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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Arrest 6 on suspicion of hanging the narco messages in Durango

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat -from El Siglo Durango-Thank you Roberto R

It would appear that the narco mantas in question are those displayed at two parks and cathedral in Durango City and signed CJNG and CDNG.  The initial investigation was to first rule out if they were a hoax. 

An investigation has been ongoing since October 14 to determine the origin of the displaying of three narco messages with intimidating messages. The investigation led to the arrest of six alleged perpetrators; five Durangoans and one foreign.

Investigative police, state and municipal, carried out the search for a vehicle, in which the main trajectory was a Chevrolet Avalanche, black with gray, foreign plates, same that was captured in the video surveillance, informed Javier Castrellón Garza, Secretary of Public Security, in a joint press conference with the State Attorney's Office and the capital police.

A forensic study of the images captured indicated that the vehicle was at the scene of the events on Sunday, October 14, when two men placed the first “manta” at the entrance of the Sahuatoba park, as well as on Tuesday, October 16, in Guadiana park, and the at the balustrade of the basilica minor cathedral, they put two messages.


It was municipal police who arrested the six men aboard the truck. Agents ordered the truck to stop, the driver attempted to flee but was stopped after a short time.  In the search they found three mantas, marijuana, crystal and cash, said Oscar Galván Villarreal director of Municipal Public Security.


The detainees were identified as Juan Francisco "N", 25 years old, Cesar "N", 42 years old, Fidel "N", 48 years old, Carlos Adán "N", 31 years old, José Omar "N", 22 years old, and Francisco "N", 64 years old.

They are charged with  drug dealing, said the State Attorney General, Ruth Medina Alemán.


  1. Typical CJNG tactics. Get members of the native criminal organization to defect and send them out to raise hell. Hang mantas, drop bodies, get more members to defect.

  2. So are these guy new Gen? Or another group causing confusion?

    1. looks like the mantas were real and these loopy looking guys are the CDNJ from Dgo, except one. all were org crime

    2. Orale thanks for clarifying Chivis

    3. Hanging mantas on your back yard will soon be a crime,
      wash well your calzones everybody!!!
      Before Sol translates what you say.

    4. Lol mis chones do look more scary than this narco mantas. Specially with that rayita de canela.

    5. So this is the Fuerzas Espiciales de mencho lol cmon on now Bunch of meth heads

  3. Great job, torture those lowlife a holes.

  4. Lol look st these ducking tweekers, fucking disgusting scumbags

  5. Michoacanos don't have the pelotas to step on pancho villa home town only pancho makes all michoacanos look like barbie girls El triangulo dorado is the home of operation of sinaloa cartel los gallos y alacranes son gente de arranke who was dumb enough to believe mencho a guy who can't beat a low life hitman in his own backyard Jalisco was gone step foot on durango?

    1. I thought villa was from Chiwas osea chihuahua

    2. Jalisco is in Durango and chihuahua too.

    3. Pancho Villa rolled with Chihuahuenses. “Dorados de Chihuahua”

    4. Pinches jaliskillas y michoacacas les tiembla entrar a Durango or Chihuahua compa.. los sinaloenses estan en chihuahua porque son vecinos ynlas familias y razas se mesclan pero pinches inditas del sur aqui no son bien vistos por nadie... pinches menchitas aqui las trozamos

    5. Villa was born in Durango but did most of his deeds in Chihuahua

    6. Pancho Villa era de Durango déjense de chaquetas mentales. Y una cosa no tiene nada que ver con la otra. En durango puede trabajar quien tenga huevos sea de Sinaloa jalisco o michoacan
      ARRIBA DURANGO ,ya sabemos que es gente de trabajo y el trabajo se reconoce.

    7. Pancho Villa era de Durango

    8. Calm down duranguita, be patient.. soon you will have michoacanos in Durango too.. funny how Durango people are always in Sinaloa nuts lol tontos.. the sinaloas run that state but Durango has no nuts to run their own organization

    9. Doroteo was from San Juan del rio Durango also known as La Coyotada. Pass by there every time I head home for vacation. He died in Parral Chihuahua.

