Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Despite being on the kingpin list, Rafa Marquez plays in the World Cup for Mexico

op-ed by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Mexico defeated defending champion Germany today 1-0

In August of last year, Rafael Marquez Alvarez, aka “Rafa” was placed on a kingpin list.  He is  star soccer player who is on Mexico’s national team and is playing in his fifth World Cup, only the third player to do so. [use this link to read my post of the sanctions]

At the recent World Cup practice scrimmage in California’s Rose Bowl, the soccer star out was MIA.
He is accused by the United States of having assisted Raul Flores Hernandez, leader of the Flores Drug Trafficking Organization in money laundering and using numerous businesses and bank accounts to clean drug profits.

21 Mexicans were placed on the same sanctions list and also had their assets frozen.  One was Norteno band leader Julio Cesar Alvarez Montelongo, pointed out by Peña Nieto as “a great example for Mexican youth.”

The sanctions also prohibit him from playing in the United States, which explains his absence in the Rose Bowl event. His assets in the U.S. are frozen.

21 Mexicans were placed on the same sanctions list and also had their assets frozen.  One was Norteno band leader Julio Cesar Alvarez Montelongo, appointed out by Peña Nieto as “a great example for Mexican youth.”

Forget Mexico being outraged, as long as the Cup comes to Mexico after 16 tries.  Selecting Marquez to the national team illustrates how easily corruption, drug crime and violence, is pushed to the side for the sake of having an accused player go for breaking a record and playing on the national team.

Until Mexico continues make those choices instead of standing proud and rejecting criminality, nothing will change. 

Apathy is the enemy of Mexico, it is their grand ‘ol cheat.

Marquez is from Michoacan 
The L.A. Times wrote yesterday;
“Still, the sanctions have resulted in awkward moments, including Marquez’s absence during last month’s friendly against Wales, which ended in a draw. 
The companies that sponsor Mexico’s national team appear alarmed by his inclusion on the roster, and have taken steps so that they don’t seem to be doing business with Marquez. 
At practices this week in Russia, while the rest of the team wore jerseys featuring the logos of Coca-Cola and other sponsors, Marquez sported a plain version without any of the brand names.”
The remarkable explanation from Mexico with respect to the Jersey without sponsorship, was that they were “removed”,  so that “Rafa could concentrate 100% on sports”.

Marquez' jersey without sponsors
A couple weeks ago, there was a ceremony at Mexico’s presidential palace, whereas,  Marquez personally presented President Enrique Peña Nieto, with a World Cup Jersey…...seems rather fitting.

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  1. Yeah U.S. wants Mexico to not allow Marquez to play and or even extradite his ass to the U.S. and it has for at least ten years avoided capturing MZ, Chapos kids and now RCQ... Favoritism!

  2. Looks like this michoacano soccer player is good with Pena nieto, they even have the same hair style lol just onother example of how the 🌎 works. Not just in Mex

  3. There are no laws in mexico regarding money laundering, probably the whole team is on his payroll as well. Its just like when Escobar had a major stake in the columbian national team. How disillusioned our the gente in mexico.

    1. sure they do many laws even including Laws Pertaining to Cryptocurrencies which many countries do not. they are called the AML system of laws. implementing them however is another story. that's where collusion and corruption dwell.

    2. As Below As Above.
      Of course, Mexicans with money and influence do money laundering and tax evasion and hide sources and resources,
      They learned from the best...
      I often wonder where are the hundreds of millions of dollars earned by Cassia Clay, and Mike Tyson, who has to do training shows here and there and sign autographs for a living, and countless others artists and movie stars, but politicians and "businessmen" steal the cake, nobody remembers the American offshore OWN their US job off shoring corporations in currency manipulating pirate kingdom China who only owns their captive communist slave labor.
      And you are lucky I am no fan of El Rafa marquez ALVAREZ or Julión ALVAREZ, who must be cousins,
      I hope not of the kissing cousin kind.

  4. Marquez is with the shits .. damn

    1. 6:43 what is your guess, cocaine, heroine, meth,
      what better gives people the runs?
      I know tunas clump 'em up at the door.

