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Saturday, August 25, 2018

"Los Pelones" the criminal cell that is terrorizing Cancún

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Silla Rota by Alejandra Galicia

"Los Pelones"(the bald-headed ones, baldies), the band that terrorizes Cancun Is linked to homicides and extortions  at nightclubs and bars in Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum.

 Translation by "Cruz" fro Borderland Beat

Cancun, Q. Roo- The nightlife just isn't the same in Cancun. The drug dealing, extortion, and kidnappings have changed the image of the popular tourist location.

The dispute for the plaza (turf, seat) has obligated the authorities to reinforce their surveillance in the city to maintain the security of the tourist.

"Los Pelones" is a criminal cell which the government of Quintana Roo attributes for the increase in violence.

This band is behind homicides and extortions against nightclubs and bars in Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum. They also have several operations in the northern part of the state, where they extort businesses. They are also behind numerous homicides in the area.

The cell, belonging to the Gulf Cartel, made their presence known in 2017. They were dealt a harsh blow in the last few days: the detention of Francisco Javier "N", alias "El Fefe".

He is a member and also one of the leaders of "Los Pelones" he was detained July 27th along with drugs and firearms.

According to the District Attorney office, "El Fefe" is tied to at least 20 homicides and with "cobro de piso"(protection fee) of nightclubs.

J.R.L.L., "El Chaparro" (le shorty) was detained on August 5th. He is yet another member of the criminal organization "Los Pelones". This individual who controlled the sale of narcotics in the area known as "El Crucero"(crossroads) located on Avenida Lopez Portillo(Jose Lopez Portillo) in Cancun.

According to the anti-drug division of the Federal Police, "El Chaparro" used the hotel Casa Blanca (white house) to sell drugs, he is also associated with executions within "El Crucero".

That is to say, these individuals in addition to their underlings had their base of operations in the abandoned hotel where they stored drugs, weapons, and money.

At the time of "El Chaparro's" arrest, he was found with 21 baggies of cocaine, 12 of crack and 3 of marijuana.

"El Chaparro" after being detained.

Spikes of Violence

In an interview for LA SILLA ROTA(the broken chair), the State District Attorney, Miguel Angel Pech Cen explained that the spikes of violence in Quintana Roo has had a 93% increase in homicides, and that several of the murders are in relation to a shift in criminal cells in the sale of narcotics(wholesale) and narcomenudeo (typically dub sacks,grams etc.).

During the first semester of 2018, from January to July, 337 homicide investigations have been opened, 126 took place in the southern zone, while the bigger portion of the homicides took place in the northern zone. According to the authorities, the crimes were carried out with cold steel and firearms.

The death toll is still not higher than it was in 2017 when the district attorney of Quintana Roo opened 519 homicide cases in the entire state.

The person in charge of FGE mentioned that in the state, the main crime that the people belonging to these criminal organizations get arrested for is the sale of drugs, extortion, taxing businesses, and also for the control of bracelets sales at nightclubs and discos in the tourist zone that is also linked to the sale of drugs.

According to the DA of Quintana Roo this 2018 there have been some important detentions made with the intention to diminish the violence in the state, some of those being, members of Los Pelones, Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco Cartel New Generation, like Dioney Rolando alias "El nene"(baby,baby face), presumed operator of the Sinaloa Cartel who tried to cross the border with Belize along with 4 others.

Also, on August 1st in Cancun 8 young adults were arrested, members of the Cartel Jalisco New Generation, with several high caliber firearms, vehicles, and motorcycles.

One of the main obstacles for the homicide investigation corporation is that it is difficult to get information because in most cases the victims or witnesses refuse to declare, which causes a delay in the investigation process.

According to the official, of the total of illicit activities related to criminal entities, 72% of them happen in the towns(township) of Benito Juarez, Solidaridad, Tulum, Lazaro Cardenas, Isla Mujeres, Cozumel, and Puerto Morelos, and 28% of crimes come from towns in the southern part of the state like Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Jose Maria Morelos, and Othon P. Blanco.

Pech Cen argued that the detention of members of criminal entities is a strong blow to the delinquency developed by Specialized Prosecutor that handles crimes related to drug dealing(crimes against the health), they are prepared none the less, because once they are arrested, there is a shift within the criminal groups that are ready to be made.

About the increase in violence in the executions of the homicides, he thinks that this is used by the criminal groups as a tactic to throw off the investigation made by law enforcement, by copying acts of violence made throughout the central and northern part of the country.

"Sometimes these same criminal groups attempt to divert the investigation by copying these models of execution (violence) use by other criminal groups. Because the first parameter of investigation is determining the way that the person died, under what circumstances.", said the District Attorney of Quintana Roo.

The criminal groups that the government of QRoo recognizes.

In the 2016-2022 Plan for State Development which was presented by the governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez in 2017, it explains the problem or the "criminal dynamics" that the entity faces.

In the state government official report, the presence of cartels, cells, and local criminal bands is mentioned. In Benito Juarez, Solidaridad, Othon P. Blanco, Cozumel, and Felipe Carrillo Puerto. Mention in the report are the activities of, drug dealing, human trafficking, merchandise trafficking, ambulantaje (informal commerce, business) and pirateria (sale of knock offs, pirating goods).

