Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Puebla: PGR agents killed in shootout with Mexican fugitive wanted for U.S. murder

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Two elements of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) (PFM) were killed when they were about to capture Orlando Orea, at Privada Artículo 123 Street in the San Miguel neighborhood in the municipality of Acatlán de Osorio.

Orea, was wanted by the FBI, for the death of Mike Jones, who served as coach of the New York Red Bulls juniors soccer team six years ago.

The shootout began around 3:30 PM on Wednesday; agents were able to injure Orea during the clash.  Orea began shooting as soon as agents arrived at the building he was in. He had been renting a room there for 5 months. He managed to escape.

Immediately blockades were set up by police and PGR and local medical facilities notified. Mexican Navy arrived and joined the search for Orea.

One of the PGR agents died on the scene and the other died at a local hospital. 

jones just hours before his death
Orea was located and arrested today in Puebla City without incident.

The fugitive had been caught on security cameras stabbing and killing Jones in New York City on October 7, 2012.    The coach is from the U.K.  

Jones had left a party in Chelsea around 4:30 a.m. Oct. 7, 2012, when Orea came up from behind, knifed him in the stomach and cut off his ear near Fifth Avenue.  It was outside a bar that Orea had gotten into a fight in the bar earlier in the evening, leading police to conclude it may have been a case of mistaken identity. 

There were no witnesses to the crime and it took time to go over security footage from cameras in the vicinity.  By the time they identified Orea, three days had passed.

Although his name was placed on the “No-Fly List”, it was too late; Orea had already flown out of the country aboard an Aeromexico flight. 

Below is footage released by police but does not contain the murder

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  1. He could almost pass as Robert Trujillo from Metallica. - Sol Prendido

    1. My first thought, btw thats when i stop listening to Metallica. No Wonder dude was picking fights at bars stead of playing good base.

    2. Trujillo’s cousin Maybe?

      -Luna Apagada

  2. Metallica's Trujillo has hit rock bottom.

  3. Mexico will now negotiate the extradition and secure the death penalty not be used even though he killed two peace officers!

    1. If the blood thirsty U.S. had it's way even foreing leaders would face the death penalty in the U.S. simply for standing up to them!
      Wait!!! They already do!

    2. 7:59 do not blame the whole US for the blood thirst,
      You can'take even blame it all on the brainwashed murderers that do the dirty parts of wholesale murdering and butchering around the world, it all has an origin in greed and politics applied to the "business" of make coin for personal reasons.

  4. the long arm of the law!

  5. Wow i dont know how one can be convicted by a 10 sec video lol

    1. This video was the only part police released to the public for identification purposes. However the entire murder is fully exposed on the video footage...

    2. Ahh that sounds about right! I just was taken back by the individual strolling causually and was like..come on chivis what a teaser!

  6. Illegals kill a lot in America.
    One from El Salvador, deported 6 times previously, just arrested in Sanctuary Calf for ball-batting seven and killing 3!

    1. Does citizenship or legal residency shields from the law if you commit murder? If so there's a lot people getting away with murder I watch and read news everyday. Get the foth don't play the Trump card here.

    2. Yes they do in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya them illegals cross borders illegally but expect other countries to respect theirs typical American hypocrisy.

    3. So do americans lol.. majority of recent mass killings have been done by US citizens..

    4. He killed a bunch of leech crack heads.

  7. Don't the attorneys general office, have special units, like SWat to take care of issues, like this killer.?

  8. Another Mexican that shouldn't have even been in the United States.

    1. The criminal ones should not be in the US, but people that want to work, for a better life is another thing.

    2. He was not in the U.S. illegally

    3. Chivis are you a Trump Supporter? I Am.

    4. He looks Native American.

    5. 1:31 Taco Bowman looks native american, just like Charles Bronson and La India Maria, and Jean Belmondo, to me this perp "accused murderer presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law by a jury of his peers", he looks chinese, asian, like millions of other Latin Americans, let's demonize the whole bunch and blame all the ills of the world on them to make The Con happy...


  9. Reputed Sinaloa cartel leader 'El Cuate' arrested, gold-plated guns seized in Mexico huge capture

    1. It was a capture, not a huge one tho

    2. 7:11am,don't let the cds bandwagon hear you say that or they are gonna say like always nada is wrong.and the internet sicario will tell you all their special training✊👅

  10. Let's see in Mexico he will get 8 years for murder of PGR officers. With good behavior he will do 4. And once extridited to USA, he will get life for murder if a US citizen, that's it his freedom is over.

  11. He is being extradited to the U.S.

    1. But how can he be extradited to US now, if he ended up killing two lawmen of Mexico? He will serve time in Mexico and America or America first and Mexico 2nd.

      Luna Apaghta

    2. 11:34 my thought also . It surprises me they didn't kill him rather than bring him in .

  12. He should be outsourced to Russia where he is beaten every day of his sorry maggot life so the tax payer don't pay nothing to get nothing

    1. And Russia will accept him over there because we say so, riiigghhhhht (Dr. Evil voice)

  13. James Hetfield is gonna be pissed off when he finds out Rob committed a crime and was arrested. Metallica’s reputation is on the line.

  14. Mexico is nothing nice.

    Some true third world stuff going on.

    How did things devolve to this point?

    Mexico used to be a place that was somewhat safe.

    Chivas, if you have some time, write a chronological piece.

    1. Not at all. Mexico has always been violent you just heard of it a lot less.

  15. Look I'm not defending this guy , but Mexican immigrants are treated orrible in the us , I would be surprise
    He is being accused of something he didn't
    Do the Anglos are know for that , if u are. Better at their game and do things better , they hate that

    1. This is very true

    2. 8:22 I think the migrant are probably treated better in the USA than they are in mexico . Why else would they be wanting to come to the usa ? This thing people like you want to twist into racism .... Its not race but it is legally here or illegally here . The evidence points toward this one murdering a innocent upstanding citizen . This is allegedly a bad one . The government is trying to create a better filter to keep this kind out . My immigrant friends tell me they are seeing more people granted green cards since this administration has been in control than ever before . I don't know that this is fact . That's just what some say they are seeing around here .

    3. There's a video of him committing the crime stabbing a man to death.

    4. They come to the Us because of work and all mighty not to be soon Dollar , believe me I don't know what kind of world u live at but , they get used mistreated . Descrinated , people use them and don't pay their wages , this is coming from some one that has seen it all , I had to represent many of them and incourage them to go to labor board so they can get the money they work for , sometimes I feel like u are in denial, some of u white Anglos/cockasians treat them orrible


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