    10. 5:46 Asi se abla.

    11. Doroteo Arango era de Parral Chihuahua .. y que si vienen los Michoacanos pal Norte ya sea Chihuahua, Sinaloa on Durango ... Aki los trozamos a los michuacacas y jalikillas aqui pinches inditas del sur van a llorar.. disque muy bravos.. que le cuenten a mis huevos que no tienen ojos!

    12. 7:16 that's true lol talking about huevos but they have no balls to go independent. They bow dow to their papis los Chinolas

    13. 7:16
      Todos los que andan chambiando bien saben que los de Durango jalamos bien. Somos los que sacamos mas jale y sin hacer ruido. Michoacanos ni su propio estado an sabido controlar. Por eso ay muchas celulas matandose a diario como changos. Y aparte de mecos, todos bien prendidos con cristal.

    14. 7:44 No. Pancho Villa was born in a pueblo called Panuco De Coronado, he was taken to La Coyotada a couple days after he was born.

  6. They should have went out guns blazing. The narco owned police probably tortured them to extract information.

  7. Where was BBC the foreign guy from?

  8. That was a fast ending to the new generation from durango ....

  9. 6 arrested right away. Pretty clear who's in charge.

  10. Operación mencho llega a DGO is dead...... those cracked out pedros are going through some intense introragations as we read. Ya soltaron la sopa de letras los camaradas

    1. Cracked out pedros????? Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂 I hereby declare this wins the best bb comment award.

  11. Durango is a CDS Plaza. Gente Nueva Special Forces has always defended the Golden Triangle .We eliminated the Zetas and The BLO .If CJNG comes here they will meet the same fate .Somos Gente del Chapo. Cartel soldiers trained for war by members of the Combat Applications Group aka Delta Force and DEVGRU aka Navy Seals Team 6 .The 50 cal barrets are always ready to eliminate enemy targets

    SICARIO 006

    1. Mira Pinchi sicario,
      nomás te salva que eres gente del Chapo.

    2. Durango is ran by a lot of independent families. But it’s true all are part of cds. Zetas did try for a good while, but couldn’t take over.

    3. Orale Sicario 006, your the man.

  12. lol heres menchos grupo elite

  13. They might have a hard time inside if they get sentences

  14. Is there still BLO in Durango?

  15. Yes, but they keep a low profile.

  16. Sooooo......through technology and sound detective work, they can catch some low-level tweakers that hung these mantas; yet it’s a mystery to every public official when there’s a severed head, with genatils shoved in the mouth, positioned between the legs of the headless corpse. Let’s imagine there’s some wind, and it’s cold outside, so the fingers aren’t working quite right. Still, hanging one of those Declarations takes maybe 2-3 minutes, tops. Positioning a lifeless body with the bells and whistles as outlined above, 10 mins maybe? Maybe less if they’ve “prepackaged” the display? Over twice the exposure in terms of time, yet infinitely less witnessed. Smh.

  17. Durango police is very efficient, they eliminated cjng special forces like in three days.

  18. Add onother cds plaza to cjng list..

  19. Damn those look like some scrubs the police probably picked up from some drug house. They probably ain’t event the people that hung up that manta. Come on now in Mexico they always pick up some randon pendejos and put the blame on them. People always reference the battle between CJNG n Cholos cell. Isn’t Culiacán also in the same s#it with Guano trying to knockoff his nephews (chapitos). If I also recall correctly, Chapo Isidro is still f@cking s#it up out there too.

    1. Estan peor los de culiacan se matan entre familia

  20. There are approximately 300 to 500 dead zetas (Herrera/Jaurez) members scattered throughout durango. The last time they attempted to take over in the early 2000's.

    1. they didnt try they did own most of durango

  21. Possibly the same guys that get paid to hang dead bodies.

  22. El Licenciado se encargara de ellos. y los mismos guardias del cereso se los van a entregar en charola de plata.

    1. Licenciado todavia tiene gente activa???

  23. Lol this is what criminals look like in Mexico. Broke homeless people.


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