Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Captured on video an armed convoy searching in the streets of Naucalpan

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Soy Naucalpan Facebook thank you BB follower

During the night of Sunday and the early hours of Monday, security cameras in Naucalpan captured the moment in which convoy of alleged assassins circulated through the streets of the municipality.

In video, they recorded the moment in which armed convoy, circulated in the streets Avenida del Río and Colinas de San Mateo, in the municipality of Naucalpan, México.  in the images you can see at least seven trucks with armed men who apparently are in search of someone.

The subjects carried high caliber weapons.  However there was no report of any disappearance or execution in that area.

When viewing the video can be heard, the moment when operators who are in charge of the surveillance of the cameras manifest  fear of sending their colleagues to the site.

In the video, posted on social networks, several people armed with assault rifles are observed outside a house "on Avenida del Río, in San Mateo Hills," according to an operator of the surveillance cameras who watched live the movements of the convoy.

"Do not send the companeros , as the video plays  they are able to listen to similar phrases from the operators of the cameras. "Do not move commander", "you've seen the goat horns-[AK47s]".

Finally, the armed command leaves. "They are going to leave for (the colonia) Mexico 68, towards El Mirador".

Video translation is as follows by Sol Prendido:

Female Dispatcher : There heading toward San Mirador Street commander. There heading toward San Mirador Street commander. They’ve just got off their new vehicles commander. They’re on 29th commander. They’re on 29th commander.

Female Commander Carol: It’s not a bad idea but send El Boom. It’s on Del Río Avenue. Del Río Avenue.

Woman # 3: Carol they’re going to kill them.

Female Commander Carol: No, no don’t send their partners. They’re going to kill them.

Woman # 3: Don’t let them get killed eh.

Female Dispatcher: Commander don’t move the elements they’re going to kill them. We have to be more precautious commander. Please.

Woman # 3: Carol, Carol!

Man # 1: Women they’re about to go into a house. Hey! They just started running in front. Who’s driving? Who?

Man # 2: They just got the taxi driver. Did you see?

Man # 1: Yes.

Female Dispatcher: Don’t move the elements please.

Man # 1: Fuck me! They have nothing but AK-47’s fool.

Man # 2: Those fools are mafia.

Man # 1: It’s what Avenue ? Del Río Avenue?

Female Commander Carol: Del Río Avenue with Saint Mathew. Motherfucker! They just blocked 5.

Woman # 3: Motherfuckers! These fucking assassins ain’t worth a fuck.

Man # 1: Son of a bitch! Nothing but AK-47’s.

Female Commander Carol: And, and they have cameras inside. Did you see?

Man # 1: Yes, yes. Where are they headed?

Female Commander Carol: They’re gonna come out toward San Mirador. Towards Mexico 68 San Mirador. 100...140? What?

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  1. Don’t worry cops are around the corner they are just waiting for them to leave

  2. Should of sent la marina or that helicóptero with the GE Machine gun and finish these jokers.

    1. Yes the Marina's are capable of having a firefight, we these criminals. Unfortunately high command, don't want that. Mostly only seizures of drugs, and rarely do they get any criminals at the stash houses. There has been many opportunities, to take them out, when riding on convoys. But no action taken.

    2. Semar or sedena would of ripped those fools a new asshole. More so semar since sedena is more corrupt

  3. Cartel chilango nueva generación? ???

    1. Could this be the start of CCNG? Ja ja ja

    2. that would be interesting, i know oaxaca nueva generación is already putting in work.

  4. Comandante was scared of these sicarios? Don't blame him, cjng would eventually get to him if he killed a few sicarios

    1. The commander was a chick by the name of Carol

  5. Acapulco is lawless and scary place anymore

    1. Naucalpan, officially Naucalpan de Juárez, is a city and municipality located just northwest of Mexico City in the adjoining State of Mexico. The name Naucalpan comes from Nahuatl and means "place of the four neighborhoods" or "four houses." Juárez was added to the official name in 1874 in honor of Benito Juárez. Wikipedia

      It is the nicer suburbs of Mexico City. The folks in the video are definitely in cahoots with the Government.Maybe for the better.

