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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Cancun Area: Attorney General admits the state is unable to cope with the increase of crime

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Reforma

The Office of the Attorney General of Quintana Roo is unable to meet the unusual increase in violence in the State.

In a private meeting with local legislators, Attorney General Miguel Ángel Pech acknowledged that the institution lacks trained and evaluated ministerial police, specialized equipment and greater resources to deal with crime.

"Each Prosecutor has up to 800 cases, we even have 60 employment openings  available for ministerial agents, but there is a lack of trained personnel to fill the vacancies," Pech said, and according to legislative sources.

He also warned that, even if those 60 positions were filled, the staff would still be insufficient.

It is a complex situation", summarized the Prosecutor.

The meeting with legislators took place after the execution of eight people in less than 24 hours, in Cancun last Tuesday.

Homicides have increased 133 percent from January to July, when there were 395 preliminary investigations for that crime; in the same period of 2017, 169 were counted.


  1. Hell cant't even go to Cancun to have a good time.

    1. Can’t be as bad as Acapulco. The poor restaurants. Anyone who does go is more likely to stay at the hotel.

    2. There are plenty of beaches with drugs here in the good ol usa

    3. Yes theres plenty of drugs here in the usa bit toure not runninh the risk you run in mexico. Its not about the availability of the deug its about the crimes

    4. You can...they are not after visitors. Killing of tourists would bring more heat. they are after settling scores or the enemy

  2. Cancun is safe as long as you stay in yo lane tourist areas if you wander off the beaten path then your asking for it

    1. See, that’s my issue. If you are a tourist and minding your business, you should be able to roam free. Why do we have to give up our freedom? The Mexican gov. can eliminate this violence but it doesn’t seem like they want to. Excuses are cheaper and easier I guess.

    2. Tourists that stick to the chicken coop are like caged dogs, stuck to their shit...
      --Thanks but no thanks, leave them to their authentic Mexican Artesanias "made in china"...FTS...

  3. trying to prove el aqua no esta mojada... Supongo que attorney general is just making this mierda up...hell just read the title... the ferry boat in playa del carmen was not far from Cancun...there was a shooting at a music festival there as well... this year... tourist were killed... sounds as if the attorney general doesn’t feel that it is safe...stay in your room, don’t go out at night and don’t drink alcohol de controbando...

    1. Former PRI governor and EPN friend Roberto Borges fights charges in prison from Panama while his associates fight the newcomers in Cancún, and they don't give a fack about anybody's business while they fight for survival.

    2. Borges was extradited to Mexico in January.

  4. They should just leave protection to whatever cartel is in control of the area. They are better equipped and know the criminal layout

  5. "we even have 60 employment openings available for ministerial agents, but there is a lack of trained personnel to fill the vacancies," Well, pay them real money instead of peanuts and you will get good people. Don't forget the old saying "You get what you pay for" if you don't pay you don't get. Perfect common sense dictates that if those needed people are paid very well the positions will be filled, the tourist will come and bring billions to spend but if you let the criminals take over, the country will lose billions. Common business sense.

    1. 10:10 you may want to float a loan to Cancún so they can pay better, but it will be stolen rite away by government dignitaries.

  6. Man that's saying a lot that they can't deal with the crime!What does that tell the criminal?You are living in the right country!Impunity here!You only have to worry about your rivals and not much else.Pretty scary for the local folk!

  7. Declare Marshall law send in the Usa and Mexico military!

    1. @246: u da boozo dude! It has never worked in the past and it will never work in the future.

      The underlying cause is poverty!

      Poverty makes the profitability of illicit drug irresistable and enables corruption to thrive.

    2. Marshall plan worked in Europe until recent attacks by Americans
      --Martial Law has not worked for most Mexicans in Mexico and more than half a million Mexicans have died thanks to Mexican government need to justify 3 billion dollars a year from US government who engaged Mexico in their "war ON drugs", they paid for the militarization of police operations that unleashed the melitary on Mexicans Colombia style...
      By the way, Colombia is bent on taking Alvaro Uribe Velez to trial, LOL, EL UBERRIMO IN COURT, how things change.

  8. Even travelling from the airport to the tourist areas of Cancun runs a serious risk. If my taxi happened to run into a police 'checkpoint' i would start to feel a tad uneasy. Who knows who or what lies behind that uniform. It could be Goodnight Irene for all i know. Adios. Never to be seen again. Sad to say but Cancun, like vast swathes of Mexico, is pretty much a high risk place to visit. Borderland Beat is the closest i will ever get to lovely Mexico.

    1. I respectfully disagree.

    2. “Who knows who or what lies behind that uniform.”

      “What” seems a tad excessive. XD

      I have no reasons to think that aliens or mutants or reptilians have taken over Mexico jajaja.

      El Martillo

  9. Chicago is way worse than Cancun I don’t see no travel advisories there Cancun is safe just make sure not to drink too much and say stupid things like so and so me la pela long live pirata

  10. Send in the red mafia from russia they will clean house

  11. Im from Chicago, when visiting stay on tourist area, on Michigan ave.. if you venture out in the hood you take your chances.

    Death penalty needed in Mexico, Legalize any kind of firearm for citizen, you will see a differnce in crime


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