Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

El Chapo Trial: Code Names, Witch doctors and The Extravagant lifestyle of El Chapo

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat 
Cooperative witness Miguel Martinez with El Chapo
Continued testimony from Miguel Martinez, Chapo’s former pilot

Money in Samsonite

From 1990 Chapo began paying Martinez a million dollar a year.

Martinez says he would walk into banks with money packed into Samsonite briefcases.  Martinez, said this caused problems, as it raised red flags.   

“I was asked if I was laundering money. I said, no.  I said  I was exporting tomatoes.”

Once the money was secured in a banking system, Martinez said he would begin making payouts on behalf of Chapo.

“Mr. Guzman had a large family.  He had four or five wives, we had to pay them all.” [Chapo was only legally married once, to his first wife who he never divorced.]

Trial evidence photo with blurred face
Extravagances seemingly without bounds

Chapo liked his cognac, beer and whiskey, Martinez said, and at one point had 4 or 5 wives and mistresses who he sometimes spied on with wire taps.

"When I met Mr. Guzman, he didn't have a jet," Martinez said. "By the 90s, Mr. Guzman already had four jets. He had houses on every single beach. He had a ranch in every single state."

Travel was global. To gamble they traveled to Macau the Asian gambling mecca, and to Switzerland for a youth treatment of cellular rejuvenation.

He gifted Martinez with a diamond crusted Rolex, and handed out cars to his workers. The cars were armored in Texas. Martinez said that one December, Chapo told him to purchase 50 cars for Christmas presents.  “Thunderbirds, Cougars, and Buicks,” he said. “You could choose among those three brands.”

He was making so much money, that he flew cash from the US back to Mexico in a fleet of Lear jets.
Chapo owned a $10 million beach house in Acapulco with a yacht moored on the coast named, "Chapito."
Money seized from Chapo's brother $1,226,354 
His sprawling ranch in Guadalajara had swimming pools, tennis courts and a zoo with exotics animals; deer, lions, panthers, crocodiles and bears, which visitors could view from a miniature train.
This lifestyle was a determent on Martinez, who doesn’t fight Jefferey Lichtman’s claim that Martinez developed a 4 gram a day cocaine habit, often snorting his coke from a gold canister with a gold spoon.  And it was true that one of the results of doing so much coke was a perforating septum.  This forced him to quit coke for a while.

Places Chapo visited:
"All of Europe"
Hong Kong
Macau "to gamble"

Martinez spoke about a trip to Thailand, hoping to expand the heroin business.   He said they had a Thai connection to procure  kilos of "white" heroin in for $10K and could sell it in NYC for $130K.
The Thailand heroin deal fell through when they got busted by the DEA and PGR. Martinez said the PGR people released him when he said he worked for "Joaquin."
Tijuana War

In the afternoon Miguel Martinez alias “El Gordo” [which apparently he is no longer] testified about the AFO/El Chapo war.

The war began when the AFO killed two Chapo associates El Lobo and El Rayo in 1987.

Chapo and Rafael Aguilar met with Benjamin Arellano Felix, who denied responsibility. But Martinez asserts that Chapo wasn’t buying it and "didn't believe a word he said."

Martinez testified that Chapo had to seek permission from El Azul in order to "start mixing it up" with the AFO cartel. AFO family has been said to be related to Miguel “El Padrino” Felix Gallardo.  But much like Julio Beltran being related to the Beltran Leyvas, not true, just common alike names.

At this period of time El Azul was boss over Chapo.  Chapo revered Azul more than anyone, Azul was Chapo’s mentor.

Martinez and Chapo went to visit El Azul in prison. It was after business hours and prison guards opened the gates for them. Inside the cell block, there was a feast with "lobster, sirloin, pheasant" plus "whiskey, cognac, whatever you want to drink." There was a live band. It was a grand party.

Martinez explained his version of the 1992 Christine’s disco shootout in Puerto Vallarta, in which Chapo allegedly brought a “ truckload of sicarios to kill Benjamin Arellano Felix.

In his version Martinez says, El Chapo's plan backfired when the Arellano Felix brothers received word he was coming and turned the tables, ambushing the Sinaloa gunmen.

After the shooting where 12 were killed, "Mr. Guzman was talking to [El Azul], telling him he wanted to seek revenge for the deaths of his compadres."

El Azul gave permission to Chapo to go to war with AFO and "a few days later, the deaths started."

Martinez also testified about shootout at Guadalajara Airport and the killing of Cardinal Posadas on May 23, 1993.  The Cardinal was mistaken for Chapo who were the target of the AFO hitmen.

El Chapo became public enemy #1 and sent him into hiding, but he was arrested 1 month later in Guatemala.

