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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Organized Crime Extorts the Public from Prison

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Excelsior

           3.7 million calls from prisons/jail a year made by incarcerated criminals to extort money

The IFT conducted a study in seven prisons in different areas of the country where it announced that in a week there are up to 219,700 calls; exposed the uselessness of signal blockers.

Organized crime makes about  3.7 million calls a year from cell phones and fixed booths in federal and state prisons, which are mostly for extortion, according to a report from the National Telecommunications Institute (IFT) which was sent to the Senate.

The report derives from an investigation of the IFT in seven prisons with a population of 20,000 inmates and which are located in different regions of the country with different characteristics. Mobile operators followed up on a 2016 study, according to the document published in the Senate Parliamentary Gazette.

The Specialized Committee of Research Studies in Telecommunications, states that every week, in a single criminal, up to 219,700 calls are made.The investigation captured almost identical results of 2016 and 2017, which shows the " Uselessness of the installed signal blocking equipment ".

Secretaría de Seguridad Pública BC
¡No te dejes engañar y #DenunciaAl089! #ExtorsiónTelefónica #EngañoTelefónico  @GobiernoBC

16:08 - 3 oct. 2018
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In some state prisons each week more than 43 thousand calls are made using only 90 teams and in federal more than 19 thousand , with an equal number of teams.

For society in general, these figures are alarming if combined with official reports that indicate an increase in criminal activities related to extortion and kidnapping , "adds the report sent to the Senate.

Also, the IFT indicates that it is confirmed that there is an appreciable amount of suspicious equipment in the set of prison facilities in the sample; even where there are few computers, a number of calls with criminal purposes may occur throughout the day, affecting users and the quality of service due to the interference generated by the installed blockers.

In view of this,  it is recommended that the prison authorities design programs that minimize the introduction of terminal equipment and IMSIS (International Identity of Mobile Subscribers) in the penitentiary.

In addition, the importance of signal blocking equipment adapting to the technical specifications in the shortest possible time and operating in accordance with the bases for the Installation and Operation of Inhibition Systems, in order to achieve public policy objectives is underlined .

The purpose of the research is to update and follow up on the study carried out during 2016 on the number of mobile terminal equipment that operates within a sample of penitentiary facilities.

                               What to do if you receive an extortionist's phone call in Mexico


  1. My cousin in cali recieved an extortionist's call from Guadalajara making it seem it was her exactly her uncle that needed help

  2. This has been going on since at least the 90s on both sides of the border.

  3. Just like in the U.S they use them as telemarketers. They have nothing better to do

  4. So all this is happening in Mexico, who are they buying the phone numbers from. There locked up in a cell all day, therefore they have the time to con people.

    1. They don't have to buy phone numbers. They just randomly dial. If a number is disconnected, they move onto the next one.

    2. 1:06 receiving the money is the tricky part,
      Then no prisoner can go to the bank and collect withdrawals, even if they have ID, so there must be involvement of wardens and criminals on the outside, because prison pantries do not make so much money for the prison guards or the directors.

    3. @6:57
      Everyone is in cahoots with these criminals in prison. Probably best to release a deadly virus within prison walls to eradicate this disease which has plagued Mexican society.

  5. Replies
    1. That still serves a purpose to remind us all to remain vigilant 8:02. - Sol Prendido


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