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Monday, August 27, 2018

El Mencho alone in the mountain border of Jalisco and Michoacan -if he is captured, then who will take over CJNG?

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from La Silla Rota

Hidden in the mountains of Jalisco and Michoacan, Mencho's close circle is being neutralized little by little-what becomes of the cartel if Mencho is captured?

During the dawn of August 15, in the city of San Julian, Jalisco, there was a clash between an armed group and elements of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena). 

The shootout ended after the criminals fled the scene leaving two dead, three detainees, three wounded soldiers, and a seizure of a rocket launcher, eight Barret rifles, 47 long weapons, 30 hand guns of various caliber, and a massive amount of ammunition.

 The confrontation was the consequence of an operation, a part of the intense move to capture the leader of the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG), Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, best known as “El Mencho”.  On the same day of the confrontation, the attorney general’s office or PGR, increased the reward for information leading to his capture to 30 million pesos.

The family of Mencho

Oseguera Cervantes is married to Rosalinda González Valencia, “La Jefa” a member of “Los Cuinis”, a group of her 18   or so siblings.  She is identified as the financial brain of CJNG.

Two children were born of the marriage; Rubén Oseguera González, or “Menchito”, and Jessica Johana Oseguera González.  Bothe children followed their parents into the “family business”.

Within the criminal organization, Menchito became the tight hand of his father and a financial operator of CJNG.  However, unlike his father he is in prison, after being arrested three times, two in 2014 and the final one in 2015.

At the beginning of this year, Menchito sought a transfer from the Oaxaca prison number 13 to a prison in Jalisco, Cefereso number 2, located in El Salto, but that never materialize.

Meanwhile, daughter Jessica, is the business woman of the family.  Operating companies, which according to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, launders dirty money for CJNG.  Among the companies was a now failed tequila company named Onze Black and JP advertising company.

Although she has not been arrested, there is an arrest warrant for her detainment. Rosalinda was arrested in May of this year.  At the time of the arrest, federal agents had arrest warrants for both Rosalinda and Jessica.  However Jessica was not with her mother at the time of the arrest. 

The González Valencia’s: The brothers in Law of Mencho  

Abigael González Valencia is considered the “maximum leader of “Los Cuini” and the second in command within CJNG, and is the brother in law of Mencho, as he is the brother of Rosalinda.    
Under his command, his family organization became the richest in the world.  The title was given by the DEA,  after the arrest of Abigael was arrested in Puerto Vallarto, Jalisco, in March 2015.

El Cuini and La Jefa are not the only Gonzalez Valencia siblings that have been arrested.  Another five members of the family have fallen into the hands of national and foreign authorities.

Arnulfo and Ulises are the most recent captures of this family organization.  Both were captured by elements of the Federal Police last June.  Also last year Jose Luis González Valencia was arrested in Brazil.

In April 2016, Gerardo González Valencia was arrested in Uruguay accused of money laundering in international schemes.  He was even interfered in the “Panama Papers”, the journalistic investigation revealing tax havens.


At the beginning of 2016, Elvis González Valencia was arrested in a hospital in Zapopan, Jalisco, after being admitted using false identification documents.  He had been in a shootout confrontation and sustained gunshot injuries.  However, he was released the same day as his arrest due to “lack of evidence”.

Despite the hits against the family, the González Valencia family has 10 other siblings free to operate the organization.

The Brothers-in-law and father-in-law of El Menchito

José Luís Gutiérrez Ochoa, alias “El Tolin”,  CJNG operator in Puerto Vallarta and brother in law of “Menchito” , was arrested on April 19th in apartment number 215 in the Bay II residential development, within the El Tigre Golf Club, in Vallarta, Nayarit.

Gutiérrez Ochoa oversaw the criminal cells for the sale and distribution of drugs, in the municipalities of Tonalá and Guadalajara.

El Tolin inherited his role after his brother Héctor Salvador went missing last year.

In turn, Jose Gutierrez Valencia aka “Don Chelo”, father of Tolin and father in law of Menchito, was a cartel operator in Puerto Vallarta and leader of criminal cells before his children entered the life. He left his position after his detainment in 2010.


The other detainees

Several others important to the criminal organization have been captured.

Such as Adrian Gómez Meza, financial operator of the cartel, arrested in April of this year in Puerto Vallarta.  Three months later he was discovered dead in his cell.

