Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Jalisco: How powerful is "Nueva Plaza", CJNG's enemy splinter group?

Posted by Char for Borderland Beat from La Opinion 

Facing protests and outrage over the deaths of three film students, the Jalisco state authorities blamed the events - and later ones that have occurred Guadalajara, the country's third largest city - on a deadly dispute between the powerful Cartel Jalisco New Generation Cartel and an antagonistic CJNG splinter cell, named “Nueva Plaza”.

The leader of Nueva Plaza, according to the authorities, is Carlos Enrique Sánchez, aka 'El Cholo', 38 years old. He is accused with multiple antecedents of violence and capable of being released from jail with great secrecy, He did not stay in prison, not even when charged for the murder of a rival.  When arrested Sanchez had one million pesos.  

Neither the judges nor the state prosecutor (whose head, Luis Carlos Nájera, recently suffered an attack and resigned) has explained, how 'El Cholo' managed to achieved his freedom, after he killed a man in Tlaquepaque in 2007 who tried to defend a woman the scoundrel was arguing with.

Only eight years later, he was arrested in an operation against drunk driving and because he was driving half-drunk with cash and drugs, according to a press release issued by the state attorney's office. He spent a few days in the Preventive Prison of Guadalajara and then left prison: presumably for lack of evidence.

Since that time, the whereabouts of 'Cholo' is not very clear. The state government had not spoken of him again, until the death of the three film students who were dissolved in acid. Then the prosecutor said it was the CJNG that confused the boys with people from Nueva Plaza, a cartel who are in dispute with CJNG, ever since "El Mencho" put a price on El Cholo’s head in March of 2017.

[After the split, a new operator of the CJNG emerged, identified as El 2, who has the task of eliminating Carlos Enrique Sánchez "El Cholo" and take control of the plaza in the municipalities of Guadalajara, Tonalá, San Pedro Tlaquepaque and Tlajomulco of Zúñiga. Among the alleged collaborators of El 2 are El Karton, El Padrino, El Pipo and El Tortas.]

"The problem in Jalisco is that there is a significant presence of organized crime groups without any state strength" said Orlando Camacho, general director of Mexico SOS. "The local government has dismissed the numbers of violence, the perception of insecurity in the day to day while its interventions against delinquency have been delayed and opaque."

According to local press reports, the rupture between El Mencho and El Cholo, who was his trusted enforcer hitman,  was due to the latter assassinating a man with the nickname "El Colombiano", financial operator of the CJNG, whjo was killed on March 10 during a shootout that occurred in the parking lot of a Walmart store in Puerto Vallarta.

El Cholo then became independent and he formed Plaza Nueva with other CJNG criminals.

Governor Aristóteles Sandoval recently acknowledged that criminal groups and, particularly the CJNG, include training experts from Colombia, Venezuela and "other parts of the world".  This move was to expand their power and protect the territory they dispute with Nueva Plaza and others, after the weakening of the Sinaloa Cartel by the extradition of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.

Diego Gabriel Mejía - another of the leaders of Nueva Plaza - was arrested with four other men: the Colombian Brayan Hernán Almario; Miguel Ángel Goche Fernández; Hugo Israel Palomera and José Jonathan Cárdenas Sánchez. The police also secured weapons and two vehicles.

For three years, Mejía has been imprisoned; However, a CJNG cartel commander received information that he had already been released, so he ordered a group of men to watch his house known as "La Cabaña", where the film students were confused with rivals from the CJNG. The rest is history.

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  1. Good reading. I was wondering who had killed el karton? The problem with cjng is that they operate mainly in Colima and Michoacán more then they do in Jalisco .

    1. Tlaquepaque is cholo's plaza and that's where his people are getting killed the most. Cjng has more presence in jalisco tonto, why you think it's called jalisco nueva Generation. It's like saying cdesinaloa operates more in Durango or Sonora where they have other plazas. Cholo has been getting hit hard lately though. There is way more cjng than nueva plaza in jalisco and it's a matter of time before he gets killed

    2. 3:14 where are you getting that bs, its cjng getting wiped the fck out in Guadalajara. Cholo has taken over GDL metro hence mensos people and wife getting arrested. Stop spreading lies.

    3. CDS does operate more in Durango and Sonora . In sinaloa they dont control the whole state while in Durango they pretty much operate all over the state same with sonora.

    4. @3:14 just because they named their cartel after a state doesn't mean much. The old Guadalajara cartel was run by nothing but guys from Sinaloa. The same goes for the Juarez Cartel. Its roots lie in Sinaloa. From what I've witnessed CJNG has a big presence in Michoacan. I've met dudes that were ex templarios that are now CJNG. Again, the name is just a name, it could be a marketing point for all we know.

    5. El carton was that skinny jeans lame that got wacked driving that ugly beamer?

    6. Juarez cartel by Juarez - not the same as Sinaloa - Juarez has always been the plaza door where all others came afterwards. Ask El Paso before Sinaloa, CJNG. Zetas. Gulf, Trevinos, Beltrans, Mayo, Azul, La Familia and so on. They are the godfather! Los Lineas, Aztecas and so on . . . you know who your patron is

    7. Yeah, CDs can't take the chapo isidro plazas in Sinaloa for BLO.. thats a huge difference because cjng is hitting cholo bad unlike Sinaloa who just let them be. Mencho is more territorial than a pit bull and is after the whole plaza. Just watch

  2. They are powerful enough to punk mencho and control a good section of Jalisco . Arent they being backed up by CDG or CDS?

