Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 26, 2018

Uses biker outlaw gangs, Mencho is now Australia's top target for "Ice" trade, having 75% of the market

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat material from Au Daily Telegraph

Mencho responsible for 75% of meth into Australia the second greatest user in the OECD world...CJNG already a 20 Billion dollar drug enterprise

MEXICO’S deadliest narco, has ordered his cartel to target Australia, forge closer ties with outlaw biker gangs and open regional meth labs in a move that has already pushed ice use in this country to the second highest level in the world.

His name is Ruben Nemesio Oseguera ‘El Mencho’ Cervantes, one of the founders of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

After the arrest of Joaquín ‘El Chapo‘ Guzmán, a new narco is poised to take up the void in the drug market and he has his sights set on Australia.

The Australian Federal Police have specifically set their sights on CJNG who they allege has targeted the Australian drug market.

‘Mexico has been a weakness for us in the past as we didn’t have a presence there but since (October 2017) last year that changed when we opened up a post in Mexico  and  we saw what was happening,’ a senior AFP law enforcer said.

It’s believed at the height of El Chapo’s Sinaloa cartel’s stranglehold on the drug trade, he had control of at least 60 per cent of the Australian trade.

Leaving behind a void upon his extradition to the United States, which Mencho has already filled.

AFP officials believe El Mencho could be responsible for as much as 75 per cent of all meth being trafficked into Australia.  

Colombian, Mexican and Australian authorities are working together to prevent El Mencho from gaining a stronger foothold.

It’s complex. It’s about sharing intelligence on the organised crime level to disrupt their criminal activities and that’s already paying off.’

‘The comprehensive counter drug strategy has three pillars, harm reduction, supply reduction and demand reduction. Law enforcement is about supply reduction … that’s what we are responding to and working closely with overseas authorities, like in Mexico with the Mexican Federal Police,’ the AFP spokesman said.

Australia presents an opportunity to the cartel because it is the second highest user of methamphetamine in the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) world.
Australia is also one of the highest users of cocaine per capita.

DEA and Mexican drug authorities said the rapid rise of CJNG was partly because of the drug trade in Australia.

Despite this they said they were still shocked at how quickly El Mencho and his cartel were able to consolidate power, already building up a $20 billion drug empire.

In 2017 and 2018 alone, seizures of meth in Australia have tripled from previous years, with 3762 kgs seized in the last year

They also theorize that while US and Mexican authorities targeted El Chapo, El Mencho was able to move toward trafficking drugs into Australia, relatively under the radar.

The United States are currently offering a US$10million reward for his capture.

While Mexican authorities are offering MXN$30 million for any information that would lead to his capture.

And in 2015 the United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control added El Mencho to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, or ‘Kingpin Act’.

A White House statement outlined the ‘Kingpin Act’ as an effective tool against cartel leaders.

‘Its purpose is to deny significant foreign narcotics traffickers, their related businesses, and their operatives access to the U.S. financial system and to prohibit all trade and transactions between the traffickers and U.S. companies and individuals,’ the statement read.

‘The Kingpin Act authorizes the President to take these actions when he determines that a foreign person plays a significant role in international narcotics trafficking.’

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  1. Mencho is getting a lot of publicity and a hug increase in his bounty ? DEA/CIA/FBI are love struck

    1. Menchos not paying the corrupt alphabet boys and there not having it. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out cartel de snitches pays out over 50% of there income to the USA .

  2. It seems like Chivis is pushing hard for Mencho to fall? As is the US federal government under Trump and Obama as well as Pena Nieto after he sent Chapo over to Trump. It seems like El Mayo has sacrificed enough to keep them feed for a while.

    1. IT seems like you cjng nut huggers are butthurt

    2. @8:04 Snitchola fucktards will be very angry with your CJNG nuthugging comments.

    3. It seems like Mencho le vale verga and is gonna do what he wanna do what ever he doing seems to work I guess CDS

    4. 11:04 Shinaloa why are you so butthurt. Who ever goes against the Sinaloas is my frined it doesn't matter who it is the the enemy of my enmey is my friend. Here in the Pacific North wet you Shinaloas and the black hand bow down to the mighty paisa from the south you sit down or you sit down. The Sinaloas the CIA's and DEA's pets.

