Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 26, 2018

Reports of a letter sent by CJNG leader El Mencho vows to "continue fighting"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

This supposed letter from Mencho has no guarantee of authenticity.  Although historically this type of communication has been used by narcos, it seems out of character that Mencho would send a letter.  He communicates by his killings and advancements. He is a pragmatic narco, whereas his moves are calculated for a specific goal.  He has not demonstrated any interest to gain the hearts and minds of anyone. He appears not to care what the public thinks, he has no boundaries even the killing of children. 

But stranger things have happened.  So here is the post from Radio Formula. ~Chivis~

After the discovery of the 19 corpses in three graves located in a property in Lagos de Moreno,  Jalisco, supposedly, Nemecio "El Mencho" Oseguera Cervantes, leader of the Jalisco Nueva Generacion Cartel, sent a letter to a media outlet warning that he will continue fighting.
"I am Mexican and I am the enemy of who attacked me, I am not afraid, I know that everything that is born one day must die, but I will die fighting and doing what I like, and  helping those who need it.

"It is true that what I do is not right, but I do not shield myself in a tray like the Navy does and trample on the inhabitants of this nation.

He continues; there will be casualties but also on the other side there will be casualties and orphans, my respects for all Mexicans and inhabitants of this country," reads part of the letter, according to Ricardo Rocha in ‘Formula Behind the News’.

Full text sent in by a BB follower – Thank you

I am a Mexican with pride and an enemy to(who has attacked him but I think its) those who have attacked me, I have no fear, I know that everything that is born must die some day but I am going to die fighting and doing what I enjoy which is helping those who need my help.

It is true that what I do may not be correct but I don't hide behind a {large plate or tray} veil like the Mexican Navy does who step all over (attack, oppress) the people of this nation.

Good luck when the day comes that we run into each other I know that I may be killed but I know that from your side(other side) there will be deaths and orphans as well. My respect to every Mexican and to the inhabitants of this nation.

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  1. The eyes are the window to the soul and this man is completely souless! Much like a serial killer!

    1. That's because he is a serial killer.

    2. Bullshit, if the Americans weren't snorting that shit up their nose every 2 mins then there would be no need for the cartels, mencho is just do a job like anyone else

    3. 1154
      Go back asleep with that old one,played out now guey

    4. Hahahahaha, oh that's right, he hasn't killed anyone.

    5. Yeah because the majority of Mencho's revenue came from other drugs (like meth which is rarely snorted) in areas MOSTLY outside the United States... But still America's fault this guy's thrived, he'd be nothing without us! Hahaha. Read an article once in a while dude.

  2. Lol he's done next year. No more protection from sugar daddy EPN.

    1. still waiting for him to be done ??

  3. "doing what I like . . . helping those who need it". If this is Mencho, who needs his help?? Seems he only destroys

  4. You guys know that his wife was released from prison a while ago... lol 😂

    1. You do know they reported it here a while ago?

  5. "His respect for all mexicans"!really? He doesnt say that when killing innocent kids n women.he must b feeling the heat

    1. Hey bro in the game no one plays fare. That's why they say if your scared go to church

    2. Blowing up kids with dynamite remember that one

    3. @8:25 US government bombs and kills kids all over the world too

    4. 8:33 just because the u.still does it doesn't mean mencho can do it too. What are 10 years old?

    5. 10:58 Am

      You lack common sense, no one should do that, but the us government does way harsher torments to other counteries to get a currency flow.. To mean no one is more evil then the united states government

  6. El tisico Mencho looks like a straight tecato. His love for smack is well documented in SF.

    1. Oh! Someone that knows! Yup, he got a green light for his head in the mission because of it. He use to be at the bar on 30Th & Mission right in front of the Safeway. The northerners ran his ass out for talking to the police and for being an informant

    2. Is this true? Most paísas are known snitches so it would not surprise me if he was even ratting on the norteños.

    3. Well now the Northerners buy his product and answer to him, they send him back loads of money, so maybe you might want to go talk to the police and get yo ass ran out so you can become the boss of all narcos at this time. He owns all you!

