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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Juarez: Tortured while in police custody, identified as La Linea hitman

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat-El Diario and Reforma-thank you Javier!

Sources within the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM) revealed that the person seen in a video being tortured by one of the Coordinators of the Municipal Police, is  Rogelio Celaya Maynez, presumed member of the criminal group 'La Línea'.

This morning he was arrested after an attack on elements of the State Police, outside a house of exchange of  Ramacoi Ave, a few meters from De las Torres Ave.

In the video that was sent anonymously to El Diario, the alleged hit man is interrogated under torture by Commander Armengol, while he is trying to extract information in relation to people and places where weapons are kept.

The police chief kept a plastic bag placed on the head of the  man, who was not yet identified in the video.

According to the anonymous message, the torture occurred in one of the rooms located in the back.

It is the same bathroom where detainees are routinely tortured, according to the agent who distributed the material.

Family members went to look for him at SSPM but they refused information and they even threatened them.


  1. Now motherfuckers that agree in torture for alledged cartel members have to remember that these same cops that committ the torture more often than not work for rival cartels. This means that although it sounds "right" to abstract info from criminals by any and all means neccesary simply because the person being tortured probably treats others the same way the truth like it has been said is that this only allows another group to grow. Two wrongs do not make a right either!

    1. @11:27 "Two wrongs don't make a right" sound like my deceased grandmother.

    2. They don't always work for a rival group, there are some that do an honest job, but you are correct, they do let another group to grow when one gets attacked more than another and not equally.

    3. The way I see it, everyone is screwed. Cartel members are screwed, the cops are screwed, the citizens are screwed. Everyone's screwed. There's just no winning for anyone in this thing. Maybe a dozen major cartel guys will not end up dead or in prison. But literally millions of people have to suffer for that to happen

    4. Did you not read they we're shooting at State Police.

  2. Trouble for the cop?

    1. ja! this is normal for juarez but yes this is a big bucket of shit for everyone, the police chief, commander, mayor etc....yaqui is posting about it this afternoon...

  3. Whats the big deal???its not like this duch-bag didnt tortured n killed people....

    1. I don't much about this guy...but if it is allowed how about others, even innocents forced into confessions. which is the majority of those tortured. Think bigger...i know you can....Paz

  4. Those mock executions are a bitch. You have to time it out properly so as to not go beyond that threshold of no return. - Sol Prendido

  5. Did he provide helpful information during his torture?

    1. Yes alot, including that the hitmen are from "La Linea". Also that they killed many, and got away with it.

  6. should have taped the bag on the motherfuckers head grabbed a louisville slugger and used the bastard as a piñata.

  7. I work maybe 4 blocks away from where this attack occurred. I saw minesteriales hauling ass and one even run a dude on a harley off the road maybe 10 minutes before this attack happened. at this point we knew something was about to go down. minesteriales clearing the road etc made me suspect something was about to go down and sure enough it did. it is no big coincidence since we have seen it before here in Juarez, they seems to always be around just a little before and right after something goes down.

    1. This is why I love this site and the comment section...for reports like this of people actually on the ground. We appreciate it!

  8. If a cop did that in the US, he would be making a long-term reservation at the Graybar Hotel.

    1. r wrong! Cops r in trouble daily here! For just doing their jobs! At least Mexico ain't getting the race card called on em all the damn time!!

    2. Fuck cops .. both here and in the US ... I wish all of them a slow and merciless death and have videos of their execution sent to each one of their loved ones

  9. I'll allow it. It gives him a taste of his own medicine.

    BTW why not post the video? I'd honestly wouldn't mind watching him get tortured.

    1. Why would you want to watch someone get tortured?

    2. I enjoy watching those who break the law and who have tortured others get totured!! Call me sick..whatever!!

  10. This is why Mexico will never grow since there is no security for the people because thugs are running the police and government. People who think its great to retire there - think again, and remember that plastic bag is waiting for you.

  11. Only government are authorized to torture not municipal police.
    A practice which is sanctioned by many governments despite international concerns.

    This is where citizens get concerned when checks and balances are not being implemented.

  12. No mercy on these guys,should cut finger or 2 or cut his limbs its not like he hasnt tortured or killed people so why have mercy on him...

  13. What happened to the bozo?

  14. So much for being a hitman lol tables turned on him and he started to squeal really fast.

  15. If someone tries to torture me like that, I would ask them to be kind to the environment and use a brown paper bag.

  16. Okay but do you wanna pay bad whit bad because then you are the same as them ?


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