MEXCIO CITY - The party of Mexico’s president submitted
legislation on Nov. 8 that would legalize marijuana possession, public use,
growing and sales.
Sen. Olga Sanchez Cordero presented the measure, saying that
everyone should have “the right to carry up to 30 grams (one ounce) of
cannabis.” People could carry more than an ounce if they requested a permit to
do so under the proposal.
On Dec. 14, there Mexican Senate tweeted a message that state it
was taking steps to approach other countries that have legalized the status of
marijuana to learn from them.
Kyle Williamson, Special Agent In Charge for the El Paso Drug
Enforcement Administration said he doesn't’t agree with the legalization of
With the Borderland community intertwined with Juarez Williamson
expressed particular concern for youth in the community.
“It’s not a safe drug it’s a dangerous drug,” he said. “One in six kids who use marijuana will become addicted. Regardless of legalization it’s still illegal under federal law.” [I know, I know---]
“It’s not a safe drug it’s a dangerous drug,” he said. “One in six kids who use marijuana will become addicted. Regardless of legalization it’s still illegal under federal law.” [I know, I know---]
Two-thirds of U.S. states legalized marijuana in some capacity,
be it for recreational or medicinal purposes.
“We have over five decades of research that shows there’s no
medical for smoked marijuana.” said Williamson.
The proposed legislation Cordero put forth mentions other
“From the point of view of negative effects, there is no reason
why marijuana should not be legal, if alcohol and tobacco are,” according to
the bill.
Speaking at the Mexican Senate in Spanish on Nov. 8, Cordero
said that legalizing marijuana isn’t just about personal liberty, it’s also
about freeing people from the grip and threats of organized crime.
Williamson said a more dangerous substance is menacing our
Borderland community.
“Our biggest threat right here in the region ,right now, is from
methamphetamine,” he said. “A lot of it’s being pushed through our border
Much of the meth is pushed by cartels, Williamson said.
Out of the 12 the DEA recognizes, three are an immediate threat in our region.
“The Juarez Cartel, La
Linea, the Jalisco Nuevo Generación, the Sinaloa Cartel,” he said. “When you
think about it, right now the United States, as a whole, we have 200 people
dying a day from overdose deaths. “
has been picked as interior secretary by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who took
office Dec. 1. She is currently a senator for Lopez Obrador’s leftist Morena
Her bill also would
allow every Mexican to grow up to 20 marijuana plants on private property and
produce up to 17 ounces (480 grams) a year. Public smoking of marijuana would
be allowed, “except in tobacco smoke-free spaces.”
Sales of marijuana
would be regulated by a special agency, which would oversee purity, packaging
and quality. Sales of edible marijuana products would be prohibited, as would
advertising or promoting marijuana.
Providing pot to minors would be illegal, and
driving while under the influence of marijuana would be subject to prosecution.
The bill would have to
be approved by both houses of congress, where Morena and its allies hold
majorities in both chambers.
In 2016, Mexico’s
government began granting permits for some patients to import medicinal
marijuana products. It has also decriminalized the possession small amounts of
marijuana (about 5 grams) and issued several permits for people to cultivate
and possess pot for personal use.
Uruguay was the first
country to legalize marijuana for personal use. This year, Canada became the
second and largest country with a legal national marijuana marketplace.
Ohh DEA. just make deals with your damn cartels and leave pot hippies alone.
ReplyDeleteThat agent is a complete idiot
ReplyDeleteAND he fails to mention what we all know: after 30 years of WoD we got stronger, cheaper and more plentifull drugs in our streets, schools, parks and homes than EVER!
DeleteComplete idiot! I cringe when I hear DEA agents about Mary Jane!
DeleteStill clings to the debunked gateway theory.
DeleteKyle W, you are lying and you know it. And the lord too!
ReplyDeleteInteresting, this DEA agent thinks that marijuana can have a negative effect on youth populations. That’s funny considering the effect that the DEA has had on youth populations in Mexico. Nothing but death and destruction. I’ll take no advice from someone with so much blood on their hands.