    4. A snitch and rat and every Mex on here is defending him,but not this one,i aint defending this payoso who blows kids up ?

    5. Dang this foo mencho is straight up reject haha he also got ran out his own home state michoacan back in 04....

    6. 11:13, name a narco that aint a snitch?

    7. 11:04 mencho runs NOTHING north of the border,they might buy his dope but nobody answers to him sorry to pop ur ballom...

    8. I thought he was disciplined and doesn't do drugs?

  7. Charola in this case means shield, as in a badge, or rank, held by an officer of the law or a soldier, both working for the government against narcos. Which also has a double meaning in the slang use, as in “those who are served on a tray” akin to the “silver spoon” in English, i.e. rich and corrupt government employees, as opposed to the “I come from nothing and I am just a rancher, helping the poor” stereotype that narcos try to align themselves with in the eyes of the people.

    Saludos Chivis.

    - El Jabali

  8. Exposing the government

  9. We all know who wears da pants in that relationship. His Wife!!!!!!

  10. Mencho makes the chinolas look like school girls.. arriva agua prieta Sonora lepes

    1. But the chinolas run agua

    2. Agua prieta is full of cartels, there's a bunch of michoacanos in the area too. It's a big border but it us not like Juarez or Tijuana or even mexicali. Everybody knows michoacanos dont care to pay other cartels for piso, that's the reason Tijuana got invaded by cjng, they didn't want to pay piso. If cds in agua prieta start to charge them they will just answer with bullets

  11. Mencho sounds like he is saying that he wont go in cuffs and would rather go out like barbas or nacho. Thats the message im getting from thw letter

    1. He will get on his knees and comply. Stop the b.s.

    2. Not saying this vato is gonna walk the talk, but thats just what it sounds like authentic note or not.

  12. First, if he did write the letter or communicate the words to someone the I would think he feels the heat. 2nd, is that all the published from the letter?

  13. Mexico is about to witness what Pablo did to Colombia now Mencho is going to wage war against the D.E.A that are in mexico . you didn't mention the D.E.A in this article like he did in his letter . Why?

    1. i only heard parts of the letter read by Rocha. I wasn't interested enough to seek out the complete "letter", mainly because I think it is bogus.

    2. Chivis,
      I really think your his #1 fan

    3. Chivis you might be correct if Mencho wrote a letter it would be published or presented on a youtube video. Social Media is a able to spread information better with messages that hasn't been corrupted by others hands. Like this letter.

    4. @ chivis
      Then you shouldn't have published at all. If bogus that is!
      This wannabe news site is so biased.

    5. yes 12::39 AM that is exactly how he communicates..

    6. @6:43, if this site is so bias why don't you get your unbiased ass outta here so nobody's time gets wasted.

      You don't come here and disrespect our Gran Chivis, unless you crave attention. Only bitches crave attention.

      Saludos y un abrazo desde Los Angeles-El Nemesis

  14. this Mencho is not even in Mexico anymore.. just remember his brother in law got caught in Paraguay or something like that.. of course this people has all the money and power to move to another country

  15. Que chingue a su reputa madre que lo cago por que el mencho es pura escreta. Salio del culo de su madre. Traicionero mata inocentes. Nunca va ser como el mayo un verdadero narco. El mejor de mexico.

    1. 9:07 otra de esas y nos dejas sin huevos! Todos los narcos incluyendo tu Mayo son de lo peor y todos han matado y violado a la gente mexicana! Deja de cosas y trabaje como los mexicanos orgullosos

  16. de ser veridica ya la siente cerca. se lee y el mismo dice que habra bajas de ambos lados. ya presiente su muerte y piensa en los que se va a llevar cuando pase.con esos 10 millonesa de andar paranoico y desconfiado pensando en la traicion. vamos haber si da pelea y podroso mencho y su cartel.

