Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 9, 2018

Revisiting the 2010 El Mayo interview by Proceso

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat from Proceso by Julio Scherer García

This interview took place in 2010, El Mayo is now 70 years old. Since his name is prominent  in the El Chapo case I thought a revisit may be due;

Ismael Zambada Garcia, aka "EL Mayo", one of the most wanted drug lords in the world, was interviewed at an undisclosed location, somewhere in the Sinaloa's hills, by the founder of the Mexican magazine, Proceso, Julio Scherer. 

This is an extract of the interview, and a picture in which the face of the drug lord can be seen for the very first time since the 70's. (He's the one with the baseball cap, below the R letter stands for Reporter, and the M, stands for Mayo)

R-I asked the Capo about Vicente "Vicentillo"

M- He is my son, the first of five, I call him "mijo". He is also my compadre.

R- Zambada continued with his personal account:

M- I got my wife, five women, 15 grandsons and one great-grand son. They, the six of them (the women), are here, at the ranch, daughters of the bush, just like me. the bush is my home, my family, my protection, my land, the water I drink. The land is always good, the sky, is not.

R- I don't understand.

M- sometimes the sky won't give us any rain.

R- There was a silence which I choose to broke the only possible way I could: Vicente?

M- I don't want to talk about him right now. I don't know if he is in Chicago or in New York. I know he was in Matamoros however.

R- I have to ask you...  talking about your son, do you live his extradition with such remorse that it tears into your fatherly love?

M- Today I'm not talking about "mijo". I cry for him.

R– Do we start recording?

R- I got a lot of questions, (I insisted, already drained).

M- Some other day, you got my word on that.

R- As I was observing him. He stands up over 6ft tall and he posses a fortress-like body, far from a barely pronounced gut. He wears a green tee-shirt buttoned up to the neck and his denim blue jeans keep the straight line of the well ironed clothes. He covers himself with a baseball cap and a mustache.

M- I have read all your books, and you don't lie (he tells me).

R- I stare at the Capo, his lips tightly close.

M- All of them lie, even Proceso lies. Your magazine is the first, informs more than the other magazines, but also lies. 

R- Can you site a case for me?

M- you talked about a wedding that didn't even existed.

R- Chapo's wedding?

M- You even gave up details of that wedding.

R- Sandra Avila talked about a party she went and in which also Chapo was present.
M- I knew about that party, but it was an exception in Chapo's life. If him or me were to exhibit ourselves that way, they would have had captured us already.

R- Have you ever felt the army too close to you.

M- Yes, four times, but Chapo has more.

R- How close?

M- Up in the sky, over my head. I escaped into the bush, of which I know his branches, the rivers, the stones, everything, if I keep myself quiet for a minute, or I'm careless, they could catch me, like they once did to Chapo. In order for us to meet today, I came from far away. And as soon as we're done, I will go away.

R- Are you afraid to be captured?

M- I feel panic of being behind bars.

R- If you get caught, would you end up with your life?

M- I don't know if i would have the arrests (balls) to kill myself. I want to think, yes, I would kill myself.

[R-I found out the Capo is careful with his words. He uses the term "arrests", and not the classic slang.  Zambada carries the bush in his body, but possesses his own confinement. His sons, his families, his grandsons, his son's and grandson's friends, all of them like to party. They frequently go to clubs and public places and the Capo can't come with them. He tells me that for him, there are no birthday parties, the celebrations, and the cakes for the kids, the happiness of the quinceaneras, the music, the dancing]

R- Is there any moment for tranquility in you?

M- I'm always afraid

R- Always?

M- Always

R- Will you finally get arrested?

M- Any time now, or may be never.

[R- Zambada is 60 years old and he got started in the drug trafficking business at 16. 44 years had passed which it gives him a great advantage on his today's prosecutors. He knows how to hide away, he knows how to escape and he is loved among the men and women where half of him lives, and half of him dies]

[R- There hasn't appeared any traitor yet, he suddenly expresses to himself]

R- How did you get started into the narco traffic business? His answer makes me smile.

M- Just because.

R- Just because?

R- Just because? I ask again.

M- Just because, (he answers again).

[R- There is no way in to that conversation and I keep myself to my own ideas: The narco as an irresistible and pitiless magnet that follows the money, the power, the yachts, the airplanes, the women, own and of others with the big houses and buildings, the jewels as colorful marbles to play with, the brutal impulse that leads to the summit. In the capacity of the narcotraffic exists, terrified without any horizon. The capacity of crushing.

