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Friday, November 9, 2018

CJNG killed the Morena congresswoman's daughter mitakening her for a "Zeta"

chivis martinez Borderland Beat thank you BB follower-from Tribuna

exico City.-  Governor Miguel Ángel Yunes  confirmed that a man called “El Richy” was an operator of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel ( CJNG )  and who confused Valeria Cruz, daughter of federal deputy Carmen Medel , with a woman linked to 'Los Zetas' in Veracruz and that's why she was killed.

The governor emphasized that Valeria Cruz Medel was "an innocent young woman, a student, and athlete ". He explained that, for the investigations of the case, it is known that a young man came to a gym in Ciudad Mendoza, did not ask for anyone, entered  the first floor, then to the second floor, saw the young woman, said some words and shot her nine times . Then he went down the stairs of the building to the ground floor, where he exited.

Yunes said the authorities managed to detect where these individuals were moving and obtained an artist rendition of the alleged murderer of the deputy's daughter. At 9 o'clock at night, a Mazda brand truck was found with the body of the young man identified as the material author of the crime, whom they called 'The Richy'.
Questioned why 'The Richy' riddled the girl if the hypothesis suggests that he wanted to take her, the governor of Veracruz said that possibly the daughter of the deputy refused to go with the criminal.

Regarding who ordered the killing, Yunes said that it was the CJNG who sent an operator to look for this woman, linked to the leader of 'Los Zetas' in Veracruz. The governor said that the authorities have detected social networks linked to these criminal organizations, which have intervened and through messages on these networks knew that the murder of the deputy’s was from mistaken identity.

Miguel Angel Yunes rejected the idea that the murder of Valeria Cruz Medel is related to politics saying it "has absolutely nothing to do with it".

On the subsequent murder of 'El Richy', Yunes said that presumably it would have been the same CJNG because of the error of killing the wrong person.

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  1. Is this linked to the 4 people found decapitaded in a house in the same area....???

  2. Nice “alibi” — “oh it was just a mistake..”

    Or was it? How do we know it was a mistake?

    Sad none the less and my heart goes out to her, as well as her family who did not deserve to lose such a young, beautiful daughter...


  3. Show me an innocent politician and I’ll show you a fucking crook. - Sol Prendido

    1. Heard that,politicians the world over,from Europe,Africa,Asia,Latin,Caribbean,all over the world.Politicians,they make you fuckin sick..

    2. So the politicians daughter deserved to be killed? Kinda shitty

    3. @9:11 Children should never have to pay for their parents mistakes. But this is the underworld we’re talking about here. And these guys aren’t known for having any morals. Mexican politicians are extremely corrupt. Remember what I once said about politicians. They give rise to the very evil they speak out against. - Sol Prendido

    4. 911
      Who said anything in this thread about the children of politicians being culpable for their misdemeanors ?

    5. 11:19 AM actually yes they should. The day someone fucks up and kills any or my people it may take me 1 million years but I will exterminate every single one and their entire history never to be remembered ever again.

    6. @2:32 Calm down there killer. Ain’t nobody gonna live to be a million. That’d be one crazy ass grudge to have for so long there. - Sol Prendido

    7. @2:32

      Then you aren’t better than the cartels. Saying that an innocent should die because a scumbag hurt one of your loved ones is pathetic.

      @Sol Prendido

      Great answer man, it cracked me up! 😂😂😂
      I’m sure you would be fun to be around.

      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

  4. CJNG are a bunch of d bags. No one likes CJNG. They are the new zetas.

    1. Only the rival nutthuggers hate them

    2. 11:13 no one likes them in most of Jalisco guy. People actually lke to see them laying in the street lifeless like they’re getting chopped up in Guadalajara. Their reign is over, menso will eat shit soon enough.

    3. Take a deep breath & turn your brain cells on. No one enjoys or likes to see dead people scattered throughout the streets. You are disconnected from reality. Kids can't even go to school in certain parts of Mexico without dealing with nearby shootouts. And you have the audacity to say it's ok people like it. People want to live with security and in peace.

    4. 4:13 is right....5:36 if people want a peaceful life people like that have to die cause they would rather see those useless guys dead than seeing innocents killed by them

    5. 5:36 exactly.. goog point

  5. Well there aint much pity for politicians in mexico even if their kids get topped. But seeing as the violence has been happening to so many regular people, politicians deserve their fair share of senseless murders too, i guess. And i wonder if it hits enough of the political elites, will they then attempt some serious action?

  6. Yeah, I'm not buying it. Smells like a coverup to me

  7. CJNG itself published a message in social networks that admitted that Valeria's death was a Richy error.

  8. Richy is now rich in worms.

  9. At first they order their sicario to take hit on some politician and than after they kill him.
    GOOD JOB MENCHO you ran cartel like no one else does/did

  10. IT WASNT richys fault, he got order and he did done it. but nvm CJNG will always try inoccent no matter how retard theyre

  11. No matter why everyone splits from Mencho

  12. Sicarios pendejos que traen las jaliscas.

  13. I smell a cover up..what a coincidence the so called shooter is found dead now theirs no one to answer closed!! Mexico must think the world is dumb

  14. The look on that kid is pure weakness....

  15. Is El Richy is the Patsy. Someone had to give the order right. It’s crazy how cheap life is.


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