    1. Cholo and his wing are backed by CDS.
      Just a little reminder CDS still continues to operate in guadalajara and its surroundings locations including NPV and PV.

      -The guy who knows nothing

    2. All cartels operate in Guadalajara because it's the second biggest city in Mexico. Just like every cartel operates in Mexico city

  3. thank you for this article. It connects things so now I understand a bit better.

  4. Shit mencho people are getting wacked left and right in michoacan and he is losing plazas he had already his top guy in michoacan is migueladas and he fucked up on getting all top dudes arrested or killed like cenizo chanda el 500 cenizo's brother so mencho lost a lot to los viagras but them also are losing it cause of the way they treat the people in there own towns, i dont know when our state is gonna have end to the war over plazas

  5. Please dont ruin PV too

  6. El 2. Was trained by Israeli Mossad and British SAS .He is also did some black operations with Delta Force ,Navy Seal Team Six and Marine Recone Unit. His last assignment before joining the CJNG was with CIA S.A.D. .Before working for Jalisco he did some jobs with Gente Nueva Especial Forces and Antrax Gafes Of High Command
    El SR Mencho is paying him very good money ,just a matter of time before El Cholo is killed .

    SICARIO 006

    1. Sounds a bit like BS. Possibly a former special forces and later contractor but if he was trained well enough you would not know he was alive. Those with the best backgrounds don’t brag SICARIO 006. They are silent and all around you.

    2. Este vato ya no está bien, se anda quedando en el avion. De el que hablas es el vampiro teporocho ese vato inspiro las películas de rambo.

    3. Word is he was also bin Laden's pistolero before operacion te cargo la verg bin Laden, that's when he met mencho.

    4. Sicario006 - Yes, and the moon is made of cheese :)


    5. Wow, one hell of heavily trained terminator. Did he also work as Robin for Batman?

    6. And his also related to speedy gonzales atte: tweety bird

  7. In order to curtail corruption it would be a good idea to investigate the attorneys these criminals use to get charges dropped and also investigate which judges these attorneys use that drop the charges in order to prove a pattern of corruption and perhaps bribery.
    I suppose Mexico has an extremely poor method of record keeping that's one reason why there is so much corruption nor a way to trace.

    1. For what you just wrote am guessing you never been to mexico. Or still believe in santa claus.

    2. Yes!!!! They should record keep out of this mess!!! Most unique suggestion yet!!

    3. Lady Desborrame would not like to get grabada,
      But how do you explain how you get your Plaza to rule from the bench if the US is doing the same, getting judge candidates approved if they have a good enough back scratching.
      Judicial Review should have final approval of Judges' Chingaderas, after all they are as human and susceptible to corruption as any other candidate...

  8. El 85 is also backing this guy up. El 85 has a pact with cds so he’s fighting mencho as well.

    1. If this is true Mencho is finished he will run out of places to hide

    2. elcmencho pago para soltar al 85, no digas mensadas.

    3. It’s false info that’s something he got in blog del narco

    4. 3:32 hasta en china saben que el 85 ya no apoya al menso y cjng. Pinche bola de tecatos que les pagan con krystal la nueva generación vale pura verga

    5. 12:13 donde esta tu prueva?

  9. Wright..cuz besides drugs they have a lot of money from extortions killing contracts gumblimg and all the other things!

  10. Are they just in gdl any info on their plazas?

  11. I get the feeling that this a David and Goliath type situation with these cartels

  12. 6:25 drugs just keep disappearing for some strange reason,
    The money they generate also keeps disappearing dammit, it is not all going to Mossad or for AK 47s or R15 or to "El Chapo".
    maybe the puertorrican Bolita Game experts can catch the trick.

  13. CDN will unify all of the cartels soon.

  14. its hard for cartels to take over major cities. even in reynosa after the golfo/zeta split still had pockets of zetas. CJNG big as it maybe will have a hard time to snuff out this guy and his goons in gdl. cant have too many deaths otherwise the gov gets involved. so its going to be like juarez and tijuana dead person every day

    1. Very good point. All the immature comments about A cartel cant get rid of B cartel in certain cities need to wise up.

  15. US & Mex govt will once again allow CDS to operate and control most of country. Most will fall in line, some will resist and regret, but Mexico once again will live in relative peace.

  16. El cjng están acabando con estos. Que es lo q están pasando en Sinaloa que cds están matándose entre ellos mismos. se estan acabando

  17. Cholo...will overthrow mencho and become the next big boss. You heard it here first.

    1. Cholo is already missing they just haven't found his body yet

  18. 1:09, The Bolita game is booming.
    -El Bori

  19. El Panque de Nuez. From los Bimbo. Is he dead yet? Or le tumbaron las nuezes. I heard he got dunked in cold milk. Best way to get served I heard

  20. RIP cholo 3/18/2021. His autopsy report is brutal

  21. Man people discussing 2018 that he will get killed and stuff like that thats what happened he got one of the worst killings ever in cartel world


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