Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 23, 2018

Using prison guard uniforms, two highly dangerous inmates exit the main entrance of the Sinaloa State Prison

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat from "El Norte"

Higuera and Paredes

Paredes linked to Sinaloa Cartel as financial operator, was involved in the 2016 military ambush and  Higuera is a leader of the BLO linked "Los Mazatlecos" involved in the 2012 police ambush

Inmates in the Culiacán Aguaruto Sinaloa State Prison, dressed in prison guard uniforms and exited through main entrance.  

Two inmates of the Aguaruto state prison, considered highly dangerous and who remained in a special cell to avoid possible escape, did just that early yesterday from the penitentiary center with support from prison staff.

The head of the Secretariat of Public Security of Sinaloa, General Brigadier Fermin Hernandez Montealegre, who took office a week ago, confirmed that Julián Grimaldi Paredes and Carlos Jesús Salmón Higuera, each of them related to antagonistic cartels, exited  through the main door of the prison  wearing guard  uniforms.

Grimaldi Paredes and Salmón Higuera had an injunction to avoid their transfer to a federal prison. Paredes is alleged to be the financial operator of the Sinaloa Cartel and  participated in the military ambush on September 30, 2016, in which five soldiers died.

Higuera is considered one of the armed leaders of the Los Mazatlecos Cartel, linked to the Cartel of Los Beltrán Leyva, and is accused of organizing the 2012 ambush on the San Blas El Fuerte highway, in which seven ministerial policemen were killed.

"Despite having a technological infrastructure, having security measures to prevent escapes ... if the human factor fails, despite the best measures to being implemented, as in this incident, security may fail. And on this occasion, presumably there is the collaboration of the human element, "said Hernández Montealegre.

The General explained that the events occurred at 3:40AM on Sunday, when the departure of four people was detected.  The four men boarded vehicles that were waiting outside the prison.

When people in a prison custody uniform were observed, the head of the state SSP said, personnel questioned about the departure, but a prison official said they were guards who had changed their shift.

However, shortly after, an alert was issued and a  list was made, identifying the absence of two prisoners and two prison guards.  All four remain fugitives.  

The prison was closed yesterday for the scheduled family visits of the prisoners.

This is the second escape that occured this year in the state prison. Last March, Juan José Esparragoza Monzón, "El Azulito", and four other inmates escaped from the prison, also aided by two prison guards.

Transfer request

Last May, the Public Security Secretariat of Sinaloa requested the National Security Commission (CNS) to transfer Julián Grimaldi Paredes to a federal prison. 

According to the agency, there was no reply to the request.

Grimaldi Paredes was arrested on February 16 of this year in Culiacán and two days later he entered the Aguarato prison,

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  1. CDS members escaping from a Sinaloa prison???
    Bullshit!!! There guys like Chapo left out the front door.
    CDS is the LAW in Sinaloa and they make sure of that by actions like these as well as silencing those that speak bad about them.
    Hell even Chapos kids post their weabouts frequently and DEA or CIA will not even touch them!!!
    This is why they are the most powerful cartel in Mexico.

    1. 10:13
      Chapo never left out of the front door and even if he did it would still constitute an escape because he wasn't legally released.

    2. Not from the cds. They’re from the beltran leyva org. Macaco is chapo isidros people

    3. 10:13 they are not cds tonto. Read the article, they are mazatlecoz who work with Beltranes.. Juarez cartel, Beltranes and cds ALL operate in culiacan FYI

    4. You guys are obviously the ones who cant read since it says paredes is a financial operater for CDS while Higuera is a BLO member.

    5. LOL. this guy telling other guy that they are mazatlecos. one is with cds and one with beltranes. you should read the article.

    6. It seems all rivalry ends once in prison. Every man for himself. Enemies on the outside, friends on the inside.

    7. uno es el macaco del isidro y el otro es gabriel..que detuvieron en una fiesta en cln. hace algunos meses isidro y mz tienen tregua. JAGL..