      For example The richest Colonial in Mexico is in San Pedro de Las Garza. It is in Monterey. From what I have been told is that the business men provide good compensation for their police force. Thus not much corruption.
      Making it somewhat safe for civilians.

      However, since these guys were toting AK 47's this usually means they were a criminal organization.

    2. This is definitely not one of the nicer suburbs of cdmx.
      Stop reading Wikipedia and posting like you know.
      Been there seen gunfights, someone get stabbed and caravans are not unusual.

    3. @ 626
      Thanks for the post man,it all helps

    4. @ 5:58

      It is close to Lomas Verdes, La Cuispede, Satilite. ect.. Your right it is not as nice as Lomas. Been visiting for the last fifteen car.

    5. @9:37
      Agreed. Lomas verdes is nice but with all the night clubs (anthros) like la metiche and la cantina clasica it's also a high drug sale area. For anyone who's seen the movie man on fire, the scary neighborhood with the clif that the car rolls off of is naucalpan

  6. Why they did not call the Marinas???
    The gunship crews needs some practice and why not have some fun with tje gear they got from gringos?

    1. Trust me they're itching. Unfortunately top brass(100% corrupted) won't let them play

  7. Damm what a mess México has become, I hope the usa never turns into this or we f____ed!!

    1. Too late. Did you hear about the public gunfight in a Texas restaurant were many were killed? Chicago? Los Angeles? Or the hundreds of gang gun fights that took place in the 80s early 90s? This is just the tip of the iceberg.

  8. THANK YOU SOL! About the video. when they go into the house it seems they took a guy out wearing a red sweatshirt...or is he part of the group?

    1. I’m gonna say he was part of the group. Looks like he was carrying a rifle if I’m not mistaken. - Sol Prendido

  9. it eventually will if caravans keep trying to come in and actually are successful getting here

    1. Big difference.....many Americans are armed to the teeth. US citizens will fight back. The avg Mexican has no way to defend themselves. Outlaw guns, then only outlaws have them.

    2. Lol, nah. Citizens in the US are armed unlike most of Mexico. It’s a different ballgame when both sides have guns.

    3. Are y'all talking about caravans like immigrants or narcos?

    4. Immigrants or narcos? The US has a right to police its own borders just as Mexico did with this same caravan,yeah we all know where this is headed the old race card will be held up high,did it get held up to Mexico sending how many personel to deal with it ?

  10. Mexico is a failed state, evident here when scum patrol streets in that manner there is no law, where there is no law there is no government where there is no government its a failed state

    1. 857 where have you been, it has been like this for many years, do something just don't sit back on your computer and complain. I contribute, guns and ammo, to my local Autodefensa.

    2. It's funny to me that people keep posting that Mexico is a failed state like that isn't the theme of this website and the whole reason we tune in to see what the next fucked up thing is happeneing down there that we never hear about. That one and the blame game with the American appetite for drugs.

    3. 0631 Don't forget other countries have addicts, to blame USA is an understatement.

  11. El Boom? I bet his neighbors are very respectful.

    1. Loud and clear brother,thanks again man

  12. Sol....Your help is much appreciated,don't think it isn't.
    Thanks for taking the time..

    1. You’re welcome. If you need something translated just send it. I won’t do whole books. So don’t overstep those bounds. Lol. - Sol Prendido

  13. We in Mexico have a chiste a joke I will try to tell it in Ingles.

    Luis and Eduardo are patrolling. Suddenly Luis yells "Look over there. The camioneta. They are putting cuernos and grenadas in the back" "Quick!" says Eduardo, put on the lights and siren and let's get the hell out of here".
    To be limited to patrol only in convoy at night makes reporting by halcones very easy. And the convoy de los policias will cost money and do nothing. The municipios may be in fraccionmiento Chapultepec while the sicarios are three steps behind in Colonia Guerrero. People who do not live here try to tell me that fixing this is easy. They have no idea about reality.

    1. I get your meaning and joke thanks for the post


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