The same month, Jorge Luís Sierra Estrada, aka “El Orejon”, compadre of El Mencho, and operator of the organization in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, was captured.  

In March of this year, Mauricio Varela Reyes, “El Manotas” head of CJNG in Puerto Vallarta, was captured along with 17 other members of CJNG.

Juan Francisco Aguilar Santana, aka “Juan Pistolas”; leader of a group of  CJNG assassins, was arrested last June.

As well as Jose Guadalupe Rodríguez, aka “El Quince”, was arrested last July.  He is accused of the disappearance of three Italian nationals in Jalisco.

 If Mencho falls, what significant people remain, that potentially could replace him?

In addition to the long list of González Valencia brothers, there is a name that stands out  in the list of possible successors of “El Mencho”; Jose Luis Mendoza Cárdenas,  aka “La Garra” and Erick Valencia Salazar.

The DEA places La Garra in the triad of leaders of CJNG, along with Mencho and Abigael González Valencia, aka “el Cuini.  Garra is not in Mexico, but in a U.S. state, serving as the chief operator of that country. 

According to the DEA, the CJNG stronghold in the United States, is California, where Mendoza Cárdenas operates.

The main drug trafficked into the U.S. is meth, which CJNG became pioneers, since they worked with the Sinaloa Cartel under the orders of Ignacio “Nacho” Coronel, killed in 2010. They distribute to a lesser extent, cocaine, heroin and marijuana.

The DEA reports that the drug comes from Guadalajara, entering the U.S. through Tijuana, Juárez, and Nuevo Laredo.  The main CJNG distribution hubs are; Los Angeles, New York and Atlanta.

From what little is known about him, is that he was arrested in 2008 when CJNG was not included in the national narco scene and went by the name “Matazetas”.  He was arrested on August 1, 2008, along with 6 others charged with the atrocious murder of a family in Ciudad Guzmán, in July of that year.

He was released without explanation, during the governorship of the PAN party’s  Emilio González Márquez who is also accused of having released El Mencho in August 2012, after being arrested two hours earlier by Federal Police.


For his part, Erick Valencia Salazar, or “El85” is one of the founders of Matazetas, the bloodthirsty wing of the Sinaloa Cartel which eventually became CJNG.

He was arrested in 2012 by the army in Zapopan, Jalisco.  Among his crimes is the massacre of 35 bodies in Boca del Rio Veracruz, one year before his capture.

However, he was released with no explanation, but later the government said it was due to “due process violations”, leaving him to resume his criminal activities within the CJNG criminal organization.


  1. I said it in another thread...God, I want to punch his son in the face. He has that type of douchebag face, doesn't he?

    1. LMAO. He really does. 😄😄😄

    2. Look at Menchitos hight chart,6-3 it looks like,big ole boy

    3. I’m 225lb at 5’7, yes he’s tall but believe when I say that if I were to lay one straight in the middle of his face there won’t be much to look at afterwards

    4. Estás chapparo y gordo wey

    5. @8:33 neta que si amigo lmao

    6. You wouldn't even get 10 feet before his goons lay you out cold lol

    7. Vete al gym antes que hables mamadas. Most ppl say if I were in front of him I would do this and that but like everyone they say it from the bushes

  2. Why haven't any of these scum being extradaied to the U.S? I know they are living like kings in the "prison$" of mexico.

    1. Extradition is a looong process. Some people arrested in Calderon's administration were only extradited during Nieto's administration.

    2. Interesting question? Something which should be asked to higher government officials of both countries?
      Doubt anyone will give you a truthful answer though.

    3. Then the "process" should be cut to make it easy. I know the U.S will break these "though guys" right quick. Ask any body in colorado how they feel. MENCHO GETS CAUGHT HE WILL SCAPE.

    4. fuck extradition. anything that upsets usa is good in my books. they shouldn't have any special power to force other countries to hand over their enemies. that's considered global fascism, and that's all usa are trying to achieve. fuck them.

  3. Lol i said it before . Mencho is nothing but an useful fool and EPNs pawn and by the end of his government CJNG was done as PRIs proxy group just like zetas were in the past.

    1. Exactly right! The 'cartels' are nothing but the cheap foot soldiers enriching those government officials to which they pay bribes to be allowed to operate.

