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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Guanajuato: Fierce clash between SEDENA Mexican Army against CJNG hitmen

Posted by Char for Borderland Beat

Fierce clash between SEDENA Mexican Army against CJNG hitmen who were very well equipped in terms of weapons. Reading comments on twitter cjng members where chased from San Francisco del Rincón, Guanajuato, all the way to San Julian, Jalisco, where the shootout ended in what appears to be a safe house, and inside this house a great amount of high caliber weapons where, grenade launchers, etc.

These hit-men where CJNG heavy hitters fighting in Guanajuato.

Photos below:
The shooting took place in the municipality of San Julián, located north of Jalisco, between military and CJNG hitmen who were travelling in a convoy of 10 trucks.

Casualty information is all over the place, it appears at least 2 gunmen are dead and two wounded while 3 military are hospitalized. 


  1. Rumors are high level folks or folk may have been in this convoy.

    1. I don't think Mencho would ride around in a war zone like Guanajuato. He's hiding in the mountains.

      But I could be wrong.

    2. Chivis- what is that thing in sticking of of the house in the photo where there is the blood by the weights on the ground? Is that a camera or gun?

    3. Using the General in charge of the presecution's Maruchan Bag as evidence against the perps does not make them guilty.
      Looks like a case of "Presumed Guilty" Falsos Positivos planted for the mexican armies to look good, just one more time...
      Two killed and two wounded, after chasing 10 truck convoy?
      It may have helped that the troque with 'mounted mochine gun' was easily identifiable and had no camouflage, did not even need to get ammo or weapons thrown in by the Heroic as Corrupt mexican military

    4. They are on menchos tail rumors are hes in los altos area because cholos people have heavy presence in the southern part of jalisco where Manchu use to hide

  2. 10 trucks and only 2 hitmen dead. Maybe sicario 006 has been telling the truth all along lmao

    1. Hummmmm! 10 trucks with as many as 30 to 40 sicarios and only 2 dead. Where did all the others go? Did they get away?

    2. and half a dozen army trucks towed with damage.

    3. Mexico will never tell the truth when it comes to these battles. When ABL fought the mexican marines, more than 1 died. Plus the battles around the perimeter with ABL loyal gunmen cost the Sedena many more.

    4. 10:42 that damage is bought with the brand new military surplus US army trucks, the spare parts get sold by the military zone commander to his compadre along with the troop's Maruchan and Jumex and Doritos and the budget gets stolen by the minister of defense who also has an airplane like EPN's to get to his carniasadas

  3. Man thats some real firepower

    1. Is that a Mah Deuce (Browning M2) 50 cal mounted in the back of the truck. Wonder where they got that.

    2. What it looks like to me and that is one bad ass weapon

    3. Are you referring to the 'Little Tree'?

  4. Chivis I think the death toll is probably being fabricated right? That many trucks of sicarios with only 2 dead. Usually when Zetas or golfo confront sedena it's a slaughter with maybe 1 shoulder wounded

    1. I think so. First of all the numbers were never official, they are keeping it close to the vest. Secondly look at the two in the truck bed...who falls dead like that? and where is the blood? and a weapon falls on the body like that? Its fishier than a barracuda

    2. That why I said they got two burachos, a put them in the truck bed.

      Luna Apagtha

    3. Damn Chivis, i didnt notice that at first. Those two bodies hella got dumped in there.

      Char - Good to see you posting on the main board! I read all your stuff on the Jalisco thread in BB forums.


    4. Those guys are super dead. They were on there knees when they got lit up. There’s large tear on the jacket from long ranged fire power.
      There is no blood visible.

    5. Clearly, the dead got killed during the enhanced interrogations ease they refused to confess, then their deaths had to be confirmed with this made up incident that looks like a torta de BS, almost like a BS burger for the press.

  5. Some where in the world E42's head just exploded after reading this article lmao

  6. Why is it called safe house when these morons bring sedena with them

  7. Coras gana chase cjng out of nayarit

    1. It's spelled koras you idiot the CJNG has a200 truck convoy in Nayarit you think a couple of koras are going to chase them out koras couldn't even handle chapo Isidro and that's a small fish compared to mencho

    2. Isidro the small fish that not even Mayo or Chapo could do anything to in their own state? Don’t get mixed up famous with the real dogs.

