Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How Nemesio "El Mencho" Oseguera Cervantes became capo

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from ejecentral 

Translation by "Cruz" for Borderland Beat


 strict chain of command, forging solid loyalties and paramilitary training for his hitmen, is the formula that led the maximum leader of the CJNG to be the man "that spits in the face of the institutions."

There were 3 ambushes. 3 attacks that could have passed of as military-style tactics, well planned in which the shooters were able to come across intelligence information of their targets, they knew their location, routes, number of elements, weapons, communication equipment...everything.

The strategy used against the military and police forces during those 3 attacks was the same, which occurred in Jalisco in only 11 months time, between May 2014 and Abril 2015: having intelligence information, blocking the path in order to attack without caution, kind of like wrapping them up with shots at the sides. In summary, 33 public servants were murdered in those assaults. It was about "an action of extermination, of all-out war, of taking no prisoners", in summary, the military wrote in 2015, "to spit on the institutions".

Behind all of these deployments, the legal papers that the PGR have displayed before several judges accuse Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho as the architect of the strategies used. The same man that the detained members for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel describe as thin, short hair, brown skin and a mustache, with a harsh voice, cold and precise, and with a stern stare, whom everyone respects and calls "patron".(boss).

The same person that re-invited a cartel that had been officially declared annihilated, The Millennium
Cartel, and he endowed it with a very strict command structure, with very defined grades and levels, with very solid loyalties and paramilitary forces that had been trained by irregular forces from Colombia and Central America, which have allowed him to extend through the territory by blood and fire, and turn into the most powerful, according to the DEA but with that expansion strategy he has declared war on the State..

The hitmen under his command have declared that there is a war and in that war, the traitors and enemies are treated the same. To win it, not only have they been trained and given high-level firepower, which includes grenade launchers and high caliber rifles; it also includes terror tactics: torture, to later burn and kill the agents, and leaving messages and recording videos to later distribute and extend the fear. That is why the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has been the cartel that has most affected the mood of the state and federal forces, and the reason why they have not been able to respond with the same strength: the government has allowed "the drug lord to spit in the face of the State without allowing the latter to defend itself", was what the military wrote in the same letter in 2015.

Capacity and fury

Only 24 days had passed since the CJNG had attacked the Regional Single Force of Jalisco where they had killed 15 of its elements, in which the scene that best describes El Menchos personality would occur. It was May 1st, 2015 and the Army alongside the Federal Police, identified the leader of the Cartel, He was in transit with at least 5 security vehicles accompanying him. The federal forces arrived by air and the battle started. The testimonies collected by the authorities mention that Oseguera Cervantes was traveling with his family, which is escorts protected. The agents that survived and manned the helicopters all arrived at the same conclusion, the people that were firing from land were military trained, their training and level of armament allowed them to be able to take down the Mexican Air Force helicopter gunship.

8 soldiers and one federal police agent died. At least 9 people from the cartel perished, several of the bodies were taken so that there would be no trace. During the confrontation, they contacted his son, Ruben Oseguera Gonzalez, El Menchito, who ordered the deployment of all of the available forces in Guadalajara and the metropolitan area. They closed routes and burned vehicles. They paralyzed the city and they generated a huge confusion, which allowed Mencho’s escape and since then for several months they had lost his scent. The following year in 2016, the authorities stated that he had sought refuge between the states of Colima and Nayarit where he maintained a very low profile.

Little information, too much power

He had five siblings and his family was of limited resources. Since he was of young age, Nemesio which was the name that he went by in honor of one of his godfathers, decided to abandon elementary school in order to work in the field. According to sources, he started out as a caretaker in the avocado fields that belonged to the Valencia family, which would later turn into what would become known publicly as the Millennium Cartel.

Even though it wasn't until the 90´s that he fully had dedicated himself into the drug trade, as an employee of the Valencia, known as the Kings of the Avocado, through that fruit, since the 70´s they were able to cover up the sowing and trafficking of Marijuana and poppy from the township of Aguililla, Michoacán.


The taking down of the Army aircraft, In May 2015, in a place close to Villa Purificacion, Jalisco, Took the lives of 8 soldiers and 1 police officer.