Zambada doesn't ignore the prosecution the government has unleashed to capture him. That's their right and duty. However, he despises the army's barbaric actions. The soldiers, he says, brake doors and windows, they penetrate into the intimacy of the homes, they plant and spread terror. In this unleashed war they find immediate response to their actions. The result is the number of victims that grow. The capos are their targets, even though they are the unique figures of past times].

R- And what are they? I ask.

[R- Zambada responds with a fantastic example]

M- Let's say one day I decide to gave myself up to the government so they can execute me by fire squad. My case should be an example, a lesson to everybody. They execute me and euphoria explodes, but while days pass by, we would find out that nothing has changed.

R- Nothing after the fall of the Capo?

M- The problem with the narco, it wraps millions of people up. How to dominate them? and about the captured, dead and extradited Capos, their replacements are out there already.

[R- To Zambada's judgment, the government came to late to this war and there is nobody who can solve in days, the problems generated in years. With the government, infiltrated from the bottom up, time did it's "job" within the heart of the system and the corruption grew it's roots in the country. To he president, his collaborators cheat on him. They are liars and they inform him about advances that there are not true in this lost war]

R- Why is it lost?

M- The narco is within the society, rooted like the corruption

R– And what do you do now?

M– I work in agriculture and livestock farming, but if I can do a "business" in the united states, I do it.

R- I was pretending to dig in about the capo's fortune and I choose to use the Forbes magazine to get this topic into our conversation, I stared to his yes, faking to be anxious, "did you know that Forbes magazine includes Chapo among the biggest millionaires in the world?"

M- That's foolish.

[R- I had on my lips the following question, now superfluous, but I couldn't contain it anymore]

R- Could you figure in the Forbes list?

M- I already told you, that's foolish.

R– Is very well known your friendship with El Chapo Guzman and it couldn't bring any attention the fact that you could had been waiting for him outside of the Puente Grande prison the day he escaped. Could you tell me in which way did you lived that particular story?

M– "El Chapo" Guzmán and I are friends and compadres and we call each other on the phone frequently. But that story never existed. It's another lie they are trying to pin on me. Like the invention about me planning a hit on the President. I would have never thought of that.

R– Zulema Hernandez, Chapo's mistress, told me about the corruption prevailing in Puente Grande and about the way that corruption made it easier for Chapo to escape. Do you have any knowledge about what went down that day and how things were developing?

M– I know that there was no bloodshed, only one dead. I don't know anything else.

R- With an unexpected question, Zambada surprises me:

M- Are you interested in Chapo?

R- Yes, of course.

M– Would you like to see him?.

R- I came to see you.

M- Would you like to see him?.

R- Of course.

M- I'm going to call him, may be you could see him.

[R- Our conversation comes to an end. Zambada, standing up, walks under the sun's plenitude and again, he surprises me]

M-How about a picture?

[R- I felt an absolutely unexplained heat inside of me. The picture was the proof the authenticity of the encounter with the capo.  Zambada called one of his bodyguards and he asked him for his hat, he put it on. It was white of fine quality]

M- How do you like it?

R- That hat it's so bright, it takes the personality off of you.

M- What about the cap?

R- I think so.

R- The bodyguard aimed with the camera, and shoots.......

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  1. Another one going down.

    1. No mames, güey.
      This interview was done in 2010...
      and no mayo is falling like MANÁ FROM PARADISE FOR YOU.

    2. 11:36 te la jalas mucho what does that date have to do with anything?

    3. 7:50 El Mayate, is an old man,
      but he has not been caught in 8 years since the interview, that is all.

    4. 9:22 why do you keep posting and calling him El "Mayate"? I've never heard anyone call him sound dumb.

    5. Drug traffickers do not deserve much respect,
      People call others MAYATES for a reason, racial, sexual, etc, like barbie, la mencha, la Mochoma, Barbas, Las Trevis, zeta chorrienta, la chapa chila, no love there.

    6. 7:35 got his feelings hurt lol probably the same guy calling mencho "menso" or la tuta "la puta " hilarious

  2. That's a nice lifestyle when you have so much money. 5 women all living together, must be nice. I bet they dont6 even fight lol

    1. 5 women!!!

      He was talking about his daughters compita.

    2. 8:37 No honey, 5 And his wife.

