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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Zetas: Sentencing of Juan Francisco "KiKo" Trevino-5 life terms plus 20 years

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat-TY BB Follower-from KWTX

Prosecutor: Trevino the "biggest player ever to go to trial in the United States."

WACO, Texas (KWTX) A Mexican drug cartel leader was sentenced Thursday in Waco's federal court to five life prison terms plus 20 years after he was convicted here in July of possession with intent to distribute cocaine and conspiracy to interfere with commerce by extortion in a case that started with the discovery of large quantities of drugs during a raid in a local residential neighborhood.

U.S. District Judge Alia Moses sentenced Juan Francisco Trevino Chavez, who’s known as “Kiko” Trevino, 38, to two life terms on counts 1 and 2, three life terms on counts 3, 4, 5, each plus 20 years on counts 6 and 7, ordered him to pay $4 million in fines and $800 in special assessment to the court.

As she read the sentence, Moses reminded Trevino that he'd receive no consideration in sentencing because he had refused to cooperate during the investigation.

"No cooperation, so no consideration," she said from the bench.

Prosecutor Russ Leachman said after the proceeding that the total amount of drugs intercepted in this operation could "rank as the biggest in the United States."

He also called Trevino the "biggest player ever to go to trial in the United States."

Over the course of the investigation agents accounted for millions of pounds of marijuana and significant amounts of cocaine that were smuggled over the U.S.-Mexico border, transported through Waco and on to Dallas, where it was sold, and moved on to other parts of the country.

"There were several hundred pounds of marijuana delivered and sold in Waco in 2010," Leachman said.

A jury in the same courtroom found Trevino, nicknamed "Comandante Kiko," guilty on July 24 and returned its decision on charges including: conspiracy to possess marijuana with intent to distribute, conspiracy to import marijuana, unlawful distribution of controlled substances, conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute, conspiracy to import cocaine, conspiracy to possess firearms in furtherance of drug trafficking, and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Moses presided over his trial.

The original counts were based upon a large amount of drugs that were recovered during a raid in Waco, in the residential neighborhood behind the Target store on Bosque Boulevard.

The courtroom was filled with about 40 onlookers, most of them attorneys and law enforcement, and about seven members of Trevino' family as Moses reviewed the case, listened to objections from the defense and listened to allocution.

At one point Moses called family members down and ordered silence in the courtroom, and later, after Trevino made an indiscernible comment from the defense table, she railed at him that his "conduct is horrific."

Leachman, in his closing, said Trevino is responsible for as many as 134 killings and, over a period of years, arranged for shipping as much as a quarter-million kilograms of cocaine into the U.S.

"This was a massive undertaking," Leachman said, "hundreds of weapons to arm a society of drug dealers, corrupting police officers in the U.S. and in foreign countries."

Leachman also said Trevino was leader of a drug gang that has, over the past 10 years, shipped $1.8 billion in cocaine into the U.S. and also moved $30-million-a-month in marijuana.

"This is one of the most violent gangs in the country," Leachman told Moses.

Moses announced her sentence verdict after about two hours and Trevino was led, shackled, from the courtroom to await transfer to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Prosecutors presented evidence that from 2004 until September 2016, when he was arrested, Trevino was a member of the Los Zetas drug trafficking organization, operating primarily in the Mexican corridors of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Ciudad Acuna and Piedras Negras, Coahuila.

"Evidence also revealed that Kiko Trevino organized the source and distribution of large quantities of narcotics, laundered drug proceeds, and controlled cells of traffickers and a group of armed (enforcers) in the Nueva Laredo area," a U.S. Attorney's Office news release issued at the time of conviction, said.

"The trial evidence showed the defendant participated in the trafficking of more than 250,000 kilos of cocaine, hundreds of thousands of kilos of marijuana, and 800 firearms."

Evidence further revealed that "Kiko" Trevino met with and conspired with the highest-level operatives in the criminal organization, including his uncles.

After his uncles Miguel Angel Trevino Morales and Oscar Omar Trevino Morales, both Los Zetas leaders, were arrested, Los Zetas split into two groups and Trevino assumed leadership of one of them, the Cartel Del Noreste.

Both uncles have been convicted and sentenced for drug trafficking, as well, federal court documents say.

Trevino has been in custody since his arrest on Sept. 238, 2016 in Baytown.

Trevino trial prompted stepped up security around the federal courthouse in downtown Waco in July.


  1. He's not even going to last one life sentence but they add 20 more to the 5 life terms.. silly

    1. How dumb are you? They know that. It's a formality

    2. Sentencing guidelines. In most states trafficking charges can lead to life sentences, and I imagine federal sentencing guidelines are the same. But I agree, this is a ridiculous sentence, and one that was given to send a message.