    8. When has chapos kids posted there whereabouts?

  2. El SR Chapo Isidro ordered Higuera out of the prison .He is preparing a Special team of assasins and sicarios to go after the CDS people.They have been trained in guerilla warfare by the Kaibiles from Guatemala who were trained in the school of the Americas.

    1. Me: "that's cute! How old are you kid,7-8 yrs old?"
      You: I'm 35 yrs old. And love captain insano!

    2. 7:32 - AHAHAHAHAHA! Now thats some high quality H20


  3. Aren't Sinaloa and BLO enemies, though?

    1. Yes.. they exited together and will shoot each next lol

    2. Mayo will end Acapulco problems and wars that former Levyas began many years ago after Arturo and Alfredo arrest/killed. El Mayo will support Isidro with everything Isidro requires to manage this and Isidro owes Gob Coppel for the protection he provides from la Policía Estado de Sinaloa y Federales.
      AMLO agrees not to extradite families of Zambada, Azul, Isidro, Chapitos and others only known to Mexico and top USA intelligence from DEA El Paso.
      This is patriotism of Mayo because and there is interview explaining that he and AMLO wish to correct the violence in Mexico and work to stop the 2-3% of cristal and piedra that is sold in Mexico instead of going all the way to US or Canada.

    3. Oye Piloto.
      Bravos y Caballeros

    4. Los Beltránes only bad por Sinaloa since Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán arrived in 1527.

  4. i did not get your messages. and yes I know what you say is true. thank you

  5. After the 2 prison guards got suitcases full of 💰 money, they choose to let them escape. Told you bribes work in Mexico.

  6. El famoso macaco, Chapo isidros people

  7. Not a surprise.

  8. I wonder how much each one of these prison guards collect for their 'cooperation'.

    1. I bet its not much it prbly comes down to not murdering their families and letting them live a little longer if that .

    2. 211 about 100 grand each one, US currency. That's part blood money from kidnappings, extortion, killings.

  9. Carlos el compa macaco

  10. El macaco is no rookie has been the armed wing of chapo isidro for a while .Rumors are he was present in tubutama and also the ambush of state agents killing 12 in another display of power by los mazatlecos on the freeway

  11. El cholo ivan's nightmare, el macaco de Los beltran escapes this guy is been on so many shootings vs the state police and cds,

  12. Mazatlecos killed off some ántrax, now those guys are some bad motherfuckers who would rather die on the line fighting then cds operatives. Pues tienen la escuela ellos de Arturo y los otros del chapito

  13. Chapos people still walking out of prison untouched. The real mafia is in Sinaloa.

    1. Mafia Michoacana puro Nuova Italia qual sinaloa ni que la chingada!

    2. Mafia michaocana jajaja yeah right bums

    3. michoacanos son chilangos que se creen del norte odian a los chinolas pero imitan las pendejadas que hacen .

    4. Mazatlecos will crush any faction from Michigan, that’s a fact jack. They been in more wars and shoot outs then the golfos and that’s saying a lot

    5. Mazatlecos are from Sinaloa the Mexican and us government are more fearful of the Michoacanos that’s where Calderón first sent its troops back in 06. Michoacán even Autodefensas don’t be saying dumb shot on here

    6. 10:37The mexican and us goverment are more fearful of michoacanos? Where do you get this from .you sound ridiculous .

    7. @10:37 don’t make me laugh those Mazatlecos are a different kind of beast they would eat up any weak ass faction trying to make chess moves there’s a reason Chapo would always send the Feds to fight them he knew his men would get cut into pieces, that’s why mencho had to buy the Nayarit plaza he knew he wasn’t winning against them head on

  14. Really ? They have guards at the prisons in Mexico ?

  15. Thank BB follower for the correction!

  16. Cartel de los payasosJuly 24, 2018 at 6:42 PM

    I just come here to read the comments of all the narco-insiders from every cartel/organization in Mexico. Internet cartel members😂.

    1. Some people actually know stuff. Dont be jealous mija.


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