  3. He is a peaceful capo but chapo messed it up for the new generation with all that violence he started.

    1. 8:40 tás loca,
      la chapa never was into murdering
      like Los zetas and their copycats

  4. Always the politicos, hiding in plain view and their own narcos trying to steal from the past luminaries of trafficking, in cahoots with the biggest ginirals and federal police commanders.
    Dunb patsies fall first, but nothing really changes unless it gets worse.

  5. Hasta politicos se creen estos gueyes que el pinche gobierno es la misma mierda que ellos y que todos matas a personas etc...
    Pueda que si, pueda que no pero quien chingados son los narcos para reclamar a el gobierno lo que hace o no??? Primero estudien mas de un estudio de primaria antes que se crean dioses bola de imbeciles!!!

    1. 9:23 these "imbeciles" have presidents, governors, local politicians, police corporation commanders and military zone ginirals eating from their hand, because the best of the best of US criminals got their back, capisci gomba?

    2. @ 7:05 Generals or ginirals? I keep seeing “ginirals” written..idk if it is a different term just looking for clarification

  6. So many mysteries about this men. Somehow makes you question alot of the things going on in corrupt Mexico

  7. Something about this interview seems fishy. Why would a wanted man give an interview? It's not like he's running for political office? Better yet appealing to the public for support.
    We all know too well what happened to Chapo with his ego. Past comments on borderlandbeat indicates the elusive and secretive security measures he takes. Moreover, to an interview that did not exemplify anything but gibberish. Added with a photo?
    Government security forces can apprehend anyone at any time if the desire were there. Moreover, with knowledge of every nook and cranny ( rock,cave home) within their landscape.The years of supposedly running and hiding from law enforcement in a country where he is marked, labeled and categorized shows otherwise.
    This interview looks more like a publicity stunt than an actual Pulitzer prize winner!

    Besides,Mayo will be gaining his immunity papers from AMLO shortly.If not havent recieved them already.

    No offense chivis but this is too far fetched for me to believe.


    1. The guy in the picture is probably not the real mayo. Or had more plastic surgery right after That nose is fake as shit.

    2. PROCESO WAS THE ONLY MEXICAN MAGA-ZINEto report on the renewed accusations against the CIA and their rogue agent Felix Israel Rodriguez Mendigutia for ordering the kidnapping, torture and murder of DEA AGENT Enrique Kiki Camarena the murder of DEA AGENT ENRIQUE CAMARENA and his Mexican pilot Alfredo Zavala Avelar...some other unknown reporters commented.
      Julio Scherer went to interview El Mayate and he did it, and also got his ohotos, maybe that was the holei idea, nobody has done it like that since El Myate, and new federal senator or congressman or shot Sergio Mayer "La Bugambilia" friend of La Barbie who shot his biography...
      Mr Mayer is the son in law of drugs and weapons trafficker Jaime Camil Garza, buddy of Carlos hank rohn...
      --everybody has his narco,
      except for me or Don Julio Scherer G.

    3. e42 and here I thought you were brighter than that. I knew you were a relative newbie who is historically ignorant about narco history. but this goes beyond. your comments are philosophy driven and never of substance or narco fact. yes this is real. pics to prove it, this was one of the biggest interviews in narco history.

      so you believe the penn chapo interview is real but mayo could not do the same. Stupido. and what does chivis have to do with it? she just posted this article and translated, so leave her alone.

    4. We just love to have CHIVIS name thrown around here.
      Hey! Quén te quere mija?

    5. Chivis has nothing nor any indication referring to negligence. Moreover, postings of articles are rewritten from other sources. Which readers are aware of.
      As for newbie and all that gibberish you reffer to can care less. Not looking for points not status rather commenting on opinions.
      So all that smack of being stupid is uncalled for. Moreover, childish.
      But the if the need to truly Express my opinion bothers u dont reply.
      Simple as that. Because it really does not affect me. Rather shows the pettiness to address someone with the respect u like to be given.

      Chivis is good with me. Just stated the fishiness of such an elesusive individual.


    6. Well I am not sure what is happening here, I don"t moderate much as of now. But I can say this interview is absolutely genuine and vetted to the death in 2010. Without the fotos few would have believed him. I believe he conducted the interview to establish or infer chapo being boss or at least on equal footing.

      I recall the two -chapo and mayo-having a meeting just prior to this interview...within a month off the mountain. or at least one was reported. who knows, that is why fotos are so important. He says they need to stay on the mountain so I don't know.

      E...yes we are good. you have always been respectful towards me. I think the reader was just saying if you had a greater historical knowledge, you would not question it. I think that is fair.

