Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Ramon Gallardo “El Gato” Campista Assassinated in Sinaloa

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Debate

                                     The smile on the face of "El Gato" before being killed

Extra Material from El Sol

Ramón Gallardo Camper, "El Gato", leader of the ''Los Pintos'' and ''Los Gallardos'' was found dead, his body was located on the side of the Mexico-Nogales highway, in the municipality of Cosalá ,  on his chest was a message that said he was accused of kidnapping.

The alleged drug trafficker Ramón N, alias "El Gato" Camper" , was involved in and/or led the infamous massacre of 12 people in the community of Ajoya, San Ignacio, and was found executed yesterday at dawn near La Cruz de Elota.

According to the information available, his body was located at 02:30 am at the intersection of the International Mexico 15 and the road to Cosalá.

The police officers indicated that when they arrived at the place they did not know who he was, until they made the first investigative steps they were able to establish that he was the most wanted gaucho from Sinaloa, and that his area of ​​operations was the Sierra de Cosalá, Concordia, San Ignacio and some parts of Nayarit and Durango.

The authorities indicated that he was the leader of at least 100 gatilleros, ie gunmen and that he was a dominate player in the region's drug trafficking. He was originally from El Caballo de Arriba with his center of operations in San Ignacio and has a long criminal history in La Zona Serrana (The Sierras) of the central and southern parts of the state of Sinaloa.

Considered the number one of the most wanted in Sinaloa during the periods of the governors Juan S. Millán and Jesús Aguilar Padilla, Ramón Gallardo Campista , alias " El Gato ", who was found tortured murdered and was the most wanted after the 2002 assassination of 12 people in the community of San Jerónimo de la Ajoya , a crime he committed with the "Los Gallardos" and "Los Pintos."

In addition he is tied to the Arellanos Felix Cartel and has carried out kidnappings and assaults for years.
Ramón Campista, "El Gato" , is accused of ''sowing''  fear into  hundreds of families in the mountainous area of ​​Sinaloa and Durango, was found dead on the morning of September 21 by agents of the Federal Highway Police and they indicated that the body had bullet wounds.

After his death, social networks circulated an image of the face of "El Gato" where he appears sitting with a smile and with his hands tied, his eyes lost with other armed men.

Before the official  news was announced many doubted that it was " El Gato ", wanted by the justice since 2002, for being the alleged responsible for one of the worst massacres in Sinaloa , where 12 people lost their lives, including two women, a minor and a couple of police officers, while celebrating Mothers' Day in the community of Ajoya, San Ignacio.

Regarding the issue, the Attorney General's Office initiated the forensic work for its official identification, but has not given the details of the death of "El Gato" .

On May 10, 2002, the massacre took place in San Jerónimo de Ajoya, San Ignacio:

It is presumed that those responsible were led by Ramón Campita, better known as "El Gato", who at the time was an alleged drug trafficker of the Arellano Félix cartel .

It was a night of celebration in the community of San Jerómino de Ajoya. The villagers celebrated the traditional Mother's Day party in the community square, when a blast from a Cuerno de Chivo, ie AK47 (goat horn)  took the attendees by surprise. 

                                                    " FALs " ( Exclusive Use by the Army ? )

Present were most members of the community; women, children, young and elderly. Between 9 -10 pm that night the music was interrupted by the horrible sounds of AR15s being fired , along with the AK47's, FALs light assault rifles used by at least 25 heavily armed men approaching through alleyways ; along with the sounds of panic, screaming of the frightened , injured and dying and the smell of gunpowder. 

A group of armed men surprised two agents of the 0082 patrol of the State Preventive Police, who lost their lives in that massacre, which also took the lives of 10 more people. 

Since then, "El Gato" was a fugitive from justice, along with 17 others involved who have failed to be apprehended. After 16 years, 4 months and ten days, "El Gato" was found executed, not by special forces, soldiers nor municipal police. He was found captured , tortured and executed by a rival criminal group.
The message left with "El Gato", written in black on a white back round which was left on his chest said: " Por Fin cayó Rámon Gallardo, alias "El Gato", tanto tiempo anduvimos tras de ti, pero a cada chango se llegala hora y te toco a ti. Alli está ese secuestrador que daño hizo a la gente".

"Finally Rámon Gallardo, alias ''El Gato" falls, so much time we have been behind you, but the hour arrives for each "chango" and now it touches you. Here is this kidnapper that did damage to the people".

The deputy prosecutor of the southern zone, Cruz Alejandro Flores Salazar, argued that up until the printing  of this edition, the man who was found shot dead at kilometer 106 of the free highway Mazatlán-Culiacán, at the junction that goes to Cosalá,  had NOT been identified. 

The body was transferred to the port Semefo to perform the corresponding autopsy and waiting to be claimed by his relatives. 

The news of the death of "El Gato" has  dozens of families  thinking of returning to their homes in the mountains of Tamazula, Durango and Sinaloa, although they fear that conflicts between armed groups will intensify after the death of the feared gatillero, ie hitman or gunman.