Cartel Code Words:

"Organize a party" - Arrange a drug shipment
"Vino" - Jet fuel
"Muchachas" - Planes
"Camisas" - Cocaine
"Papa" - El Chapo

Emma’s Cell Drama

The motion filed,[ usethis hyperlink to see motion filed, ] by the government is redacted especially several pages where it is probably screenshot evidence from security cameras of Emma with a cell. Gov to have video evidence that shows El Chapo's wife used the phone "in concert with an attorney visit" following two trial days last week.

This filing came after a bench discussion, where judge Cogan said the explanation seemed reasonable. 

What was said is that Emma doesn’t speak English.  She was using the cell to translate and better understand what was happening in the trial.  She promised not to repeat the violation. 

Cogan wanted to deal with the cell phone issue tomorrow.  Attorney Balarezo wanted to discuss it in part today.  So they did, but ruling still has not been made and filed as of 8PM EST.   It appears however that Cogan is satisfied with the explanation.

Chapo married Maria Alejandrina Salazar Hernández [directly above] in the late 70’s. She is his legal wife.  They had 4 children, Archivaldo Ivan. Jesus Alfredo. Alejandrina Giselle and Cesar Guzman Salazar.   

Vicente Zambada is expected to testify for the government as a cooperative witness.  His sentencing date was previously in December 2018.  He has filed for and granted to have that rescheduled to February 2019.  Presumably after his stint on the El Chapo Trial witness stand.

Excluded from the trial: Direct testimony about Chapo's 2001 prison escape--in a laundry cart. The full draft copy of an autobiography he wrote.

But the jury will get to hear testimony that one of the government's cooperating witnesses often used the services of a "witch doctor."

Other order:

ORDER as to Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera granting in part Government's Supp. Motion to Limit Cross-Examination of Cooperating Witnesses. Although defendant did not object to the Government proposed redactions, the Court disagrees with some of them. The Court, therefore, issues this opinion with limited redactions based on the following findings: (1) some of the redactions are necessary because the redacted information would reveal the witnesses' identities to anyone who knows about the redacted facts; (2) revealing these witnesses' identities would put them at risk of physical harm; (3) other redactions protect information that the Court ruled is improper cross-examination because it is irrelevant opinion evidence or because it does not bear on the witnesses' credibility, veracity, or bias; and (4) there is little public interest in accessing information that the Court has excluded because it is irrelevant opinion evidence or otherwise improper cross-examination. To protect the witnesses' identities, avoid exposing the jury to material that the Court ruled is not proper cross-examination, and provide the public with access to judicial documents, the Government is directed to file an updated public version of this order within a week after trial is over containing only those redactions necessary to protect the identity and safety of the witnesses. Ordered by Judge Brian M. Cogan on 11/26/2018

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  1. Why do we insist on writing chapo and not El Chapo... and gov instead of the government

    1. You are lucky it's written at all.... Fool...

    2. This coverage is the best. If there is background information available, and documents, you will see it included here. Excellent work chivis.

    3. WTF, get over yourself. This is not her profession. Although she could easily make it hers. We don't need or want the grammar police around. and fyi Chapo is appropriate, equal to El Chapo as a matter of fact more so. and if you don't know the abbreviation for government that is your issue, not hers.

    4. Wtf, what are you? His writing instructor? Let the man do his work and stop being so picky. If you want perfection go elsewhere...

    5. Hey bud, it could easily be written that way. Why don't you do it? That's right, just be glad it's done. Chivis is awesome and goes above and beyond for us. Gracias Chivis. Saludos y un abrazo desde Los Angeles. El Nemesis-0

    6. @7:48, uhhhh, Chivis is a female. Awwwwkkward

    7. Uhhhh, sorry about that! Lolol

    8. Maybe Chivas is Transsexual..I dont say that as a bad thing but it is possible..Or maybe Chivas is a Group of 6 ppl named Carmen,Hector,Ivan,Valencia,Ishmael and Salina..Just something to think about people

    9. It is a bit scary that 5:39 uses the plural first person word "WE"
      I honestly did not see anyone assisting me as I was writing. 👀

  2. Man, I wish we could watch it live like the OJ trial.

    1. I know if they aired the oj trial which I remember watching as a kid this would be good to watch but the government has other plans

    2. OJs was a state trial, this is Federal and they are never televised

    3. They should sell it on PPV, I’d buy it.

  3. So if i read it correctly, i can fly a lear jet full of cash across the border to mexico repeatedly, with no problems. The US's FAA, the border patrol, and our military dont care!
    I want to know who was paid off? Air traffic is monitored i thought, so people in high places allowed this shit. Or is the USA not so in control of its airspace?
    Unfortunately, there has been so many cover-ups for so long most people don't care, or would just call it fake news. Blame chapo for it all.

