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Friday, November 9, 2018

"El Vicentillo", Son of Mayo Z, Could Cut a Plea Deal by Testifying at "El Chapo's " Trial

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Zeta and the Chicago Tribune


Top cartel figure who is likely key witness against "'El Chapo'' quietly pleads guilty in Chicago:

Days before testimony begins in notorious Sinaloa cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s blockbuster trial in New York, one of the prosecution’s likely star witnesses stood in a nearly empty courtroom in Chicago and quietly admitted he helped oversee Guzman’s vast narcotics empire.

The brief hearing before U.S. District Chief Judge Ruben Castillo marked the first time that Vicente Zambada-Niebla, who is the son of the current boss of the cartel, has appeared in public in a U.S. courtroom since it was announced four years ago he was cooperating against "El Chapo".

Dressed in a blue sweatshirt, black jeans and sneakers, and sporting a scruffy beard, Zambada-Niebla bounced slightly on the balls of his feet as he pleaded guilty to sweeping narcotics charges that were brought in 2003 in federal court in Washington and transferred to Chicago earlier this year.

In his 19-page plea agreement with prosecutors, Zambada-Niebla, 43, who was at one time regarded as a top "El Chapo" protege, admitted he trafficked thousands of pounds of cocaine and heroin into the U.S. using speedboats, submarines and jumbo jets, records show. Known as “Mayito” after his father, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, he also acknowledged the cartel used “military-caliber” weapons to enforce their shipments as well as “violence and threats of violence” to rivals, informants and law enforcement.

During the thirty -minute hearing Thursday,  Zambada-Niebla  listened closely through a Spanish interpreter and responded to the judge’s questions with an enthusiastic “Si, su senoria,” or “Yes, your honor.” He shook his lawyer’s hand after court before being led out by deputy marshals.

The charges in Washington largely mirrored an indictment brought in Chicago against Zambada-Niebla and more than a dozen members of Sinaloa’s leadership, including Guzman. Zambada-Niebla secretly pleaded guilty in that case in 2013 and agreed to cooperate — a bombshell development in the decade long effort to get to "El Chapo" that was kept under wraps for more than a year.

Under federal sentencing guidelines, Zambada-Niebla faces life in prison, but prosecutors reiterated Thursday that if he continues to "provide full and truthful cooperation," including possible testimony in “any criminal proceeding,” they will seek an unspecified break in his sentence.

As part of the two plea deals he has cut with the government, Zambada-Neibla has agreed not to fight an unprecedented order to forfeit $1.37 billion in ill-gotten proceeds from the cartel.

Castillo said he would set a sentencing date for Zambada-Niebla after his cooperation was complete, though the trial of Guzman was not specifically mentioned.

Once Zambada-Niebla is done serving his prison time, the U.S. government will take “all appropriate measures” to protect him and his family from reprisal, including allowing them to remain in the country permanently, according to the plea agreement.

Zambada-Niebla was arrested in 2009 in Mexico City and extradited to Chicago a year later.

After his arrival, authorities at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in the Loop refused to let him exercise on the rooftop, citing concern over an assassination attempt or escape by helicopter. Zambada-Niebla was later moved to a Michigan facility, and for years he appeared in court in Chicago only via teleconference.

After his guilty plea in the Chicago case, he was secretly moved to an undisclosed location, authorities said. The U.S. Bureau of Prisons website has no record of his whereabouts.

Security was tight Thursday at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse, where deputy marshals set up a metal detector outside Castillo’s 25th-floor courtroom. Although the hearing was public, it was not posted on the judge’s regular schedule or reflected in the public court docket.

At the center of the charges against Zambada-Niebla are Pedro and Margarito Flores, twin brothers from Chicago's West Side who had risen in the ranks of Guzman's organization before providing key cooperation. In October 2008, Margarito Flores attended a meeting with Zambada-Niebla, "El Chapo" Guzman and other cartel leaders at a mountaintop compound in Mexico, the charges allege.

Flores told authorities that Guzman discussed a plot to attack a U.S. or Mexican government or media building in retaliation for the recent arrest of an associate. In that same conversation, Zambada-Niebla turned to Flores and asked him to find somebody who could give him "big, powerful weapons" to help carry out the attack, according to court records.