Badly burned survivor of the crash after CJNG shot down the helicopter 

The demolition of the Army aircraft, in May 2015, in a place near Villa Purificación, Jalisco,
left eight soldiers and one Federal Police agent dead.
He decided to immigrate to the USA which was where he started to work as a drug dealer, slanging heroin and methamphetamine alongside Abigael Gonzalez Valencia, El Cuini o El Cachetes(cheeks), leader of the group known as Los Cuinis, arrested in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco on February 28, 2015. After some years has passed, Oseguera would become the brother in law of Abigael, marrying Rosalinda Gonzalez Valencia.

After being arrested alongside one of his brothers in 1994, a district court of Northern California sentenced him to 10 years in prison, accused of being part of a distribution network of heroin, after serving 3 years of his sentence he was deported to Mexico.

On his return, he would become a municipal police officer in Cabo Corrientes and Tomatlan, Jalisco. Even though a short time after he would abandon the institution and concentrate on drug dealing operations, as a bodyguard for Armando Valencia Cornelio, El Maradona.

In 2010 Oseguera Cervantes and Erik Valencia Salazar, El 85, took control of the Millenium Cartel, after Oscar Orlando Nava Valencia, El Lobo(the wolf) was captured October 26, 2009. Leaving his brother Juan Carlos Nava Valencia, El Tigre(the tiger), who according to his testimony, Ramiro Pozos, El Molca, leader of La Resistencia (the resistance),  was betrayed by El 85 and El Mencho.

"The confrontation between the Millenium Cartel and the people loyal to Nemesio Oseguera and Erik Valencia started on May 10th, 2009 and one month later the Jalisco New Generation Cartel would make itself known".

Nemesio Oseguera would be at the top and in charge of the entire operation due to the family link that he established by marrying Rosalinda Gonzalez Valencia and after the capture of El 85. He created the group Matazetas(Z killers), that made themselves known through a video in 2011, and would serve as his first paramilitary group that, according to the case files, would allow him to reconquer the Bay area and take control of the Gulf, stripping it away from Los Zetas.

Military Tribute EPN

5 elements from the National Gendarmerie of the Federal Police, 3 assassins and  3 civilians were the casualties of the ambush by CJNG in Ocotlan. [below and video]

Based on Blood and Betrayals

The diagnosis that the authority has about Nemesio Oseguera´s record on his criminal trajectory, and the vertiginous rise that the organization that he leads has had, has been due to betrayal and with the use of extreme violence, corruption, and extortion. Since Oseguera Cervantes was able to expand his operations in the zones that the CJNG disputes with other organizations in about 22 states of the Mexican Republic, this is based on DEA intel.

His tactics to expand at an accelerated rate consist of the flexibility that the group led by Nemesio has and they have shown to intersperse their historic criminal ties, with the antecedent of the Valencia family, in the insertion of pre-existing conflicts and the use of a speech of self-defense by means of propaganda operations with a military perspective, such is the case of what happened in Michoacán and Guerrero where the hosts of CJNG were able to infiltrate the ranks of the community guards, such information was determined by a study done by consultant InSight Crime, which focuses on themes about national security and organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean.

For example, in the case of Baja California, the foundation detected that El Mencho´s strategy was to dabble in the entity feign to be an "ally" in a confrontation that the local groups were leaders of, in order to later be the catalyst for major conflicts. The mission to obtain the territory consisted of taking advantage of the remnants of the Arellano Felix Cartel to finishing off with the weakening of the hegemony of the Sinaloa Pacific Organization, all of this through bloody confrontations in diverse regions of the state.

On Monday, August 15th, 2016 during the early morning, gunmen belonging to Nemesio Oseguera sent an overwhelming message of their boldness and operational capacity not only to the person who was considered the worlds most wanted drug lord but also to the authorities and the general public opinion. A video surveillance camera in the interior of the exclusive restaurant La Leche in Puerto Vallarta captured the moment that an armed group of men from CJNG kidnapped 6 diners, amongst them were  sons of El Chapo Guzman.

He obtained all of this with a very simple and very loyal structure. The power of the organization revolves around the family clan and according to the judicial statements, supports all of their people that are loyal, they tend to the families of those that die, they pay good salaries and they maintain a great discipline.