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  1. “chango” is monkey. Very common for Mexicans to use that term. Not racist like some clown said a few posts back. Mexico isn’t the United States. Mexico is a whole different country. Lots of pros and cons as with any other country. - Sol Prendido

    1. "Mexico isn't the United States"? Meaning they aren't racist, it not racist toward blacks? Because my experience has been Mexicans are just as racist as any other country. Human Beings are the same no matter what borders are in place.

    2. Thanks ! I thought so but hoped you would chime in.

    3. 6:04 There is racism in every country. I’d be lying to you if I said otherwise. No race is excluded from racism. I believe people who do this do so out of a grand insecurity in themselves. Is there racists Mexicans? Yes. But not all Mexicans are like that. Just like not all Americans are racists. Good and bad it’s everywhere. - Sol Prendido

    4. Mexican is not a race, gees. There is indian mexicans, white mexicans AND BLACK MEXICANS, my wife is black and she is from Guerrero costa chica. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT.

    5. @3:22 I've never met a black mexican lol

    6. @ 6:18. I have 2 nephews that are half black and half Mexican. Their dad was hardcore racist. Enough so that he could make the KKK’s Grand Wizard blush. As much as we tried telling him we all come from the same God he was adamant about it. He hated the hell out of blacks. Now we just laugh in his face for being a fucking moron. And he just looks down in shame. Life gave his ass a rude awakening. He tried asking me once how I’d feel if I had a daughter that did such a thing. To which I replied: I wouldn’t care who she’s fucking. That’s gonna be her business not mine. - Sol Prendido

    7. Shes still a mexican 3:22 kys for that. You thought that was deep.

    8. Google afromexicanos, guerrero costa chica, o la tercera raíz, then get back at me ignorant. Racism is nothing but ignarance, your post proves my point.

    9. Vicente guerrero who consummated Mexican independence and became president was BLACK, and president Benito Juarez was an indian, El General de 5 estrellas arturo "El Negro" durazo moreno was some negro, and Jefe de todas las corporaciones polisiacas de mexico, no racism in Mexico like racism in the US.

    10. Not racism more like if u white you are a wero, if u dark you are negro or prieto. Have slanted eyes el chino and so on. My cousin was dark even his mom called him memin pinguin which american blacks consider offensive. Mexicans come in any form and color.

  2. You don't ever see any smiles before being executed, but El Gato turns the table. I wonder if he's smiling now . . . . .

    1. It is called being delirious with fear of death. Happened to me when I though I was going to be killed, I got lucky and got warned.

    2. Sure @ 7:50 and im Ronald Reagan LOL

    3. They proabably gave him his ultimo toque de mota. Or some other drug. They basicaly celebrated his death pa que se fuera happy tanbien. Wouldnt you ask for a hit if you were about to be tortured and sent to the next world?

    4. Cant do anything else but laugh when its your own people that tied you up and are about to kill you

  3. those sinaloas are crazy look at that Foo laughing at death straight in the face thats scary no way I would ever step foot in Sinaloa

    1. I bet he's like my wife who smiles when nervous or scared. Sinaloas are not as tough as you think son

    2. @7:40 your right not everyone is tough from any place on earth ... but in Mexico the toughest of the tough are know to come out of the mountains of Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango .

      - el Zacatecano

    3. Lies 740
      My lil bro true Sinaloan, forged my moms signature at 16 and signed himself up for the Military just cause he wanted to clear the land of mudlsumsb

    4. or my wife before she smacks me up side the head. so saying something stupid

    5. 6:39 more like signed himself in to work for a cartel. Thats more believable

    6. Sinalia has produced the most rats in the dope game. Land of the snitches?

    7. 5:49 relax cds cheerleader lol that shit happens every day in Tamaulipas down to coatzacolos Veracruz it’s normal first time it happened in Sinaloa

    8. Y’all cats always hating on the Chinolas like some jealous bitches 😂 dude was down give props where props is due. Y’all just like women always hating always bitter, always talking shit 😂😂

    9. Always those 3 states lol Sinaloa Durango chihuahua. Bet it was a guy from Sinaloa writing that nonsense B.S nothing tough about those state. Not even the sicarios, everyone knows the people from Guerrero michoacan tamaulipas have the toughest sicarios

    10. I’m from houston and I’ll tell you how it is ... the biggest do nothing loud mouths are from Michoacan, Tamaulipas and jalisco ... respect to Guerrero and chihuahua tho.. not many peeps from Sinaloa here but I’ve met a few in El Paso and we’re pretty quiet cats

    11. There lame tamies and harochos aint nun.
      Someone boo this vato! Booooooooo
      If you think about cartels you think about Sinaloa you cant help to imagine them first. True that lol

  4. Is he the famous English Z?

  5. Cds hired cjng sicarios to look for gato.. cjng finally got him

    1. You sir can be labeled as an idiot

    2. 613 you're fake news, you just trying to hype a Cartel that is not centralized in that area.

    3. Exactly 6:45. The amount of cjng cheerleaders is mind blowing. Little dumb kids from the US whos Mom was from Jalisco so they think they have to cheer for that cartel.

  6. Gato has no organized operación in Cosalá or San Ignacio for long time and people are not remorsed he is dead. Gato became crazy many years ago for he smoked piedra day and night for many years.