According to the 2016-2022 Plan for State Development, the Sinaloa Cartel and the CJNG operate in Cancun and Chetumal and they have a reduced presence in other towns within the state. The same report mentions that the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas don't have a clear structure in the area and they are spread out in different related cells.



  1. Nice find Chivis.

  2. "The dispute for plaza has obligated authorities to step up surveillance in this city to protect the tourists" . Screw the citizens right??? Thats why i dont travel down south anymore. I like to live in peace. In one piece. Peace .

    1. 8 months go I convinced my nephews to cancel going to Cancun with their wives. I scared them pretty well and they went to Hawaii instead. Easily, they probably would have spent about $10,000 or more as tourists.
      I begged them to research the violence and corruption by vising web sites like Borderland Beat and others covering Mexico violence issues. It worked!
      P.S. It was not just their physical safety I was concerned about. I also schooled them on the many scams by hotels, bars, cops, merchants, taxi drivers, lawyers, hospitals, etc., etc. Taken together, all the potential dangers of being a "naive" young tourist in Mexico, why wouldn't you warn your kin to avoid going to Cancun?

    2. Mexico Watcher..too bad, cancun is much better . I would not hesitate going, it is safe for tourists that are not there for malevolent or criminal behavior. for safety stay in the tourist areas. and listen to the warnings.

      in 2012 we were robbed in Oahu at 10pm taking a walk after dinner in Waikiki.

      yet I did not hesitate to go back again and again. I look at the odds. and the odds of an american getting hurt in Mexico are very low. especially in tourist areas.

    3. Chivis , im not worried about having my wallet taken from me. Im talking bout beheadings,torture , ransom,skinned alive, descuartizado. I will take my chances in Hawaii any day.

    4. Chivis, the odds for the victimized became pretty high 100%
      when they got victimized.
      Why get near the fire?
      Tourism has left nothing but crime and hungry criminals exploited by those in government that force them to do even more and worse crimes all the time all over mexico.

  3. To the person that says Cancun is safe, make sure to read this article.

  4. Chivis cuando se controle un poco te invito a Cancún, que dices?

    1. I spend 2 or 3 weeks a year in Mexico in places that are safe and places that are and are not considered safe (Guerrero, Quintana Roo,Oaxaca, Chiapas, San Luis Potosi) I use common sense, do not stay out too late or visit adult establishments, do not do drugs, or drink in excess especially if out in public. In many US cities you will find problems if you participate in unsafe activities like I described sbove and it is the same in Mexico. You would be asking for trouble.

  5. Now included in the Cancun Travel Package. Soldiers in camouflage Jeeps and big trucks, and waking the streets and beeaches with AK-47's. Gives you a hint of a war zone experience while sipping on your margarita.

  6. Tourist aren't fucked with. I was there for a week.. the taxis drivers tell you. AS long as you dont buy drugs. You'll be fine

    1. You can buy drugs just not on the streets or the beach much safer in the club just ask a bartender or security sells are usually done in the bathroom... Cancun is safe for tourist in the zone

    2. Yeah, tourist who drink all day at the beach and have dinner in the mega resorts and back to the room before 10pm (me) have no issues. Me at 20 who would go downtown and try to find pot and women until 4am would have a problem.

    3. you are WRONG! tourists are robbed, pickpocketed and extorted at an alarming rate. the police and transit extort daily on their on and off duty hours. they have amassed collections of id’s, cellphones, electronics etc. the tourist is the easy target but in terms of homicides they are not targeted for fear of retaliation by govt squads or even the US.

    4. Sheesh! Yeah, of course taxi drivers wouldn't say otherwise because they have their livelihood to think of. Think man!

    5. Sound like ametuar traveler always leave your id credit card in a hotel safe take only the money you will be using for the day and always carry a 20 for police if you get stoped

    6. Who wants to rob a pumpkin seed vendor?
      The tourists are the crime magmets,
      fuck them and their money
      and leave paradise alone.

    7. sorry disagree. It is out of control. I know people who were drugged kidnapped and robbed in cancun. It is run by criminals. the cops do squat if you go to them.

  7. Buh bye tourists and their money!

  8. Let’s see if they are still around after Nueva Plaza delta special ops units 1-5 hunts them down. These are not your average hitmen they train with a retired CIA agent named El Tim in the Sierra madre mountains with the help of Special forces units from Mumbai they are traing for jungle warfare they can survive in the most treacherous environments. Gente Nueva and Antrax Black ops are always near by to provide back up if needed.

    Sicario 006.

    1. I am tracing your IP address. You think you are funny using my name (SICARIO 006) !
      Gente Nueva SIGINT unit has recieved signal inteligence training from the NSA and SCS agents . You will be found you are a fraud .Mumbai are you serious ?

      SICARIO 006

    2. Sicario 006 kneegrow you should be a cartel screenwriter. There’s literally no way what you just said id true but its fckn convincing homie. Keep up the dramatic posts, it makes Borderland Beat interesting again.. puro Sinaloa y Jalisco!!