    3. In other words life in prison, until he dies.

    4. He's surely the only cartel jefe I've seen w balls. Can tell he ain't from Sinaloa.

    5. Maybe he will get lucky and turn over one or 2 of those life sentences . Oh shit ! he still has 3 more . Who is dumb and silly now ? LOL LOL LOL

    6. Kiko is a real G, didn't snitch or take deals like most of the other drug lords that end up facing US justice. That's why they gave him way more time than others who have done the same crimes.

  2. With that sentence i dont think hes desperate to pay the fine..this piece of trash n his uncles commited some of the most non-senless crimes ever,i would like to z40 n z42 in the US too..

    1. Actually no, they used las trevis as the Boogeyman just like they using mencho now.
      Lazcano, Ardilla, Hummer and other og zetas were way crazier

  3. On his way to his personal dog cage at ADX LOL....fucking scumbag POS deserves concrete walls and no human contact for the rest of his miserable life. Hopefully for dinner he gets balls of shit with piss daily. Can’t wait to hear of his transfer to SuperMax.

    1. At least he's man enough to pay for his crimes w mouth shut. Zetas have more honor than those rat from Sinaloa.

  4. Kiko is someone deserving of a life sentence. I’d say the 134 murders is probably a low estimate. If one counted all the murders that Kiko was the intellectual author of, and all the murders that Kiko played a role in, it would have to number in the thousands. Unfortunately Kiko didn’t give the DEA any evidence, and the “Trevino Dynasty” (as they call it in the corridos) will live on for years.

  5. I guess we won’t see many CDG, CDN, or ZVE leaders hiding out in Texas anymore.

  6. He gone! This ain't Mexico Dorothy. Now go make Peace with your God, repent, and ask for forgiveness for all the misery, grief and pain you have caused.

  7. See you guys en navidad ya mero salgo.
    -el kiko treviño

  8. Supermax/adx is to nice for a piece of shit like this...pretty soon, mexican kingpins will be the majority of inmates at adx

  9. He took it like man.

    No ratting, no begging, no degrading himself.

    He is a true man’s man.

    1. how is it that osiel will be released in 2028. hmmmm?

    2. Who’s he gonna rat on? The uncles that gave him power.

      All this gives me the idea he was a major fuck up for the organization and only took care of himself..

    3. Took it like a man, oh please. This is an inhuman animal that deserves everything that’s coming to him.

    4. Nov 8 at 3:45pm: Idolizing gangsters eh? I guess none of your family or loved ones were victims of his barbarism.

    5. Did you not read, he behaved like a baby in the courtroom. He wanted his way, as was uncooperative, lol took it like a man.

  10. Another 'investigation' and trial ignoring to follow up on the money laundering and the bribes. Thus, whoever got the lionshare of the drug proceeds through bribes or money laundering schemes are doing really well behind their desks today.

  11. Ya, your surely cooked in the US if ur affiliated w cartels

  12. I bet Chapo gets much less than this.

    1. Real talk. Chapo WILL get less time than kiko.. ahaha

  13. The Americans dont f#ck around they give you life in solitary and not bat an eye. He’ll want to take his own life once theyre through with him.

  14. "Both uncles have been convicted and sentenced for drug trafficking, as well, federal court documents say." News to me. When? Where? Fact check?

    1. one uncle was tried and convicted, Jose Treviño the horse master. His father Juan Francisco Treviño was also tried and convicted, in the 1990s I believe.

  15. I'm wondering what u.s. officials were corrupted, how high up the ladder does it go?

  16. Blah blah blah more exaggerated silliness yeah I’m sure he’s a terrible person and deserves the death penalty but all the bloated numbers are SOP for American law enforcement media releases. He was in prison for 20 years while his uncles were in their prime hustling years it was said if him back then on this same website that he wasn’t much of a player. Now he’s this biggest criminal of all time. These news channels just like the one that posted this in Texas eat trumped up nonsense up all media does it’s eye catching. And very stupid.

  17. Thanks Chivis. Lol at the plus 20years part.

  18. 5 Times life is Great but the fine with just 4mio is ridiculous-should be increased to 400mio.

  19. And he would not co-operate ? After many saying the Trevinos are all snitcnes

  20. Se la dejaron caer doblada y sin saliva, así es el juego
    CTGM Y el jefe tukan y chelis van a venir con todo, ánimo TEMPLARIOS

  21. If he behaves he can get out In 2 life sentence. Don't be naughty kiko

  22. Have 40 & 42 been extricated?

  23. Yeah but if you’re sent overseas to blow up kids and women in the Middle East you’re considered a hero in the US?

  24. its a shady world...

  25. "Yeah but if you’re sent overseas to blow up kids and women in the Middle East"
    Huh,what are you gibbering about,you just woke up?


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