Hey created several independent cells. One of those, was described by at least 3 of his former collaborators before a judge, they focus on clandestine laboratories used for processing drugs, another one, on negotiations with their partners in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, a few more towards the training of his paramilitary forces and there is another group training to do surveillance, to serve as messengers to strike deals and payments to their allies, and "take care of" the people that work for other groups. One final cell is dedicated to intelligence and counterintelligence operations. Los Cuinis, which is where the Gonzalez Valencia brothers, take care of the sale and money laundering part of the operation.

War against everyone

As if it were a source of infection one which where it is positioned it begins to spread, intensifying the conditions of insecurity and violence of the territory, the decisions and actions of El Senor de Los Gallos(the lord of the roosters) as he is also known by because of his liking of clandestine cockfights, he has managed to turn the zones that he disputes into true war scenarios, the shootouts and executions are caused by the actions made against him.

Without precedents.

At the start of the "Operacion Jalisco", hitmen working for Nemesio Oseguera brought down a helicopter belonging to the SEDENA(Ministry of Defense) with .50 caliber rifles and grenade launchers RPG-7.

Under that bloodline, during times of dispute between antagonistic groups, it has turned into human mutilations, torture, use of explosives, and high caliber weapons, extortions, kidnappings, murders and even disappearing of bodies by diluting them in acid, which was the fatal outcome that 3 young theater students: Javier Salomon Aceves, Marco Avalos, and Daniel Diaz suffered. They were supposedly mistaken as being members of Cartel Nueva Plaza(new plaza cartel) antagonist of CJNG, were murdered and diluted in acid at a safe house belonging to the cartel in Tonala.

By "error" or by vengeance, El Mencho has displayed his appetite for revenge and proof of such was the ambush on April 6, 2015 carried out on Municipal and State troops assigned to the Regional Single Force of Jalisco, as they were returning to their base in Puerto Vallarta, they were intercepted by gunmen of Nemesio who according to investigative data, had ordered the attack in retaliation to the killing of his compadre(buddy) and plaza boss, Heriberto Acevedo Cardenas aka El Gringo, dead after a dispute against the aforementioned police force which took place only 14 days prior.

In may of 2014, Acevedo Cardenas, who according to intelligence information had El Mencho as his godfather for his wedding, was in charge of the cartel plazas in Tlajomulco, Cocula, Zacoalco, Tapalpa, and Atemajac de Brizuela. In retaliation for an operative against the theft of fuel, his buddy ordered El Gringo to attack a vehicle belonging to the 32nd Infantry Battalion in which the soldiers were transporting part of the decommissioned fuel. The result was 4 dead calcined soldiers in the interior of the vehicle and 2 more that were seriously injured.

As part of his strategies to preserve his spaces of operation free of government intervention, Nemesio Oseguera has been seen tied to the planning of attacks and murders of public servants, such as the case in March of 2013, when the drug lord was suspected of having ordered the murder of then Secretary of Tourism for the state of Jalisco, Jesus Gallegos Alvarez, [above]under the suspected suspicion that the official was collaborating with the Caballeros Templarios. (Knights Templar)

It is also believed that the CJNG was behind the kidnapping and murder of PRI party delegate, Gabriel Gomez Michel, who on September 22, 2014, was deprived of his freedom when he was headed towards the Guadalajara International Airport. Without having clarified the motive of the crime, it is worth mentioning that Gomez Michel was the mayor of El Grullo from 2010-2112, a location known as a bastion of CJNG, where presumably El Mencho moves with complete freedom.

The most recent case of attempts against authorities was perpetrated last Monday, May 21st when a commando at the service of Oseguera Cervantes located and attacked the former attorney general and current head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in the entity, Luis Carlos Najera Gutierrez when he was leaving a restaurant in ZMG. Metropolitan area of Guadalajara) Aside from only a mild lesion to the official's hand, 7 other people were injured during the assault.

Priority objective

In January of 2018, upon assuming the position as head of domestic policy of the country in place of Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, Alfonso Navarrete Prida mentioned that as part of his own slogan of "I have to give/show results in very little time" he acknowledges that as far as the war on drugs "the Jalisco New Generation Cartel is the priority objective of the federal government".

This past May 27th, at the conference held to confirm the detention of Rosalinda Gonzalez Valencia, wife of Nemesio Oseguera and leader of the organization of Los Cuinis signaled as financial branch of CJNG, the Secretary of the Interior said he was convinced of the results from the authorities in the dismemberment of cells from that cartel as part of "solid investigations".