"We don't want Middle Eastern or Asian guns, we want big U.S. guns or RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades)," said Zambada-Niebla, according to Flores' account of the talk in court records. "We don't need one, we need a lot of them."

Court records show Flores later secretly recorded a telephone conversation with Zambada-Niebla, telling him the weapons were going to cost twice as much as they'd thought.

"That's fine, just let me know," Zambada-Niebla replied, according to court records.

The Flores twins were each sentenced by Castillo to 14 years in prison in 2015. At least one of the brothers is also expected to give key testimony at Guzman’s trial in New York.

Zambada-Niebla's father, meanwhile, remains a fugitive, believed to be hiding in the Mexican mountains where the family got its start as ranchers.

His younger brother, Serafin Zambada, was sentenced in March to 5 1/2 years in federal prison in a separate drug trafficking conspiracy case brought in San Diego, records show.

ZETA's Version:
By: Carlos Alvarez

Vicente Zambada Niebla, alias Vicentillo, son of the alleged leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael, "El Mayo" Zambada García, in May, pleaded guilty in the Federal Court of the Northern District of Illinois to having collaborated in the drug trafficking operations of Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera , "El Chapo" Guzman.

According to the Chicago Tribune newspaper, Zambada Niebla admitted before the District Judge Rubén Castillo several charges of drug trafficking that he had committed since 2003. His statement includes having trafficked tons of cocaine and heroin to the United States using all types of vehicles, from submarines to jumbo airplanes. 

The document with which the Mayo's son admitted his guilt also recognizes the use of military-type weapons in trafficking operations and to exert violence and threats against rival groups, informants or police, the newspaper said.

Vicentillo pleaded guilty at the start of the trial against Guzmán Loera in New York, and at which he, Zambada Niebla is also expected to testify , as he was cooperating with the US authorities after pleading guilty in 2013 when he signed the agreement with the Prosecutor's Office, however , it had not been formalized in a hearing before the Court.

According to the Chicago Tribune, although the sentence facing the son of Mayo Zambada is life imprisonment, Zambada Niebla could negotiate favorable terms in his sentence if he continues to give valuable information or even his testimony. In addition, Judge Castillo will set a date to sentence him when it is determined that he has delivered all the information sought by the prosecutors.

Vicentillo, 43 years old and born in Culiacán, was arrested on March 18, 2009 in Mexico City, after holding a meeting with agents of the Drug Control Administration , ie the DEA,  at the Sheraton Hotel Paseo de la Reforma, located next to the US Embassy in Mexico.

Zambada Niebla was extradited to the United States in February 2010, and transferred to a maximum security prison in Michigan, accused of being a senior member of the Sinaloa Cartel, conspiring to possess and traffic drugs from Central and South America, as well as obtaining weapons to attack public offices.


  1. Befriend. Betray. - Sol Prendido

    1. Chino anthrax will be another witness who testifys

    2. Any update on chino ántrax?

  2. Soooo, is he going back to Mexico.

    1. Sooooo if this does not contribute to reduce the flow of drugs or stop the violence, why is it good news I wonder.

  3. I read some time ago he had already been sentenced and that he would only be serving about 12-13 years total from the time he was arrested in 2009 but maybe I read incorrect information. In his case, is there a chance he gets sentenced and the judge uses the time retroactively? I do believe he will be out in the next few years

    1. If I read correctly it said in his plea agreement a minimum sentence of 10 years. I’m sure that will be time already served so it’s possible he could be free after Guzman’s trial.

    2. I had read the same thing.. I thought he was almost out

    3. It was sealed so everyone assumed what it was. No sentence was actually stated.

  4. I've said it in the past..he would be one of the main testifies against el chapo..

    1. Wonder if la barbie will appear also

  5. Allowing his family to remain in the country after his sentence is fulfilled with protection is mind boggling to me. The United States legal system is sometimes great and sometimes very backwards.

    1. What's backwards about it? Lol get over it, they are getting what they want from him. Everyone calls Chapo a rat or snitch, but like it or not the United States houses all the snitches. Lol we invented witness protection, and yes that includes snitches.

