Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 2, 2018

Mty: Sicarios record themselves shooting victims in a drive by

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

This video circulated on social media, where hitmen recorded them shooting a couple of young men, in the Colonia Unidad Pedreras, Monterrey.  

Note: Below is the report from one outlet, others report 2 shot 1 killed.  Others say "group of men 2 shot"  Vanguardia reports this video was from Thursday of last week at a memorial service and a man of 50 years and a teen of  14 were shot while in their parked car.

Below is narrative from the report in video translated by Sol

Driver sicario: These are the ones Abel.
Newscaster: On social media a video is circulating in which gunmen record the moment where they attacked a group of young men. According to a source the attack happened in the neighborhood of Fomerrey 106 or Unidad Pedreras in Monterey. The end result of that attack is 1 person dead and 2 injured. In the video it is observed that a passenger sicario prepares and fires against 2 men and a minor. That are leaning against a wall at a residence. According to a police report the attack happened on October 25th on Orlon Street in said neighborhood. The victims were returning from a wake. For Rudolf Garcia - by Sol Prendido

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  1. Guy has no idea how to shoot a hand gun. Looks like he didnt even get close to his target.

    1. Lol. Yup that's why he killed one and injured 2 others

    2. 3 hits with one dead, id argue to the contrary my gun expert

    3. Like the guys on top said they hit some targets. dont mis judge these low lifes, they might be trashy criminals but im sure they have been shooting guns for awhile now that they have decent aim mr gun expert

  2. Supposedly those are Gulf sicarios hitting up Daniel of CDN. . - Sol Prendido

    1. Cual daniel es uno delos comandantes o que

    2. 8:34 En Twitter andaban comentando que iban por un mentado Daniel. Según pertenece al CDN. - Sol Prendido

  3. With that aim he got all 3 of them.
    Dammm. And it was a drive by.

    1. I was thinking the same thing.

    2. Not too tough if their leaning up against a wall or post unsuspecting.....( The victims mistake). Drive bys are easy, that's why lil punks like these and gang bangers up here do it. It's a cowardly act. Wanna fight??? Square up and fight. Any bitch can creep on an unsuspecting victim and pop em. Try and go get a real trained man...see how that works out. I bet you don't catch Sol leaning on the wall in front of the liquor store sucking down a 40.

    3. @Grande So true.... It’s like a boxing ring out in the streets, protect yourselves at all times.

    4. "Square up and fight. Any bitch can creep on an unsuspecting victim and pop em"
      Thats the talk of a man who has never used violence in the street,no rules

    5. 6:53 learn to read and understand the context moron

  4. Sometimes I want to comment on here and possibly give or have an opinion. Maybe some pseudo explanation into trying to understand the reasons behind certain things. But shit!!!! Sometimes I can't. Being a boss or a having a real organization meant using more of your head and not so much killing. Times have surely changed .


    1. There are no bosses anymore. The people in this video, like many others involved with the cartels, are just uneducated low-life's...nothing more. Greed and idiocracy have taken over. None of these younger morons understand that using your head means keep a low profile, don't bring attention to yourself, payoff the right people...move your stuff and collect the money. They want to show off. They want to brag. In the end, they don't live long enough to even be a boss.

  5. Drive by shooting Cholo style. Compensinos had no weapons to shoot back. Cholo shot without a worry, he knows most don't fire back.

    1. Gangsters don’t do drivebys you’ve been watching to many movies. Walk/run ups or get done up in prison.

    2. Foe sho 10"14, on lil punk be doin that ish. Herr in souff central you walk up and pop them. Nawmeen.

    3. Cholos actually do engage in drive bys. Yes, in prison you learn that it is peohibided, it is against the rules La Eme established, but the kids out in the streets aren't thinking about inside prison, about La Eme or any of that while they're in the streets being stupid and they do that shit, why else are are sureños killing sureños in the street? Because these fuckers don't give a fuck about the codes they're suppose to follow
      while out in the streets, untill they arrive at the yard suddenly they abide (or be killed).

  6. Humanity humanity

    Mexicans cant walk free
    Be free
    When will these vile bukkake
    Drinking lowlife
    Respect one live
    Just one to start
    How do they sleep

    N turning
    When will God give them
    Expiration time
    Suffer you will
    Mexican people in need of break
    Moms wanna see sons n daughter grow up
    Stop killing them u mindless brutes

    1. Este vato ya no está bien se está quedando en el avion.

  7. Mexican government using
    Triangulating persistent surveillance
    To catch people
    Phone,insta.cell tower data reverse..they chat two secs after
    Killing..easy to Catch
    CAN HELP...

  8. As limp wristed as this guy shoots, he probably idolized El Broly from Knights Templar growing -El Gato

    1. What ever happen to el broly heard he left and changed his life around I also heard he dead? Anyone

    2. We checked about a year or so ago....he is not dead just burned out and went back to sinaloa.

    3. Se hizo la jarocha vive aquí en west holliwood.

  9. Drugged out pos’s need to be eradicated with a chainsaw while alive piece by agonizing piece.

    1. Armate entonces pendejo. Quit crying about whatnshould be done if you're not going to do it.

  10. Stunting like a real instagram attentionwhore

  11. Fuken cowards letting off rounds like that...

  12. That young punk shooter was smirking like its a game to him, id expect for them to not be amused by this but more of a serious face. He looks like a low life street drug addict,

  13. I would have shot both of them, given the opportunity. It would have been justified after all he took two lives.People have to arm themselves, at shoot back at criminals, when feasible.


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