ReplyDeleteLegal growing and use of weed is a no brainer. Mexico can get one toe out of the 3rd world if they go legal. Good start to going modern, eg. Canada. Meth, snort and junk r the real problem. Smallest amount of meth turns one into Superman for 16 hours or so. Snort makes u think u can fly. And junk is what it is, JUNK. Junk is the ancient word for heroin. Weed is a great plant the rest r not. If u have a brain, duh, try to use it and stay away from meth coke and heroin. The trick to staying away from those elements, including firearms, is when they come out, leave. It is that simple. Just leave. Don't explain anything just leave. I've done it many times with real success.
ReplyDeleteThis retard from the DEA represents the backward thinking that is prevalent in the DEA and Law Enforcement in general. There is no critical thinking or analytical skills involved in his thought process. And these are the people in charge of making decisions that affect all our lives (not in a good way)
ReplyDeleteNo, there is critical thinking, but it’s so insidious you wouldn’t believe it. Possession-amount marijuana arrests make up the bulk of LE drug arrests. Local PDs are given federal grants based on a tally system (one arrest = one tally, so busting some poor black kid with an eighth of weed brings in the same amount of money as taking down one high-level dealer). Thus, LE is incentivized to keep picking the low-hanging fruit rather than actually protecting the community from the truly dangerous criminals. It is a fucked up system and it was set up to perpetuate the war on cannabis.
DeleteCannabis prohibition is a ridiculous waste of police, court and taxpayer resources. Data from the Centers for Disease Control proves that cannabis is much safer than alcoholic beverages and tobacco products which are completely legal. Based on that fact alone cannabis should be completely legal. Cannabis prohibition wrongfully persecutes and criminalizes cannabis consumers for selecting a recreational substance that is MUCH safer than booze or cigarettes!
ReplyDeleteIn the USA 10 states have fully legalized recreational cannabis including: Michigan, Washington, Maine, California, Vermont, Massachusetts, Nevada, Colorado, Oregon, Alaska plus Washington DC. Canada, Uruguay, Jamaica all completely legal for recreational cannabis! 33 states and counting have legalized “medical” cannabis!
Celebrate democracy at work with FREE states ending government corruption! Citizens demanding the return of their rights and their freedom!
The Madness is over, Legalize Recreational Cannabis Nationwide!
Dea agent says "we have over 5 decades of research thats shows no medical benefit"
ReplyDeleteThats funny, with marijuana being a schedule 1 drug, up until recently, they havent been allowed to do ANY testing on marijuana.
Id like to hear what he has to say about alchohol- and how many people die from car accidents, liver failure etc etc- how does he defend that??? Still not 1 case of someone dying from marijuana use
not to mention what medical benifit does whiskey have yet it is legal shit doesnt have to b medically benifitual to be legal
DeleteWeed has always brought in the cash flow that has kept the cartels alive in Mexico because it's cheap to produce in Mexico. Legalizing it in Mexico will be the beginning of the end of DTO's moving weed across the border. Obviously, the cartels' coffers have taken a hit with the legalization of weed in various states across America. That is the reason they are pushing that deadly synthetic crap on dumb US consumers to compensate for their drop in weed profits. Wake up people and stop using that crap that is making people stupid in the head.
ReplyDeletewhats next in this poof country, legalize rape? murder, theft?.. guns?.. we r screwed, with this "morena" party..
ReplyDelete"Sales of edible marijuana products would be prohibited"
ReplyDeleteAnyone know why this would be?
As a legal shop owner, I will say, that edibles cause different reactions. It's really the only way to OD on pot. Then, there's health Dept issues as with any Food product. When new customer.ers come, especially older ppl, and new users, I have them try low dose candies, or just good flower. I always advise against the high potentcy edibles, and concentrates (dabs). If you wanna see someone think they are dying, Give a lifelong toker a big dab....They all think they can handle it..Within 5 mins they're on the floor sweating, and thinking they're gonna die.
