Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, September 28, 2018

Veracruz: Duarte sentenced to 9 years, eventually may be released on electronic surveillance

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat -thank you Neal in Nevada- Zeta Mag

Judge Marco Antonio Fuerte Tapia  sentenced Javier Duarte de Ochoa to 9 years in prison and a fine of 58,890 pesos, after the former governor of Veracruz pleaded guilty to the crimes of money laundering and criminal association.

The hearing in which Duarte de Ochoa was sentenced began at 4:00 pm at the Federal Criminal Justice Center of the North Preventive Prison. The Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) presented 110 evidence to support the charges.

The defense of the 45-year-old former governor, headed by attorney Ricardo Sánchez Reyes Retana, had asked the federal judge for an expedited trial procedure for the person who governed Veracruz from December 1, 2010 to October 12, 2016.

The crime of criminal association is not classified as serious, nor that of operations with resources of unlawful origin, so that the former representative of Veracruz could at some point in his sentence request the benefit of the release under electronic surveillance.

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  1. Real nice, that attorney will be receiving alot of calls from now on. He can get 9years for all his clients. Duarte ranks up there with the bad hombres, 9yearsaint nothing.

  2. Ever wonder where a Mexican gets his cynicism from? It’s right there in that pic. It’s in seeing how the little man is constantly being screwed over by the rich. Which in turns just leads to him sustaining himself by any means necessary. Which we all know what that leads to. Politicians give rise to the very evil they speak out against. - Sol Prendido

    1. That last part tho

    2. Perfectly said Sol.

      The distrust towards its political system and its judiciary process continues to show the importance of justice reform within its own.
      The lack of prosecution efforts would have been best met with the reporters assistance. With dates and evidence supporting the claims he exposed.

      The rewards of Duartes crimes have truly paid off like many before him. Keeping a majority of his fortunes without any rebuttal from those wolves (politicians) who stand to gain next in line.

      Well said again Sol.


    3. E42 is that really you playboy? If it is it’s good to see your return guy. - Sol Prendido

    4. Let's not forget the Mexican government is a puppet and there is a puppeteer, EPN took benefit from Duarte de Ochoa's corruption and is still protecting the exemplary governor, like he still protects former PRI member now PAN FORMER GOVERNOR Rafael Moreno Valle aka la Pantera Rosa of Puebla and El bertie boy moreiro and co. in coahuila, all the shit rolling down hill in Mexico originates on the US not from the Mexican people.

    5. @sol
      Keep on writing. Your writing skills have truly improved from previous years. Practice makes perfect but more importantly builds ones character.
      Wishing all here the best.


  3. Look at that smiling POS....fined USD $3,000 after embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars? What a f*cking joke! Hope he gets what he deserves in prison for screwing the people of Veracruz.

    1. He is going to live the remaining time in prison like a King laughing at the People that tried to put him away. He is going to come out and be the president of inept mexico.

    2. One more month and the new president may decide to correct course with these corrupt mass murderers, whose crimes have not started being investigated, they have stillnot said who were "Los Fieles" they dues as their favorite murderers in Veracruz headed by their leader SSP del estado Arturo Bermudez zurita...

  4. It would be pretty cool to see this guy get beheaded

  5. Roughly a $3000 FINE ? THATS IT ? Unbelievable.

  6. Mexico we see justice for the first time ..

  7. Am mexican and this really ashames me. Still don't understand why the U.S haven't taken over a sorry excuse for a country, México has resources that the U.S will greatly exploid. TF are u waiting for trump, i know some mexicans will even pull for the u.s once it starts.

    1. Human rights. Durante is a victim

    2. 4:12 US exploits the Mexican situation since before they financed the mexican independence, after they financed the Mexican revolution, after the mexican revolutionaries got murdered by US puppets and from financing mexico's war on drugs, try and get your story right honey.

  8. I can't comprehend this at all. Que verguenza....

  9. RCQ out, El 85 out, menchos wife out, mencho still free, chapo escaping in 2015 with cameras and the latest technology available) Duartes shitty sentence,Moreira still free, the lack of justice in the 43 students case, bagged marines bodies dumped in Cancun. Guerrero Michoacan Guanajuato,Jalisco, reynosa and tijuana all bloody, death rate all time highest, no free press, clandestine graves popping everywhere, no local police presence, reactionary crooked state police, military state (in some states) 100+ bodies rotting in a trailer in Jalisco, Military giving up in some areas and not even trying to protect the citizens (ribereña highway, Sierra del triángulo dorado) gangs milking billions out of Pemex, cartels using bigger weaponry (50 cal, ranade launchers, bulletproof trucks and vests) than the military and taking down helicopters mexico is at the worst moment when is comes to security in the last 2 decades. God help us all. AMLO

    1. What you describe is the graby train on which the rich and the powerful is riding.

      The name of the gravy train line is CORRRRUPTION and the name of the train is BRRRRIBES

    2. And it will only get worst my friend. Mexico doesn't need god they need the u.s to step in and take care of bussines, say in echange for a couple of states?

    3. 4:32 Russia will get the other mexican states, but it is happier getting its puppets in the US government sowing discord and dividing the world from the United Nations and OTAN, I mean NATO and throwing them out of the US influence world to make them fa in Putin's arms, better watch your step, no intervention , it is what caused all these Mexican problems.

  10. He has a creepy nervous smile that he flashes at inopportune times.

  11. Watch..2 weeks or less. PERIOD.


  12. The people need to storm that jail an burn him alive. Reap what you sew mexico. Burn the judge while y’all are at it

  13. Duarte said "toma cabrones" haters gonna hate!

  14. we need to get El Martilo(spell check?) to skin his face while Scicario 006 sits guard.

  15. I’m so glad this guy will be released sooner than we hoped .. gives someone somewhere the opportunity to slaughter him and his closest if kin like the pigs they are

    1. Such desires will be met with nothing but dismay. Living the life abroad with 60% of his fortunes (properties) untouched.
      Sorry to burn your bubble.

  16. This is a demonstration of power, and how things get done in Mexico Co.
    Look up what this guy did, truly.
    I'm sure US has their fair share of Duarte's. Just power and impunity I guess.

  17. Since Duarte pled guilty, there will not be a trial and all the evidence will never see the light of day. No other corrupt politician will be exposed nor where all the embezzled billions of pesos ended up. This must be a relief to EPN.

  18. This the p.o.s that stole money from kids with cáncer that instead of buying the meds was given them plain water? Needs to be Shanked before he steps a foot out side of prison.


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