Nevertheless, and as part of the process of learning from experience, as he referred: "it is not good to speculate. I know that the entire conviction is there that there are court orders and if there is harm to society in the commission of crimes, well then we need to act with efficiency, and we hope that soon we can give a response. Aside from that, I will not speculate".

Below is a chart of the most violent acts by CJNG/Mencho, beginning on September 26, 2011, Five hooded men introduce themselves as the Matazetas de CJNG, who proclaimed themselves as armed for the people towards the objective of eradicating the Los Zetas Cartel.  Speaking in a five-minute recording, they claimed the assassination of at least 70 “Zetas” in Veracruz in 48 hours, including 35 bodies that were abandoned in the highway of Boca del Rio in front of the World Trade Center.  The people were not Zetas, they were later proven to be innocents with no cartel connections, picked up and slaughtered to be used as CJNG props  to facilitate an erroneous message.  

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  1. Chapo is nothing compared to Mencho

    1. Don't tell me chapo is more civilized.... they all the same basura using civilians as props just like the mexiKANT government does 4 its people's.... it's all a fuckn joke my young anonymous brotha

    2. If you define Mencho as being a murderous killer of unarmed people and just another thug who is nothing without his guns and hitmen, then you are correct. In the grand scheme, he has built nothing of redeeming value, will leave no invention to benefit humanity, and with be soon gone and all but forgotten in a few generations after his own violent and/or solitary death.

    3. Chapo has been on the run a lot longer than mencho. Chapo was public enemy number 1 for decades. Mencho just came on the radar even though he has been in the game for the same amount of time. No way he will last longer than Chapo. And lets not forget everyone hates the CJNG. Sinaloa was a cartel for the people, people protected chapo like the pope down here. He build schools, churches, hospitals ect. CJNG are a bunch of call of duty wanna be soldiers who like posting photos of them holding 50 calibers for instagram. Bottom line is nobody likes CJNG down here.

    4. Your delirious bro...Chapo has been around for decades calling shots...This guy is a one trick pony who will be caught or killed soon when the change of gov't happens...Everyone knows he has EPN and his dirty cronies in his back pocket for now...

    5. Real talk but you know the chinlolas and they crush dummies(mainly no pride having northern states like sonora and dgo)will say the contrary.

    6. Chapo was something he was as big or bigger then mencho at one time,but he is not anymore he made wrong choices and will never see Mexico again,but let's see if his family can hold it down because they have a big cartel under them might not be mencho status but they still have a strong organization

    7. haha so funny how many cjng fan boys are jealous of how big Chapo was. Mencho will never be as big as Chapo..until he escapes prison twice hes got nothing on Chapo. His sorry ass son has been rotting in prison for years..if Mencho had real power menchito would have been out a long time ago.

    8. Mencho is the man now just face it haters

    9. I agree chapo is nothing compared to mencho but mainly in sheer brutality. Mencho is not like these other capos the amount of violence that hes able to cause is completely different to what chapo was doing when he was out. I think he needs to be stopped before he gets too powerful i see him as a bigger security threat to Mexico than these other groups imo.

    10. You forget the border wars, Juarez in particular

    11. 8:38 The only ones that hate cjng are you cheerleaders

  2. Mencho is nothing compared to chapo! How do you even come to that conclusion my friend! You must either be a cjng dickryda or someone who likes to stir the pot.

  3. Mencho is a fucking snake. He probably betrayed the valencias to take over with the back up of el 85. Thats why they called his group los torcidos.He's an embarrasment to the mexican goverment and he's a murderous son of a flea bitten bitch. They shld of never let his wife loose.

    1. "murderous son of a flea bitten bitch....."
      Best slam I have heard in a long, long time, thank you! 🙌

    2. Your welcome chivis.

  4. lol. at least chapo has more then one picture. lol. thats the best one of mencho yet. looks like i kid drew it

    1. Dumb comment. You really think mencho wants a his pictures in the media like chapo?

  5. I think it's cute that this indito has been growing his cantinflas mustache since age 15 to look muy feroz.

    1. Cantinflas was from michoacan too so who knows lol one of the best comedians of all time

    2. You have a problem against indios? I bet your mother would also the taste out of your mouth if she heard you talk that way.