    1. Puro cuento y puro circo. Ese vato se va a entregar aparte creo que ni escribir sabe.

  17. MeNcho is where meNcho IS
    Secretive close knit clique
    Loyalty for EH FEW By Many
    I will not be caught
    I live my life
    I will depart on my own
    Nevada take me EH live Coppa

  18. Since i first saw him, i thought Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite. Then this pic was loaded a few weeks ago. Justifies that even more. Dificult taking him serious...

  19. This shitheel needs to be located and eradicated. He enjoys murdering anyone and everyone and his family needs to be erased from this planet too.

  20. Just a quick mention... Have you all noticed that the smere campaign against El Mencho and CJNG is working. CDS/CDP are laying low waiting for regime change. Theirs a reason that Mayo, rcq, and the whole Sinaloa squad have been out of the papers.. it's funny bc Sinaloa still has the largest presence in Europe, NA, and south america but you haven't heard much... They are smart and play the game of chess .Like I mentioned over the last two months...get the popcorn, keep an eye on rapidos trial and watch what happens over the next 6 months. All cartels rise and fall, the only one who maintains power politically, economically throughout these moments of instability is guess who???

    1. You dont hear of CDS? They’re dropping like flies. Hits after hits, you must keep your head underground! CJNG is all over the news because they are doing things CDS never did moving amounts unheard of and CJNG took over EU long time ago!

    2. All you hear is cjng taking over a cds plaza every few months. Cds in fighting with chapo's sons and chapo's brothers. Damaso crew in Durango aligned with cjng, chaos kids being in hiding scared shitlesz after their kidnapping that cost them lots of $$$ for their ransom and so on and so on.. cds is a thing of the past, even if mencho falls cjng will still have the upper hand but with a few cells going independent with much more violence and instability in Mexico. "The war on drugs is a joke"

    3. @11:11 & 9:19, imagine if the two could work together. How much money would that be?

    4. 7:19pm you're talking in the tens of billions,but money is the root of the problem,greed kicks in and so they split,realign and split.if you forget history you're bound to relive it.

    5. Michael Miller; 9:19. You understand very well as if you were a Mexican who has lived here, read periodicos, and observed what happens as time goes buy. This is much larger than these readers can comprehend. Right now Sinaloa, Durango is getting richer each year and the narco families are buying larger empresas and achieving political office as they have since Salinas made this a profit center for USA and Mexico. .

  21. Whether letter is authentic or not, Mencho knows his days are numbered. CIA will find him & will go down as Osma bin Laden.

  22. Judging from comments here you can see why Mexico is the way it is,many here are supporting this great Mexican ?

  23. el mencho is a real badass fuck all u haters

    1. 1:46pm get a life groupie,all cartels are parasites!!!they all need to be exterminated like vermin.

    2. What kind of a man calls another man a badass? Wheres your self esteem? If you have a wife you might want to make sure the lechero ain't the dad to your kids. *cough cuckold

  24. I saw mencho in a burgundy pt cruiser by the airport in a spot where people park in their cars to see the planes take off and land... this was after seeing the new photos of him on this site, I parked by the airport mencho parked behind me.. he kept looking at me from my mirror.. and I recognized him instantly and i was like by the airport.. made sense to me.

    1. Lmao dawg put the pipe down and take a nap

  25. Mencho is doing what no other capo has done, take over plazas.. he even punked mayo and took his people and plaza in la paz. Took Zetas plaza in puebla and Veracruz and other cities. He's hated by cds groupies lol

    1. This male cheerleader is Hillarious lol

  26. Let’s see if he goes out like a g

  27. The DA cartel wants him out because he is taking their Negocio , you should see the streets of California The DA has their street shoulders doing their Dirty work
    Taking advantage of the innocent
    That don't wanna play ball , doing home invasions robberies and vandalism
    Cars and trucks

  28. Doubt it 100% hes a known snitch in northern cali. Wonder if there is paper work?

    1. Stop lying mencho aint never snitched my boy.

  29. Pinche indio mugroso,reject of life,punk ass rat,baby killer....

    1. Do not insult indians.this tweeker is not indian.


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