DeleteWhoever created the war on drugs was a genius.
ReplyDeleteCannabis, the gateway drug...to my refrigerator!
ReplyDeleteSoooo true
DeleteMarihuana make the people idiot is all it makes alusinations.. is a lie has benefits por pain.. etc I was former weed smokers for 20 years
ReplyDeleteThen you musta been smoking Mexican rag weed....Come up to the PNW....we have the real stuff...The new trend here are CBD only shops, and it has been proven to ease pain, and help with many ailments.
DeleteI been smoking marijuana since I was 13 years old, I am 55 now.....I've never killed no one,never even had a cop bust me for anything....I dont do meth, coke, heroin nor have I ever wanted to try that shit
ReplyDeleteMyself also, smoked since age 13 now I am 50. Never been arrested and always worked my whole life so far I have no desire to do other drugs and when I have a drink or 2 or smoke a joint it is in my own house (maybe smoke pot in the outside yard)but it is legal here in Canada.
DeleteAmericans desire for drugs is equivalent to blood on their hands. As long as addicts keep partaking in drugs the blood will continue to flow unabated. - Sol Prendido
ReplyDeleteThe blood is on the hands of those who fight the drug wars, those who keep it illegal.
DeleteThis war on Drugs is a joke jaja dejen trafficar en paz jk lol
ReplyDeleteI lost a friend recently to marijuana. We found him 2 hours later at the KFC.
Delete@3:10 Truth. Dead on. And for Kyle W, who would expect any other view from a DEA agent. Drug interdiction is his culture and way of life and his livelihood. However his own government...the FDA reports that there are currently three medicinal uses for cannabis.
I could list numerous other links with research showing the benefits of cannabis and not sure where his research comes from...but early data from Colorado and Washington--according to NIH showed a decline in cannabis use among teens...though it was a modest reduction of about 2-3%, which I believe is an illustration of the "forbidden fruit effect."
Our government still lists cannabis as a schedule 1 drug, translation--it is considered in the eyes of US govt. to be just as deadly and dangerous as heroin...and more dangerous than cocaine, which is schedule 2 drug according to US govt. Thankfully due to media like BB most of the US population know the truth about cannabis and its benefits, which were recognized by the Chinese approximately 10,000 years ago and is the first known document use of cannabis as a medicinal substance.
Regardless of the erroneous beliefs of DEA agents and other LE officials, the floodgates are open and cannabis will gradually become legal across the world. Ironically legalizing cannabis could actually make Kyle W's job easier as some of the best medicinal uses for cannabis may be to deter and help opiod addicts overcome addiction and/or reduce the amount of opioids needed for those victims of trauma and chronic pain.
I would love to debate Kyle W on this issue
The DEA would lose their jobs! Make it legal Mexico fuck the usa!
ReplyDeleteBack when I practiced law I had some dealings with the DEA. The most corrupt bunch of individuals. Some of them played for both sides. If a DEA agent told me it was raining I would have to go outside and look.
ReplyDelete28,35 ES UNA OUNCE NOT 30 GRAMS.
ReplyDeleteNoooo. In MX. Its 30 grams to an ounce. Or have you never had that convo with your dealer? "MX or Us ounce" lol. All said in jest.
DeleteThe DEA will lose millions possibly billions of dollars when cannabis becomes legal. Of course they will have "studies" that claim it needs to be illegal.
ReplyDeleteDo they not know about the internet and how we can look up research the completely contradicts what he said about there being no medicinal benefits of the drug? I live in Colorado and worked in the industry, I personally say a mother stop a epileptic seizure in her daughter in a matter of seconds with a syringe of CBD oil. I also have cancer and know many other people with it and to say that weed doesn't help cancer patients is also a bold faced lie. I wonder if he is current on his amount of overdose deaths from alcohol compared to weed. Spoiler alert: Weed hasn't killed anyone via overdose. Its only a matter of time before it goes completely legal here in America, so I say good for Mexico to legalize it, tax it, and stop arresting its people for weed crimes.
