Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Authorities issue arrest warrants in the murder of candidate Purón..his widow announces pregnancy

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat ,,,Big thanks to mi Amiga Lacy

Purón was 112th candidate murdered in the past 14 months of Mexico's bloody election campaign

Puron and wife at the birth of María Constanza
On Fathers Day, Cynthia Villarreal Sánchez, the widow of murdered congressional candidate Fernando Puron announced she is pregnant.

The young widow announced through her personal Facebook account and confirmed it later in an exclusive interview with Periódico Zócalo. "I feel a lot of happiness, I am eight weeks pregnant and I know in this way that Fernando is giving me the strength to keep going despite his absence," she said.

This is the second child of Villarreal and her husband, who was killed minutes after leaving a political debate on Friday June 8th.  Puron, was running for deputy, (similar to a congressman) of the 11th district of Coahuila.

"Since Fernando became the father of María Constanza, I could see how his life changed, and with the anticipation of our second child, we were very excited, we were already making many plans, like decorating a second room, (... ) I have at the same time nostalgia, but it fills me with illusion to know that a part of Fernando grows inside me," she said.

In a news conference yesterday, authorities announced they have issued arrest warrants for two men believed to be the authors of the murder, not necessarily the trigger-man.  

The names were not revealed yesterday  but later revealed by Governor Miguel Riquelme, along with a wanted poster. 

The wanted men are brothers Erick and Ignacio Arámbula Viveros, there is a 10 million MP reward offered.

Ignacio was director of public security in Tabasco

Erick was part of the Equitation team of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sena), and even participated in the Pan-American Games in Guadalajara.  Ignacio, 'El Putrambula', served as director of public security in Tenosique, Tabasco, and has more than 81 complaints of homicide, kidnapping, torture, abuse of authority.  They are from Michoacan. 

This kidnapping attributed to Ignacio was caught on video….

From video notes:
2011: The kidnapping of Gino Gritilli by the then chief of public security of tabasco, Ignacio Arambula Viveros.  All involved are policemen and are hooded. 
“A dozen of municipal police officers and the corrupt, legalized professional criminal (a former lieutenant, former military chef) Ignacio Arambula Viveros (el putrambula), director of public security in Tenosique, Tabasco, Mex.”

During his candidacy Puron highlighted how Los Zaetas cartel were “ran out of Piedras Negras” and mentioned the same during the debate.  Puron was a popular mayor of Piedras Negras before running for the federal office seat. Piedras Negras is a border city adjacent to Eagle Pass Texas

The candidate’s killing was captured on security video footage, as he was taking a selfie with a supporter, outside the university where the debate was held.

Puron was the 112th candidate assassinated since September, 2017.

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  1. Any background info on the Viveros brothers?


  2. Mexico wont do nothing about it.

    1. Mexico, you mean the corrupt incopetent, inept mexican goverment, who perhaps are the ones behind this guys death if he didn't wanted to play ball. So NO they wont do ish.

  3. When you read a little back story such as this you can't help but to feel for the families of these candidates or any innocent murdered by these scumbags

    1. Thing is we all know a lot of políticos are partners in crime of these scumbags. So is hard to know if these guy was 100% clean, if he was is really sad.

  4. Your welcome, Chivis ~ Lacy

    1. It's great having my "crime reporting" partner back!

      BB Followers...Lacy is my friend in Coahuila. We dig deep to expose criminality and corruption in the state we love. She was a BB follower who became my friend. and she was the person who help rescue a teen deported to coahuila...he was from SLP. He knew no one in Coahuila, and was prime pickings by the zetas.

      I was made aware of the kid by his U.S. family who lost track of him as he attempted crossing the border to see his father who he had not seen in 10 years, the family asked for my help> it was a great success story. and one Lacy and I are very proud of.

      I still laugh thinking about this gringa with her blonde hair flying as she ran up to the kid, who had no idea who she was or why she was apporaching him telling him to go with the mx side of international bridge. what the poor kid must of thinking. jaja. We whisked him away to a migrant shelter that I help, where he stayed until his bus came. We bought the ticket, my secretary made him a sack lunch, gave him a little money and a phone card. and he returned safely to slp, he vowed never to try to go the US father or no father...... it was an amazing project. with a great ending. I wish they all were like that.

    2. That's awesome! Thanks for the work you do ladies.


    3. Should you say where she is from though?

      ~La Güera ~

    4. By the way that’s amazing chivis and lacy, if only more people were brave enough or had the heart and cajones to go through with something like that.

      ~La Güera~

    5. 10:58 - No she shouldnt. I like Chivis, but she reveals waaaaay to much information about herself and others. She needs to worry more about being doxxed.

    6. Telling where I am from is fine. No one is interested in me. Chivis and I have done some wonderful things together. Glad to be back... had to take a break for life lol. Things have now settled down and love helping Chivis and BB ~ Lacy

  5. This case is just achingly sad:

    OT, but:

    Canada just legalized marijuana. That has big implications for US drug policy.

    "Canada has become the first wealthy nation in the world to fully legalize marijuana.

    The Senate approved Bill C-45, also known as the Cannabis Act, on Tuesday. The measure was already approved by the House of Commons, so the Senate’s approval means it’s now set to become law."