      BTW I write a fair amount of my articles. I am not good at it, but I am a great researcher and can provide that material. Plus good relationships with key people that provide material. I think I am trusted because I keep my word.

    7. @ chivis
      Like wise with the mutual respect.
      Apologies for not believing this interview to be legitimate.
      Never doubted your knowledge nor expertise of such matters.
      The only thing that caught my attention was the elesusive measures added with a photo.
      Borderlandbeat has always demonstrated this character as mysterious.
      Furthermore, not much of an interview that said much rather pleasantries and acknowledgem to his existence.

      As for the displeased commentator, I can care less of his opinion. Readers are here to give opinions whether with rebuttal or not. But not to offend one because his panties are in a bunch due to refusal of such.

      Good to hear from you chivis.
      Always tried to be respectful and honest with my perspectives.

      Keep doing what you do best.


  8. He is the one that started selling drugs to his own people. The old school narcos had agreements with Mexican government to not sell domestically. Pandora box can't be closed, too many addicted in Mexico now.

    1. Prove it! Narcos always exported the goods because it was far more profitable and much easier in the “golden days” of trafficking.

      I don’t believe he is/was the first one to sell it domestically (in MX). Coke, MJ, and other narcotics were used and readibly availabile In MX before MZ started in the biz.

      The only “drug” that is fairly new (made available in our lifetime) in MX is Meth and Fent. Meth in MX originated in Michoacan Sierra, MZ had no control over that production.

    2. Uhm yes and no. I remember there used to be quasilegal heroin programs in MXCity/DF back in the 70s and 80s(some Vietnam vets went there for maintenance and detox btw) and I think it started in the 50s.
      The problem today is synthetic drugs.

    3. Lucky Luciano was caught with heroin in the 1920s,
      --and they wasn't looking for the fountain of eternal youth when Bugsy Siegel found Las Vegas on their way to Califas...

  9. This is my “favorite” part of the interview. It seems as if he was putting out a message to the powers that be. If you need me, call me. LOL ..

    i’ve seen some folks speculate that this msg was aimed directly at US Govt to make a deal for VZ.

    R– And what do you do now?

    M– I work in agriculture and livestock farming, but if I can do a "business" in the united states, I do it.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised, that's why el vicentillo is almost out if prison. The court want's 1.5 billion dollars though.. there's a price for everything and I'm sure that includes el mayo from being arrested or prosecuted...

    2. Unfortunately, there is a price for everything like u state. A proven fact here in the U.S. where money seems to bury all wrong doings.
      Fine example with El Vicentillo; a metric ton drug smuggler who will be given a slap on the wrist compared to those given practically life sentences for those who push a kilo or 2.
      Gotta love / hate this countries appetite for money.
      Then again that's capitalism for you.


    3. Serafin worked as an informante...probablamente gave up the Flores twins and El Chapo... he gets out and goes into witness proteccion programa... otherwise he is muerto...kinda like the Barry Seal case...


  10. Zambada, although thoughtful, is not too bright. He was immediately refuted about the wedding while he just offered assertions. He lies himeself. He is careful and instinctful but, again, he's not a bright one.

    1. Bright by what standard or comparison? You have to understand the timing in order to appreciate his words. He kept it short, covered for his buddy, and made it clear he reads news publications. His ultimate goal, IMHO, he wanted to make public his intentions to make a deal with US gov and save his some from lifting of imprisonment.
      Another note: He’s one of the only narcos that has been in public eye for over 30 years to never have seen the inside of a prison.

      To me his story is incredible ( I don’t like narcos or the drug game) but With my interest in criminal justice and history this guy is a titan.

    2. How you say that a man who took the Arrellano plazas and managed and controlled both Chapo, los Beltranes, Nacho Coronel through1980s 1990s and early 2000s; and then managed to keep the world’s biggest distribution network moving after full war started in 2008 and2009? ismael was bright enough to never been killed or how could this man not be bright? Ismael is very bright and respected for his intelligence, work ethic and humble nature by all of his compadres, workers, and people know him but who do different negocios.