    2. Our criminal justice system is REALLY fucked in more ways than you can imagine, but the basic principle is: money money money matters.

      Sure there are a lot worse places, but we are not what we are told!

    3. Read my comment below about witsec and foreign nationals. Basically if his family is not allowed in the country due to immigration/visa issues, the Dea can say oh well it's not our fault

  6. He’s el Vicentillo not el Mayito..10

    1. You are bogus. Vicentillo is not his nickname. Common mistake by the media.

    2. 544 Vicente's moniker is ' el nino 'the mayos referring to flaco or Gordo are his brothers.

  7. Damn... Chapitos vs Mayo? That makes things interesting

  8. Cds is going to splinter again with los zambadas snitching on los chapitos I wonder what side will run to El Mencho asking help like los Dámaso

    1. Mayo tried it, Mencho doesn’t need them witch makes him even more dangerous.

    2. No ones gonna run to el Mencho because he doesnt know how to do buisness his time is running out . If anything they will seek out Rafael Caro quintero or Chapo isidro

  9. Where are all the mayo and chapo fans? Que poca Madre no tienen verguenza long gone are the days when there was shame, never seen the arellanos, carrillos, beltran's, cazares, testifying against each other the SNITCH is getting snitch on,KARMA IS A .....

    1. Dude relax it’s all a plan clearly you wouldn’t make a good drug boss...10

    2. They would rather die to the bullet unlike mayos and chapos I think mayos time in cds is almost up something big is going to happen to that cartel to the point one of the sides are going to ask cjng for help

    3. So how is Chapo snitching when they are snitching on him para pendejo no se estudia

    4. I just see another New Cartel in the making. Los Zambadas & Guzmans time is running out. El Chayo Isidro won’t grow any stronger. Mencho will never control Sinaloa. Caro will be part of the new Cartel but won’t be the main head. He will try to help in having all cartels work the old fashion way of just pushing weight with no wars just straight business. -El mañoso-

  10. El Vicentillo only gave information about the BLO ,The Zetas ,The Juarez and Tijuana Cartel.He has never nor will he ever give information about CDS .
    Gente Nueva Special Forces and Antrax Black Ops never rat our people out. We the people of Sinaloa are loyal till the death.Animo Patron.

    SICARIO 006

    1. Youre friking dumb. The court papers say he talked only about cds. Nothing of other cartels.

  11. Snitchaloa cartel never fails to disappoint

    1. They really live up to the name

    2. Puro Chihuahua donde los Hombres se dan pero con otros hombres

    3. @10:52 ese no aplica envidioso

    4. U must claim to be from snitchaloa.whats a matter jefe u mad ur idols turned into traitors and rats.lets see flores bros rats,vicentillo rats,felix torres rat,chapo rats,shoot do i need to say more. Dnt get mad jefe sinaloa couldnt do shit in chihuahua,or coauila or monterey shoot all they did was start fights but couldnt finish,even with fed help!!! Cds=cartel de snitches

  12. He can never go back to
    Mexico. Culiacan musicians write corridos about another informant. They all tell under pressure from the United States even if they were allowed to sell drugs by the C.I.A..Its the devils work. Enjoy your money Jefe.

    1. He’s going back it was approved by Mr Guzman to throw the heat towards him

    2. Like the saying goes; They give us the work then put us in jail.

    3. Bullshit he ain't going back

    4. He Will stay un the US. Witness program was agreed long ago.

  13. Anyone dumb enough to threaten the USA to an alphabet agency with weapons, “a lot of them” will be seen as threat to the government of the USA and will be removed from their position on this earth... El Chapo fuked up when he decided to threaten an American presidential candidate who is now the freakin president ... sell your drugs boys but do not step outside yourself... who in the hell do you think you are???
    GC Tampa to Tampico

    1. Proof the US is the true evil and no one threatened that clown in office aka twitter fingers

    2. You are so gullible you really think Chapo made a threat to a American president do not believe everything you read boys and girls LOL

    3. Exactly right! You diss the mafia don and you will be punished

    4. Truth is most of B.B. commentators are ignorant on the subject those “threats” were from a fake social account

    5. If mencho makes a threat to the USA they would pick his ass up last week and he would be extradited just like the others....I don’t care if he makes a threat or someone on a fake account does it for him... you do it... the heat will be all over you...

