Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Judge calls El Chapo's behavior "exemplary, displaying considerable grace", as he denies request to hug Emma

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

In his ruling, judge Cogan appears to have  sincerely wanted to give Chapo his Emma hug, but was restricted by SAM’s security measure that are in place, that makes the request mutually incompatible.  To read about SAM’s use the hyperlink at the bottom of the post. 

When judge Cogan ruled against El Chapo and his request to greet or hug his wife Emma next Tuesday  before opening arguments, he said the following;
The Court is sympathetic to the request. As defense counsel points out, defendant’s conduct during what are surely difficult proceedings conditions of confinement for him has been exemplary, and he has displayed considerable grace under pressure. 
Nevertheless, having conferred extensively with the U.S. Marshals Service about defendant’s request, the Court is constrained to deny it. The Marshals have stressed that acceding to the request would be contrary to all the security procedures that have been put in place, including the SAMs, and would treat defendant differently than any other person in the Marshals’ custody who is subject to such measures.
           Read more about SAM's using this link
Read full ruling and order below.

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  1. Poor Chapo, maybe he should just blow her a kiss.

  2. As I said....DENIED!! The feds up here aren't impressed with el chapo...ill give Emma a hug though.

    1. 3:01 if thats what you got from that you’re not a smart person. The feds are impressed enough to deny such a simple request because they fear what he can tell Emma in their encounter. Simple words could mean something considerable. Read between the lines

    2. 4:56 No, the feds always deny contact while in custody during trial. So no, they are not impressed w who he is. Just another federal prisoner...

    3. 4:56 the message he may have tried to send was Hugs not Drugs.

  3. Just like I said on the last post. Thei are using Chapo as the "EXAMPLE"

    1. No duh everybody knows that dummy

    2. 318 nope Mr. One sided, Chapo will get dual process, along with the evidence. An example lol.

  4. R Kelly...come on man you can express your self much better than the disrespectful comment yu sent in....the core was correct, your creative writing was not needed or wanted.

    1. Love you, Chivis. Hope you are doing well .

    2. Hello, Chivis. Keep up the good work. Been reading for years.

  5. Any pictures of sketches of El Señor?!

    1. The artist has not been allowed in as of yet. no public allowed. so maybe next week. although i recall a ruling of art must have "blurring" of faces, but can't recall if that includes everyone. we will see next Tuesday.....


    3. Nope not true, those are sketches from previous hearings. no one allowed in until Tuesday.

  6. What it must feel like for the once mighty 701 to be denied the simple pleasures. Knowing how many he affected, I find a guilty pleasure in these events.

    Cholo 7

  7. Hate him or love him,the little guy is hardcore,he refuses to play ball and it looks like he is fighting.He is pragmatic enough to realise that his life in the so-called "free world" is over.
    Even if Chapo was entirely innocent and there was no proof he personally killed or ordered a murder,he would still be doomed.Impartial and fair,if you believe that you believe pigs can fly..Chapo deserves what's on offer,but look at the lengths they will go to,its like a huge collusion by the people who like to project themselves as righteous,he never stood a chance..

    1. He thinks his money could buy him freedom like it did in Mexico. I wouldn't be surprised if it did, life is full of surprises as well as corruption. Just saying...

    2. No different than how they treat other criminals.
      Why should he get better treatment?

    3. he would LOVE to be treated like any other "criminal". SAMS is rarely implemented.


    4. Exactly Madame Chivis,he would love to be treated like any "common criminal"We all agree Chapo deserves what is coming his way,the point is,he IS being treated differently.
      He is doomed we all know that so does he,thats why i say he's pragmatic and hardcore.The restrictions on him now are almost unbelievable and no doubt tortuous.We haven't even mentioned the huge propaganda of media,the silly security measures,legal manoeuvre's,etc etc,fair and impartial,nah

    5. 8:58 name 3 other criminals who have been treated like fact name two...ok give us one other criminal you know who has been treated the same

  8. Who’s going to do the cleaning on these cowards of other cartels doing sadistic stuff? Necessary evil

  9. El Chapo is guilty & now caught he should serve the time for his crimes , but is he the only guilty one that should be in jail? What about the Mexican and America government that helped him the DEA that in powered him n helped him. Do they get a pass? If so should El Chapo he offered a pass too? At least he helped ppl DEA just did it for self gain!

    1. Oh mini, Mijo he had a lot of people murdered, a free pass, my azz, time to pay the Piper.

  10. What? No reach around for the Chumpo?

  11. Pobre naco zotaco. Pudo tener las rucas que quisiera o como las quisiera pero ahora pura manuela.niños no hagan drogas y coman frutas y verduras para que no se queden enanos.

  12. Chapo not crying or ratting...hes doing his time in extreme isolation like a straight gangster.

  13. Regardless. Only animals feast on the flesh of the wounded. EUA laws are supposed to be enforced pragmatically. The country has some of the most unbiased trial laws and customs in the World. There is little doubt Chapo may be facing Florence Colorado. There he will most probably make his final escape in a pine box. The public will have forgotten about him. Is this not punishment? Life in max is hell on earth. Perhaps some of you do not understand that and want blood this minute. You do not understand the difference between 10 minutes of torture and a quick death, and decades of torture.

