Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 26, 2018

Two messages and a beheaded male in Acapulco

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat 


Taxi drivers, store owners and lookouts. Keep cooperating with scum. You will end up beheaded. Lol. Sincerely, You know who.

Virus, Ardillo (Squirrel), and Wero (Blondie or white skinned person) You suck my dick just like this. El Rena already has an owner you little bitches!

Images of decapitation on following page No further text

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  1. only in Acapulco . . . . welcome to Guerrero . . stay away for your own sanity . . . or go, but stay along the ocean. Be aware of you surroundings, don't stay out partying at night, disregard the unusual . . . you know the drill

  2. Kid looks no older than 20 yrs . Could be an innocent.

    1. that's what i said...i thought he is mabe 15 or 16...

    2. I can picture this young man going to school with his buddies. Skateboarding or bikes. Trying to get his crush attention. If this happened in United States we would know about his life through news outlets and media. Maybe a go fund me for family. But in Mexico just another " ajuste de cuentas" . Case closed.

    3. I can picture this this young man going to school and being a halcon (lookout) or extortionist, kidnapper,and or murderer. Getting on his scateboard that transports him to the safehouse, where they have someone's loved one held captive, then torturing and murdering said loved one.This is the reality of Mexico.

    4. or he was picked up to be used as a prop. like the 35 in boca del rio. much easier to pick up an innocent.

    5. Either way it is tragic.

    6. 1:25, you are correct with that assumption as well. A dead body leaves so many unanswered questions especially in Mexico. Nobody will even dare investigate. But many times we have seen innocents get picked up . What happens next to them is scary. Boca del rio Massacre,Cadereyta massacre... so on and so on.

    7. 6 year old kids can pull a trigger. Just look at africa. In México am pretty sure these "inocent" looking kids will kill you and your family for nickels and dimes.

    8. I should not be so harsh, but after 25 years experiencing Guerrero,this is reality.

  3. Damn that’s a fucking kid

  4. Two prominent citizens have been murdered in the last couple of days. One was a radio show host. The other was Ceasar Zambrano(SP?)
    He owned the Parthenon book store chains. Folks tell me he was a good guy... Helping poor kids with books ect.... He was second in line to take over the the new mayor of Acapulco in case something happened to her. This is the new political party Morena..He really wanted change for Acapulco.

    1. Actually, Mr. Zambrano was a 'supplente' (second in line for mayor) in a previous administration. Felix Salgado. I'm not aware that he's a supplente for the new mayor, although I could be wrong. César Zambrano, dueño de las papelerías El Partenón en Acapulco, fue alcalde suplente de Félix Salgado Macedonio, actual senador de la República en el período del 2005 al 2008.

    2. Thanks, for the correct info.


  6. I’m glad to see more coverage of Acapulco. This is a daily occurance there and a lot of it is in the tourist zone.

  7. Acapulco "was" an awesome tourist venue and source of pride and wealth for Mexico and the region. When will Mexico be safe and "decent" again .... what will it take?

  8. For once they didn't used a oxxo cooler but a circule K

    1. Good eye for the details

    2. I'm sure Circle K will be pleased. *NOT*

  9. The U.N. should be brought in. Acapulco is an embarrassment to Mexico

  10. Let me get it clear..Not complaining, before sum of you ladies start cryin..just pointin out.."Me pelas la verga" " Me la pelas" doesnt really translate to "Suck my dick"..well literally I guess it does..but it stands more like "I dont give a fuck, Ya'll aint shit to me", "Ya aint gone do shiiiiit!!" ..Saludos

    1. 450
      Brother anything helps,at least you are helping and believe me it is appreciated just as Sol is

  11. @ 4:50
    Thanks for the correct translation


    The U.N. or the U.S. would not invade to clean up the mess. It is a financial loser. The corporate rich already profit greatly from Mexico. Be it NAFTA factory"s in Monterey, or all the B.S. money laundering, ghost stores in the shopping malls all over Mexico. It is just not profitable to help out the poor. In fact, it helps the rich. One exampke is all these folks have to flee, this in turn floods the labor pool in the rest of North America (Mexico included) to beat down already low wages. Now we have filthy rich and dirt poor.


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