Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 25, 2018

"I am still SNTE president!" shouts Elba Ester 2 months after prison release

Civis Martinez Borderland Beat material from facebook and aristegui noticias

Her hunger for power did not dissipate during her so called imprisonment.  She's looking very healthy  now after pleading with the court for home imprisonment due to severe health issues. 

The video below is how Elba Esther Gordillo attempted to gather support for her  while speaking at the 2018  group Maestros X MĂ©xico [Teachers for MĂ©xico] on October 22. 

Two months after her release,  former Teacher Union boss  Elba Esther Gordillo reappeared publicly and assured that she still has the leadership of  the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE).
"I'm still the president of the National Executive Committee, what Juan DĂ­az has is the teacher's checkbook, but what I have is the leadership of the workers. That's the difference!” She said during a meeting with professors held at the Miguel Hidalgo mayor's office in Mexico City.

Between ovations and applause, she affirmed that she owes a lot to the teachers.

"Trust that darling! Do things with love, passion is good, but love is deeper, more solid; passion to attack with everything in the fight, and love to have deal with who they hurt me, learn to forgive also, are not times of revenge, are times of construction and seeking unity," she added.

In addition, she maintained that it would not be worth inviting revenge. "We are great, with difficult circumstances, but we are big in spirit, with goals".

Gordillo Morales also warned that he will not allow again that no government "as important as it may be", goes back to "wronging the national magisterium."


  1. Digo digo la verdad! La neta quisiera ver que le den dos patadotas en el culo. Una por pendeja. Y la otra para que no se le olvide a la perra. Pinche vieja basura. Aparte de ser feona es cruel la wey. - Sol Prendido

  2. in what movie those this lady appeared? I’ve seen her in a horror movie

  3. Say no to drugs and surgery

  4. Omg why are they clapping

  5. Mexican corruption, impunity and immunity at its finest.

  6. This lady should of been the real blackwidow aka Griselda blanco she has all the symptoms of what Griselda did

  7. Heard some teachers really support her, i know she stole alot. By the way i don't think there is 1 honest politician in whole mexico not defending this despicable Chucky looking lady but mexico has bigger problems.

  8. Why did someone get up and slapped the shit out of her thieving

  9. She is the new/old president of the teachers union. Just like new/old coach of the Oakland Raiders. La Chucky not only stole money from the coffees of thr union, she stole Jon Gruden's nickname. Not really -- he had it first. I wonder how much bribe money she paid. A new leash on life, just like Caro Quintero. Alias la Chucky.

  10. Shes a complete Sociopath or Psychopath. I know a powerful man who is an entrepreneur and they have the same form of speech and body language and for sure he's pathalogical.

    1. Your hit it to the point, ,2 months in prison, that's not correct, I remember reading, that was house arrest, and she did not want to wear the GPS, she never paid back the millions she took And nevertheless, that let her back, as teachers union President, oh Mexico give me a break, unbelievable.

  11. The only speech she should ever give is an apology to every honest hardworking teacher in Mexico and an admission of guilt of the crimes she has committed against the very organisation she claims to love so dearly! Then never be allowed to be associated with any educational institution again!

  12. Ugly face of corruption. Literally

  13. Why do we have this article on BB. ? How is this related to this blog drug war ?

    1. Corruption and money laundering. Same as the drug war.

    2. Does it say it's related to it?

  14. Hillary Clinton on crack....


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