Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Acapulco police forces disarmed, linked to cartels, homicide rate 103 per 100k

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat La Silla Rota, AP, Financiero

Above the moment that Mexican Navy arrests Acapulco's Transit Director

Last year, Acapulco had a homicide rate of 103 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest in Mexico and the world. Marina assumes public safety control in Acapulco in an operation carried out by Semar, the head of municipal Public Security and five commanders were arrested, the Guerrero Coordination Group reported.

Authorities in southern Mexico disarmed and placed under investigation the entire police force in the once-glittering resort of Acapulco on Tuesday, claiming the local cops were infiltrated by drug gangs.

Arrested for homicide, left is the coordinator of transportation, at right commander of preventive police, 
Officials in Guerrero state issued arrest warrants for two top Acapulco police commanders, accusing them of homicide. It was the latest fall from grace for Acapulco, which was a favourite haunt of movie stars in the 1960s but has since fallen victim to warring drug gangs.

The state government said it took the step “because of suspicion that the force had probably been infiltrated by criminal groups” and “the complete inaction of the municipal police in fighting the crime wave.”

The rest of the police officers were stripped of their guns, radios and bullet-proof vests and taken for background checks.

Law enforcement duties in the seaside city of 800,000 will be taken over by soldiers, marines and state police.

Last year, Acapulco had a homicide rate of 103 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest in Mexico and the world.

Local police in several parts of Mexico have been disbanded because they were corrupted by drug cartels. In Guerrero alone, local police have been disarmed in more than a dozen towns and cities since 2014, though none as large as Acapulco.

In the northern state of Tamaulipas, one of the hardest hit by drug violence, almost all local police forces state-wide have been disbanded since 2011.

With low pay and little training, local police in Mexico are easy prey for drug cartels, which offer them money if they agree to follow the orders of  gang leaders, or threaten to kill them if they don’t.

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  1. This is great. Lack those fuckers up. I might even consider a vacation there next year.

    1. You'll always have somebody ready to take their place, see how it works now lol

    2. The replacements will make the crime rate skyrocket, let's not forget state and federal government and police put the blame for the 43 disappeared Ayotzinapos on Iguala Mayor José Luis abarca and his wife, and insist on keeping them blamed and in prison.


  3. Confirms City of Acapulco operative in the Ministry of Public Security
    Octavio Olea Apátiga assured that Max Lorenzo Sedano Romano is not detained

  4. Anywhere else in the world this would be the leading news story. An entire police force??? Amazing and very sad at the same time.

    1. It's actually getting worldwide coverage. Was on front page of BBC.

  5. The Muni police were stripped of their badges and guns before....What makes this time different?

  6. It isn't just gangs that have killed Acapulco. According to this 2014 article, it was cruise ships and tourism that began the slow march to death. Once the mass of people hear about a place, it's all over. It was probably a Mexican heaven for the locals before all this. Very sad indeed.

    1. It is still heaven. Especially with all the Gringo touristas gone.

    2. I so wish we would cut off your country’s ability to travel and trade with the U.S.

    3. @ 11:42

      Have you ever heard the term "Ugly American"?

    4. @ 11:42

      I so wish the U.S would change immigration policy , then folks like yourself would not be able to exploit undocumented workers.

    5. Chaves Vargas, contracted to sing at the wedding of Liz Taylor and Richard Burton says herself on YouTube she was the only Mexican artist invited, and next day everybody woke up with their partner while she woke up with Ava Gardner who used to be called the most beautiful animal in the world.

  7. They first give them a paid vacation and months later they might dismiss them

  8. This happens all the time. I remember when it happened in Tijuana and michoacan. Everyone knows the cops are the most corrupt. They are criminals with badges

    1. Yes I remember when the Tijuana police, was stripped of thier guns, but we're allowed to carry slingshots. Military was patrolling the streets. That was years ago.

    2. The melitary are hungry to be mexico's police force, and when they get the job they kidnapp and murder with reckless abandon too, add a few hundreds of rapes and murders a month thanks to the melitary and federal poolice imposed by state and federal governments, it never fails, they are greedier.

  9. Do I remember a proposal some time ago about disbanding ALL municipal police and replacing them with only a Federal Police force? I know it would be difficult to implement but maybe that is the only solution.

    1. You really believe that 😃

    2. They've done this's a mess there. Hard to believe it was a tourist destination

    3. Mr. 449 then it will be the Federal police, that will be currupting the city.

  10. So the police that created crime of homicides, we're only stripped of guns, but not arrested? Therefore, they are free, to now really be in a Cartel full time, they know more knowledge on the currupted criminal system, that they will still be killing innocent people.

  11. Bandidos president sentenced to life in San Antonio, TX.

  12. Ey, you on probation or parole?

  13. Mexico would have no police if this was done nation wide....

  14. US only cares selling guns to the cartels and getting high. US realize they can't beat drug war.

  15. So who where this cops linked to which cartel ?

    1. 9:03 federal police linked to Carlos Slim Helú cartel,
      Since the 60's when brother Julian Slim helú was a DFS commander that later became airports drug trafficking controller...
      Carlos slim help still maintains his men in the federal poolice, from genarco Garcia luna to manelich castilla craviotto, Mando Unico is a baaad federal idea

  16. Never seen a homicide suspect taken into custody with such respect and care. No cuffs, didn’t even really touch the guy. It’s disgusting to see criminals protected by a badge.

  17. Es de los chapos. o lo que. quedode los damazos ?

  18. @6:58 Afternoon officer. -_-

  19. Where's Leyzaola when you need him? Oh wait, he's in a wheelchair.

    1. Learning some Aztec history😉😉

    2. 3:52 retired Mexican army lt col. Julian Leyzaola is still trying to get himself a job, he insists he is all the same as before even from his wheelchair, but wiser, I guess the tijuana crime rate proves it, he left before under fire of human rights abuses accusations and went to Cd Juarez to do more of the same, murdering is something military background polesias do, along with rape, extortion and disappearances, only it is federal shit

  20. 8:38 "US" as a whole does not sell drugs or weapons to anybody.
    Corrupt greedy Americans do, under the dirty flag of the corrupt NRA and weapons dealers.
    As a matter of fack, the American public is tired of its weapons dealers, their greedy arsehoods and its drug dealers.


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