Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 29, 2018

Armed group kills 4 state police after ambush

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat-Thank you BB Follower-From El Debate

México.- members of organized crime ambushed five elements of the Ministry of State Security of Mexico (SSEM) on a dirt road in an area of the municipality of Almoloya de Alquisiras, where they caused capsized patrol vehicle they were traveling in.

Sources from the SSEM reported that the attack occurred around 2:00 pm yesterday inside the village of Sexta Manzana, between the communities of Los Pinos and Plan de Viga.

The state agents, who were traveling in the Ford Lobo pickup patrol with number 230873, were surprised by a group of armed men related to organized crime.
The policemen did not realize that the criminals were hidden among the trees on both sides of the dirt road.

Upon passing through the site the sicarios attacked the officers with their firearms and the police unit received dozens of bullet impacts.

The agents traveling in the truck were shot and the driver lost control of the vehicle while attempting to flee, causing the unit to  overturn and landed on its side,  leaning on a tree, police reports said.

The authorities identified the assassinated officers as the commander Pascual Alvirde Torres and the policemen Benito Dávila Villafaña, Jesús Jair Rojas Pichardo and Fernando Velázquez Mejía.

The fifth occupant of the patrol was wounded in the left leg, and is  hospitalized.

Later, according to a report from the SSEM, agents in the Police Headquarters received an anonymous telephone call informing them of the attack against the uniformed in Almoloya de Alquisiras.
The municipal police went up to the site where the assault took place and found the bodies of four agents dead, with impacts on the body and head.

The head of the SSEM, Maribel Cervantes through a statement, condemned the murder of the four elements of the corporation and announced a coordination investigation  between the Secretariat under her charge and the Attorney General of the State of Mexico.

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  1. The area should be cordoned off with massive of amounts of municipal police in retaliation to this cowardly act. Find whoever responsible and execute them on the spot.

  2. Replies
    1. Why is it sad? We don’t know the other side of the story. They say ambush, but maybe they knew what they where up to no good. Cheers!

    2. @ 12:27 In a civilized society, we expect police to be "up to good". That is not to say that all individuals in the police force are lawabiding. Your statement assumes that the police were "up to no good". Your world view leads to chaos and anarchy. We should hold all who break the law accountable and fight your worldview towards a more just and equitable society.

    3. @12:27 it was an ambush video was released

  3. In the US, they would radio in reinforcements, creating a perimeter, to close in and capture the criminals, providing discription of them. But in Mexico, it's hard to coordinate an emergency capture.

    1. Perhaps they did radio in for reinforcements but we know how corrupt police in México is and was like nah is cool they dead anyway.

  4. Crooked cops worked

  5. Where are the Marina's when they are needed, oops I forgot they only do drug busts, without anyone being arrested.

    1. 11:10 I agree we you, Marina's hardly catch criminals killing n drug operation s.

    2. May the comrades of the fallen take note. These scum amBush and killed cowardly, so next time do not try and arrest these trash. Just pop one in the head. The mexican people will be grateful specially fellow officers who might one day encounter these cowards.

  6. Has to be FM. The south and west of Mexico State are hotbeds of FM activity.

  7. Somebody important must be around the area for these idiots to be protecting that road. Somebody wake up and drink some coffee.
    EL OJ

  8. Bunch of punks and narco want to be's on this forum.You'll get what you deserve one day!

    1. Wanna be's ? you mean know it all cartel informants that think there in the know because they read court documents everyone snitched acoording to borderland beat its comical it use to be a source for decent information but those days are gone

    2. What's so bad about reading court documents to stay informed?


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