    3. 5:58 now its koras chapo isidro n mayo together to run out cjng, n mencho knows alot about running he ran out of his own state....

    4. chapo Isidro is a bad ass. Sinaloans and military couldn't do anything about him and got their asses kicked.

    5. Isidro the small fish jaja .Isidro has more power and connections than Mencho you dont hear about him as often that by itself lets you know. In Nayarit you have CJNG in las sierras through the outskirts why arent they in the city in the big cities? Because Los Mazatlecos dominate

    6. Your are very wrong. Isidro moves weight. He is not a small fish. Mencho is just a fad that will pass

    7. Hey 5:58. It's Cora. You're wrong. Look it up.

    8. I think Isidros organization is more clandestine. He is a serious player thats underminded.

    9. chapito only did quick strikes and leave he never could be found. always hiding

    10. 4:38 the new rabble makes it Koras,
      just like after the "zetas" they slip Z letters instead of S letter wherever they can.

  8. This is the problem with cjng they believe corridos and all that media hype thinking they don't bleed and at the end up getting poped thanks to the poor training they have most are Your normal taquero or uber driver thats why marro is quicking ass

    1. All last week cjng has been killing marro's people all chopped up and leaving them with notes

  9. Mexican marines are badasses

  10. The weapons inside the cars were placed there to fit the narrative.

    1. Yes also 2 bodies of two borachos sleeping in the truck bead.

  11. Is that a machine gun mounted in truck?

  12. Welders and mechanics are highly coveted in Mexico. As well as those who can properly do Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS). These are actually well paid in the underworld. - Sol Prendido

    1. Bullshit. Unless you call 2-300 bucks a weeks big money. A. Zapata

    2. If you’re good at what you do. And can travel on the fly. It’s actually paid well. But of course culos (tight asses) abound in some places within Mexico as well. - Sol Prendido

  13. With those 50 caliber bullets, a lot of damage can be done.

    1. These are the rounds that should be used on all chinolas

    2. 7:11 Mexican crooks may pay 1 000.00 peisos for one of those bullets, then fire it with a zip gun.
      Throwing the whole belt of ammo on the dead is priceless propaganda for the Mexican Melitary.

  14. With that fire power you know damn well more sedena were killed. They never say casualties bor 5hem though

    1. Yes if only the tweekers could shoot. All they are good for is killing people with their hands and legs tied up. Cuando topan con la marina si no corren se sientan aunque traigan las pistolas de Mario almada.

    2. 6:52 ur comment reminded me of when they had mencho on his knees ready to shoot him begging for his life

  15. They probably realized one of their generals was with mencho and stopped pursuing

  16. Why does Mexico have an army? Is somebody worried about Guatemala invading? And given their performance with a few outlaws, if Guatemala did invade, I'd be betting on Guatemala.

    Let's end the farce of the War on Drugs, and while we're at it, end the farce of socialism and militarism.

    1. Tell you gringo friends to stop using drugs! Which will never happen!

    2. dont underestimate .that is the problem with some of you americanos. did not do very well against the farmers in vietnam and how is the fight against the taliban progressing?

    3. It can't be ended. Too much money in it for law enforcement and politicos. War on Drugs is a never ending river of money.

    4. 8:26 - I dont know, Mexico has got a pretty bad drug problem itself these days.

    5. The army in México is for fighting cartels, not invading and killing inocents world Wide with the farce of bringing democracy just ask Gaddafi.

    6. As if its just gringos using drugs. You dont think Mexicans use em? HHaha... dont blame the gringo.

    7. Mexican military personnel less likely to have PTSD since most have had a rough upbringing. Unlike US troops that have inlisted with middle class background and never exposed to anything.

