Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

El Chapo Trial: Cifuentes: "Everything I've breathed and eaten in my life is from drug trafficking."

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat thank you mica

Catching up…on Monday:
From the gossip bin was the fact that Chapo’s wife Emma was a no show.  She gave hints in her interview with Telemundo last week that she may not be at all the court dates. 

That said, Balarezo says Chapo was not aware his wife would not be in attendance.  Her attorney claims it was a planned absence.  In Mexico this is the last week for school before Christmas break, she had mentioned something about that last week. 

The crooked Mexican Attorney General [which one read below]

Jorge Cifuentes, the former Colombian drug trafficker who testified last week and yesterday in the trial of "El Chapo " Guzman, made the admission that  he bribed the former Attorney General of Mexico, Ignacio Morales Lechuga, to obtain police protection in their drug trafficking operations.

Morales Lechuga quickly denounced the accusation via the modern day method of social media.

The witness testified that he made payments to the former official, without saying how much.

Morales Lechuga
Morales Lechuga was the Mexican Attorney General of the Republic between 1991 and 1993 during the Government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994) and subsequently became the Ambassador of Mexico in France.

Defense attorney, [and IMO the best witness examiner] was all over Cifuentes in his cross, and Cifunetes gave it right back.

Asking about Morales Lechuga, “You had a relationship of corruption with him? " Lichtman asked.

Yes, answered Cifuentes.

"Did you give him bribes?” Lichtman pressed.

Without giving details Cifuentes said that he paid Morales Lechuga to guarantee the protection and immunity of his operations in the Mexican territory and in association with Sinaloan Cartel.

In addition, he assured the court in Brooklyn that he had 70 Federal Police officers on his payroll, who he didn’t know personally, but they maintained direct contact with Juan de Dios Rodríguez, "El Flaco", who was an employee of his in Mexico.

After the testimony, Morales Lechuga, told Mexican Press that he intends to  initiate legal action to clear his name, of what he considers “ridiculous, absurd, and immature accusations.”.

"I am requesting the intervention of the Mexican authorities to obtain certification of the statements made, in order to initiate legal actions here (Mexico) or in the United States, or in both countries against the people who try to leave my reputation," he said. 

"I will review exactly who declared it, how it was declared and who transmitted it from there, and from there I will determine what action to proceed with" added Morales Lechuga.

He argued that the accusations, with full knowledge of the U.S. authorities are false and lack any details in the allegations. 

"I'm not going to sit idly by,”  he concluded with.


Cifuentes explained that he had told Guzmán that he did not want to get involved in the ephedrine traffic because that business was to generate methamphetamines, to which young people become addicted.

However, in 2010 when the Colombian fled to Venezuela after discovering that the United States government had information about him, he ran out of money and decided to enter the business.

"With hunger I changed my mind," he testified.

After being reprimanded about raising his voice, Lichtman started whispering questions.

Cifuentes whispered his answers.

Lichtman's point was that Jorge had already admitted to dealing with hundreds of tons of cocaine, which is just as bad as meth. That's when the whispers came in.

Lichtman (whispering voice): "Is cocaine good for young people?"

Jorge (whispering voice): "No, sir."

In total, acknowledged Cifuentes, trafficked 220 tons of cocaine to the United States.

The Murders and the History of lies [Mica}

Lichtman then went into one of his favorite bulls-eye zone.  The murders order by the cooperative witness and his history of lying when necessary.

And it got heated. Cifuentes in denial, with Lichtman raising his voice again so much that he was reprimanded by judge Cogan;  “Mr. Lichtman!  No yelling in the courtroom!”

Litchman continued to ask Jorge about murders that he'd ordered. The most notable one is about Flaco the liaison of the 70 Federal Police on the payroll Cifunetes testified about They were paid by Flaco using Cifuentes’ money.

Then Flaco turned on his boss and sent the feds after him.

When the federales came calling, Jorge paid them a $500,000 and sent them back after Flaco who was later stabbed to death at a cocaine warehouse.

Jorge told the jury he felt bad about this because he promised Flaco's father on his deathbed that he would protect Flaco.

Jorge was combative under cross-examination. His exchanges with Lichtman got absurd. There was a long digression about the color pen that Jorge used to take notes when meeting with a corrupt law enforcement officer, and what happened to the note afterward. Jorge said he used a blue pen and that he ripped up the note afterward and flushed it down the toilet at his sister Dolly's house.

Members of the jury were laughing but Judge Cogan didn't seem amused.

Cifuentes: "Everything I've breathed and eaten in my life is from drug trafficking."

He also admitted that he gave 5,000 weapons, including rocket launchers and machine guns, to a Colombian paramilitary group, along with 5 million rounds of ammo.

Also, that the arms and bullets were handed over "all for free" because he wanted revenge against FARC guerrillas.