    1. There's this shit they call a sentinel that cartels pay off

    2. There's this shit they call a sentinel that cartels pay off

    3. This is Martinez's testimony you're talking about... if you read the previous article he claims to have last seen Chapo back in 94. There were 2 attempts on his life back in 98. This leads me to believe this dude is talking about smuggling money pre 9-11 2001. TSA introduced the full body scanners in 2007. I could be wrong here, but maybe your timeline is off. Maybe you're correlating the cash smuggling with present day? Pre 2007 it was a lot easier to smuggle drug money back to mexico through an airport. You get a few Mexican grandmothers who wouldn't mind a thousand bucks to sram wrap a couple hundred thousand to there body and make a trip down south and there you go... now that's just one method of getting the money out. I'm sure there was more.

    4. Probably landed on a private strip. Tons of em.

    5. pretty sure they use all those tunnels, its much more safer.

    6. Mr 544 back then it was easier, it said it in the article, what era it was taking place, Not in 2917 and not in 2018.

    7. 5:44pm You did NOT READ doesnt say YOU can fly a lear jet from U.S to Mexico with loads of cash with no says Chapo's people did..If YOU try you will probably get lock up 1st time.

    8. Watch Snowfall on fx channel.

  4. Douche in the seized money photo holding up his shotgun and wearing sunglasses indoors—I can’t even imagine the god complex there.

    1. I know,what a nobhead,guy in the black glasses has watched scarface too many times

  5. Puro Chapo Guzman el Mero Mero gallo fino de Sinaloa! Big ups to el Sicario 006 and his team.

    El guey

  6. Wow Chapo was making billions. Sounds like he was indeed the real leader of CDS. No wonder he was the worlds most wanted man.

  7. To fly from the usa to Mexico you file a flight plan. It is Mexican customs that is responsible for checking cargo after landing. If they divert or go to a small strip, there is little to be done by customs.

  8. El chapo is cooked. He will never escape the Americans

  9. Mencho will NEVER be as el chapo, azul, zambada o los arellanos. Regardless of what them chilango corrientes think.

    1. Yes, but I think it must be stated that even Chapo never eclipsed Amado Carrillo. I've heard American agents say the same thing and if you look at the numbers and the zone of influence, I believe that's a fair statement. Any one disagree?

    2. Chapo wasnt even bigger than Arturo Beltran stop beiliving the corridos and media. While chapo was in prison in the 90s the beltranes and mayo made sinaloa big. Chapo was just along for the ride and didnt last long without them. He sounds big because he caused wars and controversy but he wasnt a mafioso he was a backstabber. Learn your facts.

    3. 9:11 those are not facts your talking out of emotion chapo was and will always be the bigger capo like it or not and the Beltran Leyva back stabbed the federation going behind they’re backs dealing with the zetas you obviously don’t know your history and just talk nonsense

    4. 10:28 Nonsense. NL was an impossible plaza. That wasnt betrayal. Killing rodolfo and setting up alfredo is real betrayal. I know my shit. My cuñado was one of Barbies bodyguard. You get your info from blogs. How could you win NL when replacing your guys took at least 2 days and zetas could have new guys there in 2 hours. All while chapo was killing Alredos people in sonora and lying about it. I repeat backstabber not a mafioso. He started shit with everybody and won nothing. Hes only big to knownothings!

    5. Arturo Beltran, era El Jefe de las Plazas! Before that, arguably only Miguel El Padrino had that much widespread influence in Mexico. I can’t argue and say Chapo wasn’t a Capo because he was, he was also a backstabbing primo to Arturo. He could never stomach that Arturo was a capo as well.

    6. Really you really believed Beltranes were bigger than Chapo. Lol like you said don’t believe the corridors and the hype calling himself jefe de jefes. He was just a worker he was like the torerreses and macho prieto. Just a enforcer that tried to be bigger and step higher.

    7. Hey so from what I have read, Amado pretty much controlled all of Mexico with the exception of the Tijuana corridor. I'm pretty sure no one here believes that he is only worth a paltry $1 billion, even so, I would imagine that his fortune doesn't come close to Carrillo's $25 billion. Any thoughts?

    8. Chapo was big time so were the Beltrans. The group that really getting underestimated is Los Cuinis and I am not talking about Mencho

  10. If he didn't divorce first wife how is Emma his wife now then? Asking because in Australia u cant have 2 wifes at same time

    1. It is not uncommon to not officially divorce in Mx but it is unlawful. When Chapo was arrested and sent to Altiplano he listed his first wife as his wife not Emma

    2. I had been wondering the same thing. So the terms "wife" and "husband" are thrown around loosely in MX.

    3. So your saying I still have a chance!

    4. They ain’t moving tons like they used to.

    5. 8:49
      You don't get it. Except for his first wife all of Chapo's other marriages are legally invalid. Common language usage is dynamic, don't confuse it with how the legal language works.