    3. Very well said... La pura neta

    4. @1:34 wrong Arturo Beltran Leyva worked for Amado Carrillo Fuentes and after amado died he was already a prominent liuetenant who knew how to operate. He had control of many plazas was a boss already, he never worked. for mayo or chapo he worked. with mayo and chapo theres a very big difference . Mayo was another prominent liutenant of Amado Carrillo. The head of DEA clearly said it when arturo beltran was killed ,"that he wasnt a big fish he was a shark ,and that theres isnt a man out there that has the contacts that arturo beltran had. "

    5. This is the same person who also said Barbie wasn’t so bright. Granted these people are very evil in nature. Many of them have stayed alive and ahead of their foes by trickery and deception. There’s a sort of ingenuity there. Just look at how they went about doing their business. - Sol Prendido

    6. @Carretera

      He took those plazas AFTER the Arrellanos began to fall do to deaths and arrest. He is were he's at because of his criminal instincs, he's thoughtful and, because HE KNOWS it, he's not bright enough to deal with being intellectually confronted, he either evades or stays quite. Hence, he completely shut up once he got refuted.


      I gave an example of the standard you ask for: he was intellectually confronted about his assertion (he was lying) and got refuted. He is very used to being sorrounded by "yes men" who never question him so he is at a loss to deal with being contradicted because it forces him to think beyond the bubble of his word being law. It seems he was nervous and it got awkward when he tried to change the subject to one about Chapo. Yes, his story is incredible and I agree with you about his intentions I just don't think he is a bright one when having a conversation where he is forced to think about what he said.

    7. @8:11 Yes of course.

      @11:57 Plazas are always taken only after many deaths and arrests...but do you suggest a Narco Santa Clause sent sicarios, armas,hundreds of millions USD paid to militar and políticos all the way to Los Pinos only to soften Tijuana for Ismael to walk in and take? I find this unlikely.

      Ismael and compadres begin plans to take the most protected and secure plaza in history only after Francisco Arrellano who was Ismaels compadre in Mazatlan helped Ramon try to find Ismael to kill. Everyone did not like Francisco in Mazatlan by then so Francisco had nothing to lose and this is when Mayo, Chapo, Azul and others know with confidence los Arrellanos would take all unless they are killed.

    8. The one saying mayo is dumb is that girl who always says same shit that mex gov us retateded. Sometines they coment and say they are a gurl not man.

    9. 8:11 now EPN HAS BEEN WORKING FOR THE LAST 12 TO 15 YEARS for Alvaro Uribe Velez, who used his initials for his Auto defenses Unidas de Alvaro, the milicos and the paracos, chief really went places after sticking it to Pablo Escobar Gaviria, his Godfather, same as EPN did to El Barbas to make himself rich on top of stealing from the Estado de Mexico government and the presidency...
      --just elected mexican "federal senator" Rosario Robles says she is as honest as EPN, yes I bet...

    10. Anyone who thinks Mayo is not “bright” is either a jealous hater or an idiot. Fact, numbers and years speak for itself.

      Carretera; Narco Santa Clause!! LMAO!! Well said too.

    11. 8:11 Read narco history for dummies b/f postijgnin here

    12. Relying on personal attacks without dealing with the issues stated is another indicator of not being bright.

    13. @11:48 “dealing with the issues” was stated when i said only a jealous hater would call someone not bright whose had the intelligence to for 40 years, 4 decades, 14,600 days to: 1) stay free, 2) stay alive.
      Sounds like u got ur own issues to deal with! Lol!

  11. Damn 8 years sure does fly by. On a side note, congrats too BLB for continuing to inform us about the atrocities that continue too happen in my parents and families home country..

    1. 1:46 El mayo is not one of the atrocities occurring in Mexico, blame the government's pooliticians for their greed and incompetemce...and of course, people on the US who know where the customers is...abandoned by their government sponsored suppliers when the cat got out of the bag...

  12. This guy is the shit 6woman and all live together. I give him props because One alone drives me crazy

    1. 1:53 hay que ser hombres, dos o tres riatazos y se andan derechitas las 6 viejas, si saben lo que les conviene.

  13. MZ - I believe he just wanted to get a message out to US gov. I’ll make a deal if It can help my son, VZ.

  14. GOAT Mexican Capo Hands Down..Been known how to move around for 44 years..u Gotta Respect Him.

    1. 3:03 means Old Goat, Chivo Viejo.

  15. The more things change, the more they remain the same. Like Mayo said, " whether they catch me or not, nothing will change". The game will continue. It's been awhile since Mayo did this interview and nothing really hasnt changed for him as he remains as elusive as the chupacabra. Since this interview, chapo has been captured twice, his son been sentenced and 2 new presidents have been elected. Even Julio Scherer has passed. Who knows if we will ever hear from Mayo again. alias el MZ

  16. Oh come on that was clearly not Zambada. Hey want a picture of me to publish when no one has seen my face publically for 30 years. Here you go... haha

  17. More like just for the picture. Conversation was had no real value. Picture is extremely famous. Matter of fact I'm sure more people have seen this picture than the people that knew an 5 min interview even took place.