    3. Juan Gabriel también es de michoacan.

  6. Mexico has become a joke in the eyes of the international community, they are secretly laughed at and no one takes them seriously anymore.

    1. Secretely? To begin with nobody cares what happens in mexico, secondly i laugh out load when i hear fellow mexicans saying it would get better.

    2. Yea, but they still control all of you crackheads , methheadz, pill heads, ecstasy freaks, and herion junkies, so in all reality we’re laughing at you.

    3. @9:37, what about the Coke heads?

    4. 7:33 you always write the same nonsense

  7. Any cartel could take the route of war vs the government nothing new zetas did at a bigger scale than this guy also mentioned he begged for his life in michoacan and was locked up dropping the soup in the usa he could have man power and guns in quantity but his enemies like cholo and marro have in quality thats why he can defeat them his not very intelligent when he kidnapp chapos kid and got punked for them shows he is not very smart yes he is a violent capo with big ambitious but at one point z40 was the same and more ruthless

    1. Z40 was just a car washer. He got his power after lava died, mencho made his empire. Huge difference

    2. 8:03 after lazca died

  8. Mencho is nothing compared to Lazca and lets not forget what happend to him. Shot in the back with assault rifle by the marines. Menchos days are numbered. CIA are looking for him too along with the other cartels and the mexican marines. Life must be great as a king pin. Always running and hiding. Eventually they always find their target and everyones target is mencho.

  9. To many mencho haters mow that hes the biggest and most powerful capo in Mexico

  10. Cartel de Tijuana set the blueprint for all these new organizations today.

    1. No they didn't, while afo was an extremely powerful organization. They did not have convoys they carried batakas. This style of fighting and aggressiveness against the government has Zetas and lazca written all over it. Not to mention that the Arellano family were not native to Tijuana but to Sinaloa

  11. Still don't get why El Chapo sons were released. If they were killed people be after u and release them and they be after u either way somebody after u.

    1. Menchos has kids as well. Just imagine what would have happen to them.

    2. It showed who was really in charge in Mexico and it wasnt the valencias and mencho. The Valencias are massively over hyped..declared the richest traffickers literally because one low ranking colombian supplier said they sell the most coke. No joke thats what the Mex authorities used as a berometer. Lol only in Mex.

    3. Mencho's son was kidnapped in prison by the CDS. If he would have killed the Chapitos, Menchito would have been killed.

    4. It's all speculation, nobody knows what happened. Just like they say cds gave cjng lots of drugs, money and plazas fir their release.

  12. This rodent is a real piece of human excrement.

    Imagine him as a police officer. I pity any law obiding person who went to him with a complaint about criminality of any sort. Probably paid for it with their life.

    I can just imagine him in his local precinct opening the hatch to greet you. Shudder the thought.

  13. Fail state
    Everybody pays
    Support system when u buy stolen gas.Govt corrupt
    Endless paying paying

  14. Its so funny to me that they make mencho and the torcidos look like ther something special that they got 50 cals high power rifles rpgs.that the cut people up use acid to desolve the bodys they got ex military soilders .and guess what so has ever other cartel before them they ain't nothing special about them and if you think about it ther fighting like expansion teams and still having a hard time .if the were up against any other cartel when the were stongger it would be way different.

    1. 3:03 the difference is that chapo tried to do this for years and did get nothing and CJNG in less that 5 years and already has more that half of Mex

  15. I think if you are going to compare Mencho to anyone, it should be El Mayo, who has been at large for 40 years. He never sought the limelight like Chapo did, which became his downfall. Los Zetas and El Lazca, were doomed to fall too, as Los Zetas took hits and their revenue began to dwindle, bribe money to all and sundry was not available, so Los Zetas just killed those they didnt have the money to bribe.
    In some respects, CJNG prefer like Mayo to pay for services rendered by those in political power and the services than kill them. But certainly he is willing to deal out plomo if the platta is not taken.
    I am almost certain he will not be caught by authorities any time soon. While CJNG dont have a non disputed border crossing, they do have more presence in more states than any other cartel, including Sinaloa. They also have a larger share of the higher paying, non USA drugs market for synthetics.