    8. 9:25 the Americanos may have lost all their wars since Vietnam, but they never lost a military engagement against no country or population, but million Vietnamese deaths against 50 000 us casualties proves it,
      --and 500 000 Iraqi deaths against about 5 000 US casualties proves things are getting better, after the Iraqi and Iran armies killed half a million of each other on behalf of US and UK enterprise aiming for their oil and bank accounts...
      --killing school buses full of school children with US bombs in Yemen through the Saudis keeps US Melitary safe now, except for the labels on the bombs, that tars the US government that sold them against world wide protests...
      Those kids were armed with their usual chanclas, a grave crime.

    9. The ones on here talking shit about the US military probably never served or couldn’t get in. Of course some wars are billshit but someone has to fight them and the Mexican military what benefits do they get no VA nothing school home loan healthcare what? PTSD in a country like Mexico that’s exposes its citizens to human sacrifice and chopping people still to this date ur an idiot!

  17. What's with that 5th picture? What's with that cylinder thing?

    1. Well, it's telescope

    2. The third picture in sequence, the one of the back seat of the truck fits with the seventh picture in sequence, the one of the front seat of the truck. Notice the rocket propelled grenade resting on the center console in the third picture and the launcher diagonal in the seventh picture.
      The fifth picture in sequence is the bed of the truck with the 50 cal. ammo box and the mounting bracket.
      If you are speaking of the sixth picture in sequence, the one with the weight set and what appears to be blood on the ground in the back door of the "safe house". That cylinder thing looks like a telescoping ram of some sort. Probably the remains of the broken down door, or gate.

    3. 100% correct, on lease from the dept. of astrophysics, Guadalajara university. I hope they return it in good condition this time...

  18. A lot of USA Special Operations soldiers have been embedded into the Mexican Marinas .The Marinas that killed H2 and H9 and Arturo Beltran were part of an American team. These gringos have been trained in Mexican Spanish and have been fed Mexican food and listen to corridos so they can adapt to Mexican culture .They are Tier 1 Delta Force and Navy Seal Team 6 and CIA SAD .They are currently hunting for el SR Mencho.The Blackhawk pilots are also Americans specially trained to avoid being hit by RPG as CJNG is famous for knocking out a military helicopter.

    SICARIO 006

    1. Somewhere in the back woods swamp of the South, good ol' Billy Wayne Johnson se esta echando unos tacos y chelas, blasting corridos and shooting at targets wearing sombreros.

      thank you Sicario 006

    2. They also called on the Avengers to hunt mencho you forgot about that sicario

    3. badassery at its finest💪

    4. LMAO. I love it!


  19. 10 trucks seams to be a little amount especially if Mencho was suppose to be in that convoy. I have a feeling that maybe it wasn’t him just another high ranking member

  20. Chivis,

    Could there be an internal war in the government ranks as well? Maybe fed vs state, army vs navy?

    This seems fishy...

    1. sort of, they do not work much conjointly only when absolutely necessary. .. but it has always been that way. It is because of forced or purchased loyalty to one cartel or the other..

      for example

      Municipal police in any plaza are 100 percent in collusion

      State police agencies easily bought. that would be the upper tier of military, deployed and stationed in a particular state. Mencho is brilliant at getting top brass on his payroll he pays much more than other cartels.

      Then the feds. These, especially Marina are the most credible and honest. any U.S. agency...DEA or whatever will confirm this.

      So as far as an internal war, not specifically but they do not work in conjunction with each other I think because of lack of trust. Even when an operation is going down, only the absolute minimal amt of info is shared, especially by Marina, to avoid leaks as much as possible.

    2. Hey Chivis that is why you have Marines riding around with the Viagras correct? Their are multiple pictures of the Viagras standing alongside the Viagras. The Marines that captured el Abuelo Faris a few months back are working directly with the Viagras.

    3. Lol speculation pure and simple

    4. That 1st paragraph,well put into words:forced or purchased loyalty.Tha last paregraph makes so much sense with all the divided loyalties (whether forced or purchased) it really is hard know know who to trust and 1 can't go on trusting a guy to do the 'right thing' because it's his conscience calling and he wants to do a good job!

