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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Videos: Reynosa students live in the midst of an endless war while walking to school, in the background.. a shootout

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Tamaulipas Código Rojo Twitter

This video illustrates  students living a "normal day"..walking to school in Tamaulipas... "No Pasa Nada"

Translation of narrative by Sol Prendido for Borderland Beat

Video translation #1 is as follows:

Guy 1:  I just want to get home. What the fuck! This is normal in Reynosa. You can walk like this and nothing will happen to you. Jokingly guy says: We have a level 3 ballistic vest and helmet.’s at the Materno hospital bitch. That hospital that’s over there. It just now kicked off. Just knock at my house.

Guy 2: They're shooting at that wall.

Guy 1: You guys can just say that we were held up by the shooting and we couldn’t get through.   (They’re concerned about getting to school on time).

Guy 2: What the fuck, what the fuck! (His panic is setting in).

Guy 1: They’re fucking each other up! Listen to this guy throwing rounds...
Video translation # 2 is as follows:
Motherfuck,fucker! This is what we’re living through at C131 a few minutes before we leave this afternoon. As you can see the authorities are out front taking security measures.


  1. It is so sad how everyone lives with this crazy violence! We used to party in these towns growing up and these towns had a lot of tourism. Also why is Nuevo Larado so calm compared to Reynosa, Matamoros, Piedras Negras??? I don't get it!

    1. True,its the new mexico i miss the mexico that it used to be i also partied in mexico bordertowns with no fear of anything and now adays you dont even want to go outor visit when its dark.

  2. Casco nivel 3... Lo bueno sobre todo es que no se les quita lo bromista a los Mexicanos. Pase lo que pase que no mueran las bromas. Tampoco ni para que chingados amargar nos de lo que se vive en Mexico. - Sol Prendido

  3. CDG what’s the point Im tired of hearing this shit u would think it would get old for them!!

  4. Los malandros de la region del Golfo son tercer mundistas. Aprendan a trabajar, come los de Durango.

    1. Yo si soy de DGO, y no apruebo lo que comento este rascuachi. Hay gente que trabaja en todos lados déjate de cosas, as de ser de otro lado y nomas quieres armar grilla.

    2. Soy de la region de Santa Maria del Oro con mucho orgullo lo digo. A lo que me refiero es que en Durango no andan como salvajes con balaceras a diario sin respetar a la familia. Mequillo

    3. Me sacas un susto paisa, que te ganas con andar con mamadas insultando. Y PURO TOPÍA DURANGO.

  5. Video translation #1 is as follows :
    Guy 1 :I just want to get home. What the fuck! This is normal in Reynosa. You can walk like this and nothing will happen to you. Jokingly guy says : We have a level 3 ballistic vest and helmet.’s in the Materno hospital bitch. That hospital that’s over there. It just now kicked off. Just knock at my house. Guy 2: There shooting at that wall. Guy 1: You guys can just say that we were held up by the shooting and we couldn’t get through. (They’re concerned about getting to school on time). Guy 2: What the fuck, what the fuck! (His panic is setting in). Guy 1: They’re fucking each other up! Listen to this guy throwing rounds...

    Video translation # 2 is as follows: Motherfuck,fucker! This is what we’re living through at C131 a few minutes before we leave this afternoon. As you can see the authorities are out front taking security measures.

    - Sol Prendido

  6. Hey Sol THANK YOU! for thee narrative translation!!

  7. I've been going to Matamoros these last three weekends and it's quiet. You don't see any army or marine convoys. Actually peaceful. I arrive late at night and ppl are out and about

  8. Sadly the bullet-proof backpacks we have heard about in the news would actually be beneficial to the children of Reynosa...

  9. A normal day in de hood, nothing happens there, feel free to walk by dead bodies.


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