    1. All the border plazas are disputed last time I checked. Tijuana cjng/ctng against Sinaloa, mexicali cjng against cds. Juarez is disputed by cds and cdj,Texas borders are disputed by cdg and Zetas. I guess the only ones that aren't being disputed are in new Mexico because cjng is already making moves in Sonora plazas. Either way cjng could care less who operates in what plaza they will set up shop or cross their drugs without paying piso to local drug cartels in border plazas or where they will make a profit.

    2. That's something many people forget is that CJNG has a large share in the European and Asian markets. His push into the US wont affect him money wise he can heat up the border as much as he wants it will deal more damage to other cartels since there main customer is the US while mencho as long as the ports are in his control can continue to send shipments to Europe and Asia while also keeping his War Machine well financed and equipped. He seems to focus alot of his revenue on building his Military capabilities over Spending it on Luxury items. I personally see Mencho as bigger threat than the Zetas where in their prime mencho is honestly a Monster.

    3. whersa the proof, links, articles to cjng being in sinaloa or just speculation like usual. I can provide all that info to CDS being all over Jalisco with and without nueva plaza.

    4. 11:07 you dumb chinolas are so proud of that cartel b.s that you think your cds chapitos run the world lol. I just read an article here how cjng has culiacan as a distribution center for that cartel. Cjng is an international cartel tonto. And yes, cds is in jalisco Pendejo

    5. Otis Flywheel welcome back, I am glad you got, your cars flywheel fixed. Glad you survived the fires of the summer.

  16. Nada pendejo el mencho by marrying the sister of los valencia.

  17. Mencho is going down.

  18. Mencho is all things bad, agreed.

    We still don't know (factually) why he did not kill Chapitos when he had the chance. A ruthless leader as described would have killed on site, there would be no negotiation, there would be know opportunity to communicate.

    People say the own safety of his son is a reason he released them. The Mencho described would have thought this out at the early part of the planning stages.


    1. They thought they kidnapped CDS, not the prince + 1

    2. You still dont know it wasnt mencho who kinapped them. Thats why he didnt kill them! Had he been the one who kidnapped them or even ordered it they’d be DEAD!!!

    3. It’s a rare case in which they were worth more alive than dead. 10 tons of Coca, a tunnel and a border plaza is better than war. Imo of course.

  19. haha the only way this guy got big was because he married the big bosses little sister. Stop glorifying this guy BB its embarrassing. Paid for fallen soldiers? LMAO...ya fucking right thats 100% propaganda bullshit. Maybe a few top guys get taken care of the rest are pissed on..they dont give a fuck this site is full of dumbasses who watch too much narcos and think these guys actually have morals. Heres the the thing, they dont give a fuck about their soldiers. This site has become a joke full of Mencho propaganda from so called experts people who repost articles all day and pretend to know what they are talking about.cjng, cds, cdg Z..all scum of the earth people with no morals whatsoever. Cant wait to here on BB how CJNG bakes cakes for little kids on Xmas and brings Xmas trees to their dead enemies families.

    1. Finally someone who says the truth ! BB you guys seriously need to stop with this cjng the strongest cartel in mexico is a joke! for anyone who actually lives in mexico they are hated just how zetas were hated there not powerful not nearly as other cartels and they are being hunted down on the daily thats the truth. Its all hype cartel de tijuana has more power than mencho cartel de juarez has much more power than mencho beltran leyva cartel would make menchos cjng look like kids now imagine CDS or CDG ? Its propaganda thats all guys.

    2. 6:25 stop hating no one hates CJNG they don’t kill women like CDS and don’t extort.

    3. Are either of you in Mexico? Are you involved with the Cartel? Because other wise, shut the fcuk up.

  20. Mencho is nothing like Mayo. Mencho is more of a soldado that had no issue with violence he is not the tactician that lazca was nor the
    sadistic animal that 40 is. He is more of a paramilitary / guerilla fighter. Dea aligned with him to fight zetas and did not consider the outcome. He is a savage that has killed countless innocents. In Veracruz he and toronado rounded up scores of kids, vendors, and druggies and chopped them up claiming they were zetas just to send a message. I wont glorify Mayo as he is as tough as they come but that savagery is not his model. "El hombre en la sombra"

    1. Dude lazca only tactic was kill. He was no fucking tactician thats why hes dead and thats why he cld never beat the gulf cartel. Lazcano was a wild dog. When oziel waz stil the boss he wld trust el kelin and costilla to carry his orders. Lazcano was muscle thats it.