    5. Chiva, the mexican marinas are loyal to US agencies,
      but only as long as they are allowed to wet their beaks, a little, not much", but a little goes a long way after a while.
      Let's not forget the Kaibiles, contras, argentinian, Chileans, Rat Line Nazi escapees, Uruguayan, honduran, salvadoran, Colombian and other armies have been loyal to their American patrons before, as were the Ayatollah's Republican Army for a while, loyal to the Great Satan from behind the courtains.
      --I mean, the mexican marinas were in Veracruz presiding over all the corruption, crime and specially the murdering under their noses under Javier "La Marrana" Duarte de Ochoa, and some loyal "fieles" must have helped the operations for $$$.

    6. @10:14 aka captain obvious...pues, of course. But it is an educated guess

    7. Obviously the jury is weighing the evidence,
      Perps is guilty as charged.

  21. The jaliscas got some shitty equipment. Look at the cdg escorpiones trucks and notice the difference.

    1. cdg has nothing but stolen trucks from tejas

  22. Damm I know that area , that's where El Tony of Los Balencias operates , sad story

    1. Well one of the valencia brothers was captured an la carretera saliendo de sa n Miguel

  23. That’s a nice truck looks like a king ranch. Have been considering buying one lately but it’s an 80k price tag. Looks like Narcos are making good cash to use a truck like that as a fleet truck!
    El Naco 006

    1. Lol 6:04 tru these guya barely get a maruchan and some meth for their service, which is andar ahí de calientes hasta que les vuelan los pocos sesos que tienen.

  24. When's the movie coming out ?

  25. They should of have a Nissan Truck, Ford truck got them stuck and killed.

    1. At least it wasn’t a Dodge or a Jeep. Toyota is #1 world wide


  26. In the words of Donald Trump Sicario 006 “Your fired”. I never posted a comment In 5 years of reading this blog until your crackpot post. Thanks for the humor kid

  27. In other news 50 tons of chemicals for meth were confiscated in Badiraguato Sinaloa belonging to el Mayo Zambada.
    If true heada are gonna roll beacause of this shit.

    1. Nothins going to roll, it was planned. A lab that big with no busts? Yeah don't insult my intelligence

    2. 6:02, a 4 feet deep in the ground lab?
      It was a depot for chemicals, some of them hogwash dirty water and colas left behind after making their shit, probably there were not even precursors but leftovers and some real product.

  28. Just big show, nothing happened

  29. M.c hammer is the official artist for cjng, they just heard hammer time for the first time last month

  30. Is funny that not long ago CJNG post a video showing their narco power with several vehicles and armed forces. Now after the shootout they showed rat skills running around. Dice mi mama que los sicarios no dispararon mucho porque llevaban los dedos metidos en el culo para no cagarse del miedo.

    1. Aquí huele a puro envidioso

    2. Lol con todo respeto tu mama tiene razon. La mayoría de los "sicarios" son puro huevon holgazán que no sirven para trabajar nomas pa drogarse y quieren morirse lo más pronto posible pero son cobardes que cuando ven la muerte cerca de parte de la marina, corren como las ratas que son.

  31. reliable sources indicate mencho was in this convoy

    1. don't be stupid. you been following bdn or brietfart who copied bdn 2 days later. briefart has a video they claim theirs but is from a narco blog, and a image of a sedan that is supposed to be in the convoy. oh yes a convoy with a damn sedan. yiyiyi I have a bridge to sell you kid.

      a real mencho convoy= remember the one when they moved mencho out to safety? 40 truck convoy and trucks with rocket launchers , one took out the military copter. That was a real attempt to capture mencho.

      no this bdn bullshit or rehashed breitfart 2 day old bs.

  32. Mc Hammer tweeker cartel, mencho probably bumps pump the Jam by technotronic.

  33. Mencho rides in a 45-50 truck/apc can convoy with rpg’s, anti-tank missels, and surface to air heat seeking guided missels. Money buys the best technological weaponary on the market, and Mencho has a lot of money. He has mercs from Columbia all the way from Israel.
    -John Rambo

    1. Quit copying 006, get your own bit bub.

    2. John de arambo is copying, are loved Scaro 006, we can spot a copycat a mile away.

  34. Menchov is 2 legit 2 quit

  35. Looks like this happened by El Tony's house and yes it looks like army just came and shot first and gave no chance to the people there defenelly a set up


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