    6. So if Emma is not his "legal" wife because he never divorced the first...then why should she be allowed in the court proceedings as his wife? She should be barred from the court room.

    7. 10:08 I understood that he's LEGALLY married to his first wife and has not gotten married to anyone else (he's not a bigamous). I meant that the terms are thrown around loosely because baby mamas & girlfriends call themselves "wives" and refer to their baby daddies & boyfriends "husbands" to make themselves feel better or to look better. (which in my opinion is sad ass fuck, either he married you or he didn't! lol)

      BTW it didn't make sense to me because in my culture unmarried people living together aren't called husband and wife--they're called partners/concubines.

    8. Oh please! She doesn't have to be his wife to be in the court.

    9. I agree with Chivis... She might not be the legal wife, but she's still his partner and they have two kids together. It's only right that she's there through the process to know everything thats happening so she can prepare her daughters for the outcome after all it'll affect her kids forever. Those babies have no fault on what he did, they don't even understand.

    10. 12:04
      I live in the U.S. and it's the same thing here, they're dynamic terms. "Concubine" is correct but antiquated in common usage to the point of sounding pretentious. You surely must understand, since you admit it's not your culture, that you're reading about a culture that's not yours.

    11. 6:18 a cultural difference is not being "pretentious" that's the exact word I've always heard from elders. when you grow up hearing things called a certain way it gets stuck w/ you. at the end of the day, it was a simple and genuine curiosity, since I didn't understand. I am not for or against people calling their partners whatever they want. It isn't a "pet peeve" of mine.

    12. 6:59
      That's reasonable. Apologies, I did not mean to allude to your culture as pretentious.

  11. ADX getting closer...........

  12. I don't see anything about them confiscating anything . Emma has never in her life lived off a legally earned centavo . They have money that can be gotten . Civil is much easier than criminal . It needs to be taken . Fuck these drug traffickers . Break them !

  13. Chapos wife had that chia pet hair. Apparently this was a thing back in the day. - Sol Prendido

    1. 80’s and 90’s different styles back then chapo dressed fresh with those silky pants and white shirt thou

    2. The 80s and 90s was the era for real mafiosos with taste in outfits. The Arellano Felix bros were always looking lavish with their Italian wardrobe.

  14. So what I don't understand is why is all of this even relevant to his charges in the usa. I just figure other than the trafficking, how can they charge him with shit he did in Mexico.

    1. He will die in prison. It doesnt matter what he did the CIA has him now.

    2. 509 Charlie Brown, he did big time drug trafficking, big time money laudering, big time killings, that my friend is relevant, sorry to inform you, do the crime pay the time in prison.

  15. So this guy Martinez flew for the us navy?

    1. No... a pilot they had on payroll was an ex navy

  16. Yes and you used to could drive it and pick up loads truckloads full of cash, weapons whatever you wanted. They put a stop to that part but to my knowledge want to leave US airspace you’re good

  17. Dam I wish I could Have lived chapós life sounds amazing

    1. Chapo’s life gotta be a little stressful. I’d rather be Mayo.

    2. Amazing ? the guy will die in prison.

    3. Still amazing 20-30 years on top same with Mayo chapo is like 10 years younger so he was always More of a rebel with his escapes and lavish lifestyle Mayo more old school always in his comfort zone

    4. 30 year life as a rich but uneducated criminal who was humiliated while on the run is not "amazing" or "on top". It's actually quite sad.

  18. Netflix is going to make a killing with all the spin offs to there popular series . Gambling in Macau ?! Sick !!

  19. I don't buy that the Arellano's are not related to El Padrino. They and others deny it now but in the past they didn't and reports indicate that they are. Furthermore, Chapo is related the Arellanos. Messy and warrants further research.

    1. continue shopping the general dollar. I thought the same until reading government docs on both sides the border. but think as you wish.

  20. Wait didn’t Castillo say el chapo didn’t drink???

  21. Omg, Chivis, I said it warrants further research - on my side tho. You're response us so cute. I should be clear with my writing.

  22. The bitch in the wedding dress looks mad asf. Did chapo force her to marry him?

    1. I once read that El Chapo did force one of his wives to marry him. He had her kidnapped after she refused him several times.

      Does anyone know if this is true or not?

    2. Shes the one up there! Look on her face says it all. Only chapos happy.

  23. The bitch in the wedding dress looks mad asf. Did chapo force her to marry him?

    1. That's Ivan and Alfredos mom she's obviously younger than chapo

  24. El Mayo was the real boss.. Chapo just the face. According to todays testimony.


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