Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Butchered human remains found in Acapulco

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Guerrero Al/Instante

In the early hours of this Tuesday, dismembered human remains were found lying on Vicente Guerrero Blvd in the Zapata neighborhood, of Acapulco.

It was around 05:20 in the morning that through a call made to the emergency number 911 the authorities were alerted to the carnage. 

The human remains belong to the male sex, which were in wooden crates, and so far it not confirmed as to how many bodies are involved.  Two severed human heads were found.

At the site was a cartulina with a message.
posted by Chava
More or less: To all that work for the trash called Virus’ or CIDA, understand that if you don’t stop bothering the citizenship, this will be your end. It is not our intention to harm their families by killing them but you do not understand when  you kill Acapulco families and take away their patrimony! Understand that what was once yours is now over with. This plaza has an owner! Denounce lowlifes scum to the Marines, Army, or Federal Police so that this violence ends!
Attn: you know who [second message on small paper "Becareful crazy baby]

Warning!  on the following page there are extremely graphic images of dismembered human remains.  There is no further text

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  1. I understand an eye for an eye but why chop them up if you’re truly for the “common people”.

  2. Why wooden boxes? What happen to the ooxxo coolers, any reason or message for them wooden boxes, and who is "u know who"?

    1. Probably just what they had laying around, probably to lazy to go to the oxxo stand in line in front of surveillance cameras and get caught

    2. They care about the environment

    3. No criminals get arrested and stay in jail Mexico.didnt you know that?

  3. Just another day along the Mexican Riviera.

  4. This is interesting. From the read I gathered that citizens did this. If this is true, why would citizens chop them up?

    1. Every cartel claims "to be working for the citizens." It's a played-out move.

    2. No, the perpetrators are stating that what they did was on behalf of the citizens. Macabre I know, but it's most likely a cartel or rival group. Hence why they said the "plaza" or turf already has an owner.

  5. thats a nice manta and the drawing below is so cute.

    1. That's a nice drawing son, I'm going to put it riiiiight here next to these severed heads.

    2. Lol yea that’s a pretty good sketch

    3. The manta was written by a woman. No guy places cute little lines and hearts on a message. She was writing it up as the two in the boxes were being chopped up!

    4. yes the cartualina art is interesting...the detail and second color to emphasize a work, the heart and scallop border...yep, a female created it. or a very unusual male

    5. Idk if I was the rival cartel I would be pretty nerve wrecked to see that art work , I think these new owners mean business and there not playing around by the display towards there rivals

    6. Don't think this is any different from the plethora of mutilated bodies and corpses that get strewn about the city monthly. The city is being strangled by a dozen plus gangs, and it is impossible to track who is fighting with who. New groups pop up regularly, always with the same "for the people, we're the good guys" bullshit.
      The simple fact is that no-one has controlled the city in a decade. The overlap in territories and specialties is brutal. And the people suffer. People scared to open new businesses, because within a day there will be multiple demands for cuota. Need a hitman to enforce the cuota? You can get one for peanuts.
      And all the while there are 8 security forces running around, doing little to nothing besides taping areas off and cleaning up after the coroner leaves.

  6. Seems this would be the work to the "Independent Cartel of Acapulco." After Moises Montero Alvarez "the Korean" with BLO was captured, Hector Leyva declared war on Edgar Villereal, who broke off into another group, "La Barredora Cartel". This group has been quiet for the most part, but there is infighting going on. My assumption is "Independent Cartel of Aucapulco". Not that this cartel connected with Sinaloa early.

    1. 8:58 The message is clearly directed to CIDA. Did you not read it?

  7. Does anybody know who it may be? Is CIDA BLO or have they gone rogue?

    1. Cida is there own thing I believe, but there might be guys there that worked with or under ABL

    2. CIDA or cartel independiente de acapulco was with blo but went on their when barbas got killed ...

  8. The last time I have seen somebody decorate around the letter like that with hearts was when I was in high school and will get letters from girls. that was a lot of years back makes me think maybe a woman did the banner or??

  9. Acapulco is rarely mentioned here but I follow the news there and pretty much every day they find dismembered bodies. Someone was murdered by the Krystal Hotel the other day too which happens all the time.

    1. I think there have been a couple dozen killed on the beaches of the bay and Caleta this year alone. People killed across the street from Fiesta Americana.
      The costera was the last bastion of security, and than failed about 3 years ago. The only "safe" place in Acapulco is in the resorts along the beach in Diamante.
      Shame. Beautiful city....

  10. The ruthless, lowlife criminals killing people for the fun of it.

  11. CIDA are the ones that killed n beheaded those inmates in prison 1 or2 years back,beefing it with la barredora-cds

  12. Looks like a woman wrote it

  13. 1:14 That's what I was thinking too,it's got a woman's touch.Probably got 1 of the girlfriend's or 1 of their captured prostitutes to do it up.They aren't that creative only when it comes to their executions and then again it seems to be the same method over and over again except for the victim.

  14. Sol! Thank you fine tuning the manta translation. Could you please email me?

    Big Thanks

  15. anyone that can cut up a human person like that belongs to a very small lunatic fringe. The perp may have joined some cartel. The cartel may not even know or condone what this lunatic has done. The local people know who this perp is, but who want's to through the first stone?

    1. small fringe? My friend, this type of crime is frequent and widespread, not only in this city but in all the disputed areas of the country. The cartels know, and the cartels condone. Its propaganda, its marketing, its warnings, its commonplace.


    This article came out today about 9 people getting killed yesterday. (2) of the people were dismembered and they talk about boxes. Anyway, there are at least (7) others who did not get dismembered, that were killed on the same day.

  17. I know this is off topic but who was the guy in the clown 🤡 suit who killed that important guy at the party ????

    1. - Sol Prendido

    2. It wasn't Chino, it was his gunmen in cabos R13 there's a famous photo of him drinking after the hit at a party still in the clown suit

    3. It was Ernesto Sanchez of the PLO

    4. @7:08 who is Ernesto Sanchez? And what on earth us plo?

  18. I’ll say it’s a guy. Maybe a gay graffiti artist. Had it been a woman they would’ve signed it Bebe Loca. Instead he wrote Bebe Loco. That’s a dude. Almost seems like he wants the world to know his style of work. - Sol Prendido

    1. I don't think the person who wrote it was one of the killers, I think she was asked to write it. and therefore dictated what was to be written. anyway that is only a guess, I never saw a cartulina like that.

    2. The person (female) that was asked or possibly forced to write that manta, most likely did so either after the men were killed or during the time they were being mutilated. What is unfortunate is that she knows who is responsible...even if she was not part of the actual killing.

  19. TuFren thanks for the link to grillos post! i will read and prob give to yaqui to post, she has been on the story.


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