    1. Yep Oct.17 recreational pot becomes legal nationwide.1st of the G-7 countries.I can just see all the busts at the US border as Canadians think because it's legal they can go anywhere including the US with it.The Americans I can just see them trotting it into their own country with the attitude it was bought 'legally.'And if US Customs asks a Canadian if we have ever smoked pot and we say yes,they can turn us away at the border so some lawyer says just don't answer the question.It's funny because so many people think there will be 'smoking lounges' everywhere and you can smoke it in the local park or alleyway.No way,they came down so hard on smoking in public 15 years ago they are not going to allow it in public especially those folks that go through drug testing for work or senior's that have never been stoned would prefer to be around cigarette smoke than pot.Also landlords are gearing up to add that into the rental lease but cannot evict a person for smoking it until the lease is due.Also medicinal pot being smoked in apartments is a can of worms as they can yell discrimination but landlords may force tenants to go to prescription brownies.(In other words no smoking period no matter what you smoke).And insurance companies also won't like it-People get stoned on their smoke product.drop it and start a fire.Oh, it's going to be quite an adjustment just the policing of this legal product,the where's,when's and the exceptions.I think they want to price it at around $10 a gram or so with 10% tax.That would be equivilant to around $7 US a gram.

    2. A few weeks later they announce who did it, and they had a rap sheet of homicides committed, why were they not caputured eailier?????

    3. 11:59 Equivalent, pendeja!
      Mexican grifa still cost about 2 or 3 dollars a gram, i'd rather get a pound of shrimp, besides, paying taxes for grifa to help profiteers benefit is kind of repugnant.

    4. Hi Canadiana,

      I dont think there will be as big an influx in cannabis crossing the border as many think. There is already 30 states in the U.S. that are either medical and/or legal. With more that will likely go with the November elections. The desire for BC bud is a thing of the past in the United States as we have grower that are on par with the Canadian growers.

      Also, a physician could poke a lot of holes in the "just eat a brownie thing". Using edibles, pills, and tinctures for break through pain isn't necessarily feasible as it can take hours for it to kick in. On top of that, a lot of cancer patients on chemo cant hold food down.

      But i do agree. There is going to be A LOT of things that will have to be ironed out.


  6. 14 months is more than a year, the sad thing is I don't think he will be the last. Mexico is dangerous to anybody involbed in the drug game directly or just anybody that has to deal with them.

  7. Mexico does hide it really good but of course there is sites as this one that exposes the corruption. Just imagine a site for corruption in the United States. Not a chance it would get shut down fast lol

  8. I hope they get the dirtbags responsible for this . Please keep us filled in .

    1. 6:37 I don't care, he was a PRIISTA,
      nobody made his choice for him but him.
      43 Ayotzinapos families are still waiting for their students to come back home thanks to PRIISTAS in Los Pinos...

    2. @8:46 Before he was a “Priista” the man was a human being, a son, a husband and a father. Perhaps he was one lone white dove in a pack of wolves; but that is a big generalization you are making there. He also was brave for making the choices he did. I have un amiga/ friend that is running for a low level PRI position in a small rural location because it is the best way for her to help her very rural neighbors and families. I have known her since she was a child, she is brilliant and runs circles and performs miracles to better the lives of those around her. Does she also deserve to be murdered for choosing to HELP, work for progress for her people because the only avenue available to her currently is the PRI ?

    3. Let's say LA Comandanta Nestora Salgado had no options,
      but she took to the streets all by herself.
      On the other hand AMLO WAS A PRIISTA all his life until the hyerarchs of the party denied him the dedazo, he was lucky nobody whack his ass off.

  9. Digan lo que digan Mexico es un desmadre! Porke tienen que asesinar a una persona que todavia ni a la oficina politica llega???
    Puras pinche envidias y mal paridos todos los putos asesinos y los que los envian porke estos no se mandan solos. No dejan que Mexico suba y progrese tanto pinche estupido!

  10. I am Canadian and I think it is great to have it legalized because I live in a small town...Snoop Dogg's company just paid 7million for a piece of agricultural land on the outside of town, they are making a facility to grow and will hire 240 full time staff. Great for this low employment town, also there will be less of that BS in the courts with the taxpayers paying up legal aid lawyers to defend those who used to be caught with small amounts...and the tax for the Canadian economy..yesterday also the TSA was the highest ever in I think 2yrs with investors jumping in, that is the Canadian equivalent of the Dow Jones...etc, will make my mutual funds rise for sure in value.....YAY

  11. I hope they catch this guys , they need to release chappo so he can go after zetas

    1. Mr. Migueal Gone sorry to tell you, Chapo has an extensive federal rap sheet with US government. He will not be let out any time soon.

    2. Miguel is gone alright.

  12. They didn't get the shooter,
    what is the basis for accusing these guys,
    Did Chapo snitch???

    1. Chapo snitched

    2. 11:40 yep and that's the best thing about him . He helped get other dirtbags off the street . snitches are coast to coast in mexico .

    3. Uta mare, otra vez, güeyes?

  13. They know the shooter, but they are not in a rush to arrest him, what do you expect from the government of Mexico.

  14. they need surveillance cameras all over these border towns like London . It would be US dollars wisely invested . Trump could get them to do it

    1. 4:47 - I see what you're saying.. But the CIA and Bankers would never let Trump bring the cartels to heel. Way to much black budget money is made from the drug trade. The Cocaine Importing Agency is not above whacking a president. They did it to JFK because he was going to cause to much of rift.

      Its unfortunate cause we could spend a fraction of the amount of money we've spent in the middle east to wipe out the cartels, corrupt LEO's, and Government officials. In turn, helping the socioeconomic situation in Mexico, which is desperately needed.


    2. Surveillance cameras do not last, cartels shoot them down.

    3. Phelpso . You are right . But we have to remember "thins change" always . Since you are of a like mind , did you ever realize why there was such a anti-government movement in the 80' and early 90's . Was people who were aware what the CIA the white house and governor Clinton had going on in Mena . Another reason Clinton went hard after militias

  15. The "Authorities" haha. Sounds kinda funny doesnt it.

  16. How is the war on corruption in Mexico? The decriminalize theory should go here.


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