    2. Whatever happens to Mencho ot wont make a dent in the supply of drugs.

      CIA/FBI/NSA etc know this and like it!

  4. If mencho gets caught, el 85 will take jus spot and everything back to normal. I doubt be will be caught soon, maybe eventually but not any time soon. Cjng is a huge organization, one guy wont make a difference. It's going to be like when chapo got caught except no family feud lol

    1. Thayre already feuding....Cholo, Married, and others.

    2. Cholo and marro but they are small local bosses, Eric Valencia and the cuinis are the big bosses. Plus, marro's people have been getting killed bad lately and getting chopped up with cjng banners all over guanajuato lately. Cjng is too ruthless and organized than cholo and marro put together. cds is just funding their death sentence to both of bgg them

  5. Just put on an order for 10,000 foam, “No. 1” hands with Menchos face and CJNG printed on them. Run baby run!

  6. los menores take his turf, simple as that!
    aqui puro alfredo y ivan al servicio de ellos!

    1. 💨 Swoosh... over the head. the question is what will happen to CJNG who will replace him as leader....

    2. Ahi te lo explico, it turns into CDP

  7. say what u want about el mencho but they need to make a documentary on this guy hes had one hell of a career

    1. You must seriously be knew to the narco world or this site lol there's literally been ppl like him before. That do the exact same things. Same triumphs and same mistakes. At the end pride kills them all. There is however far more interesting traffickers to make documentaries about. Like Rafa Guajardo, Pablo 'el zoro de Ojinaga ' Acosta etc

    2. 2:30 nobody you mentioned has taken so many plazas. Nobody has been more effective when it comes to that. Zetas/golfos and cds were before cjng so they had no competition. Nobody has gone to take a zeta plaza (Veracruz). Nobody has taken cds plaza, nobody has taken michoacan plaza. Only mencho.. hes by far the most ruthless out of all the ones you mentioned.

    3. 11:25 the topic was the most INTERESTING narco not the most ruthless. Learn how to read before you get your tanga in a bunch mija. Besides if you want to talk about ruthlessness and plaza taking let's talk El Botas Blancas. That's real power, you're new to this realm I can tell. Tie your shoes and wipe your mocos when you talk with big dogs.

  8. He needs to go EPN is leaving soon he'll go down before he leaves office

  9. Holy makrol ! Everyone including the kids, are involved in the drug business. Father's take home pay is not enough

    1. Exotic animals and ferraris are expensive bub! About time these brats start earning their keep.

  10. Gente Nueva Long Range Reconnaissance units and Antrax Black Operations operators are currently in the mountains of Michiocan and Jalisco looking for El Mencho .These special kill group was trained by a colonel of the Green Berets and the 75th Ranger unit in Adavnce Mountain Operations. We also brought in some Chechnyan Spetznaz mercs to locate him. 2 CDS owned Blackhawks are supporting our people.

    SICARIO 006

    1. Was waiting for this guy to comment gets me evrytime

    2. What about British spSpeci forces, sacario where are they, ? They are bad asses.

    3. When will the elite "black assassin" Ninjas from Japan show up to help locate and kill mencho?? Please let us know 006!

    4. Deja las drogas compa que ya te quemastes el cerebro

      Atte: la pipa

    5. When will the kamakazi pilots show up, I am waiting......

  11. Is there any drug lord whose son doesn't follow into the drug game? Is their father proud of them?

    1. Pablo Escobar wife and son got arrested for money laundering

    2. Actually his son was recently arrested for money laundering and extortion—same thing as Popeye—apparently both were reclaiming some of Pablo’s lost riches.

    3. When dad is a drug lord you join the game or get killed by rivals. AND: a lone wolf does not survive long in the wilderness. Most drug lords have a family involved deep in their back. Without that you stand little chance to make it to the top and even less to survive there.

    4. Supposably el dos banderas isnt in the game and currently finishing his college degree

  12. Then what?
    Like many remnants of those big cartels.
    Business as usual with new figures and new structures in place.
    Too much money involved for anyone to quit.