  5. Chivis . I must be missing something . I am with you on this one . But how can he not be in jail or in hiding ? Has there not been a case filed against him yet ? Its not like the brits wouldn't send him to us if we had a warrant . I assume there has been no charges filed on him yet . Fill us in a little better . Thanks

    1. Investors are not usually guilty of the dark side operations of their financiers, they just invest what they got and hope to make a killing like everybody else with money to burn.
      --The rabble get to deposit in certificates that pay 10% in 30 years, every 30 years or US savings bonds that do about the same after inflation or savings that pay 0.00% but cost you 45 dollars a month if you are below the minimum, there is the safest option of hiding your millions in the mattress but don't smoke on it or go to the hospital and have your family throw it away because of the soiled for 40 years stains.

  6. Only in Mexico! "Mencho kicks it to Azul who get's it past El Chapo for the goal, and the win!"

    Nothing surprises me anymore.

    1. El Mayo cheering from his boxsuite!!

  7. Damn, I thought US athletes got preferential treatment...
    my brother was living in Argentina but I pulled for the Colombian national team with Andres Escobar and that whole team of characters .. I pulled for them and that pissed him off... but anyway Andres was killed for scoring a goal for the other team...
    corruption and Latin American futbol all over again...


  8. One might look up the wikipedia article on Rafael Marquez, it says that when he was put on that list, he went straight to the Mexican Government, Attorney General or whomever.

    God Bless Andres Escobar, that's just so sad and very vivid for many of us.

  9. Does the USA have an arrest warrant against Rafa Marquez? Or do they have real evidence?

    1. yes. plus he is not fighting the assets being frozen. Before one is placed on the kingpin list there is a mountain of evidence that is how they are able to freeze assets.

    2. Yes the US wants him in prison, he has been a bad boy, why do you think he did not go to Rose Bowl.

    3. I did some google search about Marquez and his troubles with the USA are not 💯 clear. He has not been charged with a crime and they have no extradition requests. Based on that he can still continue with his business but obviously he will suffer on his endorsements.

    4. 7:03 I pretty much doubt Rafa has the intellect or the skills to be a money laundering drug trafficker.
      --his money manager who is losing his clients money, can't be a luminary either, they just bought shares of a bad apple.

    5. Gambling means losing, and when you invest betting against the worst odds you end losing everything por pendejo.
      El rafita was safe with all the millions he made,
      Now he is losing hasta las nalgas por andar ahi de gerardona.

  10. Let the world go round and round they are bigger people than us and that means we live our simple lives, end of story..

    1. That's the truth

    2. 12:26 que paso? Stop kickin' Sol's ass

    3. Mexico.wil win world cup..mexixo wins.mexixo cup

    4. 6:36 Mexico will ot win even one player's cup the kind they wear in their overthere.

  11. Will be funny. Better to join only the mexican arenas in 4 years otherwise he will be arrested.

  12. Leave him alone we trying to win a World Cup

    1. the us is still mad that they did not qualify for the tournament

  13. Wasnt rafa marquez at the party where one of the Aretes got shot by el Chino ?

    1. Ese era borgheti no jodas vos.
      El sol salvi

    2. That was Jared Borguetti

    3. 10:22 No Güey, your mama was.
      Now let's wonder who El Cuauh hides his billions of pesos with, he played for a while with VERACRUZ OR NOT?

    4. 5:33 El Pato Borguetti?

    5. El cuauh doesn't have any money, but he has plans to get some from el culo del graco ramirez present PRD narco-governor of Morelos State, admirer of EPN and Francisco Franco who has not been able to scare el cuauh with the help of his murdering state and federal poolice help.
      El cuauh only has Lopez Obrador alias AMLO and la virgencita de Guadalupe on his side, A GÜEBO!
      PERDON, la hija de su puta Madre diputada plurinominal Carmen Salinas alias "la corcholata" also supports el cuauh.

  14. Cartels r smart where do they put their money? US Bank because Trump has built a stable economy. The peso will continue devalue. And all the mexicans be leaving the country with their money, andres manual will freeze all bank accounts, Nationalize all the banks.weclome to goverment of communist

    1. 12:17 putting your money in failing US banks where It can be EAZILY confiscated is a dumb move.
      Put your centqvos in Russian banks, and get. big friendly zero interest loans for life like the big investments moguls of re estate, all tax free...

  15. I would say it is time for a military coup in Mexico but they are just as corrupt. This will never end as long as its, Business as usual. Sad for the honest, hard working people which are still the majority .

    1. The mexican people are carrying on with their own coup,
      AMLO at the vanguard, with the beneficiaries of Mexican corruption eating their mama's shorts with worry.

    2. I really hope thats the truth cause thats what was thought when the PAN was able to beat out PRI. AMLO is one man going in against 1000s of corrupt. I am praying that, He can Do It!!


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