Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 9, 2018

El Chapo seeks continuance of trial, scheduled for September 5th

By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Due to the government’s recent production of discovery, of over 117k recordings and thousands of pages of documents, the defense in the case of El Chapo is asking the court for a continuance.

The influx of this recently produced material, must be reviewed in preparation of the scheduled September 5th trial.
“Just like any other person, Joaquín deserves a fair trial.  The government’s conduct - whether intentional or inadvertent - deprives him of that right,” says lead defense, Eduardo Balarezo.

Balarezo filed the request for continuance last Friday.

In total, so far, the government has provided, according to the government, more than 320,000 pages of documents and thousands of intercepted and recorded audio communications and dozens of videos.

On the day before of the last status conference, June 25, 2018, the government filed another discovery notice, the nineteenth, informing Mr. Guzmán that it was producing intercepted wire communications, intercepted electronic communications, documents related to drug seizures, statements of the defendant and a video related to a drug seizure.

Filing below in full

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  1. B.S. if he gets his wish postponing his trial this will not constitute a "fair and speedy trial"!
    Let the fucker play the cards he has just like any othet criminal except white collar criminals of course.

    1. The defendant has the right to waive his right to speedy trial...happens everyday...even for traffic violations.

  2. Damaso is almost there be patient u.s

    1. USA has patience , trial is not until September, no rush.

  3. Lots of evidence on him, equals lots of time in prison.

  4. He's going to sign a plea deal vcd at the end. Seen it happen many times while at County in Maricopa, he would be a fool to go to trial with all the witnesses and evidence the prosecutors has on his case. Poor chapo will be an example to act like war on drugs is really happening. Real sp!t...

    1. 9:42 . Why would he plea bargain ? I don't know if you are young and not yet wise to the way of the world or you just been sampling too much of what Maricopa is most known for .They will never offer him a plea for any amount of time he can do in this lifetime . Make an example ? Dude you need to learn to look at these things a little more objective . He is THE example of what the overwhelming majority hates about the border / Mexico issue . He has 2 choices . 1 sign his life away to prison the rest of his life any never be able to dispute it or go to trial and get multiple life sentences , spending the rest of his life trying to dispute each one of them . Not great choices . That's the example . Nothing I want to follow . How about you ?

    2. 9:42 do you meanArizona County where Arpaio the Apache Sheriff only allowed some select drug traffickers do their thing?
      Of.course, he oredered police officers not to bother white offenders and ordered his black or Mexican Meats of choice into pink panty-bloomers and green ham and eggs whachamacooleets.

    3. A plea bargain?? Lmfao not in this lifetime- didnt la barbie get a plea and it was 55 years?? Chapo is going to adx- he can appeal all he wants- all he'll be doing is wasting $ that was supposed to be for his "family"-
      The usa is going to make an example,trust that- and no team of super lawyers could get him off- hes coming out of adx in a box

    4. Who said a plea bargain was a good thing? I know what I'm talking about tontos! A plea is when a prosecutor brings to the table and he says take it or go to trial.. he's going to get a plea for no less than 25 years and that's pretty much life but at least he gasps chance of getting out vs him going to trial and getting a actual life sentence!I guess I should have explained myself a lily better lol

    5. 1112 Arapio when he ran the prison loved seeing men in pink underwear and ladies in men's boxers, he was rather kinky.

    6. @R Kelly: Unless I'm out of the loop, the government has not been successful whatsoever in locating the proceeds of his criminal empire. I doubt spending a few million for his lawyers is going to put a dent in what his family will be left with for the rest of their lives.

    7. I was wearing pink boxers, pink sweater and pink socks with the black and white stripes lol I read the new sherriff will get rid of that nonsense, I don't see the point of it.

  5. "Although the government apparently intends to use only sixteen recordings at trial"
    Defense distraction to buy more time.

  6. someone should do a report on whats going on in Ojocaliente, Zacatecas. major warzone right now they are executed atleast 5 people a week for the past month most recently July 3 in a Rancho called la conception poor people have it bad. there are 4 criminal groups going at it for that plaza right now. los Talibanes, los Zetas, CDG, and CJNG its a shit show over there i have lots of family in that Rancho and they are not letting anyone out after 9 or they get levantados, there is currently no law there just the different cartels running shit.

    1. Who’s winning??

    2. goes to show you’ve come from a family of pansies. cant do anything

    3. If Chung is there you already know what's going onn. Cjng is good at taking plazas

    4. If cjng is there you already know what's going onn. Cjng is good at taking plazas and taking people out so much that people from other cartels jump ship to avoid getting killed.

    5. There is the Military base at Guadalupe Zacatecas and powerful military bases in Aguascalientes Ags, including real cavalry with horses and shit, well, back in the 70s, I don't know these days, but I guess the idea is to let them all cancel each other out while the commanders wash their hands off the blood while in public while stabbing their secret workers on the back in the shades of the night...
      If they can't do the job or nust plain won't,
      they should need to resign or go to the firing squad,
      as a present they can choose who will follow them into Hell,
      10 or 20 confederates at least, Deal?

    6. right now Talibanes are winning...they change plaza like every 3 months or so its crazy last year it was cdg. this year cjng just got in the mix

  7. Pues no que muy bravo y hombrecito.

  8. Hows the homie Cholo Ivan? At least Chapo is getting 3 meals a day, what's Cholo Ivan getting?

    1. 2:49 he is prolly getting 2 cigarettes a week per customer,
      like other minority cartel prisoners.
      His worst problem is that he put up mantas blaming a general "military zone commander" for their shooting his beauty queen girlfriend... that is like snitching.

  9. el chapo will never escape the americans

    1. 9:55 If he gets to be born again he has a chance,
      even in prison.
      While there is life there is hope.

  10. Chapo will never get a fair trial. He has evidence on Presidents. But what's the bet all that evidence will never make it to trial. Chapo is not the problem. The super rich and their enforcers, (DEA, CIA, ATF) are the real problem. Why does the "wall" have holes in it? Why aren't fighter jets safeguarding USA from drugs, instead of killing cavemen in the Middle East? Because they want those drugs in. Chapo is going down for it, too. He isn't the problem at all, but 99 percent of you idiots will say he is. Because you're all fucking dumb. You're the type of idiots that detest black slavery and racism, while wearing fucking Nikes made by fucking Asian slave children on your feet. Fuck you.

  11. If the U.S government falls for Chapos then someone or some agencies are under Chapos payroll.

  12. La ruta de sangre de Beltrán Leyva | Nexos › ...
    aqui les dejo este link .para que dejen de decir que el chapo puso al mochomo .especialmente a los cheerleaders wanbabe periodistas


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