  13. His wife is giving up all of his operations.

    1. I don't think so, she has a daughter still out there which i think she cares more than mancho.

  14. Mencho is finished just a matter of time, they dont want him alive either. Soilders will make an example out of him.

  15. If mencho falls erick valencia will command or any of the cuinis left. As soon as mencho went to war with the cartel nueva plaza erick valencia was set free. There was a reason for that and the number of dead bodies increased as soon as valencia hit the street.

    1. Erik is a violent little bastard. He should have never been released. What a disgusting family the Valencias, filthy rich and live like kings while looking at chopped up corpses their henchmen did in newspaper..killed a whole family night before and left cjng message. How can they live with themselves?

    2. @7:42
      I though you were describing Chapitos. Everybody is dirty ese.

    3. 1:53 Chapitos do not go around chopping up people.

  16. hace 2 horas pasaron los guachos por el salto ivan pa hacia mazatlan ivan 10 trocas. alguien sabe si hubo pleito ahi?

  17. como les dije nomas agarran mal parado y tambien se llevan al mayo. casi lo agarran en el tamarindo sinaloa... aunque wl objetivo es el mencho.. JAGL..

  18. His godson "el prieto" that barely anyone outside of the farandula know of. Also his nephews specially "El Fresa" that own Life Fitness gyms in Guadalajara, DF, and Leon. This is 100% facts.

    1. Snitch not you put el fresa on the spotlight ..I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s arrested soon

    2. 6:16am Does not matter. I could care less. Good people know heavy individuals that most do not know of.

  19. I heard he is scared shitless of 006 and his team, so he’s trying to broker a deal to save his ass

    1. 6:38-Haha do I detect a hint of jealousy?

    2. 1:09 who can be jealous of one more or less pedorro?

  20. Regardless of who takes his place if he's ever caught, the ball's gonna keep rolling. Too much money being made for the drug trade to ever go away. As much as these crooked politicians talk about the so called war on drugs and how they're doing everything they can to stop it, they're keeping it right in tact behind the scenes. They sure knew they would not beat them so they just joined them and that's a fact.

  21. Mencho will rot in a U.S prison for killing El compa pirata de culiacan

    1. Pirata wasnt even killed on orders of Mencho, Mencho has other issues to worry about before making pirata a priority, Pirata got killed because he was an asshole,he was so immature when he was drunk, he disrespected some guy at the club he was hosting,some said the guy was the son of a high ranking federal police official in Jalisco, well the guybleft, came back with armed men and the rest is history

  22. So chapo can escape puente grande, and somehow have a cement tunnel built out of the only supermax prison in all of mexico - but mencho cant get his dad transferred from 1 prison to another?? What am i missing here??

  23. What is incredible to me.
    this is CJNGs news VS CDS news. They are using the media to attack each other start talks and discussions. Gonna attempt to split them up before mencho even gets caught.

  24. CJNG is an enforcer founded by Guzman loera.

    1. They were cjng before chapo, mencho and chapo made a deal that mencho sicarios would help cds take out competition and cjng can use cds routes and connects to sell drugs. Mow that chapo is gone, the deal is out the window so they squeezed in cds plazas and went to war.

    2. Wrong, founded by mencho, el 85 and el 53, Chapo did supported them at a time with their war against the zetas but didnt create the cartel.

  25. right about now i wonder if ole mencho wishes he was just an averagejoe,,regular job,nice girl freind,cool car,,,enjoying life,,grandchilderen,,maybe take a boat ride,,hummm??????

    1. I was wondering the same about El Chapo

    2. True why will anyone risk freedom, worst the tranquility of their love ones for money they can spend freely.

  26. Erick “El 85” will takeover the helm and business will go on as usual.

  27. Mencho is on the run, so Erik has already taken over.

  28. Someone will take over but the cartel wont be on the media as much and everyone is gonna think the cartel ended

  29. Most likely CJNG without Mencho would go through a phase similiar to Sinaloa without Chapo. The cartel will loose some ground outside of Jalisco because many of those cells will become independent, some switch cartels, some will fight each other and other cells eliminated. Meanwhile in Jalisco, CJNG would remain dominant those loyal to the valencias will hold it down, yet if cholo is still at large, the battles in the ZMG area will intensify.

  30. I will I will! Pick me plz Cervantes I will have sooo much fun with this cartel I promise!

  31. Lol those images showing the interior / passenger seat and the interior back seat of the truck are from a separate shoot out from a week ago.


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