    5. 1:36 You comment like a retarded twit. The 11:05 guy has abused both the Snitchola and CJNG garbage nuthuggers. 1:36 Read and understand then comment.

  3. El mencho is a dead man now that the CIA is after him. Even Osama bin Laden couldnt escape the CIA. Eventually the found him and shot him after he was holed up in a cheap apartment in pakistan. What a way to go. El mencho will go the same way. Cowering over his shoulder, every moment fearing he will be shot or captured. Being a narco isn't worth it anymore.

    1. Bin laden didn't get killed, it was a show and tell to make USA happy and bin laden to live his life normal under the radar and at the same time they end the spending of millions of dollars used for CIA looking For him

    2. 8:13; “being a narco isn’t worth it anymore”? Most of narcos do not act like Oseguera hiring and arming adictos to terrorize society. There are still many that do not sell the meth but only cocaina and mota and they do we’ll because they feed those that feed them.

    3. Being a narco isn’t worth it anymore? Since when has it been worth it to purse the narco life. Narcos are cowards.

    4. 7:49 what did CDS hire? Engineers and doctors? Narcos including Chapo, Mayo, Mencho are addicts, hire addicts and only the lowest of life people will be “narcos”

    5. @1:08

      I have bridge to sell you.

    6. 7:19 if they sell only weed they are not ch considered capos now in days. Maybe it worked in by the 80 and 90's but weed is legal in many states now and better than the Mexican weed.. the cash is made with meth and coke

    7. 11:33 - You are an armchair quarterback who does not know nothing about this business. 400 kilos of sensamilla can be flew in a Caravan in only four hours to buyers in New Mexico who pay $225,000 for every offload. After the fuel, pilot, police security in New Mexico, and buying the clean and processed quality sensamilla the flight will earn more than $160,000 in a 6-7 hour round trip. When weather allows 7 night flights per week more than $1 million in USD is flown back to our town. So to correct you - the cash is made with mota and violence, DEA attention and pirate enemies are made with meth and coke.

    8. 10:59 You are incorrwct about Ismael Zambada and Joachim Guzman being adictos. An addict can not build a billion dollar a month operación, manage the operación effectively, and then evade capture and death for several decades as they have.
      Ego is the biggest downfall followed only by the adictcion to the drogas as we have seen over and over again for 50 and more years.

    9. Uh yeah addicts can build billion dollar empires...
      Mayo lives like a hermit and Chapo is gonna be in the side of a mountain in Colorado...
      Howard Hughs Ernest Hemingway edgar Allen Poe Ulysses Grant Adolph hitler... the list goes on

    10. 718 so you know for a fact your two heroes are not addicts?

    11. 6:23: I never claimed they were my heroes so why do you make this claim. I only speak the truth of their business operación.
      But yes I know Ismael Zambada has never been adicta and Guzman has not used any addictive drug excessively for many years.
      Arturo Beltrán however had a very bad problem with la cocaina and this is why he lose respect and ultimately he life.

    12. CDM...i agree you never have said that. I get accused of the same about mencho and then the opposite as in hoping he is going down. Only idiots would want mencho to flourish. You are correct on mayo and chapo and you can throw in Mench who has his sicarios eliminated if caught using the product.

    13. CDM
      Wrong, you could build a billion dollar business being an addict. Howard Hughes is one example, among others. You offered nothing to support you assertion.

    14. Chivas; First it is honor that you address me and you and me feel very different about security in NL but I do agree and trust all you say about Mencho even though I have never known Mencho or even any of his peoples - and I hope I never do! Mencho has to be smart to do all he has accomplishes while communicating with key peoples but also hiding very well. I agree it would be terrible for our country if Mencho flourish too!
      As far as the personal attacks by people; i ignore but sometimes feel sorry for the people for they have very simple minds sometimes with what they say. I know you must have very very thick skins too and I hope you keep doing what you do.