  18. El mero mero del Narco.El Patron es una leyenda!

    Atte: El Chapulin Especial Forces de Antrax

  19. Does anyone think Mayo has a secret deal with US and Mexico and will never be cought?

    1. Yes and i think he will never be caught and i think this is picture is not even mayo. Look at chapos pictures and then this one. Looks exactly the same. Nobodys seen him pubicly for decades.

  20. Was chino antrax el Mayo personal bodyguard?

    1. Nope, in charge of a hit squad as well as in charge of vicentes ppl and biz when he got busted

  21. Anyone think el vicentillo will ever be back in Mexico back in the dope game after his release

    1. 7:19 NO MORE DOPE GAME, but no freedom either,
      he will always have to watch his back.
      Don Chelo forgot that, and El Cenizo and El Pollo Rostizado.

  22. Not bright you say? To have lasted 40+ years in the game and still free and healthy. You should get in the game and see how long you last. Then we’ll see who the bright one is

  23. I have something for B.B. Buela.

    1. Thank you! yaqui is working on it!

    2. After the Election Judges declared former governor Rafael Moreno Valle's wife The Winner of the Puebla State Governorship, it back pedaled, The INE declares the pan "win" a fraud and governor Antonio Gali Fayad the fraudulent puppet of Moreno valle is in deep shit, Moreno valle who was not the governor anymore ordered MORENA candidates arrested immediately for uncovering the PAN secret voting fraud center in Hotel MM...
      Fact the huachicoleros, all Moreno Valle people vs other huachicoleros gangs...

  24. La mayata mentions la chapa several times.....that's a no no. Pinches chismosas noveleras.
    Damn Sinaloa, this hole circus exposed the very best, toughest, smartest and most ruthless gangsters you have. Puro pinche pajaro nalgon.

  25. Los Antrax siempre cuidaremos al Patron Mayo Zambada. Somos los mas elites expertos de fuerzas especiales con entrenamiento superior al de los operadores de la Delta Force y Navy Seals Team 6 .

    1. Why do u guys allow these idiotic comments? They serve absolutely no purpose not even humor.

    2. 3:05 don't worry about it baby,
      the whole idea is to make sure the likes of you lose your bearings, and OBVIOUSLY IT WORKS...

    3. @10:41 instead of adding some intellectual opinions that people can discuss there's this garbage and ppl like u defending it. Small minds discuss ppl GREAT minds discuss ideas.

  26. Interesting how he asked Julio if he wanted to meet chapo. Oh let me call him maybe u can see him. Like if it was a mascot. Like the president asking a child if he would like to meet the blue angels.

  27. Paso a paso subí la escalera muchos años tengo en el poder aquellos que an querido bajarme de aquí arriba los miro caer
    Sigo siendo el Más chingon de todos
    Soy el Mayo Zambada y me Llamo Ismael...

  28. Mayo Is pretty tall at 6 ft, VZ seemed kind of tall as well. What I've realized is that taller ppl tend to be more intellectual and cunning as opposed to shorter ppl who are more violent and aggressive. No se awiten chaparitos lol

    1. @9:30 I'm 6"2 and have my masters in engineering

  29. Mayo is too soft for the new Generation

    1. You are I’ll informed if you believe what you wrote. He’s strategic and tactical with his use of violence. He uunderstands that violence begets violence, and business makes money. Soft he’s never been but stealthy and methodical he is.

  30. Ay codigos en Esa entrevista.y la foto fo confirmacion

  31. Its pretty clear to me from Mayos words that Chapo was his boss. Oh wait Chapo was just a leutenant right BB? Bahhaha what a joke article that was. Cant belive yall even published that nonsense.

    1. Most people seeing it differently. About the article you must be ESL,if you are American get mad at the government, for it is them who say chapo was not boss, or rather their evidence says so.

    2. What the obvious take away is that he is messing with Julio, he wants him to assume chapo is king , as the evidence U.S. has says , "to take the heat off mayo and on chapo.

  32. He really . . was asking if sean penn, muy pendanjo, could come and play the part of the corridos . El Chapo beat him to the punch . . . so sad, mucho dinero and no where to go, but everywhere else


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