Lichtman was playing it up, with the usage of terms like guerrilla and paramilitary interchangeably.
Cifunetes tried to explain the difference before concluding, "They are as equally terrorist, equally killers, and equally traffickers of drugs."

Witness to Lichtman "Because you have been  mistaken on your notes and I wanted to help and contribute something."

Lichtman: "You've contributed plenty."

Courtroom drama:

When Cifunetes left the stand and passed Chapo, he mouthed something that Spanish speakers in the courtroom said looked like “clavado”.  When the word is used in slang it can mean “you got killed”  as in losing a game.  Or nailed.   Or defeated.  Any of those meanings wojuld be applicable.

As a witness I think Cifuentes was a C-.  Everything is predicated on performance not for us, not for the attorneys or judge but those 12 people in the jury box.  Cifuentes was unrepentant criminal, combative, disrespectful, boastful and seemed to forget  where he was at times while performing as stand-up.  He was having too much fun.

Next up…one of the Flores twins—one of the ‘stars’ in the case against Chapo Guzmán, -Pedro takes the stand- I will post some of the exhibits already entered in during sentencing memos etc.  It gives an account of what we will hear and catch up in the morning

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  1. Morales Lechuga ya se acabo el corrido. Ya lo descubieron por buey. Ahora lo va llevar la chingada...haha es parte de el juego el que no resga no gana y el que no pues tranquilo

  2. El Chapo will never escape the Americans. RIP Chapo. You had a good run but your times up. The CIA has you now.

    1. That's been evident since they extradited him to New York menso

    2. I hope mencho isn't captured like chapo though i hope he is shot in the back like lazca and be done with it.

  3. The Flores twins have a difficult choice to make..
    I wouldn't be surprised if they seem to forget information and details..
    They could turn on the Boss and risk family getting killed or..
    Dont turn on Boss and take thier chances hiding in the USA..
    Either way, they are screwed.

    1. Disagree with the comments.
      They are set up with little time to serve and with their illegal assets.
      A win for them!
      They know they are indebted to the US government for their lienenci.
      It's over for Chapo. Let's see if any further investigation into those high government figures will come to.
      Many are aware of Carlos Salinas involvement with drug proceeds. Yet despite the claims he is one of the richest men in the world. Added with influential figures to make this go away. $$$$$$$$$


    2. Well their father was kidnapped and killed already. Their immediate family is in witsec that is their wives and kids maybe mom.

  4. Tommorow is the biggest snitch of all snitches??? Theres nowhere to watch this on tv, right??

  5. The drug "war" is a farce.

    1. 3:34 am Maybe to you but not to all these losers in mentioned in this article . They look at their situations and think “clavado” about themselves

  6. whispered questions and whispered answers lmaooooo Judge Cogan previously said it is a drug trial not murder trial, so why does it matter if the witness murdered someone?! Why is it relevant?

    Thanks :)

  7. Follow the money, figure out how the money was deposited, spent, and compare the lifestyle of the government official to what he was officially paid. The Mexican AG is presumed innocent but that's a rebuttable presumption and the allegations should be investigated.

  8. So Mr. Lettuce is going to get letters certified that prove that he, Mr lettuce,did not take bribes. In Mexico. Ha, ha, ha,

  9. Chivis can you let us know where you attended law school?
    What qualifications do you hold that make you worthy of being able to "grade" a witness even as animated as Mr.Cifuentes a C-.

    1. I actually did! but decided,,,or my husband and I decided not enough money and too many hours. We established a very successful international business instead. I do have 3 legal people, from federal court and a clerk who I call on for legal questions on both sides the border. I can grade a witness on his/hers presentation to the jury. I am sure you have never served or you would have understood that. I have served on three criminal trials and served as foreman.

      I made it pretty clear: "Everything is predicated on performance not for us, not for the attorneys or judge but those 12 people in the jury box."

      If you are unhappy at anything i write, time to stop reading my posts. pretty simple willis

    2. Vete a la chingada snobs are not welcome at the BB Barrio

    3. Well put Chivis.

  10. A clown at the court.

  11. "Jorge told the jury he felt bad about this (Ordering Flaco's death via a sum of $500K) because he promised Flaco's father on his deathbed that he would protect Flaco. "

    As a witness, that does not get you a C- rating. He failed, the jury just gave him an F.

    "Cifuentes was unrepentant criminal, combative, disrespectful, boastful and seemed to forget where he was at times while performing as stand-up. He was having too much fun."

    The jury will disregard every word that came out of his mouth.

    So much for "nailing" el Chapo because of Cifuentes testimony.

    1. Shutupp, Willis. LOL

      El Gringo de Mazatlan

    2. Generally, cases don't rise or fall on the testimony of one witness, unless that witness is an integral part of the elements of the offense that the state has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. I dare say there are many such other witnesses and evidence that the jury can consider.

  12. Ahhh and the circus continues.

  13. Sean Penn betray Chapo what is gonna happen with him


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