    1. @ 6:35- I want to bear credence to your statement that suggests El Gato was a crackhead. If you zoom in on his smiling face in the pre-death pic, you will notice the two brown.nasty teeth where the piedra pipe is put in his mouth to consume it. I support your comment. You know this guy?

    2. 7:36 I do not understand “bear credence” so I don’t know. In small municipios the people know of people and we know Gato and his activity from many year ago. Gato was bad criminale and he was killed and display as gift for the people.

  7. If that is his demeanor knowing that his death is imminent, then he knows he has it coming to him, realizing how much pain, suffering, and death he has caused. It was probably his escape from a hateful existence.

    1. @6:59

      If only the poor bastard had known that he wasn’t escapining anything, and that his afterlife will make his mundane existence look like a walk in the park.....

      El Martillo

  8. Estava bien alto en todo..hiegt high n stayed High.. Saludos pa el colomo durango...


    El Gato before death.


  10. Chapitos have been cleaning house in Rancho a Rancho anyone who isn't lining up buying there stuff or zambadas. El Dorado just had a sweep few weeks ago aswell. Most of caught him with his pants down

  11. With all that money you would think he would of fixed his grill...vato looks like a fokemon

    1. Correction Mr gato is a piedrero smokes rock day and night..why you think his dientes are black from hitting the pipe..

  12. What did this guy eat, cement blocks.
    While CJNG is taking over plazas. CDS took 15+ years to find this ugly fellow

  13. Sad life. First he lost his hair, now he lost his life

    1. Actually it's excellent that he is dead,less killings of people will occur, but his goons that we're part of his group will continue, kidnappings, murders.

    2. Eso se saca por andar ahi de caliente, it never fails, but I would not blame the chapitos, more like the state police showing work and they tried to get his stash by torture.

  14. What's going on with the gavillas in sinaloa from my knowledge the only place these groups exist are sinaloa Durango and Chihuahua

  15. I wonder If he use to open everyone's caguama at the kickbacks

    1. Lmao you bet. Y nomas pidiendo prestado. Y nomas pelando los dientes el chavalo

  16. Esto fue un golpe de los chapos cósala es del chapo Guzmán algo q nunca pudo aser el chapo los iso ivan

  17. Wtf? Nice teeth bro, I thought narcos had enough money to go to the damn dentist!

    1. The addiction was more important, than going to dentist. Hope they also take out his comrads that help him flourish in the life of crime.

      Luna Apaghta

  18. It took this long to get killed. Why de special forces of Sicario 0006, take him and his goofballs out sooner. Shows us that the government, through out those years, was caring less about the people.

  19. Those boots in the background are police issued. Thats a cop that killed him.

    1. Right! Since it’s impossible for any other human to wear them.

    2. Dang, I think you might be correct! Though no real surprise,...

    3. Anyone has access to them they sell them at Big 5 in the states.

    4. Those boots r easy to get bro, theres a store in downtown Culiacan that sells tactical equipment

  20. " Por Fin cayó Rámon Gallardo, alias "El Gato", tanto tiempo anduvimos tras de ti, pero a cada chango se llegala hora y te toco a ti. Alli está ese secuestrador que daño hizo a la gente".

    We finally got to Ramon Gallardo aka El Gato. We were looking for him for a long time and at the end every monkey has to pay. It was his time to lose. Here you have a kidnaper who used to harm people.

  21. You can buy those boots at any tactical clothing store. These stores don't ask for any police ID when buying them. You can go to galls website and buy them yourself.

  22. Look at those chompers. Bet this dudes breath smelled wonderful.


  23. I have doubts. His family has yet to claim the body and now its bein tranfered to mazatlan for dna testing

  24. Has any noticed the weight difference between the supposed before death pic to the that of the body laying on the floor?

  25. please even blacks are racist.... racism is alive and well in all races and corners of the world and it will never die

  26. You know who else needs to be EXECUTED as soon as possible? This guys DENTIST!!!!!!
    The dentist needs to go back to his University Dental School and get a refund

  27. Truly amazing
    Story about this
    El Gatos
    Sending man
    To north Texas to eliminate Guerrero. Long
    Or texas monthly
    Gato eh sick killing machine for.many years

    Why he went out with smile
    Human lives means nothing
    Why can't all Mexicans
    Not live like this
    In fear....will it change soon.
    I read borderland
    An sometimes I feel fellow humans
    They will burn in hell
    What they doing to Mexico



    hay esta de cara completa aquien corresponda si la puede aderir o arreglar


  29. El masca tuercas, laugh till his lights went off. Somebody did this lame a favor by putting his sorry ass to sleep

  30. I know it doesnt mention the same rancho, but the amount of victims have me wondering, Is this the guy that killed 12 in Rancho el cajonsito?

  31. You mofos are talking about racism ah wtf.
    Dang I feel bad for my uncle, noone deserve to die and there's two sides to every story. He's a brave one

  32. How you know the rivals didnt frame him and killed those ppl on mother's day. And how do you dont know, hes rival death beat gambinas that work for mayo couldn't hang with my uncle gato. So they had mexican military in cahoots. You dnt #not1on1


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