Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 6, 2018

Court approves sale of marijuana seeds in pharmacies

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from Milenio

Decriminalization of marijuana

The Second Chamber granted amparo for 3 people in order to obtain the seeds to cultivate and consume their own marijuana for recreational purposes; it is a "wake-up call" for Congress to legislate on the issue. 
by Rubén Mosso

The Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation opened the door for three citizens to legally acquire, for only one occasion, before the Cofepris [Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk], marijuana seeds in drugstores or in an establishment destined for the production of authorized medicines with derivatives of cannabis. 

Eduardo Medina Mora, president of the Second Chamber said that this ruling is a "wake-up call" for the Congress of the Union to legislate on the issue. 

"The sentences we issue in this Supreme Court must have a practical effect and be obviously deferential to reality ... I believe that the issue of behaviors that are prohibited in the General Law of Health regarding marijuana, should not be addressed from an exclusive or basic personal liberties point of view, but from a perspective of public policy.

"I think that these type of guidelines and restrictions should not be imposed from a seat of jurisdiction, but in any case, through the design of public policy of the work that falls to the Legislative Power, the foregoing without ignoring that the sentences issued by the Supreme Court, those that it has issued and that we are broadcasting today, are a wake-up call for the subject to be addressed and dealt with in a comprehensive manner in the corresponding headquarters, this is in the Congress of the Union."

The chamber unanimously approved the plan of Minister Joao Fernando Franco Gonzalez Salas, who proposed protecting Zara Ashley Snap Hartman, Maria Teresa Cecilia Autrique Escobar, and Fernando Ramos Casas. 

Snapp Hartman said they will try to meet with the authorities that will form the new government headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, because the retired minister Olga Sánchez Cordero, who is shaping up to be named Secretary of the Interior in the next administration, "has an opportunity in this topic" and it is extremely important. 


"It requires real regulation of the market that includes production, distribution and sale and export; what we are seeing internationally is that many countries are moving in that direction," said Zara Ashley. 

The plaintiffs had already obtained the protection of justice to cultivate and consume marijuana for recreational purposes, but claimed that they could not get the seeds legally. 

With this pronouncement from the Second Chamber, that amounts to eight ministers (four in the First Chamber) in favor of granting amparos to consume marijuana for recreational purposes. 

In this case, the amendments to the General Health Law published in the Official Gazette of the Federation were analyzed on June 19, 2017, specifically article 235 bis23, in which the design and execution of the Ministry of Health's obligation was established that regulate the medicinal use of drug derivatives of cannabis in any of its varieties.

And Article 29024 in which the possibility of importing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, products or preparations that contain them, including pharmacological derivatives of cannabis of any of its varieties, within the national territory seeds can be acquired legally. 

The draft of Minister Franco mentions that in terms of article 236 of the General Health Law, the defendant authority is in a position to issue a special permit for acquisition or transfer so that the plaintiffs acquire the necessary seeds to carry out the activities by those that have been protected. 

In the amparo under review 1163/2017, Minister Franco details that since the reform of Article 290 of the General Health Law, it is possible to obtain an authorization to import into the national territory narcotics, psychotropic substances, products or preparations containing them, including the pharmacological derivatives of cannabis of any of its varieties.

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  1. Sales and export ? Where would it be legal to import it to ? Smugglers get caught and theyre legal from the Mexican side but not US side ? That could certainly be a relationship problem . If the USa ever went legal which I sincerely doubt , they wont import .

  2. Legalize, and police the extortion and kidnapping instead. The will of the people, get with it.

  3. The other drug-exporting countries around the world are stepping up their game. What will Mexico do?

    1. If people were smart, they would save and protect any landrace strains that have survived the last 40 years of hybridization.
      What i would give for real Acapulco gold, or say a properly cured Columbian...
      The weed nowadays is shit, IMO. Everyone thinks they know how to grow but the genetics have been so manipulated, the days of the good original strains seem to be over.
      Imagine, A very smart weed grower would have kept their unique varieties going the last 50 years without introducing foreign US, cali, and dutch strains into their lines, today would be commanding the highest prices. Sadly i wouldn't trust anyone claiming panama red, columbian black, etc.
      Prove me wrong BB commentators!

    2. 1:36 - haha I know you just baited the fishing line but I gotta bite. I hear you on the landraces needing to be saved, it would be a crime if they weren't. But to say canabis sucks these days is crazy lol. Canabis is hands down on a whole another level these days! Crazy terpene profiles, crazy high canabinoid percetages, and attributes from the best parts of certain strains from all around the globe!

      But again, saving the land race strains is super important and I do agree people should be hoarding those seeds! I think those greenhouse guys got a bunch of legit landraces and bred them.