ReplyDeletese me antoja un churron de mota con una caguama bien helada y bajar avion con una botana .
ReplyDeleteThis is stupid. Each plant can harvest more than 1 oz.
ReplyDeleteNo medicinal use?????? First, my wife is a DR and has seen patients with severe issues benefit big time, making her a huge proponent for its use. Second, the US government owns a patent on medications coming from it!!! What a dick. How do you get addicted to a plant that’s not addictive? You can get a habit from smoking it, but you won’t have physical withdrawals if you stop using it, unlike tobacco and alcohol that is sold on every corner store in the US. DEA agents are retards, period. Anyone who volunteers to fight on the loosing side of the drug war must like failure and looking petty. It’s a fucking plant. That’s it. Just a plant that wants to reproduce, make energy to survive, get some sunlight, and performe photosynthesis.
ReplyDeleteIf weed was legal the DEA would have to fire more than 50% of the agents. No wonder they are desperate plus all the for profit prisons which are nothing more than modern day slavery. USA=3rd world shit hole
ReplyDeleteFuck marijuana and fuck every marijuana user who openly smokes it or pushes it on someone else! As a young child, my older siblings brought every dreg of society they could dredge up into our home while my mother was at work. Mom eventually let these scumbags take over our home and our lives. I had to move thousands of miles away to distance myself from a painful and tragic home life. I had to rebuild my life and my psyche. Fuck marijuana!
ReplyDelete50 years later, I cannot stand to be in the presence of my family because they were too weak and inconsiderate to say no for their own health and safety and for their younger siblings. My 2 younger siblings were exposed and too weak to say no to the examples set by their older siblings and became addicted to heroin and amphetamines. One died of an overdose and the other is an addicted old man. My 2 older siblings are parasites. Years of counseling can not take away the pain, but I understand myself and am proud of my strength to remove myself from a drug-infested environment that was killing me.
As an elderly man, I hate druggies. To me they are weak and take the easy way out in life by sucking on that joint while they should be going to school and/or work and being a productive family member and community member.
As I look back, I see a trail of shit left by my drug-loving family that started with and still includes weed. I’ve seen their friends die, go to jail or become losers. I have worked in the community as a public servant for 35 years and see the losers sucking on that pipe or joint daily and just shake my head with disdain. My family is dead to me because they allowed drugs to ruin their lives.
For years I worked with juvenile delinquents and drug use was the common denominator in the tattered lives. Most went on to follow in the footsteps of their fucked-up parents.
You can bash DEA and cops all you want. In my experience, it is those who have suffered negative contacts with police who do all the squawking. It is the DEA Agent who has to find a place for the children of drug users whose number one priority is their next high. We know we are losing the war on drugs, because it is weak-ass people who feel entitled to get high or have become addicted to marijuana and other drugs.
It is the DEA Agent who gets called at 2AM in the morning because some mule has been stopped at a Border Patrol Checkpoint with a few hundred pounds off weed or other drugs in the car he or she was ordered to take from Point A to Point B. We know he will not get much time if its weed unless he has priors.
Today’s DEA Agent knows the challenges of putting people in jail for weed. But we know it’s a drug or gateway drug and we have seen the trail of destruction around it and its users. So keep bashing police you pathetic potheads, but just know what we think of you and that you do have blood on your entitled hands – you are weak. Fuck marijuana!
Dude, there a marijuana users that use and are productive to society, don't confused fucked up personalities with getting high. you did good getting away, but don't confuse your siblings bad traits with marijuana usage, that is an easy way out to a very complex family relationship.
DeleteI was a heavy pot smoker for years since a teen. Graduated university, have a good job. know the limits of it. Haven't smoked since April but have some in the house. I live in Canada and it was legalized in October YAY this small country already made a half billion on it in less than 2 months and that is just getting started. There are no more problems now than before legalization. HEY WORLD WAKE UP!
ReplyDeleteBeen smoking herb for 40+ yrs and never once have I moved on to meth. This guy is a joke, gateway my ass . . .