Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, November 5, 2018

Jury Questionnaire for El Chapo's Trial

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Jury selection began today.

1000 New York citizens were sent this 31 page questionnaire to prepare for their potential position on the jury of El Chapo.  The jury will be anonymous, faceless, partially sequestered and transported by armed guard.

There will be no cameras in the courtroom and the government has asked for the courtroom artist to blur “faces”. 

This was the 4th revised questionnaire.  As you can see, there is a focus on the media including blogs and if the potential juror has read anything about the trial or El Chapo.  It would appear that BB followers would be excluded from sitting on the jury.

The Brooklyn bridge was closed today to accommodate the transfer of El Chapo.  This caused a traffic nightmare.  It wasn’t as though the judge was not aware of the issue.  The defense filed a motion to move the trial to Manhattan to avoid the problem.

Judge Cogan denied the motion saying they "had a plan".

Questionnaire on following page
In a status conference last Tuesday, Judge Cogan seemed to have lost his patience. Cogan reprimanded the prosecutors for “bringing more to the table” than they needed to convict El Chapo, including the accusations of being involved in dozens of murders.

Something we have been saying for a long while.

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  1. Chapo now will get betrayed just like he betrayed his friends

    1. Ya, he's cooked....

    2. The US Federal Court system does not betray, the evidence on the crimes he had done, will determine his sentence.

    3. 11:00 the US has a pact with cds, they are all government informants to DEA. Cartel de snitchaloa so I would say the US fudged him over and worked with the twins to bring chapo down. The twins got the better deal eventhough chapo killed his dad. Just like a local drug dealer told me. "There are no winners in the drug game"

  2. Only time will tell dont get ahead of yourself

    1. I hate to break your bubble, but there's a ton of overwhelming evendence on Chapo, therefore we can get ahead, and realize he is a fried man walking.

    2. you are the same guy that said he would never get caught again, never get extradited blah blah blah

    3. 12:05 u been watching too much chapo series on netflex...

    4. @1040 no I dont watch that shit. Your comment made no sense

    5. 2:57 made no sense to the non senseless but many will know what that meant

  3. La vida es un tómbola
    Tom Tom tómbola :)

  4. Animo Patron ! Usted saldra libre aqui lo esperamos en Culiacan Sinaloa !

    1. Andan diciendo que le van a menear todo los frijolitos al pobre enano. Se la van a dejar caer hasta el fondo. El mismo va sentir cuando se le va yendo toda la cabeza en esa corte. Agarranse Sinalocas que hay les va toda la macana! - Sol Prendido

    2. Disgusting how they accept your comments but not ones with actual sense

    3. @12:02 You don’t have to read the comments. We’ve had this discussion before. No one forces you. Don’t bother looking at mantas while you’re at it. But if you have any semblance of an open mind you’d know why words are going out the way they do. Try using that brain of yours. - Sol Prendido

    4. 2:32 lo dice por experiencia propia

    5. @5:52. La verdad es que para las cosas buenas nunca sirve . Pero PARA LA MALDAD siempre me acusan de ser chingon. Hasta yo digo que cosa tan rara mi vida. Como es que me toco firmar este papel dentro esta película. También dicen que allí entre las tinieblas ME PRENDO yo. Y a veces toca que alumbro CON MADRES. - Sol Prendido

  5. Jury selection should be interesting. I wonder who they'll find that isn't aware of who el chapo is. Maybe some fresh off the boat Chinese immigrants with fake citizenship, or some Alaskan Bush people with no access to television, radio or common sense.

    1. Lol yea pretty funny stuff

    2. It is in context. of course 99.9 percent heard of chapo. but how? that is what was asked. tv? blog? book?

    3. so because people choose to ignore all the crime and drama that comes with social media and the news that makes them not have common sense smh.. your a idiot i bet your in a everybodys business that dosent concern you

    4. It might seem like you would have to be living under a rock to not know who chapo is. My family and friends (and myself) living here in Minnesota have no clue.

    5. 1:54 how did you make your way to a cartel related blog and not know who El Chapo is?

  6. El Lic Damaso snitched.

  7. Chapo the telfon don getting acquitted of all charges

    1. 1033 Chapo is locked up, in US, not in Mexico, with all the evidence on him, he is looking at 20+ years. Chapo lover sorry to break the news.

    2. he would be elated with 20 years. his only wish is to not leave in a pine box back to sinaloa. you are not breaking any news, you think anyone has it in their had he is walking? BB followers are some of the most educated people on Mexican Narcos and news there of....paz

    3. The only teflon Don was Gotti. He croaked, but he beat several federal charges before finally getting a life sentence. Chapo on the other hand won't survive this 1 and only trial. No teflon here, hell not even dandy Don. More like finished Don.

  8. They sent one to my mother whose a former Jamaican citizen who got her us citizenship and doesn’t know shit about Chapo or Mexican cartel news.

    1. Booomboclat outta here

    2. Maybe you should fill in the blanks for her teach her whats going on dont let her be blind to the world or narcotics

    3. I agree...Most older adult wbo are not in the drug business dont know chapo.Some may have read a small article about him because of his affiliation with sean penn but most older americans can tell you very little about him...I think your truth got chivas mad

    4. 5:04pm you are a straight up knucklehead.How does your insight into the narco world make you better than his mother who could probably care less and has her sites on what she deems more important.Please tell us all what your knowledge has gained you and her lack of knowledge has made her somehow uninformed

  9. Lmao @ question #57! A huevo! Es el que saco al chapo de la penal la primera ves!... oh wait, that was Damazo.

  10. Will the trial be televised?

  11. Chapo will get convicted no matter wat facts the government will prefer kill him than he be aquited bottom line he will get life no matter wat the jury or defence say period.

  12. Id say that you won't get an answer chivis. But, I'd rather fill out an irs audit. 112 questions, are you kidding me?

  13. He would have been better of going out like his corridos talk about. 1000 best sicarios and stuff. Wonder if mencho will go out blazing or caught with no shots fired.

  14. Trial is expected to last 4 months!Wow that's about 4 times longer than a murder trial.Makes me think there's going to be a ton of witnesses!Chivis is going to be a busy girl keeping us all updated.

    1. the cooperatives will take a lot of time. imo the flores twins testimony and hard evidence when they went under cover is enough to put away dozen chapos.


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