    15. 6:17 Your examples are ficticious. Your best try was Adolph Hitler who was only Fuhrer for 11 years until he kill himself; certainly not a decades long run!
      Ernest Henningway and Edgar Allen Poe were very creative but a billion dollar empire they did not run. They were working hard to score their next hit. You have not provided a single example GC...keep trying

  4. Fckin theories and assumptions.. key words they said " mencho could" be responsible not he is responsible for a fact... So many damn traffickers and everyone claims Mayo or mencho as their boss when in reality they just know someone that says they are connected and so on.. I like how they make it seem like they are for sure mencho said do this and this.

  5. As a Aussie this is scary

    1. @12:11 Your country is eventually going to turn into a cesspool like the US. Happy travels!

  6. Just remember that NOBODY has to consume drugs. Falling into drug addiction is 75 percent or more weak minded individuals trying to be popular and such.
    Yes I, know many will replay that doctor induced addiction is a problem also but before the bickering begins please enlighten us with stats that show exactly how BIG a problem that kind of addiction is.

    1. And where did you get your medical degree???

    2. 7:10 It is called common sense that 6:43 is explaining.

    3. Do you know how many of the so called smartest people in the world were addicts???
      Trying to be popular and such... are you in high school??

    4. A medical degree is called "common sense"???

    5. 8:57 The original post never claimed, suggested, or insinuated AT ALL that he or she had a medical degree and the person's post doesn't require a medical degree! Why do you bring a NON-topic into a perfectly stated observation/opinion. Just like Chivas said in the 5:50 trolls like you turn a statement around into something that wasn't even said, and that's exactly what your doing with 6:43's comment.
      Your simply an imbecile wishing to abuse someone to feel better about yourself and I wish you'd troll reddit or or another site because your comments add like ZERO value.
      Best of luck in life and I'd put on a helmet as you go about your day.

    6. LMMFAO!!! You go 8:57!! You got a way with words and I’m agreeing so keep going!

  7. That drug has destroyed so many if my peers.

  8. Its been known forever the chinese triads have the Australian market on lock. This article is misleading in that it doesn’t tell you cjng controls 75% of what mexican cartels traffic into Australia. The other 25% is CDS which used to control half the overall market before the chinese came in and Chapos apprehension changed that.

    1. least they did. i think they still control heroin

  9. It’s not worth it for many us that live in the states and have options for progression in life. Many of these dudes come from empoverished ranchos. Were the options are limited work at farm, move to bigger city make pennies, become a sicario or a narco and lastly move to states. Last option require money and a lot of luck. My pops came from Tepalcatepec (Tepeque), Michoacana not to far from where Mencho and the Valencia’s were raised. Tierra caliente is serious shit, only the strong survive out. My pops was luck to move to the states as a teen. Many other weren’t so lucky. Just saying I’m sure if some of these dudes had another option they would have taken them. Not saying that makes them good people but the jobs turns you to a SAVAGE!

    1. Facts , makes me laugh when African amaricans think they got it bad and are from the hood lol Mexico is a whole other level

    2. Tierra caliente ain’t got shot on el Triangulo de Oro

  10. Mencho is the man, the U.S wants their cut of his billions like el mayo. El vicentillo had to pay 1.5 billion for a good plea in Chicago

    1. Put your pon pons down, if the u s wants its cut believe you and me they GET THEIR CUT.

  11. Honor among thieves??? From to Rags to Riches!!!!.who is suffering the innocent civilians get caught in the cross fire.enough is enough.

  12. So it’s Australia’s and the USA s fault Mexicans sell drugs...

    1. Supply and demand, if theres a way to make money they'll do it. Especially poor countries. It's a big picture problem bigger than anything you mentioned.

  13. I’d love to see Memcho go but even if he gets killed or captured, another Mencho will come out. It’s hard to believe that the US and Mexican government can’t catch him or other drug lords like Mayo who’s been running around forever.

  14. I think a pound of ice is 75000-100000 dlls


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