    3. I have had the best sinse sativa in Michoacan a few years back and I'm from Cali.

    4. Yeah those landrace seeds would be stolen by criminal groups in a second . Also the reason they were mixed is because people wanted stronger thc levels. The stuff from the 70s,80s was at most 10% its 31% for sone flowers and 90% for concentrates. The market wants stronger stuff because consumers get used to it. I think you can find landrace in jamaica and South Africa still.

    5. 1:36 I love Panamá Red,
      I have the LP, used to be a fan of cheese and ching and still laugh about their crap, but am not a fan of any grifa.
      --Anything is medicinal
      as long as it provides LAUGHTER, THE BEST MEDICINE

    6. you would have to know your $@#* travel and experience learning the real difference between indica and sativa. from mountain top 2 mountain top from mendinco and if you know what I know. real men don't come around often anymore. they run towards cash crops and rumors and lies

    7. There are experts chasing original varities of yerbas, Gabachos of course, maybe Europeans, chasing their references to the end of the world.
      I have seen black aborigines conspiring about not allowing the invaders to commercialize their patrimony for nothing.
      Guaitey won, of course...

  4. I live and texas I have been buying the cannabis seed on line for the pass year I like makes you feel calm

    1. It makes me see zombies!

    2. Roasted dehusked and on the shell or split like peas, no pharmacy needed, by the almonds, on too many stores, legal.
      Why is any pharmacy in need to get involved?

  5. Imagine a world where you have to "legalize" a plant that has been growing since before mankind... Oh yea wait that is our world.

    1. aGREED, why do you need to have the gov’t in your pocket? Stop saying how great it will be when shit is legal. Welcome to California please pay 34% &/ $2 a plant before its 6” tall. The government gets its cut before you find out mid grow that there’s now water available. Get gov’t out of the business of regulating everything you do.

  6. Si pues van a legalizar las drogas y estos putos muertos mmierdas de hambre gente de carteles van a empesar a extorsionar y o robar gente para tener dinero. Pinche gente floja que no quiere trabajar honestamente eso es todo!

    1. 6:20 there is no program against police work, or of impunity for anybody, but there are too many imprisoned felons that just can't make bail, too many times it is just one thousand pesos and the crime is pissing on the sidewalk,
      --other times it is ten years in prison, without sentence for 20 or 30 little onions pretty much diluted meth and aspirin, while real big capos just pay their quotas day by day to the highest in government.
      You are lucky private prisons enterprises have not put their claws on the Mexican government, to get paid 500.00 dollars per prisoner per day, if only because the Mexican government does not have that kind of money, or credit card, like the US where the taxpayer gets to pay the abuses.

  7. BB is getting more boring with the day . you're Lucky if you see 1 new post in 2 or 3 day's

    1. @8:03PM Skywalker, maybe you need to come down from that sky you are walking on and try to walk on terra firma more. If you will look at the archive box just to the right you will see that so far in 2018 there have been 464 new stories posted. That comes out to an average of about 2 1/2 new stories per day. Our goal is a minimum of 3 stories per day and if we didn't have to moderate a lot of stupid comments every day like yours our small staff of volunteers might have time to meet that goal.

    2. 903 if it's so boring then don't enter the site, the door is open. Please close the door, we need the account to keep the place cool.

    3. DD I am against blaming the sky,
      am sure that lighted saber the walker sits on got overcharged
      --Thanks for your patience and all the volunteering the reporters do, and the monitoring of course, everybody needs a purge once in a while.

    4. Double D - I dont think we've seen a dismembered body since El Melvin.. I think that's Luke means when he says its been slow.


    5. @122:18 Phelpso, If all he wants is to see blood and gore there are several other sites that specialize in that that he can go to. We don't.

    6. @932AM I am used to comments that criticize us and it usually doesn't bother me, but sometimes it gets to me especially when someone posts something that is not true about BB after all the hours our volunteer staff put in trying make BB a good website.
      thanks for your comment.

    7. DD - For sure


  8. Crazy how ppl pay 200 for 1 oz of weed and 2ish dollars for a pound of rice

    Crazy!!! Wtf, i think earth is hell

  9. Yeah sky walker, you r2d2 cp30 wanna be... it’s puff puff pass nigga, stop messin up the rotation... stupid comments don’t get thru.... your no Jedi..
    where’s my lighter, dam Chapo snitched guy stole my lighter... hey Jajajaja
    I hope this stupid comment gets thru...


    1. Bhahahaha nice one GC. This comment takes the cake for the day!


  10. "The sale of marijuana seeds"? The guys that package the bundles of weed throw them out like cigarette butts...are the pharmaceuticals gonna guarantee you're getting a female plant or a male plants?

  11. I love the products grown in California. If you can remember the weed in the 60-70's then you probably were not smoking the best. Try the stuff grown today in the USA and you will like it.


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