    3. I hope that'll do it! Thanks sicario 006!

    4. Yes.I heard that they also have the new A.I. STEM implants.
      I saw the movie and it's the real deal

    5. 006- Your trolling started something. Don’t get butt hurt that another armchair general is posted my Call or Duty updates JaJa

      006- does your mom let your read this blog jaja

    6. There is only one 006 and it is me Jack Bauer. I know I should not give out my real identity but Ethan Hunt and his team are after me so if you don’t see 006 for a while just know I will be protected by the Archons from the 13th level of the internet.

      The Archons special ops are bad ass. I solved the equation and reached the Internet Archons and was transformed into 006

      Now my story is out. Sometimes I can also be found in the Matrix or at the Orthodontist getting my braces tightened

      SICARIO 006

    7. Hilarious,someone is using sicarios name,chivis will be heartbroken cause hes so fucnny and we are all haters ?

    8. Sicario is pissed that people are using his name,too much lmao

    9. tell me about it! about a dozen a day try to get thru i usually spot them and figure you guys will tell me if I let one thru. i allowed this one to see what would happen

      BUT truth is no one can duplicate 006's style. that is what is so likable.

      even the striping the donkey...he wouldn't say that. in fact I think NONE of the comments about someone imitating him, he wouldn't do that either. he just does his thing and leaves.

    10. On another note, whatever happened to E42? I hope he is alive and well.

    11. is E42 just his signature or is that a call sign for a cartel?

    12. Lmfao. No wonder my comment didnt get through. I tried to act like 006 pahahaha

    13. He hasn't signed any comments, but I noticed his sryle on a couple. I hope he's well. Some of the trolls we're getting a bit personal at him. His insights are missed.

  9. Didn’t cds have a faction called los pelones ?

    1. You are right, but it was in the state of Guerrero

    2. Yup. They are still active. One of the main dudes lives in Oakland.

    3. I always thought La Barbie was behind Los Pelones..?

    4. La Barbie was behind Los Negros......!!!!!

  10. 3:59 stop playing so much C.O.D
    And so much Fortnite

  11. Wasn’t there already a criminal cell or arm wing cell called Los Pelones, by the Beltran Leyva Organization Chivis ????

    1. Ya there was I think this is the same crew that use to be run by la barbie

    2. CDS /BLO/ Pelones Headed by La Barbie.They were created to fight off the original Zetas

    3. Well the zetas kicked la barbies ass out of nuevo laredo so that group was irrelevant.

    4. Hard to believe la Barbie was the leader for the Pelones. But then again he did operated in Guerrero. I remember when Los Pelones were mention a lot in Mexico-Guerrero.

      Arriva Teloloapan Guerrero!!!!!

  12. No groin protection. No sidearm. And I have yet to see any of these guys wearing their IFAK. I like that Cobra belt buckle though. If you’re gonna kit up you might as well wear the proper war belt. - Sol Prendido

    1. I bet the US Army let’s you wear all the gear you mention every time you type one of your stupid posts. That’s heinous! Semper Fi

    2. 5:00 Semper Fi was robbed of all credibility by the SEALS, they needed it to cash after their "service to the nation", fully over-propagandized to get melitary contracts for their employers who feed them their steroids for their 'roid rages...
      Some former SEALS even get a beer distillery from Haliburton for services rendered...WHAT DO YOU GOT?

  13. Pelones was Beltranes armed wing when they were part of CDS .La Barbie was their leader.

  14. Los Pelones declared themselves to now be a part of rhe gulf cartel no later than 2012 if I aint mistaken. I'm a little skeptical about these pelones being some of the leaders and they don't seem to be well funded or organized from what the article mentions. They put all their eggs in one basket and sold drugs and stored them and weapons and cash at an anandoned hotel. A well lead and financed cartel group is not going to do all those things in one public location. They're trying to store weapons, cash, and drugs in safe houses or underground, etc. Also look at what they found when they arrested chaparro...21"BAGGIES" of cocaine,12 of crack and 3 of marihuana. That sounds low level to me.

    1. Totally right, by the end of December 2012.

    2. Who took over leadership after la Barbie got incarcerated?

    3. El Chalo Araujo may get out of prison soon,
      he is not guilty of his family's errors.
      Their employee El Charrito may get out some day too.

    4. Cual chalo si los dos ya están muertos

  15. Death penalty needed in Mexico, crime will drop...
    Legalize any firearms for citizens to carry, crime will drop

    1. How so? 🤔 Neither of these things have ever caused crime to drop in any country they've been implemented in. In fact despite everyone and their dog having a gun in the US the country boasts some of the worst crime in the world.

      Target straw buyers in the US and target corrupt police in Mexico and corrupt border officials on either side. This may help the influx of weapons dwindle over time.

  16. Everyone knows the cabbies are the best distributors of any of the tourist needs. why do ya think they pay the pesos or get offed. just watch the young children run to the front step and back to the cab. Two blocks north of the malecon in pv is the worst I seen.


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