  14. Sinaloa = SNITCH.

    1. Wonder what state your from buddy

    2. I wasn't born in any state, distrito federal.

  15. Chapo is getting betrayed just like he betrayed mochomo and nacho coronel

    1. He never betrayed mochomo they betrayed the federation by doing business with the Zetas...10

    2. Don’t forget he also betrayed caf and cartel de Juarez at one time they where one cartel until chapo stepped in

    3. What if it was Zambada that betrayed mochomo you keep saying Chapo but so far he has not talked or his kids on the other hand from Damaso to Zambada

    4. It makes alot of sense, chapo had no friends at the end till this day, he will never hit main line

  16. Being let stay in the usa?? So im guessing the usa aint got nothing on chapo?? Y give vicentillo so much?? If they have such a good case on chapo y give vicentillo a break,why not lock them up both for life,sounds fishy if u tell me

  17. Vicente has approvell from the Cartel to testify against Mr Guzman chapo and his sons know that it’s a wrap for him but they could still save el Vicentillo with a deal Guzmans and Zambadas will not split like the haters would like...10

  18. Nothing wrong with snitching borderland beat is snitch central

    1. It's Borderland Beat, they translate information, from two credible sources, to avoid false taps. You don't like the site, the door is open.

  19. Chapo is done if he testifies or not am sure vicentillo knows that so does Chapo , Vicentillo testifies and gets out early and gets to stay in the U.S for free him and his family he won .

  20. Cartel de las traciones

  21. Well didnt el chapo set up el vicentillo originally so they could release ivan? Payback is a bitch , this is what he gets for snitching on him, el mochomo , nacho and who knows who else

    1. Nacho was set up by Los valencia what is now known as cjng.Vincetillo got caught by dea nobody set him up this was a government move.que chapo this and chapo that

    2. Dude stop making stuff up Chapo never turned in Vicente for Ivan it was said that he turned in Mochomo for Ivan but that was not the case either even mochomo told his coked out brother but still didn’t listen because he had already been doing business with the Zetas behind the Federations back...chivis please post my comment

    3. @ 11:37

      Ándale! You know the truth!

      -The guy who knows nothing

  22. Probably was approved by chapo, going down anyways,ill save u and snitch on me.not a bad idea

  23. I would imagine he would welcome the protective measures and secret relocations within the prison system. There has to be a hefty price on his head to keep him from testifying. I certainly wouldn't feel safe regardless of what prison I was in. I would choose guantanimo. Spend my my days in solitary and head banging to 100 decibel heavy metal music 24/7. Suit me just fine. At least I'd come out alive.

    1. at 3:24 , justo so You know there Is a few units whitin the Fed system they house inmates that decide ir to testified .nothing else .here 1 name G Unit somewere in the woods!

  24. I recently did a paper on witsec,and one of its biggest issues is promising to protect foreign nationals. The reason for this is immigration status can be the deciding factor if his family members are allowed in the country. Dea can't promise Zambadas family members help with immigration. They can protect him since he is already in the country, but some of his family members might have issues getting into the country legally.

  25. Snitching like the tuta from michoacan

  26. "El cartel de las traiciones"

  27. Look fresitta snitched for the norte valley cartel and he seems to be doing aright he is now released wrote some books and made some shows and movies about it. He’s living his best life snitch away Vincent


  29. Prosecutors use the fear of "El Max" Florence Colorado as a tool to make stubborn criminals cooperate. It is rumored that USA federal prosecutors show a 15 minute film of brutal isolation and restriction of visitors, and personal in- prison freedoms that are granted regulator felons. Charles Manson changed from being a tough guy to a blubbering baby after they penalized him with time at Pelican Bay California. The coercion prosecutors use would make anyone's knees wobble.

  30. As long as you don’t rat on your friends or family .....snitch away

    1. It's the art of war whatever it takes


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