governments (Dominance / influential opportunities). A crucial and instrumental geographic region for any government ideology.
Think of it as a chess game. Where positioning oneself wisely on the board game has its advantages.
DeleteI don't know what exactly is funny. I've lived in Mexico too, was born there. A lot of things are brushed under the rung. My point was that Boko Haram did it in one blow which doesn't happen in Mexico. Furthermore, much worse happens in countries in the African continent which also gets brushed under the rug.
Dont Mexico politicos and cartels any new ideas
DeleteI remember that Pena Nieto was going to fix all the violence that Calderon created. I like how that's all that works in Mexico blame game is great solving the problems suck. Corrupt government has hurt Mexico more than the cartels.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Chicago politics
Delete5:46 Chicago fights the NRA and their dirty unorganized illegal weapons trading in chicago and the US government and legiatures and judges that reimposed "gun rights" in the city even while Ritchie Daley jr. was the mare...
Delete--Mexicans are alone in their battle for decency jobs, crime, against a satrapy finamced, funded, assisted, legalized by the US government with billions and billions of dollars of which the mexicans got not one half of one tortibono...
U r so right
DeleteNieto can't worry about this stuff right now..... Gotta get that new airport built!!!
ReplyDelete11:04 "that new airport" is sinking in the mud and shifting sands of former Texcoco Lake, they had not started building it and we're already paying themselves billions and billions of DOLLARS in retainer fees and other "miscellanea" like maintenance and repair and re-planning...
DeleteCarlos slim helu one of the contractors/owners and exclusive managers has said recently he invested no money of his own in the damn airport, the federal government is investing everybody's pensions and Mexican people resources to finance their one more white elephant.
AMLO proposed to keep the old functional airport AND to make a smaller new one somewhere better suited for the purpose, but EPN and co. have to have something more expensive for their fine and extravagant pinchis nalgotas,
Is it true, they abduct kids to sell body parts?
ReplyDeleteAnd sex trafficking also.
DeleteThis cannot be entirely true because some kids organs are not the size of adults whome are in most need of transplants of any kind.
DeleteFrom many stories I've read in Mexican newspapers many kids run away from home. Some of them kids wind up in the sex trade. Some are found believe it or not but since there is a lack of communication they are not recorded as such. Some kids leave with an estranged parent just like in the states and are found after many years.
The sexual exploitation of kids is a very lucrative industry that hot spot tourists destinations like Puerto Vallarta Guadalajara where Americans travel by the thousands each year are known to have brothels with them. Keep this in mind also.
That's Exacly what it is, bunch of kids get kidnapped in America too but not as much as Mexico.
DeleteHey 2:44, what makes you think that the organs are only for adults? It's people with money, and all over the world, that are paying for organs. Prostitution as well. They send the kids wherever they're needed and then harvest the organs or put them to work. It's more sophisticated then you might think.
Delete8:28 kidnapped or missing kids does not constitute an imediate death sentence for them. Not even a 50 percent chance of that perhaps. More often than not runaways and prostitution or even adoptions from foreigners with the younger kids most often can be the destination for missing kids.
DeleteYes sure kids need transplants often as well but pessimistic remarks about the final destinations of missing kids only covers other more complex crimes perhaps commited to a great many of them.
@ 10:54 AM - Did you know they also abducted boys as well? No, of course not.. boys and men are disposable and no one cares when they are murdered. From PBS.. While the Islamic terrorist organization Boko Haram gained global infamy in 2014 for kidnapping nearly 300 female students in Nigeria, the group has also abducted 10,000 boys in the last three years.
ReplyDeleteIt is always sad when children and women go missing but (correct me if I am wrong), the numbers you mention seem kind of low, considering in 2014, the USA had 627,000 missing for that year alone.
ReplyDeleteMultiply that by 10 and you have 6,270,000 missing in the USA over ten years and I am willing to bet that most of them are women and children.
I am not trying to disrespect the author by no means, however, I did want to throw some comparison numbers out there....
Most definitely the figure is higher.
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt about it,Mexico under PRI has gone worse in terms of endemic corruption at the highest levels,it is difficult to believe they held power uninterruptedly in Mexico for 71 years until they lost to Calderon
You nean FOX not the useless Catholic alcoholic paladin who started this mess pretending to be the mexican W Bush . Starting a war on his own territory that nobody ask him or demanded to.
Delete4:48 FECAL cooperation to fight drug trafficking was ensured by about 3 billion dollars a year, it took two CIA planes loaded with cocaine caught in the Yucatan peninsula about 20 tons in Operation Mayan Jaguar before the Mexican government saw the light.
DeleteDon't understand
Delete4:44 PRI lost to VICENTE FOX Calderon was a fool.
DeleteMexico better start to comply with the Cartels hahaha they know who runs the show. Mexico fighting a losing battle and doesn't know how to quit
ReplyDeleteEhm then disband the DEA and end the war on drugs, mister world police.
DeleteIts begins with leadership
DeleteAlthough the goverment shares alot of responsability, so do we the people. When more than hald of mexico glorifies narco lifestyle then what is the government supposed to do? When brothers kidnap sisters, kids kidnap other kids, sons and daughters kidnap parents, girls wanna be buchonas etc etc etc. you cant always just blane go ernment.
ReplyDeletePizzagate is real! It's everywhere keep your children safe! Research Hampstead cover up!!
ReplyDeleteExpecting a Change but still voting for pan prd and pri guys. Sounds not very smart.
ReplyDelete"Currently, Mexico lacks effective public policies to assist children and adolescent victims of disappearance."
ReplyDeleteHeck Mexico lacks everything to protect their citizens. Politicians should be ashamed of themselves for allowing all the crimes to go unsolved and cartels to operate.
Why does it matter who is president. I see the media/left is no different in Mexico. As Nieto can actually stop the corruption that exists in every level of government and public. I see these headlines all the time. Something like 20 priests disappear during Nietos presidency. WTF
ReplyDelete5:05AM - Yes, please go ahead and blame the left for everything.. Identity politics are getting out of control and comments like yours show how stupid/divided we've become.
DeleteDid the left start the war on drugs?
Was the left the ones heavily involved in the Iran/Contras scandal?
No, they weren't.
Right or Left. They are both two sides of the same corrupt coin. Dont let politicians play you as a fool.
Its not left or right how abour Peace
DeleteThe post is just to get us to react - punto final
ReplyDelete7:25 everything has a reaction, this post has the idea of reporting to help make people aware of what is going on in mexico and the impunity the government callousness gives these need una corretiada and some punishment.
DeleteOur opinions are not worth price of coffee at McDonalds
Deleteand your reacted - punto final.
Mary, what are your stats?
DeleteAnd are you good at hand to hand combat?
Chivis would like to break a molcajete on our heads sometimes
Everything that happens in Central American and Mexico is Trumps fault. Looks like the Mexicans are reducing the population. Killing one another..I don't believe Trumph as killed one Mexican. Is it time for Mexico politicos take responsibility for all the murders?
ReplyDeleteIts bad governance nothing more. Added with the lack of police enforcement and corruption!
Delete4:39 you need to grow up, put up or STFU.
DeleteThere are hundreds of books by American authors denouncing the shenanigans of many different US governments agents in Latin America, many of them offer sources like declassified documents and survivors accounts of the atrocities caused by our good friends on the north...
--Blame mexicans all you want, but name them and their dirty connections to the norte...surprise me, please!
Hoping the next President of Mexico is real leader and honest. Is MANUEL the guy ????????????? Vote y o no
ReplyDeleteIt's been going on since the 1980s at least, maybe late '80s, then, they identified it was going on. And it apparently, is going on in a lot of Latin America.