  14. I dunno if being cordial is gonna hell with 300,000 pages of evidence and a boat load of inside witnesses?

    1. I dunno if reading this just made me more stupid.

  15. Regardless of how many Kingpin‘s, such is El Chapo, that they arrest and detain and put in jail for life, the war on drugs is and always will be a complete and Autre failure.
    If the United States really wants to solve the problem, and I know there are some people in the US who want to solve it; additionally there are people in Mexico who would like to see drug trafficking and the criminal activity that surrounds it end forever. Those people are actually few and far between. few people have an open mind about the subject and many have a conflict of interest i.e., The criminals want to make their money, law-enforcement wants their jobs and the additional budget money to spend, pharmaceutical companies want to make money, China wants to make money, and Americans wamt their precious drugs.
    With the exception of the criminals and I suppose you could throw them in this group as well all of these groups set up on their sanctimonious ivory towers and claim they want drug trafficking to end, and don’t condone it in any way; Yet they all simply want a cut of the pie some of the $$$.
    If you eliminate the profits and the money that’s in it for them you eliminate the criminal element.

    I mean for crying out loud we can’t keep drugs out of our prisons and they are surrounded by 20 feet tall fences topped with Barbwire and watched by armed guards with automatic weapons if we can’t keep drugs out of these facilities what mindless idiot thinks we can ever keep them from coming across the border.
    Just like with illegal immigration the government should attempt to manage and control both illegal drugs and illegal immigrants and to make both illegal and attempt to prohibit them and think you can eliminate them punitively is ignorant. As evidence I simply pointed to the last 15 years the war on drugs does not work gonna step out on oleum here maybe… Just maybe we should think about another solution since we’ve tried this one for almost 15 years and it hasn’t maybe decriminalize drugs and treat a social problem as Jerry st that rather than a criminal problem we treat criminally and punitively— wait what it idiot I am know we should just attend the same things that we’re doing right now for another 50 freaking years… That’s the real solution .

    Prohibition clearly doesn’t work. Drugs are much cheaper and much more readily available and that includes bunch more available in our schools or I spent 24 years working as an educator; With each decade drugs became more prevalent easier to get and cheaper and there became more of them and the kids they were more than willing to experiment with K2 or whatever came along.

    I live in Texas and though there is still marijuana for sale from Mexico most of the marijuana for sale in Texas currently is medicinal or recreational weed from another state. With the specials that dispensaries are currently running monthly $50-$80 ounces and concentrates as cheap as $15 gram—cartels are currently being squeezed out of illegal Cannabis market in US.

    And for all you people who were saying that they’re going to take over the dispensary in marijuana market in the United States—you to have no concept of how that currently works and that would be not be possible. the only way they could infiltrate the market would be to apply for a license and attempt to buy a dispensary and The background checks on both producers a dispensary owners at the monitoring of them would turn up any connection to a cartel.
    Cannabis from Mexico will no longer be a thing in 10 years.

    1. Professor/Instructor you pretty much summed it up, but in other words it's a quagmire. You shoot or in prison a cartel member 20 more, arrive to take his spot.

    2. The war on drugs is just the goverment regulating it and taxing the capos. They need drugs to make money all 5he way around and it will never end. Just propaganda like they need illegal aliens to cross and work minimum wage jobs that citizens would never do. Funny how in every campaign they use those two combinations but they know damn well they are not going to change a thing. The economy would go down fast. It's entertaining though

    3. 11:54 you are correct but it is not a quagmire. If we decriminalizing narcotics then abusing narcotics, at least illegal narcotics, will diminish. there are many examples of this in European countries but the best example I can think of is Uruguay. If we could simply get past the politics and the negative connotation of decriminalizing illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine, and allow govt to control supply and dispensing then we can make a horrible situation better. It will never be great, just due to the nature of drugs, however if we can take the profits away from the criminals and put him in the hands of a responsible government agency, the end just let me say again it will make a horrible situation better. I do realize that that may be a paradox stating responsible government agency – but we do have some out there.

      also my original post cited the drug war and stayed in 15 years of failure… It’s 50 years of failure… The drug war started in the late 60s and was turbo charged by Nixon when he created the DEA in the early 70s… Do the math that’s 50 years.

    4. Your argument has some validity with respect to marijuana, but falls flat when it comes to the hardcore drugs like coke, meth, and opiates. The sheer destruction on society that is wrought by the latter underscores the need to prohibit these substances. It's one thing to scarf down a pizza as a result of smoking weed, but it's quite another to commit burglaries, thefts, and crimes of fraud to get another high on the hardcore stuff.

    5. And the addicts wouldn’t half to create a crime to get a hard-core stuff if the government was controlling managing and giving it to them. If people want to kill themselves with drugs let them register with the government and provide extensive information on themselves; and then let them kill themselves or do as much Coke or math or heroin as they want.

      Because I’ll say it again as long as there are immense profits in narcotics trafficking it will never stop. Never. You have to eliminate the money from the situation if you do then
      it’s a more manageable better situation.

      Again how on earth do you expect interdiction and punitive interventions to succeed on a grand scale involving the country when we can’t even keep it out of our prisons. And remember our prisons are surrounded by 20 feet tall fences topped with razor wire and armed guards watch from Towers along the fence; not to mention the periodic vehicle patrol. All I’m saying is if interventions and punitive measures haven’t worked then perhaps we should be open minded and look at other solutions since this approach has actually worsened the situation and now drugs are cheaper easier to get and the market is so strong new ones of actually been created.

      People need to get a clue, And realize after 50 years of failures that have made a bad situation worse it’s time for a new approach; perhaps you don’t agree with mine and you think it’s crazy but we’re gonna need crazy innovative thinking to get out of this drug mess, So if my solution doesn’t fit your philosophical views then what is the solution, Because what we’ve been doing for the last 50+ years damn sure isn’t.

  16. Ha ha hugs denied. Chapo can't get things his way no more.

  17. Has anyone ever wondered if indeed that is chapo? Remember amado Carrillo went missing without a trace all they found was a body in which his teeth did not match whom they had in the coffin? Just thought I put it outhere.

    1. @11:24 am

      Don’t be so gullible


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