  21. To all you idiots that comment

    Get a life and stop being a fan of you ain’t out in Mexico living that life stop riding it .Mayo will always be number one he don’t need to be seen as the biggest threat Mencho is taking all the heat just like chapo did.When CJNG enters Culiacán then talk about something Culiacán is the only place I know has a one cartel only.I hear they pay good money to come fight sign up and actually grow balls

    1. Hey pendejo, FYI cjng already has culiacan as a distribution plaza.. you Sinaloa clouns always talk out your nalgas. Go read the article a few days ago where it says "the freedom of the cjng"

      The CJNG is also considered a threat by the United States. According to the Drug Control Administration (DEA), the Mexican organization doubled its presence in that nation, as in 2015 it had presence in eleven cities, but in 2014 it expanded to 14 more areas, where mainly methamphetamines from Guadalajara, Uruapan, and Culiacán are distributed.

    2. Sinaloa hates michoacanos so bad now that the biggest capo is michoacan.. hahaha so pathetic

    3. 200$ a week to become cannon fodder? No thanks I'll stick to my hard work and cold cheves on the weekend. Btw aki ay huevos cabron

    4. 3:02 The biggest capo that was and will be is El Mayo Zambada . Guess where he from. Right you vatos look bad cheerleading and talking smack out of your churro cutter.
      Arriba nayarit chingao

  22. When you say the matazetas allowed him to conquer the Bay Area, you can’t mean the SF Bay Area in california right? Although I do know Mencho was running around out here in his younger days.

    1. Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico, Veracruz area,

  23. Replies
    1. Become a big rig driver there's a shortage in the country. Or a commercial pilot there's need for those as well.

  24. Chivas, Cruz, my respect. Here to learn, not to glorify...

  25. Gotta wipe out the demand first.

  26. The light is green. Agents have achieved communication with Sr Chapo. He is none-too-happy and has deployed Leslie Chow to spearhead the deployment. Chow will do a HALO jump out of a really silent stealthy helicopter after which he will assume leadership of a group of hard men - trained by a guy trained by Chuck Norris himself CJNG will succumb at once to the mighty Sinaloa warriors.

    1. Sounds like a Sinaloa corridos right there. So full of fantasy lol

  27. Small potatoes in the scope of historic Mexican drug traffickers for sure.

    1. You obviously don't know cartel history tonto. So funny

    2. Well let's see, not at the level of Nepomuceno Guerra, Aviles, Gallardo, R. Quintero, Acosta Villarreal, Carrillo Fuentes, Arellano Felix, Guzman, Zambada, Cardenas, Garcia Abrego and on and on...small potatoes for sure...

    3. @313 no YOU don't know anything. It's all a simple math equation. When u add the numbers up you'll know what's up till then 'cayadito mas bonito'

    4. 5:59 your right, mencho surpassed them ALL.

    5. I give the old capos credit for being the first in the game but let's face it, there has never been a guy like mencho who took on two of the most powerful cartels in Mexico and taking their plazas. the only reason you fools don't like mencho is because he's not from Sinaloa. If he was you cds groupies would be all over his nuts lol let's face it, he makes the rest of the capos before him look soft and less powerful. Funny how you mentioned "mayo". Mayo tried to make a truce with mencho in la paz baja California and half his crew joined mencho after that. Mayo is just a scared old man funding el marro and cholo to Hopefully take cjng because he can't do it himself. Chapo tried to take many plazas but eventually got pushed out.

      You cjng haters will say cjng cant take out the competition in Veracruz, Tijuana, guanajuato. It's the other way around, cjng steped in their house and can't kick them out eventhough hes not paying rent lol

      You will mention how mayo punked mencho that he would kill menchito but the truth is mencho got plazas and lots of $$$ for their ransom.

      Don't know how long he will last but I know one thing.. hes the baddest capo right know and far from small potatoes

  28. I remember when michoacan post were with the least commenters, but now cjng have the most they ar #1 now. Sinaloa look at chapo stories with embarrassment and shame and makes them hate on michoacanos. They all fall at the end dont hate


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