Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Guerrero: Families Claim Police Participation in Disappearances

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Proceso
Protest in Acapulco of relatives of young Jonahatan Romero Gil, arrested by municipal police for two weeks and now disappeared.

Chilpancingo and Acapulco Gro: Relatives of two young men, one of them found dismembered on Monday in this capital and the other disappeared in Acapulco last week, denounced the direct involvement of municipal and ministerial police in these crimes.

In both events, they warn, the alleged collusion of authorities of the three levels of government and the Army with crime persists and they show the degree of impunity and violence that exists in the entity.

According to official figures, the federal government has allocated 2013 to date 755 000 288 000 000 592 pesos for crime prevention, as well as the purification and professionalization of the police forces in the municipalities of Acapulco, Chilpancingo, Zihuatanejo, Iguala , Chilapa and Coyuca de Benítez.

However, crime rates have not decreased in the three years of the government of Hector Astudillo Flores since, since 2016 to November of this year, there have been 6,387 intentional homicides in the entity, that is, an average of 2,000 annual murders, according to statistics from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP).

Against this background, groups claim that the number of missing persons exceeds 3,000 cases, while the official figure is unknown.

Recently there have been reports of relatives of victims where the constant are the accusations against civil and military authorities to "act in conspiracy" with criminal groups that operate with impunity in the entity.
On Monday, the discovery of three dismembered bodies (two men and one woman) was reported, which were inside black bags which were left in the urban area of ​​this capital. YES, same photo from a few days ago, which is the incident referred to.

One of the corpses was identified as Cristian Rafael Abarca Guillén, 27 years old, originally from Chilapa. His relatives reported that the young man was arrested by ministerial agents on Saturday 15, at noon, in front of dozens of witnesses.

They even affirmed that the ministerial police had taken Abarca Guillén "with everything and his motorcycle", indicate official reports consulted by Apro.

Reports say that the boy's relatives went directly to the public prosecutor's office of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), in Chilapa, but the ministerial authorities refused to document the case arguing that "there were shootings in the city" and it was until the next day, Sunday 16, when they accepted the formal complaint of arbitrary detention and illegal deprivation of liberty.

At that time, the appointed ministerial police assumed a derisive attitude and expressed sarcastically "because they were taken alive, we want them alive,"  the relatives reported in ministerial file 4416/2018.

However, two days after being arrested by presumed ministerial agents in Chilapa, the dismembered body of Cristian Rafael was located in a vacant lot of Colonia Universal , to the south of this capital, inside black bags and next to the remains of two other people who remain unidentified so far.

Christian Abarca Guillén
The young Cristian Abarca Guillén was arrested by ministerial agents in Chilapa and found two days later dismembered in Chilpancingo. Photo: Special

The other case involving authorities in criminal acts was recorded two weeks ago in the Port of Acapulco, after three young people went to play soccer in the field of the porteño seawall, on Wednesday night around 5 and were later arrested by alleged police municipal.

One of them was murdered the next day and the other two are still missing to date.

Relatives of one of the disappeared youth, Jhonatan Guadalupe Romero Gil, 26, a law graduate and graduate of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro), have blocked the Miguel Aleman coastal avenue to protest and demand to be heard by the  municipal and state authorities .

In response, the mayor , Adela Román Ocampo, publicly stated that she has reports referring to Acapulco's "cloned municipal police patrols."

On the same Monday 17, five municipal agents who had been active on the night of the events when three young men were arrested before dozens of witnesses in the middle of the Acapulco hilltop, appeared to declare before ministerial authorities, but it is not known what they said because the Prosecutor's Office is handling this case in secrecy.

Despite these facts, the government of Astudillo has not established an official position before the allegations of the alleged participation of police agents in crimes against society.

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  1. I bet they do. Or call in the cell group they support to make the disappearance happen.

  2. Duh! These poor citizens don't have a chance. Police by day, cartel by night; how else could you survive as a cop in Mexico, literally.

  3. So are they being arrested by real cops or fake? Are the authorities claiming these are fake cops just to get out of being blamed? Lots of questions.

  4. Corrupt police need 2 in the back of the head

    1. Yeah get them, before they kill you.

  5. The politicians and prosecuting attorneys are playing with fire through their failure to recognize the serious corruption issues within their police forces. They need to immediately investigate, actually investigate, the serious allegations against the municipal police. The statement by the mayor of Acapulco, that they have reports of cloned municipal police patrols exacerbates the problem because it makes her appear that she is trying to shift the blame and responsibility away from the endemic police corruption towards a group that people will not believe exists. The prosecuting attorneys and politicians have to earn the trust of the citizens in their communities via transparent investigations, honesty, and by ensuring that they hold responsible those involved in the kidnappings and murders of the victims. It will take time but once they gain the trust of the community then they can begin to go on the offensive to arrest and prosecute those responsible for the mayhem now occurring in MX. A pipe dream? Perhaps but the one big difference between people from Latin American countries and people who are from the U.S. is respect for the law.

  6. Wow! Can you imagine if this happened in the U.S.? Police disappearing,murdering people? No investigation, no transparency? State and local governments spewing lies and blaming criminals without a shred of evidence to prove one way or the other.? If our government became that corrupt, it would be civil war. But unfortunately for Mexico, corruption has gone on for so long that it has left the citizens with a sense of powerlessness and fear that they too might be the next one to disappear. If you can't report a dirty local cop to a (dirty) state police etc etc all the way up the chain, you are screwed. I highly doubt AMLO can much about it either. So sad!

    1. Well said, amigo. I can't see an end to Mexican cop corruption stories. Only the names, places and minor details will change but the evils will remain as strong and widespread as ever.

      And, sadly, I have to agree with you about AMLO not being the man to correct things.... in fact, I think things will get worse in Mexico with AMLO in charge.

  7. It's not an old story either. I've followed Acapulco for a decade now since the violence started and even at one point there were reports that Federales kidnapped people there. I just got back from Acapulco. It's just the strangest place on earth. On one hand so many people are laid back and cool and it's a fun place with a stunning view, but the violence that is all parts of the city even the tourist area is really hard to imagine, but it's there. I've encountered police on a couple occassions and there were friendly and normal, but I'm aware they are not to be trusted. My trusted taxi's father was a commander for the municipal police. Everyone knows everyone...We'd be cruising down the Costera pull up next to a cop and he'd yell out hey cabron and you just get a friendly exchange. Another trusted Taxi is afraid to drive to many places in the port. The entire city is patrolled by military platoons walking around. The new thing I'm seeing which is sort of funny, is you see 1-2 tourist police...Most don't have weapons, but some do...they are women mostly and younger men...They walk along with one Municipal cop and 2 military guys together in total parts. Not sure what the strategy is there. The past few weeks, it's calmed down a little bit. The people really are worn out from it all. The gringos don't go down there, but during the week on the beach it's still the nicest place. I don't recommend people go to Aca, but depends on the type you are. If you rent a AIrbnb and don't leave the villa, then it's as safe as anywhere. If you stay in a hotel and just go to dinner...relatively safe. If your there and you want to hit bars all night, now you increase your risks...It's defintely bad, but common, level 4 same as Syria and Afghanistan...That's just plain retarded and even the anti Acapulco/Mex crowd should realize that. I always say it's as safe as can be until something happens

    1. Great report on the ACA situation today.
      Keep posting, I like your details.
      Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo.


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